Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 342 Cooperation Proposal

Chapter 342 Cooperation Proposal
"Wait, Chief Weinfo, the Jijit civilization is a member of the Association of Order, and the Association of Order has an offensive and defensive alliance with the offensive and retreat. If the Jijit star needs a coordinated defense, it should also declare to the Association of Order, and the Association of Order will coordinate " General Caesar couldn't help but said.

Although he has already understood that the earth civilization is likely to be an advanced civilization with superpowers, and the scene of Tezien's destruction just now is still vivid in his memory, but he cannot just sit back and watch the Jijit civilization abandon the Order Association that he regards as his belief. Become a vassal of the earthlings.

Bai Zhongqi smiled and did not speak, but the capybara turned cold and said to Caesar: "General Caesar, I believe that everything can be changed. We have seen in this battle that the civilization of the earth is an excellent and A higher civilization with a sense of responsibility, what's more, we are closer to the civilization of the earth."

This is not entirely true. The distance between Jijit Star and the earth is about 300 light years, and the same [-] light years away, there are several other civilizations of the Order Association, of course, the level of civilization is relatively low.The most powerful ape civilization is [-] light-years away from Jijit star.

At this time, Bai Zhongqi could already see Jiji Texing's intention to separate from the Association of Order.He thinks this is very realistic, the military power of Star Jijit has been destroyed, and the strongest military value around is only the Star Alliance.The Society of Order was the weakest side in this war from beginning to end, unable to protect the Jigits.If the Jijit people want not to become the rations of the Taizien people, or become the ghosts of the earth people, they can only choose to make friends with the earth.

When Yuan first was born, he had no plans to directly include Jijit Star in the Star Alliance, but there is not much problem in adding Jijit Star to the Star Alliance's defense circle.He has also heard about the construction and engineering capabilities of the Jijit people, and even used it as a source of interstellar foreign exchange and technology.Bai Zhongqi thought to himself, if the negotiation goes well, he can provide some contracts for outsourcing projects to the Jijit people, and they will assist in the construction of some projects of the Star Alliance.

After all, in places like Earth and Emerald Sea, the engineering power of Iridium is undoubtedly the main force, but some small projects on the planet, or projects on other administrative stars or resource stars, when the Star Federation cannot take care of it, can be done by They do it.

Caesar was the one in the worst mood at this time. The Planet of the Apes civilization was a key civilization in the Association of Order, but the Jigit civilization was also an important part of the Association of Order.Now that the Jijit civilization has a sense of separation, and it still has to rely on the Iridium Earth civilization, which is suspected to be a higher civilization, this makes it very difficult for Caesar.

Bai Zhongqi didn't continue to talk nonsense with the members of the Association of Order. He soon started more in-depth talks with Weinfo and other Jijit people.

To be honest, sitting with a row of pudgy and even honest and cute capybara people is still a joyful thing.The Jijit civilization level is 18, and the technology tree has very few points in military technology, but it has specialties in construction.

Weinfo realizes that the head of the earth's civilization is in front of him, and he must seize this important opportunity.Apparently, Bai Zhongqi is a person with unambiguous status in this civilization. If he can win his favor, then Jijit's future is still relatively bright.

"...In order to thank the Iridium planet earth civilization for its assistance in this war, our Gigit civilization is willing to provide an annual contribution to the Iridium planet Earth civilization. The Gigit star and the Gigit galaxy are rich in heavy metal elements and helium-3. A variety of high-value minerals, I hope this will help to consolidate the friendship between the two civilizations."

For many ordinary middle-level civilizations, resource provision is still a relatively valuable means.Because the operation and development of any civilization requires resources, if the acquisition of resources is reduced, it will inevitably have an impact.Therefore, after requesting other civilizations to be vassals, many civilizations will deliberately request a large amount of resources to limit the development of vassal civilizations.A civilization that obtains more resources can also provide more items for the people of this civilization, and at the same time conduct more development and research.

But for advanced civilizations, the acquisition of resources depends more on their own needs. They can explore and mine resources in a wider range, and can produce and manufacture very easily, so there is no need to exploit resources excessively .

However, the current earth civilization still has a great appetite for resource consumption.Bai Zhongqi does not expect that the resources provided by the Jijit people can be transported to the earth for use, but if he wants to develop the surrounding Lingge star and other places, then he needs to send a mining fleet, which is provided by the extra Jijit star Resources will obviously save him some things.

Therefore, Bai Zhongqi said: "As for the provision of resources, we can have a long-term plan. At this stage, we are developing Lingge Star and may need some resources, but the type and quantity of resources, we need to comprehensively consider the bearing capacity of Jiji Te Star, and The ratio we provide ourselves cannot make this resource supply agreement become something that restricts the development of Star Jijit."

Hearing what Bai Zhongqi said, Weinfo felt very at ease, and asked again: "Just follow what His Majesty the Head of State said. Apart from providing resources, what else can our Jijit civilization do to help the Iridium Earth civilization?" Is it worth it?"

Bai Zhongqi smiled and said: "I just mentioned that Lingge Star has joined our Star Alliance, and our Star Alliance now has a series of development plans for Lingge Star, which is also to gain stronger combat power and resist the invasion of Tezien. Ji Ji Te Civilization has strong siege and construction capabilities, and we hope to have more cooperation with Jijit in engineering construction.”

Weinfo agreed bluntly. Originally, the Jijit people were engaged in engineering outsourcing, but they were contracted by the earth civilization to do the engineering. It was not difficult for the Jijit people.

Bai Zhongqi also said very bluntly: "In this star area, the Iridium planet earth civilization will expand its power and resist the Taizin Empire. As the common opponent of Taizin, the earth civilization can provide military support for the Jijit civilization. And protection. This military protection is complete, including the defensive circle of the Jijit star orbit, the support of the fleet, joint exercises, and the export of weapons to the Jijit star.”

Weinfo was very pleasantly surprised when he heard it: "What? Does it still include the transfer of weapons?"

Bai Zhongqi nodded: "That's right, if the Jijit civilization is willing to establish close military cooperation with the Iridium Earth civilization, arms transfers are also normal."

(End of this chapter)

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