Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 332 Fighting Jijit

Chapter 332 Fighting Jijit ([-])

Jijit star, this light blue planet is already on high alert at this time.The Association of Order has sent a warning to the Jijit civilization, and the Jijit civilization has gathered all the ships that can participate in the battle, but there are still no more than 300 spaceships that can be regarded as warships.

In this large star area, the number of civilizations is small, which means that the risk of being invaded by many civilizations is small.A civilization without any ambitions, such as the Jijit civilization, simply does not operate a particularly large military fleet.

More than one-third of the aquatic area must be created on the warships of the Jigits to maintain the normal life of the Jigits.This is obviously very unfavorable to the layout of the battleship space design. Other warships can design various weapons, but the Jijit people must arrange aquatic areas to survive.

Therefore, the warships of the Jigit people are often weak in firepower and not strong in damage resistance.

A large number of warp bubbles suddenly appeared. This is the fleet of the Association of Order scurrying and rushing, and finally arrived at the outer space of Jijit star before the arrival of the Tezien fleet.

Many Jigit people were very excited when they saw the arrival of the order association fleet.In the eyes of the Jigit, the Society of Order symbolizes justice in the galaxy.

Caesar did not relax at this moment, but he became even more anxious.

The erect gorilla general kept scratching his fur, even though he wasn't really itching right now.He watched all kinds of previous battle reports of Taizin on the LCD screen, hoping to find some chances to win.

"If there is an anti-warp device in the orbit of Jigit, at least the battlefield can be set in a space outside the vicinity of Jigit, reducing the losses faced by Jigit." Caesar thought, but this idea didn't help much. .In the entire Association of Order, only the Planet of the Apes civilization has done some research on anti-warp devices.But the civilization of the Planet of the Apes obviously will not place such high-tech products in the homes of allies.Even if you do, it's too late now.

The capybara captain Samaro found Caesar, the capybara who was obviously thin and looked a little tired.

"General Caesar, I leave everything to you. We Jijit are not good at fighting, but this is a war to defend our own planet. Even if the Jijit lose their lives, we must win this battle!"

Caesar couldn't help admiring Samaru. He knew very well that not all civilizations and races love fighting so much, and those who are willing to sacrifice their lives to defend their homeland are heroes.

"Captain Samaru, I will do my best. Now, the Jijit planet is behind us, unless you and I are down, we will never let the Tezien trample on your home planet. "

The capybara's tears fell patter: "Thank you, General Caesar."

At this time, Caesar felt a little bit of regret for the first time when he saw Samaro's tears.

"If you don't break with the people on Earth and invite them to participate in this war, the risk of the planet Jijit being destroyed may be less."

Even Caesar himself has actually sentenced Jiji Texing to death.He knew that with the power of the Association of Order, it was absolutely impossible to defeat. Although he could not, he could choose to perish together with Jijit.

There was not much time left for the Association of Order to prepare. Eleven hours after the Association of Order fleet arrived at Jigit, a strong warp reaction appeared, warp bubbles formed out of thin air, and the Tezyn fleet finally arrived on the battlefield.

Caesar took a deep breath and stood on the bridge, behind him were many representatives from the civilization of the Association of Order.At this moment, all civilizations are united to fight for Jijit Star!

The eyes of the upright gorilla were full of war, he hammered his chest fiercely, and shouted: "Heroes of the Association of Order, our cannons are not as sharp as those of the Tezians, and our hulls are not as strong as those of the Tezians! , Our engines are not as fast as those of the Teziens, but our will can be stronger than those of the Teziens! Our only chance of victory is to break through the formation of the Teziens fleet, fight them at close quarters, and win in the chaos! "

This is already the best solution that General Caesar can come up with. As he said, the technological gap between the two sides is too great, which was confirmed by the destruction of the [-] Order Association fleet last time.Moreover, the threat of the Tezyn fleet forming the formation is even greater.

Their fleets were small in number and their level was poor. Caesar believed that only by rushing into the Teizon fleet, fighting them head-to-head, and using such a bloody spell to tear Tezien apart, could they gain a way out.

The warp bubble dissipated, and the Tezyn battleship led by Haiwins finally showed its original shape.These are 2076 terrifying Tezyn warships, carrying millions of ferocious Tezyn soldiers.

Haiwins still didn't wear armor and wore a silk robe. He was not an excellent military commander, so he would completely entrust the battle to his trusted retainers and generals.

Sitting in the ecological room, Haiwins was reading a book and drinking tea. He had no sense of a big war about to break out. Instead, it was like an ordinary afternoon when he was reading a book he liked under the artificial sunlight. Book, and then ready to cheat a poor food, enjoy a happy afternoon tea.

The first to attack was General Caesar. His fleet had been waiting for a long time, and many people's palms were sweaty, if they were of a race with sweat glands.

All kinds of weapons used by more than a dozen different civilizations were launched towards the Tezon fleet under a unified order.

Ao Lansi, the veteran commander of the Taizin fleet, immediately ordered: "Open the shield array!"

In any case, the shield sharing technology is still the trump card of the Tezyn fleet.Few civilizations can penetrate the essentials, and most civilizations can't do anything except cry in despair when facing the huge shield array shared by more than 2000 warships.

Although it takes a while to turn on the shield array, a large number of shells hit the Teizon warship, which indeed shook the shields of some of Tezyn's warships, and there was even a frigate with a thin shield, which was unlucky enough to eat the order association. After the battleship's main artillery bombarded, the shield was shattered, but in just over ten minutes, Tezien's shield array was still formed.

Two small frigates were sunk by the fleet of the Association of Order at this time, but when the shield array was completely raised, the attack of the Association of Order had completely lost its effect.

From Aolans' order to the rise of the shield array, Caesar didn't know what the Teziens did.But he could clearly feel that Tezzin's battleship shields seemed to have become stronger, and even those fragile small battleships couldn't move anymore.

"Assault!" Caesar roared, leading the flagship to rush towards the Tezien formation first.

However, the Tezon battleship counterattacked.Tons of ammunition and artillery fire poured in, like turbulent waves, and lined up on the head of Caesar's ship, stopping the charge of the battleship immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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