Chapter 327
Xu Lanzhou didn't want this conversation to become an interrogation by an upright gorilla. She observed the expressions of all the civilized representatives of the Association of Order present. It was obvious that they trusted this upright gorilla named Caesar, and Caesar also Enjoys a very high reputation in the Association of Order.

Therefore, Xu Lanzhou regained the initiative and said directly: "Tezen civilization sent an evil expedition scientist a long time ago. This person has entered our star field, the Danlu interstellar cloud protected by the space barrier. He is lurking Hundreds of years later, this evil scientist used the communication device of the earth to contact his parent star, and managed to reveal the coordinates of the interior of the Danlu interstellar cloud to the Tezzon Empire. aggression."

Caesar had some understanding, he nodded and said: "If this is the case, then everything makes sense. The closed Danlu interstellar cloud has always been a legend in this large star area, and it is impossible to enter without knowing the internal coordinates, which makes many people wonder I hope to see the situation inside this star field. If Tezien really grasps this situation, then they must have ambitions for this safe star field."

Another representative of the Association of Order was wearing a gray cloak, but there was no real face under the cloak, and something like ink was floating and changing on the face without facial features.

"If this is the case, you can take the coordinates inside the Danlu interstellar cloud and walk directly on a commercial planet like Pupinga. By then, almost all civilizations will know how to enter the Danlu interstellar cloud, which is different from other star domains. If there is any difference, its value to Tezzin will be weakened, and they will not be free to invade you after a thousand light-years away."

Inkface’s remarks obviously won the approval of many people in the Association of Order. The more compassionate Jijit capybara captain Samaru sighed with some regret: "If it is really like this, not only the earth civilization can be saved from being invaded, And the soldiers who died before our Association of Order will also be spared this tragic fate."

Bai Zhongqi looked at this group of guys who had begun to feel a little sad, and felt that it was ridiculous.

"Even such a thing can be blamed on us? Are the civilizations of the Association of Order soaked in too much water?" Bai Zhongqi complained in his heart.

Caesar waved his hand, stopped the discussion of the people on the side of the Association of Order, and once again demonstrated his prestige among the crowd.

"I don't think we should pursue the things that have already happened. After all, it is the star field of the earth's civilization. It is normal for them to have a certain self-preservation idea, and the primates are also like this."

The last sentence contained a certain amount of racial discrimination, and Bai Zhongfei's eyebrows were furrowed. As a human being, being insulted face-to-face by a gorilla like this is also a very disordered thing.

Caesar continued: "However, we still have a way to make up for it. Mr. Lu Kexia's suggestion just now is very pertinent. Our Association of Order has contacts with many commercial planets, and we can directly transmit information. Announcing the internal coordinates of the Danlu interstellar cloud will break the plan of the Taizin Empire, and they will no longer attempt to capture the Danlu interstellar cloud, because this has lost its meaning."

Hearing this, Bai Zhongqi couldn't help it anymore, and he said, "It's really unreasonable, our own yard, we live and use it well, because a thief got the key to enter our house, and then we moved it to avoid loss. , you need to give the key to everyone in the universe? This is no longer a question of force, this is utter stupidity!"

Caesar was slightly angry, and he glanced at Bai Zhongqi: "Mr. Earth Civilization, you should be just a staff officer or something. In such an important meeting, letting low-level officers like you speak, this is your earth civilization. etiquette?"

Xu Lanzhou didn't allow anyone to blame her head of state. She slammed the table and shouted coquettishly: "Pay attention to your words, General Caesar, no matter who he is, there is no Iridium Earthling that you can accuse and humiliate."

Caesar looked at Xu Lanzhou and Bai Zhongfei angrily, but still tensed himself, "As expected, your earth civilization is no different from other primate civilizations, selfish and narrow, greedy and rude. And it's chilling to put the lives and safety of other people in our own civilization, and other just and civilized people, at risk."

Bai Zhongyu took a step forward and said: "People on the Iridium planet defend their homeland and honor with their own lives. We don't need the help of the so-called Justice and Order Association with a sense of superiority. If your assistance requires us to change ourselves, even If you can beg, then I can tell you that the bones of the Iridium Earth people are very hard. We are not interested in communicating with your weird brain circuits. Since we can’t communicate, then please go back.

Hehe, you keep saying that you represent the fairness and justice of the galaxy, and you want to rescue those civilizations that are enslaved and bullied by Tezien, but you are so afraid of Tezyn at all. At this time, you seem to have told Tezien to stop If there is a possibility of war, you immediately want to embrace this possibility and not fight the Teziens.You want to oppose Tezzin so much, but you dare not fight Tezyn.We want to fight the Taizin Empire to the end, but you accuse us of doing it for your own selfish desires.It's ridiculous! "

As if he had been exposed to thoughts that he didn't want to admit, Caesar became angry at this moment. He stood up, his huge body was like a hill, giving people a lot of pressure.It's just that Xu Lanzhou and Bai Zhongqi, who were opposite him, were also steadfast, and they were not afraid of his coercion.

"General Xu, do you mean what this lowly officer said?"

Xu Lanzhou also stood up: "That's right."

Caesar snorted and said, "I thought that those invaded by the Tezien Empire were at least innocent civilizations, but now it seems that you don't look like a kind civilization. You claim to have driven off the Tezien people, but you However, they did not really liberate Lingge Star, but occupied this planet by themselves. According to the practice of the Milky Way, civilizations that have not independently entered the interstellar era should not be interfered by any interstellar civilization, let alone be occupied by an interstellar civilization. Earth people, you I am a despicable invader, and now the Association of Order officially asks you to leave the Lingo Star, otherwise we will recognize the earth civilization as an evil civilization and liberate the Lingo Star in your hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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