Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 323 Residency

Chapter 323 Residency
Chalmers the Sephiu did not commit any misdeeds while serving as an official of the puppet government, and he was more decisive when he set things right. With the guarantee of a witness like Jenna, he was not punished too severely in the end.It was his father, Old Chalmers, who was sentenced to death for colluding with the Taizien people and even instigating murder.

Chalmers' feelings for his father are more complicated. He is the eldest son, but he is not the most favored child of the Chalmers family.The impression his father gave him was more of a strict father, even with a hideous face. When his father was executed, Chalmers had complicated feelings.

But in the end, he escaped with his own life.

Chalmers returned to the Kingdom of Sephiu, and the king had sensibly signed the decree, accepting the leadership of the Star Federation.Chalmers will serve as the Federation's liaison officer upon his return to Safefey.

Jenna went to the airport to see him off when he was about to leave.

"I didn't expect that when I left, only you were willing to see me off."

Jenna said seriously: "Because you saved me, no matter what other wrong things you did, but after all, I was saved from being ruined by Saliki because of you, I still want to thank you."

Chalmers shook his head: "I also want to thank you for being willing to speak well of me in front of people on Earth."

Jenna smiled lightly, and said to Chalmers: "After returning to your country, try to be a good person, and also, don't come to invade our Yifu again."

Chalmers smiled wryly: "Now Linge Star has become the forbidden domain of the people on Earth, I'm afraid no one will dare to launch any war easily."

"That's great. People on Earth are also good people. Good people should work together."

Chalmers sighed: "After all, the people on Earth come from another planet and another civilization. It is impossible for them to value our Lingge Star people too much. I just hope that if something goes wrong, we will not be betrayed by them."

Jenna blushed inexplicably: "I think the head of the earth is a very good person, he will definitely not do such a thing."

Chalmers saw the mood of Jenna's little daughter, and felt a little jealous in his heart. Although he didn't use force on a beauty like Jenna, it was a wonderful thing to be favored by a beauty.But Jenna was only grateful to him from the beginning to the end. On the contrary, after meeting the head of the Star Federation once, she cared about him very much.

Compared to a man who controls a powerful cosmic civilization, Chalmers knows that he is simply not comparable.

His personality is also very open-minded, there are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world, not to mention that Lingge Star is a place rich in blonde beauties.Of course, Chalmers was actually married.

After sending Chalmers away, Jenna also returned to Durag city by car.

The largest city on the Lingge planet that suffered a disaster has now slowly regained its vitality.The Star Federation has no intention of interfering with any specific administrative issues on this planet at this time, so Francis and some other representatives formed the interim government of the Ive Republic Federation, coupled with the freely functioning grassroots organizations, which made Ive begin to normalize again .

People were no longer forced to work, many returned to work in their former units, and destroyed units were rebuilt or redeployed by the new regime.If the Commonwealth of If is compared to the countries of the old era in the region, it is basically equivalent to a per capita GDP level exceeding 2 lighthouse countries, plus a population close to that of country C.This country has accumulated a lot of wealth and the people are very rich.Even after a disaster, there is no big problem now.

Jenna looked at the huge buildings rising from the ground in the distance. These are the places where Durag and some If cities start to become different.The Star Alliance is going to be permanent here, and Bai Zhongqi has also built a large number of facilities on Lingge Star. Durag is a key point in the layout of His Majesty the Head of State.

There will be barracks that can accommodate millions of people, large ground military bases, airports, ground and air ports and other facilities, and the construction period is very short. Many bases have now been completed.

These star alliance bases are more or less like the US military bases in the old days of the earth. The star alliance stationed troops on Lingge planet, and Bai Zhongqi also placed some engineering and manufacturing equipment here.

At this stage, Bai Zhongqi has begun to export some Starlink technology products to Lingge Star. For example, he has handed over part of the high-performance computer and artificial intelligence management system to Francis' new regime to assist Ive in the management.

The military factory that Bai Zhongqi built here mainly produces various weapons and ammunition, and even consumables such as fighter jets.The production capacity here can easily arm a corps' troops, but Bai Zhongqi doesn't have so many people to use them now.

After Jenna returned to the city, she felt somewhat idle.She was originally a female worker, but her factory has been destroyed.In Yves, people don’t talk about looking for a job. All the jobs are assigned by the organization. Whether they are suitable or not is another question.

Jenna was wearing a small white shirt and a short skirt. She was already tall, and her long legs were extremely attractive.Walking into a small drink shop on the side of the street, she wanted to sit here for a while, but Jenna was surprised to find that several good-looking girls were surrounding a man with black hair and a bald head, chirping. .

At this time, Nan Ma had already carried a blonde girl in a suspender skirt on the shoulder, and now he said to Bai Zhongqi in Chinese: "Lingge Xing is really a good place, all the girls here are so enthusiastic , I feel that if I stay here for a month, every night can be different."

Bai Zhongqi was very speechless towards this guy from Nanma. In fact, the star warrior master on the earth is not very disciplined. In addition, he is still a public figure, and he often broadcasts live broadcasts, and even engages in such things as fans in private.

"Don't cause trouble for the garrison troops of the Star Alliance." Bai Zhongqi stirred the hot drink in front of him with a small spoon. This is a local specialty drink called Moo Moo. It is warm, smooth and fragrant, and tastes great.

"No, hey, I've known the customs here a long time ago. Public ownership is too radical. Mrs. Yi is relatively open in terms of love and sex. This is how the locals are."

Jenna didn't expect to see the head of the Star Federation here, and he and the bald head looked like they were flirting with girls.Jenna saw a girl who was not as good as her as she was trying to get into Bai Zhongqi's arms. She didn't know if her head got hot and she walked up.

Bai Zhongqi was still in a daze when he saw this extremely attractive girl sitting on his lap, and then moved towards his lips.

 To kiss or not to kiss?what do y'all think.

(End of this chapter)

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