Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 315 Hate and Helplessness

Chapter 315 Hate and Helplessness
Groups of Lingo star people in work clothes, men and women, walked into the factory with slightly frightened and disturbed expressions.Standing on both sides of the road were their compatriots, but from the time when the Teziens came to Lingge Planet, these compatriots who chose to join the Teziens were no longer their compatriots, but enemies.

The 19-year-old girl Jenna has soft and beautiful blond hair. The city where she was born and raised is Durag.Durag is the capital of the Ife Republic Federation on Lingo Planet. It used to be a beautiful and vibrant city with a population of 800 million, making it the largest city on the entire planet.

More than 100 years ago, the pioneers of the Ife Republic and Federation overthrew the rule of the autocratic royal family and established the Ife Republic and Federation on the continent of Lingos.In the Commonwealth, all are equal and wealth is shared.The Federation confiscated the wealth of the nobles, and distributed the land and means of production to the masses. Publicly owned factories were established one after another, and united farms were established one by one. Madam Yi no longer had to starve when the powerful people were full of food. Yes, the economy and technology of the Commonwealth have made great progress.

Although the Commonwealth has many problems, many aspects are inflexible and rigid, Madam Yi is full of pride and believes that the Commonwealth is the most outstanding country among the four main countries on Lingo Planet.In particular, the Commonwealth of Nations, together with another ally country, Somay, defeated the Kingdom of Sefoy and the Republic of Minonlu, which were dominated by capitalist aristocrats, and won the world war, thus creating a peaceful situation for the country for half a century.

Everything looks good, and the Federation of Ives is the unyielding representative country on Lingo Planet until Tezzin invades.

When the huge and ferocious Tezyn warships came to Lingge Star, the land, sea and air force of Lingge Star, which mainly engaged in ground warfare, could not deal with the offensive of the lizardmen. Any republic can handle it.Madam Yi stepped forward, even though she knew she was going to die, she rushed forward to fight Tezien, but in the end she was defeated without any suspense.

Jenna was in a low mood. Two of her older brothers died in the previous battle, and one was even eaten alive by the Teziens.The young girl couldn't imagine why there was such a brutal race as the Teziens in the universe, and she couldn't understand why Madam Yi would encounter such a tragedy.

"Jenna, come here."

Jenna immediately recognized the owner of the voice, Saliki standing next to the factory gate, a guy who is not bad in appearance but has a particularly bad composition.There was inevitably a bit of disgust on her face.

Saliki came from a bad family background. His family was found to be illegal and banned because of private business activities, and his parents were also arrested and imprisoned.In the Commonwealth of Yves, which implements strict public ownership and restricts almost all private commercial activities, private commercial activities are a felony that violates national beliefs, and the sentence starts from 15 years.

Saliki didn't learn well, he always did some clever things, and always spread some very reactionary remarks, which made Jenna feel that this person was very annoying.

However, after the arrival of the Teziens, Saliki immediately changed his name and became a member of the pseudo-government of the Tezens.Many fringe aliens who were previously excluded by the Commonwealth, as well as those political prisoners who attempted to overthrow the country, became Taizien's minions at this time, and began to desperately take revenge on the people in the Commonwealth.

The original officials were humiliated, tortured, and even killed and chopped up, and sent to Uncle Tezien for meals, while women faced an even more terrifying end.

These people alone could not govern the huge Commonwealth, and the Teziens even brought in a group of people from Madam Yi's enemy country, and these foreigners oppressed Madam Yi even more.

"Jenna, what happened to the thing I asked you to think about?"

Jenna expressed her dislike very bluntly: "Saliki, stop wasting your mind, I will not marry you, let alone be your third wife."

In the past, Saliki could only covet Jenna's beauty from afar, but after he turned himself into a superior person, the former beauties have become the objects of whatever they want, but Jenna is far tougher than he thought, it is not so easy succeed.

Saliki snorted, his face was gloomy, and he said maliciously: "Although your two older brothers are dead, you still have two younger brothers, three younger sisters, and your parents. Do they think about it? Your father is not in good health. According to the current rules, he is also here to work and produce items for our master. Your younger brothers and sisters are so young, I bet the masters must like to eat this taste."

Jenna turned pale with anger: "Saliki, how dare you!"

Saliki laughed a few times: "Why am I afraid? This is not the era of your backward Commonwealth. Now the entire Lingos continent is the master's back garden, and the Tezien civilization is the only one in the universe. The most powerful civilization has come to us across the star sea and conveyed their civilization and majesty to us. Don’t think that anyone can save you. I advise you to lie down obediently, spread your legs, and let me come Try your Suo Jin, if I am satisfied, your father will not have to drag that old bone to work. Hey, otherwise, I will transfer your father to the most tiring position, working 20 hours a day Hours, until he was exhausted, none of your younger brothers and sisters were left, and they were all used as rations for the masters. Hahahaha, being able to become the masters’ lunch is also their blessing.”

Jenna pointed at Saliki: "You villain, you will die badly!"

At this time, the girl is extremely helpless, when the other party threatens her with her relatives, she really has nothing to do.The eyes of the workers passing by were full of resentment, but no one stood up and spoke up.During the period when Tezien just arrived, there was still a lot of resistance, but those overseers who were issued advanced weapons by the Tezurn people could quickly kill hundreds of people and quell a commotion.

Not fear of lack of guts, but fear of lack of hope.We all know that even if everyone resisted, they would not be able to eliminate the powerful Tezen people. The gap between the two sides is really too big.That being the case, more people choose to live with ease.

Jenna's tears kept falling like broken beads. Looking up at the sky, she couldn't help but struggled and thought: "The universe is so vast, is there really no civilization stronger than Tezien? Is there only one civilization in this universe? Is there injustice and terror, and no justice and beauty?"

(End of this chapter)

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