Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 308 Tashvi's Lunch

Chapter 308 Tashvi's Lunch
Every time Tashvi came to visit his daughter and Fang Ping, he always felt a little bleak.Fang Ping was cold-faced towards him, but she still let Tashvi into the house, because getting along with her father was indeed helpful to her daughter.

"Daddy, daddy!" The daughter rushed into Tashvi's arms excitedly, making Tashvi happy like something.

Following behind the daughter's buttocks was a cute puppy, also wagging its head and turning around under Tashvi's feet. The dog's nose kept sniffing at Tashvi.

Tashvi picked up his daughter and happily kissed her face, which made her giggle.

Fang Ping, who was standing next to her, looked a little better after seeing this scene.It is undeniable that Tashvi has indeed changed a lot in the past year or so.He has become a lot more disciplined and has quit many bad habits.When Fang Ping didn't think that Tashvi would be a good husband or father, even if he behaved well every time he came to the door.

After playing with my daughter for a while, the daughter sat beside her father, boasting how smart her puppy Jolly is.Tashvi also likes this puppy very much, it looks very clever and obedient.

Tashwei looked at Fang Ping. She was still very beautiful with a young woman's style. Tashwei, who hadn't tasted meat for a long time, was a little distracted, but he knew that if he behaved badly, Fang Ping would definitely dare to call the police immediately.

"Moving out of Nansha Island is really troublesome to you mother and daughter. If I knew that there was a warship underneath, I would definitely not let you go. Are you still used to it here in Yucheng?"

Fang Ping didn't blame Tashvi, she said: "This is my hometown, and my parents are here, so there's nothing I'm not used to. Moreover, the modernization of Yucheng is very fast, and a large new blockbuster has been built in a few months. smart home."

The modernization process of most cities, including Yucheng, is relatively similar. In some areas that were originally difficult to develop, with the powerful engineering and construction capabilities of Iridium, modern high-rise buildings were built within a few days. Home to hundreds of families.The government will directly arrange residents to live in these new apartments, and then the outdated houses will be decomposed with recycling equipment, and then the buildings will be rebuilt.

In a metropolis like Yucheng, almost 70.00% of the buildings in the city are new-age buildings in one year. From the outside, it is already a modern city with mountainous characteristics, and it is completely unrecognizable as an old-age city. Yucheng.

"Uh, I'm probably very lucky. The Enterprise I'm on is going to go on an expedition in a while, and it's probably been reported in the news. The Star Alliance wants to keep the enemy out of the country, on the route of Tezzin's attack. Fight Tezien." The things Tashvi said were basically what the public sources said, and there would be no leaks.

Fang Ping groaned lightly, but she could still see the faint worry from her expression.

Tashvi is also a keen man. He himself said: "There is no danger. Our Star Alliance has more Silver Plumes loyal to the Führer. If we face Tezien, only Taizien and the others will suffer."

Fang Ping was still stubborn, and said with a cold face: "Don't be sentimental, no one cares about you."

At this time, the youngest daughter showed her small head, she was playing with the puppy, and the daughter said in a childish and serious voice: "Cindy cares about Dad!"

Tashvi was very happy, and kissed his daughter again, "Good girl."

Sitting next to Tashvi, the daughter said: "Dad is a hero, as the kindergarten teacher said. Dad beat the big villain who eats people. From now on, I will be like Dad, fight off the villain who bullies other children .”

Tashvi smiled and squeezed his daughter's little face: "Cindy is the best."

This time he came to see Fang Ping's mother and daughter, and Tashwei still gained something, because Fang Ping, who had never been seen before, left him to eat at home.Although at the dinner table, Fang Ping was still giving Tashwei a face, but Tashwei, who may have cultivated an M physique, was a little bit happy.

People living in this era have a much more convenient life than the old era.Under the high standard of national welfare treatment, all kinds of consumer goods that people need in their daily lives are almost open to supply, and people can get almost any items they need except where there is a waste of resources.

The food of Fang Ping's family is ordered directly at home, and then delivered to the door by a special logistics organization.People who don't like shopping can choose the products they want on, and then wait for a few hours for the robot to deliver them to their homes.

Basically, every house will be equipped with a housekeeping robot, which is also distributed to residents for free by the Star Alliance government.Able to perform various housekeeping services and cook for the family.Compared with those excellent human chefs, domestic robots may not be as good at craftsmanship, but in fact, compared with most people's home cooking methods, domestic robots are still better.

Just input what you want to eat, and the housekeeping robot will cook for the owner, which is convenient and simple.Tashvi is no stranger to this kind of domestic robot, because the meals on the battleship are also made by similar robots controlled by logistics officers.

There is no doubt that the Star Alliance era has greatly enriched people's enjoyment and improved people's quality of life.

There was a TV show on the screen, a reality show recorded by the Flashpoint Group.Tashvi doesn't usually like to watch such programs, but the mother and daughter like it very much.

Inadvertently, Tashvi found that Fang Ping's puppy was lying on the blanket and watching TV seriously.

"Haha, Jolly is really amazing, actually watching TV intently."

The daughter said seriously: "Jolly can understand TV, he really likes watching TV."

Tashvi asked her daughter with a smile: "What programs does Jolly usually watch?"

The daughter replied: "Jolly likes watching popular science programs. I like watching cartoons, but Jolly doesn't like watching cartoons. I sometimes watch popular science programs with him."

Tashvi smiled and said: "That's good, I'll take you to learn knowledge together. Oh, the society is better now than before, but there are too many things to learn. It's simply too much to learn every time. The head is so big that even in a deep sleep, it makes people feel out of breath."

Fang Ping tapped Tashvi with her chopsticks: "Don't teach children badly."

Tashvi shrank his neck, "I'll just talk casually, talk casually."

Jolly, a puppy with big black eyes, glanced at a few humans, then lay down there again, continuing to watch his own TV show, as if nothing else had anything to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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