Chapter 287
Bai Zhongqi stood quietly on the bridge of the battlecruiser Holy Falcon, and there were only him and Ling in the bridge at this time.His flagship has never needed too many people. As the most powerful warship of the Star Alliance, the Holy Falcon is only controlled by Bai Zhongqi and Zero.

There is no need to call out the monitoring effects on other warships, Bai Zhongqi can also imagine it.At this moment, all the soldiers of the space army are in full battle.Many people are nervous, excited, and even fearful, but each of them is in their own battle position, ready to throw themselves into such a battle.

Zero's mood was also a little depressed, she looked at Bai Zhongqi sternly, and said, "Your Majesty, in 15 minutes, the other party will come out of the warp speed state."

With his hands behind his back, Bai Zhongqi looked forward and nodded slightly.

Then, on the screens or personal devices in front of all the battleship crews of the Fourth Strategic Fleet Group, a line of reminders popped up: The enemy will arrive at the scene in 15 minutes.

This piece of information immediately raised the tension of the entire fleet to a whole new stage.The soldiers began to gear up, no matter how the enemy's strength compared with their own, as the space army, they must do their best to win this battle.

At this time, Zero reminded Bai Zhongqi again: "The first strategic fleet group has completed its voyage and arrived at the earth's gravity well."

This is a natural thing. The First Strategic Fleet Group, which is following the Tezon Fleet, came from several battleships with warp bubbles. Now these battleships are equipped with the latest Starlink star energy engines. , has a high speed of 3300 times the speed of light, which is faster than the Polka star energy engine used by Tezyn, so the first strategic fleet group arrives first, and enters the preset battlefield first than Tezyn.

Bai Zhongqi didn't say anything. The early arrival of the First Strategic Fleet Group will not have a huge impact on this battle. The key to defeating the enemy is not here.

On the aircraft carrier Aquarius, the flagship of the First Strategic Fleet Group, Cui Zhihao, a young space soldier, was sweating in his palms, tightly holding the trigger rod in front of him.He chose to join the Space Force and also expected this day to finally come, but he never thought that the pressure the Space Force would face would be so great.

Cui Zhihao rubbed his palms with his fingers, trying to wipe off the sweat on his palms, thinking to himself: "I don't know what state the senior is in now, even a small gunner like me feels so nervous. He led the entire fleet to meet the enemy. I don’t know how much pressure I’m facing.”

His comrade-in-arms Clay was also sweating nervously at this time, he tilted his head and said to Cui Zhihao: "If I can eat a pack of spicy sticks at this time, I guess I won't be so nervous."

Not long after he finished speaking, a head squeezed into the small gunner's cabin, it was their weapon chief Takashi Amamiya.

Yugong still had the expression that others owed him 800 million, and gave his final advice to his gunner, saying: "Focus on it, follow the system prompts, and don't do useless things."

"Yes, sir."

Watching Amemiya leave, Clay complained again: "We are manipulating anti-aircraft guns, and the Teziens have turned on shield sharing. It is unlikely that they will send fighter jets. Although it is not responsible to say this, I think we It should be more relaxing."

Cui Zhihao did not take on Clay, he is still looking for his best form.Among the gunners of Aquarius, his level is not the most outstanding, and sometimes his shooting performance is not as good as that of the automatic strike program.

"There is always an ominous premonition. The Aquarius is the largest of all the battleships. Maybe we will face the enemy's strongest firepower." Cui Zhihao's heart was covered with a haze.

In the underground facility of the Gray Hands Corps of the Earth Nibo Kingdom, Yakushi Maru Kentaro took off his school uniform jacket and threw it on the floor.

"Come on." The young man was full of fighting spirit.

He knows it's not the same as the previous training and exercise simulations, but he knows he has to do it no matter what, because he has something to protect.

The soldiers of the Gray Hand Legion used a synchronization simulation cabin that was similar to the cockpit of a real pilot. Kentaro entered his own synchronization cabin. Within a minute, his consciousness had been uploaded and synchronized with his fighter plane. .

Quantum communication can ensure that the gray-handed soldiers make corresponding movements at the same time when their consciousness turns.In this way, the Starfleet Space Force acquired a large number of more unpredictable combat flight units with a strong personal style.

"Kentaro, the machine we are assigned today is Tiger Eater Eagle." AI assistant Xiao Fengmo reminded him.

In Kentaro's conscious body, he can clearly see the appearance of this machine.A good-looking fighter is usually a fighter with combat effectiveness, but the Tiger Eagle is extremely attractive in appearance.Since the Star Alliance was established, it has invested a lot of money in research and development of space, space and space dual-purpose fighters. It is extraterrestrial and smooth, and has a pair of integral variable wings, which can change into different forms of straight wings, forward-swept wings, and swept-back wings. .

The Tiger Eagle has a better energy core, which is three times the energy density of the Banshee.The powerful Tiger Eagle has extremely terrifying mobility in the universe. What's even more powerful is that this fighter has the only beam cannon for fighters in the Star Alliance, which is quite powerful.

"Sure enough, did the Star Alliance really take out the killer weapon? I, a tiger eagle, is still a prototype. I didn't expect to take it out for actual combat in such a short period of time." Kentaro's conscious body felt like a real The flight pilot is in the cockpit of the aircraft.

His surroundings are like a golden-red universe, vast and mysterious, and the plane is like a part of his body, like an arm and a finger.

"Flying pilots haven't fully adapted to the Tiger Eagle, but we have no problem adapting to it. We have flown for thousands of hours. If anyone can show the full strength of the Tiger Eagle, it must be us. .” Kentaro said in the synchronization cabin.

At this time, the voice of his little friend, the Brazilian teenager Lupica, came in and shouted authentically: "It's so handsome, it's actually a tiger-eating eagle."

Kentaro quickly saw the fighter numbers of the comrades in the same team on the list in front of him. When he saw the top one, he was not only surprised.

"Does that 'Chilong' guy actually still use the J-20? He actually abandons a stronger machine like the Tiger Eagle?"

Lupika took it for granted: "That guy has always used the Veyron, and his Veyron is also a third-generation deeply modified version. I'm afraid it will no longer be inferior to the Tiger Eagle."

Ranked above Kentaro and ranked No. 2 in the total points of the gray hand army, is a C country code-named Chilong. His age and gender are unknown, and he doesn't like to socialize with others.

Chilong prefers to use the Veyron fighter. His Veyron is a modified version of the Star Alliance Super Magic, and it is completely different from the Aerospace Veyron that was assigned to the Air Force of Country C before.Kentaro was very impressed with this Veyron. Half of his few 1V1 single-player defeats were lost to this J-20 fighter with a red dragon painting.

At this moment, a new reminder appeared in front of Kentaro and Lupika.

"The enemy enters the battlefield and enters the final countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7..."

(End of this chapter)

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