Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 285 The Last Line of Defense

Chapter 285 The Last Line of Defense

"Your Majesty, the anti-warp device of the Sirius Galaxy cannot form a limited deterrent to the Tezien fleet, and the opponent's voyage speed has not slowed down. According to this trajectory, the opponent will transit in the Sirius Galaxy and can directly fly to any one in the interstellar cloud. galaxy."

Hearing Zero's report, Bai Zhongqi wasn't even too surprised.The method of deciphering anti-warp was already used by the Teziens in the scout ship incident last time.Although that may be the technology of the Borkai people, Bai Zhongqi didn't take any chances. He had already prepared that the other party could jump out of the encirclement of the Sirius galaxy and go to other places in the interstellar cloud.

Bai Zhongqi sighed, "We only have one day left."

Zero asked: "Recall the First Strategic Fleet Group led by General Sanjis?"

"Not yet, if the other party sees that our fleet has left the Sirius galaxy, they will probably stop too. Let Sanjishi follow the enemy after they enter the Sirius galaxy and change their path." Bai Zhongqi said calmly order.

He asked Zero again with concern: "How is the evacuation and asylum work going on on Earth?"

"We have completed 80.00% of the evacuation plan. In some places such as Africa, the facilities are not well built, so there are still some people who have not entered the evacuation facilities."

Bai Zhongqi hummed.If it wasn't for the fact that the Star Alliance has already taken control of the entire earth, it would be impossible for him to complete such a large-scale refuge facility plan. Now basically all production and living activities on the earth have stopped, and only various industrial facilities remain. Running according to the automatic program, most people have already hid underground.

There are a large number of security personnel, especially the guardians of the bionic unit, so the order in the various refuge facilities is relatively good now.It's not that there are no troublemakers, but when encountering soldiers in individual armor, they can only be cleaned up in minutes.

In the urban forest lined with high-rise buildings, everything is quiet at this moment.There is no sound of running cars, no noise of people, only sporadic birds parked there, wondering why the human habitat has become so empty all of a sudden.The holographic billboards on the skyscrapers turned black, and there were several large characters on it that read "Evacuation".

In the farmland with lush green crops, large agricultural machinery is still parked on the edge of the field, and there is no sign of people. Some people's doors and windows are not even closed. A few sneaky squirrels jumped out of the trees and slipped into people's homes. Find something to eat.

This planet has never been so quiet as it is today. Ever since human beings really established civilization, this planet has always been noisy. Human beings are noisy, building, or destroying. But today, except for a very few places on this planet, there are almost no human beings. All gone.

Only in the orbit of the planet is there a busyness that is completely different from that on the earth.

Huge interstellar spaceships are being prepared one after another. This is the last line of defense of the Star Alliance and the last great wall to defend the mother planet Earth.

As the commander, Bai Zhongqi, head of the Iridium star, has appeared on the Holy Falcon.As he stood on the bridge of the battlecruiser, he was at ease.This warship has been with him for a long time, even though he has never actually commanded a strategic fleet of 149 warships, but he believes that this warship will win the victory with him.

Bai Zhongqi let out a long breath, no matter how calm his expression was, he was still nervous.

"It doesn't matter, everything is the same as when playing games." Bai Zhongqi told himself, a battle scene in the game formed by his brain also appeared in his mind.On the orbit of the beautiful home planet, he organized the Fourth Strategic Fleet Group into different formations.

Ling was much more nervous than Bai Zhongqi, she walked up and down the bridge anxiously, with another thought in her heart.

"If there is any danger, I will use all my star power to break out with the head of state!"

Bai Zhongqi stood there quietly, only he knew that his battlefield was in his mind, he used the biochemical signals in his nervous system to directly manipulate this game that he couldn't afford to lose.

Rows of battleships are as majestic as the elephants of the Air Force in the old days, and the silent warships are like warriors waiting for their swords to be unsheathed, silently adjusting their mental state, and drawing their swords at the last moment , rushed to the opponent.

There are also the last few warships being included in the formation, including the frigate Keeling where Wang Dangdao is located.

"The atmosphere is too depressing." Wang Dangdang felt that he was not feeling well, and he couldn't be so nervous all the time, because Wang Dangdang had a problem, he would fart easily when he was nervous.

Keeling hugged his little arm and laughed at his captain: "You are really worthless, you were so scared. Let me tell you, a fight will really start in a while, and our little frigates will definitely be the first to fight." What a disaster, we are small and have weak shields, and we will be bombarded by the cannons of the lizardmen when we take care of it."

Wang Dangdang was so angry that his face turned blue, and he said: "Do you still have humanity, you are talking about yourself, and you will be bombarded by then, not only me, but you as well."

Keeling said indifferently: "I'm just an artificial intelligence. I don't have any obsession with life and death. The meaning of my existence is to complete the task. When I die, my mission will end. It is also a very good thing for me. belonging."

Wang Dangdang was a little surprised. He asked, "Don't you have anything to give up? Living is a beautiful thing after all."

Keeling rolled his eyes and said, "I'm stuck with you idiot captain. There's nothing good about it. Apart from being on the ship, I haven't done anything else..."

Having said that, Keeling became a little depressed.

Wang Dangdang was a little distressed, so he said: "Well, if we survive this time, I will get rid of the body of a bionic human being made for you by the upper level, and then take you out for a walk."

Keelin blushed suddenly when he heard this, and said angrily, "Are you going on a date with me?"

Wang Dangdao was also embarrassed, and explained in a panic: "It's not a date, it's not a date. Uh, it's just like a brother or sister, going out to play."

Keeling became even more angry, and shouted: "So you still have this habit, you German orthopedic surgeon!"

When the two of them talked, their mouths would always be wrong, and Wang Dangdao was used to it.

It was at this time that the public channel of the entire fleet was connected, and Bai Zhongqi's voice appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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