Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 278 The Calm Before the Great War

Chapter 278 The Calm Before the Great War
In the end, Xu Lanzhou decided to command the raid against the Taizin fleet by himself.Despite her young age, Xu Lanzhou is still the only space general in the fleet who has experience in commanding a large fleet. She has sufficient actual combat experience and combat talent, and is even more trusted by Bai Zhongqi.

Xu Lanzhou decided to launch a deadly surprise attack on Taizin, so he must have enough power to shake the enemy.The Star Alliance currently has four strategic fleet groups. The first strategic fleet group guards the Sirius galaxy, and Bai Zhongqi personally sits in the fourth strategic fleet group as the reserve team of the Star Alliance Space Force.Xu Lanzhou was able to launch this raid with as many as four hundred warships from the second and third strategic fleet groups.

The Alpha Centaur galaxy became the rallying point for Xu Lanzhou's raid.Squadrons stationed from other galaxies came to Alpha Centaur at this time, and huge battleships formed a neat fleet in space.In particular, the six huge Pojiang-class battleships are even more eye-catching.

From the perspective of firepower alone, the Poe class is a battleship that surpasses the battlecruiser the Holy Falcon.In particular, the nine super-caliber Gauss railguns on the central axis of the battleship are extremely powerful.The main gun of the Bojiang class has a good erosive effect on the shield of the enemy battleship. The Bojiang class has been used as the main force of the Star Alliance to deal with the solid shield of the enemy's capital ship since its inception.

In the second and third strategic fleet groups, as many as 20 cosmic army officers and soldiers are waiting for the battle, including the Enterprise aircraft cruiser that was previously sent to station in remote galaxies, and also appeared in the fleet.

Tashvi stood in the battleship hangar and looked out from the porthole. The scene was quite spectacular.Rows of battleships are neatly distributed, ready to fly over the battlefield tens of light-years away with the command of the commander at any time, and deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

This scene made Tashwei's blood boil a little. He subconsciously turned his head to talk to his friend Huang Quan, but realized that Huang Quan was already assisting Captain Chi Jia in the deployment on the bridge.All kinds of soldiers are busy in the hangar. They have different skin colors and obviously come from different countries on the earth, but most of them are from country C.

"I still miss that silver-haired guy." Tashvi thought, he was not very familiar with these new comrades-in-arms, and many of them were transferred to their ship only recently.And most of these people are rookie pilots who just graduated from the flight academy.Most of them may have less than 200 actual flight hours.However, in the deep sleep study, each pilot has passed 1000 hours of training.

The new flight pilots here looked up at Tashvi.Because Tashvi had accompanied Bai Zhongqi to fight against the Taizien people in other star fields, so he was considered an old man with actual combat experience.As far as flying skills are concerned, Tashvi, a veteran, can beat these people by a few blocks.

Before, he always wanted to challenge Dean, the ace pilot on the ship, but later Dean was lost to other units, which made him very regretful.

At the end of the hangar, Tashvi saw the beautiful navigator Jun Jiushao.This female officer, who is always quiet and looks like a classic beauty, doesn't have many friends on the ship.

"Who would have thought that two years ago, the people on Earth were still fighting among themselves in chaos, and now everyone is wearing the same uniform and fighting together for the peace of the earth." Tashvi casually said to Jun Jiushao.

He didn't expect Jun Jiushao to come back to him at all, but today Jun Jiushao seemed to be in a good mood, and said a word in a calm manner: "For a group of people to work together, they must either have the same enemies or have the same interests." , and now the earthlings have both of these things.”

Tashvi thought about her words, and said, "It's a very incisive summary."

Jun Jiushao glanced at the pilot in front of him lightly, and asked a question: "Do you have any thoughts on this sortie?"

Tashvi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then what else is there, we will definitely win."

Jun Jiushao shook his head, and said: "It's a little risky for the joint command to attack the opponent from the interstellar cloud. They organized such a massive attack based on the information of communication with the Tezen people." Military action is not very rational."

Tashwei didn't expect Jun Jiushao to be interested in strategy and tactics. He smiled and said: "These things are not something people at our level need to consider. Even if there is a problem with the decision of Shangfeng, someone will come out to stand up to it. And , I don’t think we’ll run into any trouble, even if the Teziens are powerful, and there’s that shield sharing, but the firepower of our Star Alliance warships is strong enough, we can definitely smash their tortoise shells.”

Jun Jiushao didn't speak any more, and didn't even say hello to Tashwei, so he walked away gracefully with lotus steps.Tashwei looked at her back and praised her a little. Even in military uniform, Jun Jiushao looked like a chivalrous woman, with a classical ladylike temperament in her sass.

The assembly speed of the Star Alliance Space Force is very fast. Most of the Star Alliance systems have AI automatic programs. Even for extremely large and complex military operations, there are not many parts that require human intervention. Most things can be automated by AI. Prepare.

As more and more warships were ready, Xu Lanzhou also boarded her temporary flagship, the battleship Fomalhaut.

"There are still three and 10 minutes, and the preparations of the fleet will be ready."

Xu Lanzhou nodded after hearing the report, and she was also a little nervous and excited. After all, this was the first time she had presided over such a large-scale fleet.

"You must not be stage fright, the head of state is watching me behind me, you must fight this battle well!" Xu Lanzhou cheered for himself.

Bai Zhongqi, who is far away on the earth, is also paying attention to the preparations of Xu Lanzhou's two strategic fleet groups all the time.

Dressed in casual clothes, he went out with Ling at this time, pretending to be an ordinary person, stealing a while in a quiet small coffee shop in Taiping City.

The small TV in the small shop intentionally has a retro atmosphere, playing popular variety shows nowadays. Bai Zhongqi is sitting by the window, looking at the bustling crowd outside the window, it seems that people have no awareness of the war that is going on outside the sky.

Zero saw Bai Zhongqi's mood, and said: "As long as people don't really see and feel something, they won't take it so seriously. Although this station is closely related to the fate of our Star Alliance, for most people As far as people are concerned, this war is a little far away from them. They are still doing their own things, living their own lives, enjoying ordinary peace."

Bai Zhongqi smiled and said, "Then I hope this peace will never be broken."

(End of this chapter)

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