Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 263 270 "I want your life 2333"

Chapter 263 270 "I want your life 2333"

There are only three genuine warships in the Earth Star Alliance, and the rest are merchant ships used to transport goods.However, the Sixth Defense Fleet of Luzhao Civilization is "strong and strong".

Bai Zhongqi didn't have much interest in the next thing.But Ling smiled at Bai Zhongqi and said, "Your Majesty, I found something interesting, would you like to take a look?"

Bai Zhongqi nodded, and a holographic light curtain appeared on the zero-waving battleship, which seemed to be the live content of a TV station of Luzhao Civilization.

"Friends from the audience, this is Luzhao Xingmei TV Station. We just received the news that the negotiations between Ou Nianxing and the earth civilization in the Danlu interstellar cloud have broken down. The barbaric and rude earth civilization not only rejected We work together to build the good intentions of the Daluzhao civilized co-prosperity and symbiosis, and blatantly killed our diplomats, and despicably took advantage of the emptiness of our defense forces to attack our Ou Nian port. All Luzhao people are against the people of the earth The atrocities committed by Luzhao cannot be tolerated, and people from all over Luzhao star spontaneously walked out of their homes, gathered together, and demanded to denounce the evil earthlings!"

The TV screen switched, and in some squares, people from Luzhao gathered together, and everyone was really angry.Bai Zhongqi was quite astonished, obviously he had just talked with the Luzhao people not long ago, and the Luzhao people had already gathered in such a short while, and started to hold a remote interstellar criticism meeting against him.

With zero ability, there is no problem in accessing the radio signal of the Luzhao people. She explained: "Obviously, before we negotiated, the Luzhao people had already told their people that they wanted to accept our earth civilization as their The matter of the vassal. It seems that the Luzhao people are still very interested in accepting our inferior civilization as a vassal. Many people gathered in the square, waiting for their talented diplomat, who was patted into meat by me The guy from here has good news for them."

Bai Zhongqi also became a little curious, and asked: "What is the public opinion of Luzhao people to us? Are there no guys with real heads?"

Zero shook his head and said: "Luzhao people have embarked on a completely different development path from the earth. Today, Luzhao people do not have such a thing as the Internet, and most of the Luzhao technologies do not have multi-point connections. There are also a lot of manual operations. In the Luzhao civilization, the channels for the public to express their opinions are not so smooth. The Luzhao civilization implements a broad democracy, and the politics are relatively chaotic. For a long time, a project has been pushed up. A few years after another political force came to power, it was completely overthrown. This is probably why Luzhao civilization has developed for more than 2 years, and it is still the reason for this virtue. The populism and stupidity of Luzhao are almost deeply genetic. I can The public opinions collected are probably overwhelmingly wanting to give us some color."

Bai Zhongqi smashed his mouth and said, "All right."

On the TV screen, the host who incited people's emotions shouted loudly: "My compatriots of Luzhao, as the pride of the universe and the master of the galaxy, our dignity cannot be violated. Luzhao's invincible fleet is heading towards The despicable and inferior earth bandits are advancing, and we will be able to eliminate them in a short time, long live Luzhao!"

Bai Zhongqi asked Zero to change several channels. Obviously, every TV station seemed to be talking about the conflict between Luzhao civilization and Earth civilization, and everyone's caliber was very unified.

In a political program, the guests in the studio danced and said: "I bet that people on Earth have never seen a fleet as powerful as the Sixth Defense Fleet. Although the Sixth Defense Fleet is called Defense, it has a very powerful force." Offensive power. Their flagship Adori is [-] meters long and equipped with thousands of ray cannons. A single shot can kill all life on a whole planet. I think those murderers on Earth will be in trouble. "

Another guest next to him also echoed: "That's right, people on Earth don't even know what kind of existence they have provoked."

Zero also had a toothache watching this show, and she sighed: "What is that Adori, is that the spaceship that looks like a ladybug outside? It's also drunk, let's not talk about their ray cannons." It has no effect on us at all, and it is not an exaggeration to say that a single salvo kills people on the entire planet."

Bai Zhongqi pinched his chin, his expression was serious, but his eyes were full of smiles, "Yes, maybe it's the same as those snipers in our C country drama who shot and killed little devils thousands of miles away."

Changing the channel again, it has become a group of Luzhao's children, waving small flags and shouting in a childish voice: "Uncles of the Luzhao Army, come on! Defeat the Earthlings!"

Bai Zhongqi curled his lips when he saw it. At this time, he was already "disheartened", and he asked: "Did we bring a 'I want you to die 2333' on this voyage?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Bai Zhongqi nodded, and said: "I'm not in the mood, throw it to them, and then let's go home, I'm a bit craving ramen."

Lingru smiled brightly and said, "What a good idea."

Bai Zhongqi snorted, lay casually on the flat captain's chair, began to enter the deep sleep system, and started the daily charging study.

On the Keeling, Wang Dangdang, who received the return order, had a look of resentment: "My victory, I still want to reach the pinnacle of my life through this."

In space a million kilometers away, the captain of Luzhao's Sixth Defense Fleet suddenly dilated his pupils and shouted: "These earthlings, why did they turn the battleship around, it's bad they want to run away!"

The captain knew very well that once the Earth warships entered the warp bubble, there would be no way for the Luzhao warships to stop them.Attacking spaceships in a state of warp speed is a difficult problem for advanced civilizations in the entire galaxy, not to mention the level of the Luzhao civilization, and they don't even care about it at all.

"Shameless earthlings, who have no honor to speak of, why don't you come and fight us!" Commander Luzhao patted the table dissatisfied.

At this moment, his radar officer shouted in surprise: "Captain, we have received a radar signal, and there is an object approaching our side at high speed."

The captain was slightly surprised and asked, "Is the target us?"

"No, it looks like it will pass through the gaps in our fleet."

The captain breathed a sigh of relief, and then sneered: "This must be the last attack by the people on Earth to save face, but it's ridiculous that they couldn't even choose the target correctly."

"Intercept target."

The Luzhao fleet began to launch various ray cannons and electromagnetic cannons. In the past, any missile or torpedo type weapon was easily shot down by the intercepted naval guns, but this bomb, which I don't know what it is, was easily shot down. Passed through the firepower network woven by the Luzhao naval guns, and came to the central part of the Luzhao fleet.

Just when the Luzhao people were still in a daze, wondering how the bomb passed through.This bomb has detonated.

A huge spot of light suddenly spread outward from the center, and in just an instant, it had spread to the size of an asteroid with a diameter of 200 kilometers, swallowing all the Luzhao warships within the range!

There is only fierce light in the silent universe. All the people in Luzhao star looking at the battlefield through the influence are all stunned at this moment, looking there with disbelief, and the entire noisy square seems to have become silent.

The silence continued with the burst of light, and when the light finally subsided, the Luzhao people were able to see what happened inside again.

More than a dozen Luzhao warships have turned into wrecks at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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