Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 247 Alien Residents of Ruyi City

Chapter 247 Alien Residents of Ruyi City
After the return of the Holy Falcon, Ruyi City has become more and more like a cosmic city.The more than 4000 aliens brought back by Bai Zhongfei have brought different intelligent life here.

Many earthlings who come to Ruyi City for tourism will take out their mobile phones to take pictures when they see Feiju people and horse-faced people on the street, and some bolder ones will even strike up a conversation and take a group photo.

Especially the Hiju people with cat ears and cat tails are very popular.They are cute in themselves, and their image can be regarded as a kind of cuteness on earth.In Neon Country, which is divided into the 11th administrative region of the earth, many nerds even heard that a cat girl from the universe appeared in Ruyi City, and bought a boat ticket to rush to Ruyi City, wanting to have some intimate contact with the cat girl.

Bell and Walnut are wearing earth girl's clothes and walking on the streets of Ruyi City.It has been a week since I came to Ruyi City, and the Scarlet Ju people who plan to join the Space Army are currently taking theory classes, so the time is relatively loose.

As girls, they soon became obsessed with shopping in the Ruyi City business district.Ruyi City has expanded many times compared to when it was first opened, and the commercial street is full of all kinds of consumer goods on earth.Although the local population is not very large, everyone has a large amount of Star Union coins to buy what they want because the welfare standards of Star Union citizens are implemented here.

In a city like Ruyi City, there is no such thing as a person working [-] to [-] and working crazy overtime, but the money he earns is not enough for rent and daily needs.The residents of Ruyi City live in high-end apartments, enjoy all kinds of food, don’t repeat the same thing a month, and can buy dozens or hundreds of clothes. If they want to, it’s not a problem to change their mobile phones once a month.

Built behind this fast and high-volume consumption is Iridium's productivity technology.There are more items that a person can own, but the space they enjoy is limited. They will be required to frequently eliminate unused items, and the Iridium recycling agency will recycle various obsolete items and then decompose them into various matter, and then re-manufacture the commodity.

In fact, after most Iridium people get used to this kind of life, they will not go shopping like crazy and waste it.After the joy of possession is exhausted, Iridium people begin to buy daily necessities very rationally according to their needs, just like if a person on the earth gets rich overnight, he finds it difficult to spend money after a while. The pleasure has subsided.

The people on earth have not yet escaped from this excitement, and neither have the bells and walnuts who have just arrived in Ruyi City.After they had just been free from fear of being eaten or forced, they were exposed to a very high level of material life.After discovering that there are so many choices for women on earth to buy clothes, their beauty-loving nature exploded, and they became a member of the army sweeping shopping malls.

"I'm tired of shopping. I have to go to class tomorrow. I really want to do nothing and just have fun." Ling Dang made a grimace.

Walnut also felt that their life was a bit extravagant, which was completely unimaginable before.Walnut said: "I always feel ashamed to live like this. I don't do anything, but I can eat whatever I want and buy whatever I want in this beautiful city."

Bell pulled the walnut and said, "Well, this is how people in the Star Alliance live their lives."

"No, the standard of living of the Star Alliance has not been fully popularized on the earth. Now the Star Alliance is focusing a lot of energy on resisting the invasion of the Teziens. If there are no Teziens to make trouble, the earth will probably be faster. access to full Starfleet benefits."

Bell waved his pink fist indignantly, and said: "So, the lizards of the Taizien people are the worst, and the kind people will not let them go. Everyone on the earth is also a very good person. It’s all good, just like the Scarecrow.”

Walnut still said solemnly to Bell: "In general, people on Earth are kind. They have moral standards, and the Star Federation also has laws. But we must beware of the existence of bad people. Every civilization has good people and bad people. It seems that we The image of Juren is deeply related to sex in the culture of the earth, so be careful of being bullied."

Bell giggled, put on a martial arts posture, and said, "No, no, even if someone wants to bully me, my martial arts will make them suffer."

She took Walnut's jade arm and said, "I'm tired from shopping, let's go eat ice cream."

When it comes to sweets, Walnut's eyes light up too.Before the addition of the iridium star, the earth's civilization did not seem to be high-level, but the culture was extremely splendid.The earthlings have created all kinds of delicacies, and the two cat girls fell in love with ice cream after they came into contact with it.

There are many coffee shops, dessert shops and other places in the commercial street, and they found one they had never been to.Most of the layouts in the commercial street are relatively earth-oriented, without too many minimalist iridium-style styles, such as dessert shops with very small and fresh wooden decorations.

The two entered the store, and after ordering something, the bell pulled the walnut, pointed to the corner, and asked, "Is that Bibilin?"

Walnut couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Oh, it's really hard to tell the difference between Gaotian people, I don't know, how do you know he is Bibilin?"

"Because Bibilin's tentacles behind his butt seem to be leaning a little to the right, and he keeps coiling up that tentacles."

Walnut said: "That seems to be him."

Bi Bilin is a friend of the two little girls who met on the spaceship. Although they are of different races, Gaotian people have a pure personality, although their image is a bit wretched.

Ling Dang and the others walked up and greeted each other: "Bi Bilin, you are here too."

One of Gaotian's tentacles stretched out, revealing something like an eye. Seeing the two bells, the mouth-like organs under the eyes on the tentacles grinned, as if they were smiling. It looked so weird How eerie.

"Ah, Miss Bell, Miss Walnut, hello." Bi Bilin also greeted.

Walnut asked, "Why do you sit in such a corner?"

Bi Bilin said helplessly: "People here seem to be very afraid of me. Once I was walking on the street and even scared the children. Some people treated me like a monster. I dare not appear in the sun, but here The ice cream here is so delicious, it is simply a masterpiece of earthlings, and I can't resist this temptation, so I come when there are few people, and I will leave after everyone has left."

The two catgirls felt sorry for the Gaotian people. They looked at each other and sat beside Bibilin. Walnut said, "Let's stay with you for a while."

Bi Bilin shook his tentacles restrainedly: "No, no, it's not good to disturb you."

Ling Dang bared her small canine teeth, and giggled: "Anyway, we're fine. By the way, Bi Bilin, are you going to work in the Industry Bureau?"

Bi Bilin showed a "smile" on his tentacles again, and he said: "Yes, most of my fellow clansmen and I have entered the Industrial Bureau and similar manufacturing departments. I like my current job very much, haha, maybe Many of the things you usually use are manufactured under my supervision."

Bi Bilin said that the mouth on the other tentacles opened, just like a scene in a horror movie, and ate a large piece of ice cream on the table. He said with satisfaction: "The manufacturing ability of Iridium is really amazing. What’s more, it’s super powerful. It’s definitely at the level of an advanced civilization, and it’s composed of matter at the atomic level. But I can only do some basic work now, and my knowledge is still not in place. I hope I can design and manufacture different things in the future for the benefit of everyone. Everyone."

Bell touched one of Bibilin's tentacles encouragingly. Although the touch on it was a bit strange, like a layer of bristles on a slippery thing, she said: "Now everyone just doesn't understand you, and when everyone understands People of Gaotian, you will not be treated as a monster in the future."

Bibilin nodded his head, "Thank you, Miss Bell. In fact, it is much better now than when I was a slave. At that time, every tentacles that grew out would be cut off by the Tezen people. We are still sitting very Hard work. Now we have freedom and our own home, just a little bit of prejudice, no big deal."

Bi Bilin asked again: "You two ladies, are you going to join the Space Force? It's really admirable to dare to fight for the people of the Star Alliance."

Ling Dang blushed embarrassingly, and she said: "Actually, I'm pretty useless too. I'm in class now, and what I'm learning is really difficult. I don't know if I can help everyone in the future."

Bi Bilin also encouraged her and said: "It must be possible. Now those people in Puping'a are also studying, right? All the members have to learn new things, not to mention Miss Bell."

Even though it was in the corner, the table caught the attention of other people in the shop because of the presence of two beautiful catgirls.A young couple came over, looking at Bell and Walnut with admiration, and looking at Bibiling with fear, but they still mustered up their courage and asked, "Hi, can we take a photo with you?"

Ling Dang smiled and nodded, "Yes."

The clerk picked up the camera, and the two tourist couples stood beside the cat girl. At this time, the young man suggested, "This one, I don't know if it's Mr. or Ms., can you take a photo with us?"

Obviously his girlfriend was not very happy, but she didn't object.

Bi Bilin was a little surprised, his tentacles became a little red, and he asked in jerky Chinese: "Is it okay?"

The young man found out that this guy could speak Chinese, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes."

Bi Bilin walked over slowly, not knowing how to take a photo with a group of primates, he could only lift up a few tentacles except for the ones that touched the ground, each tentacles turned into a human face, really It is as terrifying as it is.But this young man has a penchant for curiosity and thinks it is very handsome.

After taking the photo, the young man tried to shake hands with Bi Bilin. When he saw that Bi Bilin's tentacles could do almost anything, the young man exclaimed, "It's amazing."

Bi Bilin felt embarrassed: "We Khotan people are all like this."

After getting in touch with her for a while, the young woman gradually lost her fear. Bi Bilin looked scary, but she was actually very simple and kind.

Seeing that Bi Bilin was accepted by others, Ling Dang and Walnut smiled knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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