Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 229 Customs

Chapter 229 Customs
Han Jiaxue quickly locked in several more feasible deals, which were basically product deals.Many low-level interstellar civilizations below level 10 try their luck on commercial planets like Pupinga. They often sell a large number of low-tech, low-value-added products, or even directly sell some resources in exchange for a small amount of Pulun. , and then try to exchange high-tech products with higher-level civilizations.

These high-tech products may often make low-level civilizations stronger. If you are lucky, you can reverse-engineer imitations, or get inspired, and the level of civilization may even be improved.

Naturally, such things don't happen very often, so commercial planets like Puping'a are still gluttonous fields for higher civilizations to exploit lower civilizations.

Fortunately, the Iridium Earth civilization is the exploiter here, not the exploited.

With the help of temporary helper Laiqiu, Han Jiaxue quickly finalized three transactions, with a total transaction amount of [-] pulun.Bai Zhongqi even speculated that Iridium's atomic material construction technology should have the highest production efficiency among all the customers of Puping Axing.

After the deal was concluded, Raccoon Qiu got his commission and smiled.This Puping now feels that the "Eagle Shield" people in front of him are extremely cute. Although the amount of transactions they conduct is not too large, the level of technology is not high, and the targets are also low-level civilizations, the speed and frequency of transactions are very good. .

Raccoon Hill used to deal with lower civilizations mostly, so it was absolute good luck to meet such a client as Eagle Shield Civilization.

Raccoon Hill even started to help his clients plan: "The client's civilization tendency should be mechanical civilization in terms of artificial intelligence and automation. Obviously, Eagle Shield civilization is no less than some Chinese civilization in terms of artificial intelligence and robot technology. Advanced civilization. Like large-scale intelligent engineering machinery and engineering spaceships, they have always been very easy to sell in Pupinga. Artificial intelligence programs can also be regarded as products with relatively large sales volume, but this kind of product generally depends on word of mouth, after all, there are many Civilizations will add backdoors to artificial intelligence programs, and sometimes invade the buyer's civilization..."

Han Jiaxue didn't respond. She didn't know that her boyfriend had actually added backdoors to the artificial intelligence and robots he sold. Even if he didn't intentionally add backdoors, the Supreme Command would already be an unsolvable backdoor program.Of course, Bai Zhongqi just wanted to observe the situation of other civilizations more, and had no intention of actively aggressing and plundering others.

Raccoon Qiu chattered about his brand strategy, which meant to build the Eagle Shield civilization into a high-end brand in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, after which other civilizations would actively seek to purchase related products.

Bai Zhongqi also understands that the mobile phones, computers, intelligent systems, artificial intelligence and diversified robot products produced by Iridium will definitely sell very well in Puping Axing.After all, it is beyond the technical level of level 20 civilization, which cannot be imagined by those low- and middle-level civilizations.

Civilian products of advanced civilizations are rarely sold on a large scale in the market.It's not that they have no production capacity, but that these products are too easy to make technological progress in backward civilizations.Although the interstellar civilizations in the Milky Way are suspicious of each other as soon as they meet, like barbarians in the dark forest, an important unwritten rule is not to easily help other civilizations improve their technology. Rapidly growing civilizations are very likely to Be your own competitor.

Bai Zhongqi will not do business in Puping'a for a long time, and he is naturally not very interested in various proposals from Laiqiu.

Raccoon Qiu was a little disappointed, but it was impossible for him to make a decision for his employer.Even he can see that the Eagle Shield civilization is not an idle low-level civilization, but a civilization with certain strength and technology. Such a civilization is naturally worthy of the Federation of Trade and Services to win over.

"Guest, the Eagle Shield Civilization has conducted many transactions in Puping'a, accumulated a good credit rating, and has also gained the attention of the Federation. The Federation hopes to carry out more in-depth cooperation with the Eagle Shield Civilization and establish a good relationship." Raccoon Qiu's expression looked very serious, even when he was talking about business, he didn't have such an expression.

Bai Zhongqi couldn't help being curious, and asked, "What kind of cooperation is it?"

Raccoon Qiu turned around, and the automatic door of this reception room opened. The door of Pu Ping'a is very different from the door on the earth. It is usually an automatic door. When it is opened, the door is retracted into the ground from top to bottom.

A servant, Ping'a, walked in from the door, wearing a silver-gray uniform.

"I would like to introduce to you, this is Ou Tang and the captain. He has served the Federation for ten years and is a very experienced captain." Laiqiu introduced Bai Zhongqi.

The captain named Ou Tangjian didn't look natural. Bai Zhongqi already knew that Puping's expressions were of a completely different system from that of primate humans, but after a few days of understanding, he could roughly see that Pu Ping's expression changed.

"Hello, distinguished guest." Ou Tangjian bowed very humbly. This is not the etiquette of Puping A Xing, but the civilized etiquette of "Eagle Shield" that Bai Zhongqi told Laiqiu.

Bai Zhongqi was a little puzzled, but Raccoon Qiu said: "We, Puping, have always had such a tradition. If a customer is approved by us, we will provide a certain amount of manpower for this civilization, and we will be completely loyal to it. Owl Tang Captain Jian and his 1266 people have now been assigned to the Eagle Shield civilization by the Federation. You can command them at will, and even order them to carry out suicide attacks. I can assure you that Captain Xiaotang and his men They are all very experienced and useful crew members who can carry out combat and other tasks. They will serve you for 50 years, and after the service period expires, you can send them back to Puping."

Bai Zhongqi suddenly understood that Pu Ping'a did have such a custom.But it is not so much custom as the wisdom of this commercial planet.

The Pupin'a are heretics exiled by higher civilizations. Although they established this commercial planet, they are also relatively fragile.Puping'a has his own fleet, but their fleet does not often have actual combat.The population of Puping'a is quite large, and there are hundreds of millions of Puping'a people on this asteroid and other planets controlled by Puping'a.Naturally, not all Puping people will become agents like Raccoon Qiu, and they also have various other professional divisions of labor.

Pu Ping'a gains combat experience by sending personnel to other friendly civilizations to drive warships and fight for other civilizations.And this method also makes the relationship between Puping'a and these civilizations better, and many civilizations will choose to help Puping'a at critical moments.Not to mention, after serving in other civilizations, these Puping'a people may have more information and secrets of other civilizations, which is very valuable to Puping'a.

It is precisely because of this reason that many civilizations will not be released to these "mercenary crews" stationed by Puping'a. Many people will serve their entire lives and eventually live in other civilizations. Of course, more people will die in battle.

(End of this chapter)

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