Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 216 The Fleet Sets Sail

Chapter 216 The Fleet Sets Sail
On the day when the Holy Falcon and the Richelieu were about to sail away, there was no lively farewell ceremony at the Ruyi City Space Port, and the whole operation was very low-key. Announcement that the Führer is on a voyage with the Holy Falcon.

Xiang Fei frowned a little, watching Bai Zhongqi board the battleship surrounded by a group of guards, his mood was very complicated.

"Why, don't you want to see our head of state leave the Star Alliance at this time?" Dr. Ye Qing asked beside him.

Xiang Fei nodded and said: "I have not understood the logic of the Iridium people until now, why can they see their head of state to carry out such an uncertain task so calmly and even supportively."

Ye Qing said: "Maybe, they think that the missions that the head of state will participate in will have some substantial metaphysical bonuses."

Xiang Fei looked at Ye Qing with an absurd expression, "I can't believe my ears, these words actually came from a doctor of astrophysics."

Ye Qing said: "What we don't understand isn't science? In short, I don't understand the idea of ​​the Iridium leader's immortality or reincarnation into other universes, and I don't understand what the so-called supreme order is all about. "

Xiang Fei didn't want to talk about these things with Ye Qing, he said: "Do you know why the Star Alliance will never announce that the head of the Iridium star took the most powerful warship of the Star Alliance to leave for strategic reconnaissance? Because this thing looks too bad , Most people will not think that our majesty the head of state is going to risk himself to collect important military intelligence for the Star Alliance, but think that he took the opportunity to escape."

Ye Qing said: "I'm afraid you are also one of the people who think so."

"I don't want to think this way, but I can't help it." Xiang Fei was rather pessimistic.

Ye Qing said: "Let's let the results speak for themselves, but I hope he really went to conduct strategic reconnaissance instead of running away, because I can probably survive the former, and I guess the latter will become food for the Tezen people gone."

Bai Zhongqi, who had already boarded the Holy Falcon, sat on the captain's chair in the bridge. Before this place was Xu Lanzhou's throne, but this time Xu Lanzhou did not participate in the operation. Bai Zhongqi will be the substitute ship of the Holy Falcon long.

What is rather strange is that, as the accompanying ship, the Richelieu is overstaffed, while the crew of the Holy Falcon is far from short.Most of the crew of the original Holy Falcon stayed in the Star Alliance at this time to participate in the training of the new Star Alliance Space Force officers and soldiers, and went to the battleship Po Jiang for training within a fixed period of time to maintain their combat effectiveness.

On the current Holy Falcon, except for Bai Zhongqi and Han Jiaxue, the rest of the crew are bionics.And even if there are bionics, there are not many of them.The strength of the battleship AI Zero has far surpassed the general A-level artificial intelligence, and can fully control this battleship, and Bai Zhongqi is even on board. With the supreme command, he can actually control this battleship better than a group of crew members. In a way like playing a game.

"Sacred Falcon, execute the anchor sequence."

"Holy Falcon, anchor."

"The anchor lifting is complete, and the Holy Falcon enters a slow-speed propulsion state, leaving the Ruyi City spaceport."

"The navigation system is normal, the communication system is normal, the detection system is normal, and the weapon system is normal."

"The Holy Falcon has arrived at the position where it has safely escaped from Ruyi City's orbit."

"Formation, the Holy Falcon and the Richelieu will enter the R285 reconnaissance and exploration fleet."

It's not the first time Bai Zhongqi has manipulated a battleship. He has tried to order the battleship to act through the Supreme Command before.This is not much different from his gameplay in the game. Most of the programs and functions are run automatically, but reports pop up continuously to inform Bai Zhongqi of the detailed situation of the battleship's voyage.

Standing on the side of Captain Bai Zhongqi's chair, Zero said to him: "Your Majesty, the fleet has entered the area where warp flight is scheduled to be activated. Do you want to activate the warp engine, open the warp bubble, and guide the warship into it?"

Bai Zhongqi nodded with a calm demeanor, but he still looked back. In the bridge with full sensors and full-realistic display, Bai Zhongqi became completely transparent the moment he turned his head, as if he and Zero had been suspended in space at this moment.

The blue planet is right behind them, and Ruyi City has already appeared behind them due to orbital movement.

The head of the Iridium star is actually far less calm than he looks now. He did leave the solar system before and arrived in other planetary systems, but now, he has regarded the Danlu Interstellar Cloud as the real home of the Star Federation.The journey he is about to start will span thousands of light years and go to a completely strange star field.

However, considering the high speed of the Holy Falcon, even if it is 1000 light-years away, the Holy Falcon does not have to take more than a year to arrive like the Taizien.For the holy falcon that has entered the second stage of warp, it can cover a distance of more than a thousand light years in less than 20 days.

Another frigate, the Richelieu, is actually a small hitchhiker now. Even though the Richelieu cannot enter the second stage of warp, by entering the warp bubble opened by the Holy Falcon, it can get along with the Holy Falcon. Carry out the ultra-high-speed flight of the second stage of warp together.

The earth crew members on the Richelieu are very excited and nervous now. Chi Jia and others have already experienced the feeling of warp speed flight in the previous actions, but that was propelled by the Richelieu's own warp speed engine. Now, it is even more fascinating to fly through the two-stage warp flight led by the Holy Falcon, or to go to a strange star field thousands of light-years away.

"The real trouble is that we don't know where we will go after we end this warp flight." Huang Quan's expression seemed far less relaxed than the others.

"The only coordinates of the Milky Way star field outside the Danlu interstellar cloud that we know now is the Treasure Box star field where the Taizien civilization is located, but obviously we can't just crash into the Treasure Box star field with two warships, that way It is no different from self-casting, so the actual coordinate position we choose is located about tens of light-years away from the treasure box star field. No one knows what will be there now. After the warp speed ends, we It may appear at the door of some powerful civilization and be identified as an illegal intruder; it may also appear directly in front of the Tezien fleet with bad luck and be attacked, in short, there are many bad possibilities."

Tashvi dismissed this, and said with a smile: "Then let's wait 18 days to see what kind of situation we encounter, but before that, you crow mouth should stop talking about these things Yes. These 18 days are actually a good vacation for us.”

(End of this chapter)

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