Chapter 206

Dangerous elements that affect the security situation on Earth are actually not dangerous to the Star Federation.To use a simple analogy, in the era of feudal dynasties, a group of guys holding iron knives, guns, bows and crossbows and wearing armor only needed a few hundred people. They did not need to be well-trained or have any powerful commanders. For the government of the dynasty, they are all quite dangerous existences.But in modern times, a group of guys wearing plate armor, riding war horses, and holding knives, guns, swords and halberds are generally only regarded as lovers of war reenactment, and they will not be feared by the violent machines of the regime at all.

For a reason, the terrorists who used improvised bombs and various captured weapons to harm one side before were not considered a threat in the face of the powerful technology of the Star Alliance.

If the Star Alliance wants to completely absorb the power of the earth, a posture must be done.An effective global government will naturally assume the responsibility of maintaining global peace, and attacking militants is naturally a good means.Coupled with Bai Zhongqi's policies in other aspects, such as the national cooperation mechanism, comprehensive poverty alleviation and education plans, some countries and people can think that, at least under the Star Alliance system, they will live better than before.

It is not easy to win the recognition of Star Alliance from people all over the planet, and it takes time. Bai Zhongqi knows that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, but he still hopes to unite people's hearts and strength earlier.Only in that way can we fight against the Tezun civilization.

For the specific operation of the Star Alliance, Bai Zhongqi handed it over to people from Iridium and Country C, especially people from Country C who are quite enthusiastic about this matter, while Du Peng mainly represents his own voice, even though the Prime Minister of the Empire was a An obvious runaway.

Bai Zhongqi's main energy has already been devoted to future wars.In order to deal with the Tezien lizardman, Bai Zhongqi has already used all means.

In addition to arranging the plan for the cosmic army to build ships and make dumplings, and formulating plans for global conscription and training, Bai Zhongqi even implemented his idea of ​​strategically deceiving Tezien into a "strategic deception office".

"This strategic deception office, ahem, although the name is not very formal, it is actually as effective as a million soldiers. Now the war deception room has two main tasks, the first task is to capture the Tezen people The second task is to deceive and make the Taizien people believe the false information and make major mistakes in decision-making." Bai Zhongqi said eloquently.

He has never studied strategy, and as for tactics and command on the battlefield, he knows almost nothing, which is not as good as the group of short-term officers in the current Star Alliance Military Academy.However, some people are born with talent at the strategic level.Bai Zhongqi is good at analysis, calm and calm in situations, and better at seizing opportunities, so after getting the communication tool programmed by Haras, Bai Zhongqi immediately realized that he could use this thing to make some fuss.

Originally, Liu Zhe, an engineer of Flashpoint Company, was sweating profusely at this time. He was specially recruited by Bai Zhongqi, and Nanma also "betrayed" him, claiming that his technology was very good.

Bai Zhongqi doesn't have many talents in software systems, after all, the population from the Iridium star is also small.Most of the software used by the military and civilians of Iridium is mostly artificial intelligence automatic programming.

Liu Zhe has worked in Flashpoint for half a year, and has absorbed and mastered a lot of Iridium's information technology, network, and software engineering knowledge, and is even able to communicate and cooperate normally with Iridium's software engineers.

If Bai Zhongqi wanted to use Harrah's communication software, he naturally needed a technical support.

"Last time, the Teziens were very generous in disclosing a lot of information to us, including some of their achievements in the past 100 years, the size of their fleet, and the level of capital ships. They did this because they were inherently arrogant. The reason for showing off, on the other hand, is to hope that Haras can hold on and bring more information for comparison and judgment. This time, we will pretend to be Haras and send back some parameters and counterfeit information about the Iridium battleship. video data, so that the Teziens will have the illusion that the technical level of the Iridium star battleship is not far behind them."

Xu Lanzhou frowned slightly, and asked, "Your Majesty, last time you said that we were going to deceive the Taizien people into thinking that we would be difficult to defeat. Why did you show weakness this time?"

Bai Zhongqi pinched his chin, with a shrewd light in his eyes, and explained: "Tezen people are very interested in the Danlu interstellar cloud, but they know that if this bone is too hard to chew on, then it is very likely that Taizien will The Zeen will choose to cooperate with other civilizations, or use it as a bargaining chip to sell to a higher-level civilization. These may be worse for us than dealing with the Tezyn.”

Xu Lanzhou immediately understood Bai Zhongqi's logic, and said: "If the Taizien people find that although our technology is advanced, but the level of the fleet is not too high, then they must not want to share the benefits of the Danlu Interstellar Cloud with other civilizations, and plan to monopolize it." , will keep this secret.”

Bai Zhongqi nodded and said: "That's right, after thinking twice, I think it's unrealistic to avoid a war. We must defeat the Tezien people at our doorstep. In this case, it is better to paralyze the civilization of Tezien than to frighten it." They, let them come to your door, defeat them in one fell swoop, and even deal a severe setback to the Tezyn civilization. Only in this way can we maintain our control over the Danlu interstellar cloud and officially make our name in the galaxy."

Seeing Bai Zhongqi's confident voice, Xu Lanzhou was a little dazzled.She also knew why Bai Zhongqi insisted on having such a war now.With more and more information collected, Bai Zhongqi is quite convinced that he can build a space fleet with a certain combat effectiveness within two years, at least there is still hope for the first batch of expeditionary fleets to deal with the Taizien people.

And with the help of the Taizien people, Bai Zhongqi has expanded the rule of the Star Alliance to the entire planet, and now the earth is the capital or home planet of the Star Alliance in the second universe.

At this time, the Iridium people are no longer an alien civilization, but more similar to a subordinate nation in the Star Alliance.In fact, alien civilizations can be regarded as earth civilizations in essence.

To unite a large group of people, a common enemy is needed.To make a civilization more powerful and constructive, they must do the same thing, generating a sense of honor and a shared history of experience.

This is the case of the Iridium United Empire. This powerful country is not just a race of the Iridium people, but also many other races. It is precisely because they jointly obey the supreme order that they have embarked on the road of unification.

(End of this chapter)

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