Chapter 203

When Bai Zhongfei immerses himself in dealing with the future Taizin invasion, the earth is not peaceful.This was also something he expected, especially when Bai Zhongfei launched a campaign against brain worms, major earthquakes occurred in the political circles of many major powers, changes in the power structure, and a serious decline in the control over the country and society.Even in a country like the Lighthouse Country, which has always been considered civilized and stable, riots of varying degrees occurred in more than 40 cities across the United States, and some areas even suffered relatively large losses of people and property.

What is even more frightening is that when the people on earth received the news that a cannibal civilization was about to invade the earth, they fell into a complete mental breakdown.Although the information leaked by Bai Zhongzheng was still relatively limited, some basic points were still conveyed.

During the two-year preparation period (or lingering), the invasion fleet of thousands of interstellar warships enslaved countless other civilizations, feeding on intelligent creatures, vicious and brutal...

News like this is enough to make a rational person collapse.Everyone used to live an ordinary life, and no one thought that this kind of life would undergo any major changes. But first, the Iridium people appeared, and the social landscape of the earth was changing with each passing day. We are about to face the crisis of extinction, and it is difficult for anyone to accept it.

After Bai Zhongqi finished his fleet preparation plan on Nansha Island, he took a blue wave boat to Amsterdam, the Netherlands to participate in the meeting.

In most European countries, the political and business circles were almost destroyed during the pest killing operations. For example, the Netherlands, a well-known power in Western Europe, has almost completely disintegrated the government from the central to the local governments.Even the Dutch army lost its full combat effectiveness because of the removal of the brain worms and the human officers who had no clear connection with the brain worms.

In the Netherlands, Bai Zhongqi even had to dispatch more than 1 bionic soldiers from Nansha Island to maintain the situation.

However, such a model also makes many locals dissatisfied.In fact, after Bai Zhongqi disclosed the situation of Cerebral Worm and Taizien to the whole world, although many people suddenly realized that the world they knew was an illusion, people who lost their sense of familiarity with the old world may sometimes be hysterical.

After Bai Zhongqi's spaceship arrived in Amsterdam, he took the vehicle provided by the Netherlands to the conference center.To his surprise, there were a large number of protesters along the way.

The assistant Ling who was sitting opposite him blinked his big eyes and said to Bai Zhongqi: "The protesters here come from all over Europe, and your protests are almost all-round. Your Majesty, you have been attacked by almost all political parties from the left, right, and centrists. The comprehensive opposition of people across the spectrum and political ideology, this achievement is also unprecedented."

Bai Zhongqi looked out of the car window, the English slogan in big blood red characters was very eye-catching.

"Give me back my democracy, give me back my sovereignty."

"Earth people should not be vassals of Iridium people."

"Iridium is the biggest invader!"

Zero Kan Bai Zhongqi was fascinated by his observations, and chuckled at the side: "Our bionic soldiers don't have many people to maintain order on this street, but these protesters are 'very well-behaved'. Hehe, they know what they are facing. What kind of person, if you offend the Iridium people, you will definitely be finished."

Bai Zhongqi didn't care, just said: "For some people, they don't care about what they are opposing, what is the ultimate purpose, what is important is that they have made this action and have a gesture, they are some great people , or civil rights fighters or something."

Zero seems to be very interested in these actions and ideas of human beings, she said: "Public opinion is very unfriendly to us now, even those extraterrestrial contact enthusiasts who were very enthusiastic about interacting with us at the beginning, now have complaints against us. "

At this time, Bai Zhongqi heard someone shouting outside the car window: "It is the Iridium people who brought the destruction! Tezien is a scam at all, it is a trick played by the Iridium people who want to rule the earth!"

"It was the Iridium people who exposed our Earth! If the Earth hadn't been in contact with the Iridium people, then we wouldn't have been discovered by the Teziens either!"

Bai Zhongqi squinted his eyes and looked at the guys who were standing outside on some high platform and expressing their opinions loudly. These people talked loudly and spread the content of conspiracy theories. Bai Zhongqi was thinking about whether to do something to deal with these people.

Zero looked like he was watching the fun and didn't think it was a big deal, and said with a smile: "This person's analysis is quite correct. Indeed, without Iridium's quantum communication equipment, it would be impossible for Haras to send the earth's coordinates back to Tezzin. star."

Bai Zhongqi did not disclose such details, but some people will speculate that they have never seen any aliens before. As a result, when the Iridium people came, all aliens and even alien invasions came. It must have something to do with the Iridium people. some relationship.

The emotions of the demonstrators became agitated at this time, and some people even shouted: "Iridium people get out of the earth, the earth belongs to the earth people!"

"Iridium people get off the earth!"

"The Earth belongs to us!"

The ideologues on the other side are also shouting: "Long live democracy, the iridium of dictatorship will eventually perish!"

Zero laughed mockingly: "I found that I used to think that the Iridium people and the Earth people belonged to the same race physiologically, and they should be similar. But the facts have proved that the Earth people and the Iridium people are still very different. Is this group of Earth people Brain, I can't analyze the pros and cons at all. Assuming that we really quit at this time, the Star Alliance will not engage in it, and just leave the earth like this, for us Iridium people, we don't have to take any risks, and no one will die , but the Earth will be conquered by the Teziens, and the people on Earth will also be enslaved by the Tezens, and even become their rations."

Ironically, when Ling had just finished speaking, someone shouted outside: "I would rather be eaten as a free man than be a slave ruled by poisonous vegetables!"

Zero was surprised and felt incomprehensible, and said, "Perhaps, it's a good choice to give such IQ guys to the Tezen people to eat."

The car had already left the crowded protesting crowd, and Bai Zhongqi's ears became much clearer. He smiled and said, "Fortunately, we Iridium people will not do such irresponsible things, whether these people understand or not, As the head of Iridium, as the leader of the Star Federation, it is impossible for me to sit idly by."

After saying this, he added with a sly expression: "Naturally, some guys who go too far should contribute themselves to other remote planets for Starlink. After burning their own lives, they grew up under the glory of the empire. Future generations will always remember the glory of the Federation and the responsibility of being a citizen of the Federation."

(End of this chapter)

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