Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 199 Earth Defense Summit

Chapter 199 Earth Defense Summit

"...The Star Alliance does not want to force other countries to join the Star Alliance, but at this critical moment of life and death for the earth, it is absolutely necessary to unite as one and unite all forces to resist the brutal and brutal invaders. Therefore, I hereby appeal to all Countries, join the Star Federation, let us use one step, one voice, and one fist to fight against our enemies. For this reason, the Star Federation has decided to simplify the procedures for joining the Star Federation, and set up associate member countries of the Star Federation. The countries that have applied for the Star Alliance can become Star Alliance Associate Members and partner countries after being approved by the Star Alliance Council.

The Star Federation associate member nations are also considered part of the Star Federation and will receive the Star Federation's rights and bear the Star Federation's obligations, which at this point in time is to join all our fellow Earthlings in defending our home.The Star Alliance Defense Department has begun to draft a mobilization plan for the Star Alliance Space Force and the Star Alliance Earth Defense Force, and each country will share certain obligations.These obligations are not limited to providing troops, but may also include providing logistics personnel, completing production tasks, supplying specific resources, etc.Correspondingly, associate member countries that have fulfilled more obligations and completed well will also receive greater input and support from the Star Federation. "

In the huge conference hall like a square, Bai Zhongqi gave a speech to the representatives of various countries on the rostrum.In front of each delegate is smart conference equipment made by Iridium, including high-fidelity display screens, information communication tools, translators and more.

Almost every representative trembled slightly at every word Bai Zhongqi uttered, because every word he said was worthy of a four-character comment.

Tobias, the representative of the Lighthouse country, no longer has the important status as before in such a conference.Now the Lighthouse Country is actually under the military dictatorship of Cameron, and the suppression of cerebrates has not yet been completed. Almost all levels of government need military assistance. Coupled with the influence of the atmosphere of the end of the world, the army needs to increase the suppression of rioters.Even yesterday, Carmaison had to ask the Star Alliance to send reinforcements to suppress the domestic riots.

Tobias was even just a representative from Tennessee a few days ago.He witnessed a meeting on Capitol Hill when soldiers rushed in with a gun in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, killing more than a third of the members of Congress and cutting out disgusting big bugs from their heads.

There is almost no one in the Beacon Country, so Tobias, who is only 34 years old and has little experience at all, was appointed as a representative to participate in the summit discussions, and it is very likely that he will be appointed as the resident of the Beacon Country by President Carmensen Members of the Union Parliament.

Cameron was also sitting next to him, and the expression on his face was also very exciting. The president tilted his head and said to his colleagues: "It has to be said that this is a huge irony. We want to prevent being invaded and eaten by a group of aliens. Instead, have to team up with another group of aliens. Huh, cooperation the hell, that Iridium leader is going to swallow up every country on Earth in an efficient and probably ultimately successful way."

Although Tobias is young, he has good knowledge. He also nodded and said: "Yes, the independent military command of all existing countries will be abolished, and the conscription, training and command will be unified; economically, Starfederation's global welfare plan looks Although it is very good, especially for the third world countries, a large amount of food and daily necessities will be rationed to them, but from now on, there will only be one currency left in the world, and countries will lose their currency autonomy; after entering the state of war, All countries must follow the instructions of the Star Alliance Development Planning Committee to regulate, although a large number of new technologies will be injected, but the original free market economy will face a complete end.”

Carmisen sighed: "We are facing a brand new era. Iridium's strong manufacturing power prevents the things they manufacture from being fully exchanged, and the market is far less powerful than rationing for them. In addition, they can Decomposing matter at the atomic level, so that all wasted matter will be reused by them. Because of this productivity, the Iridium people completely separate the two things of material prosperity and the market."

Tobias nodded and said, "A group of communists!"

Carmisen shook his head helplessly: "The direction of ideology has changed. The head of state associated capital with things like cerebrates, which made people suddenly abandon what they praised and appreciated before. What's even more frightening is that , Even I am thinking these days, whether we really agree with the ideas we have been insisting on, or because the brain worms beautify them and keep promoting them, brainwashing us."

"This kind of thing is no longer clear. Moreover, no country, including us, has the right to choose."

The two looked at each other with complicated emotions in their eyes.

After Bai Zhongqi's speech, it entered the stage of general debate among countries.The representative from Russia immediately put forward: "We are obliged to defend the earth, but we will never give up our independent control over the Russian military."

Several other countries also made the following statements, and Bai Zhongqi also responded quickly.

"The military arrangement, please forgive me for being arbitrary, is not for discussion. The associate member countries of the Star Federation will be allowed to retain some security forces according to their needs, but in terms of planetary defense, there must be a unified command of the Earth Defense Force manage."

The representative of Russia was about to quarrel, but Bai Zhongqi lost his patience and said directly: "Everyone, at this juncture, we cannot give you a full right to speak and speak. I believe you will all understand. I will not condone any If this representative still wants to continue the debate, I will immediately contact the Star Alliance army. Half an hour later, there will be no such country's army on this planet, and there will be no talk of independent control. "

He adjusted his collar slightly, and finally said: "Representatives, please recognize the situation and your own position, and please respect yourself."

This is simply a naked threat. The Russian representative blushed, but he didn't dare to continue to make mistakes.The man in front of him is definitely a master who will do what he says. The nuclear submarine of the White House is still inserted there as a sculpture.In order to deal with the brain worms, he has waged a lot of battles around the world.

Although this young-looking gentleman is called the Iridium Head of State by name, it is not a big problem to say that he is the Head of State of Earth now.

After such a bout of intimidation, the general discussion among the representatives of various countries also seemed to be more harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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