Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 197 New President

Chapter 197 New President
Carmisen listened to the gunshots outside the armored vehicle with some trepidation. He had followed the National Guard into Washington, and now the National Guard was fighting with the police force and an unknown group of armed forces in Washington, DC.

Just an hour ago, the global announcement of Iridium President Bai Zhongqi also appeared in Washington.Bai Zhongqi declared that the Lighthouse Country is a country controlled by brain worms, which caused a huge shock.At that time, Carmetheson had already done his job as the commander of the National Guard in Washington, DC, and led about a thousand National Guards to launch a coup.

The sudden entry of the National Guard into the city caused panic among President Chuan Dawang. He planned to immediately recruit the Army and other state National Guards to rehabilitate him. It can only order the police force, and even call on the people to take up arms to protect him.

The police force and militia were obviously unable to stop the mechanized National Guard soldiers. The infantry fighting vehicles smashed through the temporary roadblocks set up by the police and charged towards the temporary White House where King Chuan was.

After arriving at the temporary White House, more than half of the Secret Service security personnel here had dispersed.The chaos in the city let these special agents know that it was impossible for them to fight against the heavy weapons of the National Guard.Moreover, the cerebrum information that Bai Zhongqi spread, as well as the news that Taizien was about to invade, made the special agents have no idea who was the righteous side in this struggle.

There are also people who stick to the so-called procedural justice and must protect King Chuan, but they are quickly eliminated.

In the end, Cameron walked into the temporary White House.He has come here hundreds of times, and even had a good talk with King Chuan. He never thought that today, time has changed, and he would enter here in this way.

He was wearing a bulletproof vest over his shirt, and on the front, back, left, and left were four motorized infantry sent by Bai Zhongqi to protect him.Carmensen has already seen the power of these Starlink mobile infantry. They can overturn an armored vehicle with just a stretch of their hand, and even tank shells can be dodged lightly.

Carmetheson was holding a mobile phone in his hand, his personal mobile phone, on which an app for identifying brain worms had been downloaded.He scanned an innocent-looking worker who was about to flee, and the app interface immediately turned red.Without him speaking, a motorized infantryman shot him dead.

Another motorized infantryman cut open the staff member's brain, and saw the brain worm still struggling and wriggling inside.

Cameron felt nauseous for a while, but it was much better than the beginning.He couldn't imagine until now that there were so many brain worms around him.These terrible parasites have really controlled the political arena of the Lighthouse country, and even continue to exert bad influence.

Entering King Chuan's office, this old man who has always been suffering from ADHD actually stood on the desk, holding a pistol, and fired a few shots at the piapia who entered the door.It's a pity that the mobile infantry wearing the army-breaking armor is completely indifferent to this powerful pistol.

King Chuan ran out of bullets before Kameisen walked in from the door.

"Carmessen, I knew you, bastard, must be worried and kind! I promoted you from a worthless person to the president of the Lighthouse Country, and you actually betrayed me!"

When Kameisen saw King Chuan, he was very calm. He said: "Don't cover up at this time. Your conspiracy has been exposed. We, the people of Lighthouse Country, will no longer be enslaved and ruled by you. The real freedom will come!"

"What the hell are you talking about, you rebel!" King Chuan screamed like a woman, stomping on the table like a clumsy orangutan.

As soon as a motorized infantryman raised his gun, the bullet pierced King Chuan's head, and blood spattered out.Seeing this scene, Carmisen still couldn't help but panic.

King Chuan fell heavily from the desk, his eyes were wide open, and he could not rest in peace.

Seeing his death, Carmensen couldn't bear it.

Several motorized infantry inspected the office and were about to evacuate the room.

Kammison suddenly stopped a mobile soldier and asked, "Why didn't you cut his head off?"

The iridium mobile infantryman didn't even open his mask, shook off the vice president's hand, and said coldly: "It doesn't make sense, Mr. President."

Cameron’s title has changed. After the death of King Chuan, he, as the vice president, naturally became the successor. Even though he was the murderer who killed the former president, the political and business circles of the entire Beacon Country are already experiencing earthquakes. People can take care of other things.

Carmisen's mood was a little complicated, and he was even a little flustered. He demanded in a trembling voice: "Cut his head off!"

The motorized infantryman glanced at Carmyson, then dropped a sharp saber and said, "I won't do this, if you want, cut it yourself."

After all, the motorized infantry left.

Carmyson picked up the saber on the ground, hesitating.About a minute later, Carmetheson stood up, gritted his teeth, and walked to King Chuan's body.

Probably exhausting all the courage in this life, Carmyson cut King Chuan’s head open, blood stained him all over, and a white semi-solid and semi-liquid object flowed out of it, Carmyson could clearly see— - That's a human brain.

In an instant, Carmethen's face was red and pale. He took out the Sun Moon mobile phone that Bai Zhongqi gave him, and made a video call to Bai Zhongqi.

"You're lying! You're lying! He's not a brain worm at all!" Kammison roared angrily.

Bai Zhongqi in the picture was not moved at all, and said indifferently: "Is there any difference between whether he is a brain worm or not?"

Carmyson got stuck and didn't speak for a long time.Even though King Chuan is not a brain worm, he has seen too many brain worms.Even if these horrible things do not control real politicians, they may be in high positions or near the front. They are either public relations managers, lobbying experts, or simply behind-the-scenes funders and black hands.

Carmisen is very clear that this politics is still controlled by this group of alien parasites in the final analysis.In the past, he was able to find reasons for his interests in their actions, and what they did was probably not much different from human politicians.But they are not human beings, and they are the pawns of the earth invaded by alien forces, the culprits who destroyed the peace and development of the earth.

Bai Zhongqi said again: "Mr. Carmyson, congratulations on becoming the new president of the United States. The era has chosen you, and your people are counting on you. I hope that the various cooperation we have agreed can start soon. We wait Sorry, Tezzin's invasion fleet will arrive in two years, and we must shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending this world."

Cameron returned to his normal state, but looked at Bai Zhongqi with a stiff expression, and said, "Your Majesty, the United States will provide all necessary resources and assistance to resist alien invasion as promised."

(End of this chapter)

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