Chapter 19
In the White House of the United States, President Belevin, who is on the verge of the end of his term, is in a state of desperation.

A senior official from the Pentagon reported: "Air Force Commodore Cornell, who caused the San Francisco incident, has been suspended and investigated, and the military's recovery of the wreckage of the crashed fighter plane has basically been completed."

Belevin nodded. He also understood that Cornell was the scapegoat for the Pentagon and the White House in this matter, and he would take the blame if something went wrong.Because the order to shoot down the alien fighter was approved by President Belevin and ordered by the Pentagon, Cornell was just executing the order.It's just that he didn't complete this task, and it also caused a series of extremely bad effects, so he had to be dealt with.

NASA Director Knight also reported to Belevin: "It has been confirmed that the alien fleet originally located in the sun has all come to Earth's low-Earth orbit. We do not have the ability to observe them in real time, so we cannot accurately determine the time spent on their voyage. Time, but the most conservative estimate, they only took less than 3 minutes. This is calculated from the time we lost the observation of the target near the sun to the time when we found them near the earth, which is very inaccurate. But even In this way, they also carried out a faster-than-light voyage that subverted physics."

This situation also caused a wave in NASA. The technology geeks marveled that it is really possible to travel faster than the speed of light, and some people couldn't help being excited. If they can exchange academic knowledge with aliens, it will definitely make the earth's science and technology advance by leaps and bounds, and understand the world. also greatly increased.

The premise is that the aliens did not destroy the earth.

Knight also continued to introduce: "This fleet has changed from six ships to five ships. We can't judge the whereabouts of one of them. However, just five ships have caused us tremendous pressure. Except The two largest spaceships, the smallest alien spaceship, are also larger than the Ford-class aircraft carrier we just built and launched. Since the alien spaceship does not move within the range of our vision, the movement we can understand (excluding superluminal speed Sailing), so we can’t judge its flexibility for the time being. It cannot be ruled out that, except for super-light speed sailing, the opponent’s performance in short-distance sports is not good.”

Belevin was a little annoyed, and said: "Enough, I don't want to hear your so-called optimistic guesses. The previous optimistic guesses caused us to lose two of the most outstanding fighter planes of the United States in San Francisco, causing hundreds of casualties. We will The other party regards it as the most difficult crisis that mankind has ever faced."

Belevin has always been informal, and looks vigorous and free and easy, but in fact he is still a bit indecisive.He asked: "Is there still no way to get in touch with them? As long as we can communicate, things will be easier."

Knight shook his head: "The other party didn't respond to all the communication signals we sent. I don't know if they didn't receive it or couldn't understand it."

NASA has expressed peace in the communication, San Francisco has its ass kicked, and the Yankees are less afraid to act rashly.But when five huge alien warships floated in the outer space of the earth, the nervousness of the Americans came up again.

Secretary of State Robinson said: "The UK, France and other EU countries have indicated that they want to cooperate fully with us in this incident."

Translating this meaning into adult words, it is actually following the lead of the American Big Brother.Although these countries are all developed countries, they do not have the strength and influence to lead the overall situation and can only follow behind the United States.

Belevin is also suffering from a headache. He has more than two months to leave office. If these hapless aliens can come later, he won't have a headache. It's the turn of that nonsense, stupid Republican tycoon. Worry about it.But I'm glad it's me. If it's that guy who runs the train with his mouth full, maybe the human race is really doomed.

Eddington, the Minister of Defense, said: "The alien fleet is eyeing, and judging from the configuration, the other party is very likely to be a war fleet purely for military purposes. Then the other party will definitely not be friendly when it comes to the earth. If the aliens If we launch an attack on the earth first, we will suffer greater losses than the San Francisco incident, and human civilization will be destroyed. I suggest that we launch intensive nuclear strikes on the alien fleet first, and we have enough nuclear bombs to attack this planet in outer space. A group of aliens, even if their technology is more advanced than ours, they will definitely be able to severely damage them in the face of a nuclear bomb of this scale. The United States has mobilized all forces and technologies to deal with this situation."

Morse, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also said: "The San Francisco incident is undoubtedly a test of the aliens' force on our earth. We failed the test, and the aliens who are relieved may carry out more aggressive aggression against us. Therefore, even if we do not have the ability to completely defeat the enemy, we must show the courage to perish with our opponents and hurt both sides. When the aliens know that invading us is not worth the loss, not only will they not get a complete earth, but they will also suffer heavy losses. , then they will have to back down and even negotiate peace with us."

Belevin stared wide-eyed, looked at the two military representatives, and said, "You are gambling! You are gambling with the fate of the earth and the lives of billions of people."

Eddington sighed: "This is our last bargaining chip. We may still have a chance if we gamble. If we don't gamble, we don't know what kind of consequences we will face in the future, whether it is enslavement or destruction."

Bellevin is at war with man, and it is a bit difficult to decide. He asked: "Should we discuss it with our partners in the European Union, the Russians and the Chinese?"

Morse said: "What's the use of discussing? Except that they will cause us more trouble and let us miss the opportunity. They can't do anything. These people don't have the strength to fight back against aliens, and they can't even Get rid of stumbling us in the process. This is a major decision concerning the future of mankind, and it should be made by the United States, which leads the world."

Belevin felt the glory and burden of being the "ruler of the world" at this moment. The senior officials present did not want to continue to be passive, because no one could predict what the next step of the aliens would be, which might affect the earth and the world. How much damage did the United States do.Therefore, it is better to act first to be strong and then to suffer.Use all the trump cards of the United States to deter opponents, so as to gain an opportunity for peace and negotiations.

It is no different from what Iridium is thinking. The Americans are also preparing to fight a war of heart.The tilt of the balance of victory is not determined solely by force and technology, but only by subjective expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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