Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 184 Hunting

Chapter 184 Hunting
Outside a wilderness mansion in Hartford, Connecticut, two hurried young men who were wearing the same short-sleeved pullover and cropped pants stopped in their tracks.

The dark-skinned and tall young man is impatient, and he is about to break into this seemingly heavily guarded house, "Those guys stay inside, let's send them on their way."

Some thin young people held back the big black man, and persuaded him: "Don't worry, scout the situation first, it's not good to startle the snake."

The big black pinched his nose and complained, "You are so troublesome."

The skinny young man with the appearance of a white man smiled and said, "This is what is said in the combat manual."

Big Hei knew that after the mission, there would be assessment and review, and if some of his actions during the mission did not comply with the regulations, there would be some trouble.He originally grew up on the prairie with no reason or rules, but he still felt very uncomfortable when he came to this new planet.On the contrary, the little skinny man in front of him got familiar with everything very quickly, and the two started some activities together.

A duo like them, that Iridium head has built over 20.

The big black guy is Hassan, and the skinny young man is Laidze. One is a potential prophet on the green grassland, and the other is a not-so-great fire magic apprentice in the northern continent. Now they have the same identity—the Iridium Alliance Star warrior agent of the Imperial Star Academy.

After Bai Zhongqi subdued hundreds of star warriors from Cui Haixing in one go, Bai Zhongqi did not intend to use the original means of the Imperial Star Academy to manage the star warriors.Star Samurai was originally more like autonomy, with many rights.The current Xingxing Institute is something between a military organization and a military intelligence organization. Bai Zhongqi is the highest leader of the Xingxing Institute, and hundreds of star warriors only obey the orders of the head of state.

And Nanma, who is the most powerful, is now a senior consultant of the Star Academy, but does not participate in the operation of the Star Academy, which is enough to show the wisdom of this star warrior master.

In the deep sleep system, Hassan and Reldze learned the language and culture of the earth, learned various knowledge of the Iridium star, and more importantly, mastered more knowledge and skills about star energy from the Star Academy.Although one of the two is an intermediate star warrior and the other is still in the primary stage, with various Iridium technology equipment, they are definitely the best types of agents in the universe.

Didn't see Hassan make any movements, only saw his figure gradually disappear in the air.Laidze is very envious. He has not mastered this method yet, and his invisibility is achieved by relying on the optical camouflage equipment on his body.

Hassan released two wolf spirits with a wave of his hand. This is a skill he mastered when he was a prophet. Now he has become more proficient. He can already control these invisible wolf spirits to do various things, such as conducting reconnaissance.

The two wolf spirits crossed the fence of the house without hindrance and entered the yard. No cameras or security systems responded to their entry.These wolf souls are actually formed by the star energy gathering a mass of air, which can be tangible or intangible. Since the star energy can control the changes in matter and energy, when the star energy compresses the air structure on the wolf claws, it can create extremely sharp The edge of the blade, combined with the application of force, can break extremely solid objects.

As for why it is a wolf soul instead of a cat or cow soul, that actually depends entirely on the star warrior's personal preferences.

A wolf spirit jumped up to the second floor of the villa, looked in from the window, and saw the scene inside the house.Hassan, who was still relatively pure, was startled by the extremely sexual scene. Black and white bodies were displayed in a mess in the house, men and men, men and women, women and women, each sleeping soundly, obviously last night Crazy to excess.There are all kinds of wine bottles on the table. If Hassan is on earth, he will marvel that there is not a bottle of wine in it that is worth less than 3000 US dollars.Elaborate hookah pots for smoking marijuana lie in the corner, and a credit card and some white powder sit on a small coffee table.

Hassan was terribly disgusted, and said to Ledzer, "It must be here. Cerebral worms are addicted to sensual pleasure, and they must be cerebrates who make such a chaotic party."

Reddzer said: "It's not necessarily true, let's investigate."

Leidzer released a dragonfly drone, which has been modified to be able to scan very accurately to determine whether a person is parasitized by brain worms.

After the dragonfly flew into the house, it conducted a thorough scan of the people in the room.Lei Deze confirmed: "There are fifteen people inside, three of them are men and two women are brain worms."

Hassan jumped up and shouted, "What are you waiting for, kill them all!"

Ledze grabbed Hassan again and said, "The others in the room are innocent, right? If they wake up and see blood all over the place and dead bugs pulled out of other people's brains, they must be horrified to death. We Let's get the innocents out and then do it."

Hassan said bitterly: "It's useless for you to care about these things. Our mission is too simple. It's just to kill the brain worms indicated by the target. We don't have to worry about other things."

The Reddzer people are kinder, but he still sticks to his point of view.Hassan had no choice but to divide the work and kill the insects by himself, while Laidze used means to get the people in the house out of the house.

He controlled the wolf soul to enter the big house, and slashed at the sky cap of a brain worm parasite, and the extremely sharp wolf claws cut the man's head, and even cut off the nerve connection of the parasite, making the brain worm Can't even control the human body to scream.

The brain worm has woken up and found that he has left the host body.This parasitic organism will die soon after breaking away from the parasite. Their body organs cannot effectively absorb oxygen, and the body composed of the entire brain will die directly due to lack of oxygen.

Hassan skillfully used the air-tight space to control the brain worm in a vacuum environment. Here, his cry could not be transmitted, and lack of oxygen, the brain worm died soon.

The same method was used for the other cerebrate Hassan, which was simple and neat, and the most important thing was that he preserved the cerebrate's body as completely as possible according to the instructions of the mission.

The corpse was not used for scientific research, but was left directly at the "crime scene" by Hassan and the others.These dead brain worms are deliberately left for people to see.

Reidzer took out his phone and anonymously reported to the local police station.When the police arrived, I couldn't believe what I saw.And Lei Deze got rid of the people in the house only because he didn't want ordinary people to be involved in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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