Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 134 Fishing Boat

Chapter 134 Fishing Boat
In the prisoner-of-war camp in Infia, Fletcher finally got the so-called bread.After eating the fluffy and sweet thing, Flesh understood why the mud legs of Chandoghan were so obsessed with it.

There is no such thing as yeast in Emerald Starfish, and all the food is made of hard biscuits and noodles as the staple food. Naturally, the taste is not as good as soft bread.In addition, Cui Haixing is not rich in sugar. There are no sugar-producing crops such as beet and sugar cane on the earth. The main source of sugar is grain and a kind of tree sugar.For ordinary civilians, it may not be possible to eat sweet food several times in a lifetime.The sugar in the bread made them feel full of happiness.

There are also sausages and scrambled eggs for breakfast, plus pickles that the Chandohans do not eat.Although food such as meat and eggs is rationed, bread is not rationed, so when they first entered the prisoner-of-war camp, many prisoners of war would eat their stomachs and collapse.

Fletcher ate the sausage and scrambled eggs, and he really thought it tasted good, but he felt a little strange for some reason.An upper-class person like him can eat the difference because this kind of food is not unfamiliar to him.But the mudlegs have never eaten such "noble food", and they can't tell what these things should taste like.

In fact, the Iridium people are not willing to provide a large amount of fresh meat and eggs to the prisoners of war. These sausages and eggs are actually composites.The gadgets generated by atomic material construction equipment directly manipulate various substances at the atomic level.Iridium people will also eat this kind of food, which is no different from ordinary natural food in terms of nutrition, but for some reason, there is always a slight difference in taste.

Later, the Iridium people directly used synthetic food to make nutritional supplements for expeditions and military use, and they only ate them when it was inconvenient to supply fresh food.

Flech finished his meal in the canteen of the POW camp and lined up with other prisoners of war. Pixin told him that it was time to go to work.Flech didn't expect that he, the commander of the black flagship team, would also be reduced to a coolie.

He saw his beloved beautiful boy Jiye in another team, and rushed up excitedly and asked, "My Jiye, are you okay?"

Ji Ye was also very excited when he saw Flech, "My lord, I have nothing to do."

Pixin hurried over to pull Flesh back into his team, and said, "I told you, Marshal. There are rules in the prisoner-of-war camp. If any harm occurs, the guards will kill the prisoner directly." .If you don't obey the queue, you will be treated as a troublemaker and killed."

Flech was startled, he quickly stood back in his line, not daring to look at his beautiful boy again.

The overseer of this team came over, wearing a navy blue uniform.All prisoner-of-war camp supervisors are bionics, and bionics are more suitable as supervisors than Iridium people or Earthlings. You only need to flash the program for them, and the bionics can speak fluent Shangdohan or tribal languages. In the process of naturally communicating with Chandohan prisoners of war, they are also constantly collecting and analyzing their languages, and constantly enriching the database.

The supervisor looked very majestic, and Shang Duohan was usually shorter, so he was even more majestic.

"Listen well, I will assign you a new job today. Many sailors from the black flagship team have been added to you, and you are used to going out to sea. The new task our team has received is fishing. The bigger the catch, the better you will be in the competition." There is an advantage, and you can get the reward when you settle the weekend!"

As soon as the reward was mentioned, the POW labor team immediately became excited.

Seeing Flech's puzzled expression, Pi Xin explained: "Working teams with the same job will compete, and the team that does the best work will get No. 1. Not only will they distribute more non-staple food, but also There are other gadgets, and there will be rewards for time off and freedom of movement, and even going to town."

Flech understood something, and couldn't help being secretly startled.Even though they were all a group of prisoners of war, this group of extraterrestrial Iridium people gave the prisoners the ability to cooperate and become more obedient.The Chandohan Kingdom army never achieved the same discipline and obedience as the POW labor corps.

The number of bionics in Xiao Yu's hands is not enough to bear all the labor.So the Executive Star Governor's Mansion employs Infia residents and uses prisoners of war to do some work.The purpose is not only to recruit labor, but more importantly, to let these Cuihai star people get used to the way of the Iridium star people, and gradually become subjects of the empire.

Possessing some small atomic construction equipment, Xiao Yu manufactured a batch of small tonnage offshore fishing boats.The Iridium people actually sent unmanned fishing boats to go fishing, but they had the idea of ​​domesticating the locals, so the Governor's Mansion stuffed a group of prisoners of war on these unmanned fishing boats.

After Fletch got on the boat, he found that almost all the sailing techniques he had learned were useless. They didn't even know how the boat moved, and it was still going so fast.Under the command of the supervisor, a group of prisoners of war stretched out their fishing nets and cast them into the sea. Apart from cleaning the deck of the ship, there seemed to be nothing to do.

Pixin also smiled at the moment: "I thought fishing would be more tiring than sweeping the streets, but now it seems that it is more leisurely. Although it is a bit sad to bask in the sun, but the sea breeze is also very comfortable."

The fishing boat dragged the net slowly on the sea surface, but the supervisor found something in the distant sea line with a telescope.

Then a planetary landing craft roared past in the sky, and Flech even trembled subconsciously.It was this thing that smashed his black flagship team into a pile of planks and debris.

The overseer put down the binoculars and handed it to Pi Xin who already had a small status in the POW labor team.

"Look, is it Miruya's ship over there?"

Pixin took the telescope with both hands carefully, obviously everything belonging to the Iridium people is extremely precious, and he was afraid of breaking it.

Looking through the binoculars, Pixin immediately nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Supervisor, the flag of Miruya is hung on it, and there is also a flag, which means it is harmless."

Different from the customs on Earth, people from the Northern Continent of Cuihai Star use striped flags to indicate surrender or harmlessness.It is said that when someone defeated the first time, the clothes were removed in strips and hung as flags, which has been passed down to this day.

After hearing this, Fletcher had different thoughts in his mind.The Miruya Empire is nominally the co-lord of the kingdoms of the Northern Continent, but in fact no one obeys the orders of the Miruya Emperor.Three years ago, Emperor Adrian VII of Miruya died inexplicably, and there was no confirmed heir during his lifetime.With the support of the four kingdoms, the three princes waged a war of succession to the throne.This war also swept almost the entire Northern Continent.

In the end, the picture of the four kingdoms was poor, the three princes were all killed, and Urquia, the capital of Miruya, was also captured by Shan Duohan's army.The entire territory of Miruya is divided among four kingdoms.

Why did Miruya's ship appear at this place and at this moment?

(End of this chapter)

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