Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 131 Infia Naval Battle

Chapter 131 Infia Naval Battle
As the long sail broke through the waves, Chandoghan's sailors were busy on the deck.

Although the living environment on the ship was very harsh, they ate hard baked biscuits and dried salted fish, and relied on disgustingly sour lemons to prevent sepsis, and they couldn't take a bath for several months, and the smell was terrible.But their income is much higher than that of ordinary Shandohan people, and they are the invincible Shandohan Kingdom Navy.

"Hey, I don't know what happened to Infia. I think it must be Beverin's villains who attacked there."

"How is it possible, the landlubbers in Beverin are so frightened by us that they dare not go to sea at all!"

"Ah, hope is a false alarm. I miss the barbarian girls in Infia very much. It's not the same as Chandohan girls."

"Perhaps the barbarians have taken our town."

"It's better that way, we'll smash these barbarians into scum, and then snatch their women away!"

In fact, there is not much difference between the navy of the Kingdom of Shandohan and the pirates. Even today, when the navy of the Kingdom meets merchant ships from other countries at sea, they will openly charge "escort fees", and often take as much as half of the goods. No different from pirates.

It is precisely because of the nature of the Shandohan people who are keen on plundering that Beverin and other northern continents consider themselves more civilized kingdoms and call them the pirate kingdom.

While a group of sailors were discussing, a figure suddenly flew over their heads.It seemed to be a female mage wearing a green mage robe, and a young sailor below couldn't help but whistled.

Immediately, a naval officer rushed up and kicked the kid in the ass.

"You idiot, that's the master magician. I don't care if you messed with her and killed yourself. If the magic she cast hurts the ship, you will die a hundred times and it will not be enough to atone for your sin! You idiot will be punished for cleaning Toilet for a week!"

Fortunately, the female wind magician flying in the sky did not hear the whistle below, and still flew forward.

It is already very close to the port terminal of Infia, at most thirty or forty nautical miles.The wind driving technique used by wind magicians does not allow them to fly very fast. Because of their weight, they fly slower than ordinary birds, so this distance is not short, and it takes them a long time to fly.In addition, the "magic power" of wind magicians is limited, and they cannot continue to fly for too long, so reconnaissance can only be carried out after they get close.

Yiyunya tried her best to ride the wind, she was very dissatisfied with the job she was assigned.Although she is a noble magician, she must obey the orders of the officers on the battlefield.In order to better ensure their status, the current magicians can only maintain closer cooperation with the kingdom's army, which also makes them have to do dirty work that they didn't bother to do before.

Yiyunya could faintly see the outline of the land coast in the sky. She had been to Infia once, and she had the impression that there were many boats parked at the pier.However, she could see clearly at this moment that there was not a single sailboat in the port.The city walls in sight seemed to be a little different. Some buildings that had never been seen before and were not in the style of Chandohan appeared in various places in the city.

"What's going on here?" Yiyunya was very surprised, and wanted to take a closer look.However, she is also very careful not to get too close. If there are hostile magicians or barbarian prophets in the city, then she is only an intermediate wind magician and may be at risk.

Although all countries have preferential policies for magicians, on the real battlefield, magicians will always encounter various accidents and lose their precious lives.

Just as Yiyunya was about to approach, a man in silver armor suddenly jumped out of the ground.Yi Yunya was shocked, that person's flying speed was faster than her own wind driving skill, Yi Yunya immediately suspected that this was a wind magician stronger than herself, but she clearly did not perceive any elemental fluctuations.

The man's target was himself, Yiyunya eagerly sent out two wind blades, which is also the best attack method of a wind magician.

He didn't block or evade the incoming person, and let the two wind blades cut towards him.

Yi Yunya said happily in her heart: "This guy is so big, I am a wind magician who has mastered the mysteries of the wind element. The power of the wind blade can shred steel armor. He actually wants to resist my wind blade with a silver armor. I really want to die."

But when the blue wind blade hit the person, there was only a pop, and the silver-armored man's flying momentum remained undiminished, and he still rushed towards Yiyunya.

At this moment, Yiyunya turned pale with fright, but it was too late to escape.Wind Riding was originally very inflexible in terms of maneuvering, but the Shining Armor was more dexterous than a bird in flying in the air.

The man in silver armor rushed up, cut Yi Yunya on the back of the neck with a knife, and stunned the female wind magician.Then the silver armor man picked up Yiyunya by the waist, and fell back to the ground.

Xiao Yu, who was standing on the coastal city wall watching, immediately waved his hands and said, "Tell Your Majesty, we have captured another wind magician. It is estimated that there will be several star warriors in the Black Flagship team, and there will be good harvest."

Ji You said with a smile: "These unsophisticated star warriors will be able to surrender soon after they are brought back to Ruyi City, but if His Majesty really masters a regiment of star warriors, the effect it can play is unimaginable. If we also If you can gain the allegiance of some star warriors..."

Xiao Yu interrupted him and said: "Don't think about this kind of thing. The authority of the head of state is getting stronger and stronger, and the people below will not allow such behavior. Remember, only when you serve the head of state effectively can you achieve something, and you can get more benefits."

Ji You hurriedly said: "Boss taught me a lesson."

Xiao Yu nodded, and said: "It's almost there, and there is no need to wait for them to send the second wave of reconnaissance magicians, now order the armed landing craft to take off, and let's send the Shangdohan's black flagship team to the bottom of the sea. "

Lai Zhicun said: "Then what should the star warriors in the black flagship team do? If they are fired at, these star warriors may also die directly."

Xiao Yu also naturally considered this point, he said: "Send a few bionics to fly in the sky, and if someone casts magic, they will go down and arrest them. To sabotage strike operations, catch as many as you can, and it doesn’t matter if the ship sinks and falls into the sea, and then go fishing.”

Following Xiao Yu's order, four armed landing craft rose into the sky.The tonnage of these landing craft is not too large, they can carry more than 100 mobile soldiers, and even have the most basic self-defense firepower, two 1WM caliber rail guns.The single-shot power of these two railguns is slightly greater than the explosion of 10 tons of TNT equivalent explosives, which are basically equivalent to small tactical nuclear weapons.Naturally, this is the ultimate output power of the 1WM railgun, and you can also use lower power to push the projectile, or use a lighter projectile.

 The third one!

(End of this chapter)

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