Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 117 Divide the soil

Chapter 117 Divide the soil
It only takes two hours to return from Cuihaixing to Ruyi City.The InSight also took the warp speed bubble of the Holy Falcon this time, and returned to Ruyi City for a rest.If traveling at its own warp speed, it would take almost five days to return to Earth.

Basically, except for the Holy Falcon, the design speed of all warships is Wrap6, which is close to 400 times the speed of light.However, there is no difference between the maximum speed and the economic speed of the Iridium battleship. As long as the warp speed is turned on, it will be stable at this speed.

After Bai Zhongqi returned to Ruyi City, he didn't show up to plan the matter of Cui Haixing.And Xiang Fei hurried back to the imperial capital by traffic boat to make an observation report.

It was only sixteen hours since Xiang Fei returned to the imperial capital, and he ran back to Ruyi City the next day.This time he begged to see Du Peng, Prime Minister of Iridium Star, with a key question, if he joins the Union now, how much land of Cui Haixing can Country C get.

In a not-so-large conference hall, Du Peng and Xiang Fei sat on both sides, and a holographic projection appeared in front of them, which was Cui Haixing.

Seeing that Xiang Fei had already cut to the chase, Du Peng said without going around in circles: "Your Majesty the Head of State has issued a decree that the Iridium United Empire will establish the Cuihai Star administrative star. , will also leave corresponding space for the Star Alliance and Star Alliance members.”

After hearing Du Peng's words, Xiang Fei's heart was still tense. Although Country C had expected it, Cui Haixing was discovered by Iridium after all. Even on Earth, there is a territorial principle of first discovering and first owning.Moreover, if country C wants to colonize the Emerald Sea Star, it can only do it under the Iridium star, so the following scenario will definitely happen: In name, country C has obtained a piece of land flying its national flag, but it wants to run this The country, and to gain benefits from above, has to rely on the Iridium people.

However, Xiang Fei is a sensible person after all.Once the Star Alliance is really formed, there will be no question of dividing country C and Iridium.Since the founding of the country, country C has certainly followed the path of independence, but it has never been free from foreign influence for a moment.Now this influence party has become the Iridium United Empire.

Fortunately, its monarch is from country C, and there is a relatively large agreement in terms of interests. Iridium has no intention of ruling country C violently and maliciously, so even if it knows that it may be very likely to be checked and balanced, the benefits are even greater!

Du Peng clicked on the planet in the holographic image, and the first thing marked was the Legendary Continent.When Xiang Fei saw this continent, he couldn't help but want to drool.This is a continent with an area of ​​more than 5800 million square kilometers, which is larger than any continent on earth.In particular, the east coast of the continent has fertile plains. Even assuming that the continent is not rich in minerals, the potential arable land alone is already very valuable.

However, Du Peng's next sentence was: "The head of state has decided that the entire Legendary Continent and the surrounding islands within 200 nautical miles are the direct empire territory of the Iridium United Empire on the Emerald Sea Star."

Xiang Fei was a little disappointed after hearing this, but soon he was pleasantly surprised again.It is said that the mainland and surrounding islands account for about [-]% of the entire land area of ​​Cui Haixing. Du Peng said that the Iridium star only took the legendary mainland, so the north and south continents are obviously vacant.

Xiang Fei couldn't help thinking: "Could it be that the Iridium people are going to give us the North Continent? Most of the North Continent is ice and tundra like Siberia, so the value is small. On the contrary, the south coast has a pleasant climate and rich products. Although there are many countries, but The level of civilization is low, and it can still be mastered with some effort."

Du Peng continued: "The Northern Continent is still occupied by the local kingdoms, so it will not be included in the discussion for the time being. As for the Southern Continent, His Majesty the Head of State hopes that the central line of the Chiyuan Ridge will be the boundary, and the northern region will be the direct jurisdiction of the Star Alliance. The Clay Plain to the south and the Elephant Trunk Island across the sea from the Clay Plain are the new lands of the other members of the Star Alliance under the trusteeship of the Imperial Cuihai administrative star government."

Xiang Fei hurriedly looked at the holographic map, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.Many of the place names in the Southern Continent of Cuihai Star and the Legendary Continent were newly taken by the Iridium Stars.The southern continent covers an area of ​​2442 million square kilometers. Except for the green grasslands in the north which are low-altitude plateaus and the basins full of rainforest vegetation in the west, most of the central, eastern and southern parts are mountains and plateaus.This is not to say that these areas are not suitable for human habitation, but that it will obviously take a little more energy and financial resources to build colonies in these places.

In the southeast of the Southern Continent, the south of Chiyuan Ridge is a clay plain. After a simple survey, this plain is called a clay plain because the soil is relatively poor, and the ground is rich in non-ferrous metals, mostly clay.Its superiority is obviously not as good as the huge eastern plain of the legendary mainland, but it is similar to the environment of the southeastern hilly area of ​​country C.

As for Elephant Trunk Island, it is an island with an area of ​​more than 200 million square kilometers and a relatively flat terrain.The island is so named because it is shaped like an elephant's trunk.Elephant Trunk Island is also the largest island in Cuihaixing.

These two areas add up to more than 500 million square kilometers, which is more than half of the current land area of ​​C country, and they are all flat areas, and the engineering difficulty is relatively small.After improving the local soil, agriculture is also very promising.

The Clay Plain and Elephant Trunk Island have already been discovered by the people of the Northern Continent, but the distance is far away. In addition, the output of the Clay Plain is limited, and there are no people on the Elephant Trunk Island. Therefore, the countries of the Northern Continent pay more attention to the development of large output and geographical proximity. Convenient green grassland area.

Xiang Fei felt his heart was about to jump out, and thought to himself: "500 million square kilometers! It's much better than I thought before."

Du Peng, Prime Minister of Iridium Star, looked at Xiang Fei's appearance with a little contempt in his heart.Although he doesn't agree with the head of state directly giving a piece of land of 500 million square kilometers to the people of country C who have done nothing, but for Iridium, the land occupied in another universe is so vast, this gift is not considered at all matter.

If a planet like Cui Haixing is not the first to meet in the new universe, there are some indigenous people, it is not enough to climb to the position of administrative star.The empire didn't know how many more habitable planets than the emerald sea star were directly labeled as resource stars and thrown there. At most, it was just some reckless tourists who went to explore those planets with nothing.

After thinking about it again, country C has actually been tied to the empire's chariot, and has actually become a vassal of the empire, and its land is no different from that of the empire.

Xiang Fei clapped his hands and was almost startled to think about things. Xiang Fei smiled and said, "Just Clay Plain and Elephant Trunk Island. After careful consideration, we in country C have decided to join the Star Alliance. The alliance agreement can be completed within three days." Signed!"

(End of this chapter)

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