Chapter 342 Mido's Sealed Memory

The memory continued to fast forward, and she saw that Tang Mengjiao and Lin Xuan were kicked out of Hengwei, and they could only rely on part-time jobs in a small company to survive.The Jin family and the Shen family were ruined, and Jin Yanze was sentenced to five years in prison for manufacturing banned drugs.Shen Meiqi was married by her father to a 50-year-old man who was a sadist. Within a year, Shen Meiqi died of injuries all over her body in the hospital...

What about the Mi family?Although Mi Xiang and his wife were not her biological parents, Tang Yiqian did not cut off their life, but they never saw each other for the sake of raising Mi Duo.

After waking up, Mi Xiaoyue knew that she was sorry for her sister, so she committed suicide again in the mental hospital, and this time she finally succeeded.


Mi Duo let go of the water drop, and before she knew it, her face was covered with tears.

She stood up unsteadily, floating out of the database building like a walking dead.

As soon as she got back to the apartment, she fell ill, with a high fever of [-] degrees, and her mouth was full of raving.

When she was in a daze, she noticed that there was a man beside her taking care of her, and he used his hand to test the temperature on her forehead from time to time.

His hands were warm, and the touch was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Yiqian, is that you?"

She held on to that hand tightly, and tears wet the pillow.

That hand paused slightly, and the other hand stroked her cheek pitifully, and sighed softly: "Duoduo, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't open your wound at will, and make you... sad !"

"No, I'm not sad, as long as we can start again..." She murmured, trying to open her eyelids to look at Yiqian, but her eyelids were too heavy, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open them.She gave up, tilted her head, and fell asleep drowsily.

After lying on the bed for three days, Mi Duo's fever subsided.

Sanyuan brought a big bag of fruit to see her, and told her to take good care of her illness.

"Thank you, Director, are you taking care of me these days? I'm sorry to trouble you." Mido said gratefully.

"Look at what you said? You usually work so hard, but this time you are tired and sick. As a boss, it is right for you to care about you."

San Yuan was a little guilty.Although the boss is taking care of Mi Duo these days, she dare not reveal anything.

Mi Duo forced a smile. "Thank you, Director. My illness has almost recovered. I want to start the task tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Sanyuan was stunned. "Mi Duo, don't you need to work so hard? You are recovering from illness, and you need to take care of yourself for a few days."

"I'm fine, really, Director."

"Are you really all right?" Sanyuan examined her face.

"It's really all right, do you think my complexion is much better?"

Sanyuan examined her face carefully, nodded and said, "That's true."

Does that need to be said?The boss cooks nutritious soup for her every day, even if she looks bad.She thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, since you insist on doing the task, I'll go back to the center and notify the system to make preparations."

"Okay, thank you Director."

"Thank you? I'll go back to the center first, you should have a good rest." Sanyuan patted Mi Duo on the shoulder and walked out the door.

When Sanyuan's back disappeared at the door, Mi Duo's face gradually sank, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

During this time, her sixth sense told her that someone was manipulating her mission.However, she didn't know who this person was.

She got out of bed, walked out of the apartment, and took the flying car to the database again.

She turned on the supercomputer and carefully searched for the tasks she had done before.Gradually, her face became more and more surprised, and a trace of anger surfaced on her face.

"I see!"

She turned off the computer, got up and left the database.However, there was no sadness on her face, only unspeakable anger.The failure in her previous life is her pain that will never be forgotten in her eternity, and no one can easily touch it.If anyone breaks her taboo, just wait for her crazy revenge!

In the office not far away, that handsome figure sat in front of the computer, staring at the computer intently.

The door opened and Sanyuan walked in.

"What should I do, Boss? Mido..."

The man gently raised his hand to stop Sanyuan's words.He stared at the computer screen in a daze, before sighing for a long time, with connivance in his tone.

"Let her go, as long as she is happy, she can do whatever she wants, don't interfere with her."


Sanyuan breathed a sigh of relief.She thought the boss would be furious, after all, hacking into the system privately is a felony in this time and space, but the boss covered it up with a few light words.

Alas, it seems that the boss is indeed serious about Mi Duo.

(End of this chapter)

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