Rich and wishful

Chapter 183 Returning Home

Chapter 183 Returning Home (Part [-])

Since then, my husband's health has deteriorated year after year.But after a few years of hard work, he left himself and Ruyi and went to Huangquan.

Over the years, she often wondered if her husband's body would not have deteriorated so quickly if such a tragedy hadn't happened back then?

"The water is fast and the fish are rough, the peaks are high and the birds don't live, the world depends on the temperature, and the face of the people is high and low."

When my husband was alive, I often sighed like this.

In this world, it is human nature to favor the high and depress the low, and it is not surprising.But if the person doing this is replaced by a close relative who has been close to his family or has been favored by his family, it will make people feel unacceptable.

Ever since the father-in-law and mother-in-law died, their own life became difficult.This difficulty is not only about money, but more about the rejection of the villagers, and this rejection is largely caused by the cousins ​​of the husband's uncle's family, especially the second cousin's family.

The father-in-law has four brothers, and he is the third. The husband's uncle has four sons and three daughters; the second uncle has three sons and three daughters; the fourth uncle has two sons and one daughter.

In addition to these relatively close ones, there are still many clansmen who have not yet released the fifth server.Therefore, An's family can be considered a prosperous population in the village, and they can be called a big family.

Because of the poverty of the family, the father-in-law went out for a living when he was in his teens, and managed to earn a family business after a narrow escape. But when he returned to his hometown, he was already 25. The three brothers left behind in the family were still unable to do it because of the poverty. marry a wife.

The father-in-law is a person who values ​​blood and family ties. It is very unbearable to see the brothers in such a difficult situation. Not only did he help them buy land and build a house, but he also helped the brothers pay the dowry to marry their wives.

The consequence of his doing so was that the savings he brought back were ten to seven, and in the end he could only buy ten acres of medium-sized fields for his family.With only less than 20 taels of silver left on him, life suddenly became difficult.

Later, the uncle and aunt passed away one after another, and it was the father-in-law who generously donated money to help with the cooking. Even the cousins ​​and sisters of the uncle's family never stood by and watched the marriage of the father-in-law, and contributed the most money and effort.Because the father-in-law spared no effort to give, when he was still alive, the relationship between my husband and several of his uncles and cousins ​​was very close.Especially Dafang and them are just like a family, they are extremely close.

Unexpectedly, something happened at home, and once the father-in-law died, the first to alienate them were his brothers and nephews.Especially the eldest family, it's just a matter of being distant, but they often speak ill of their own family outside.The second sister-in-law even told the villagers that the fate of her family was due to the fact that her father-in-law did too many bad things when he was wandering outside.

Not only that, their family even calculated their own family many times, both openly and secretly.That year when her husband fell ill and the family had no cash, she borrowed from all relatives and only got less than ten taels of silver.He had no choice but to ask for the second cousin's house where Dafang lived the best life. In the end, under their persecution, he asked his husband and wife to sell the ten acres of land left by his father-in-law to them at a low price of 20 taels of silver.

Forget the past.

What she didn't expect was that in the end, once her husband died and his bones were still cold, the brothers of Dafang would join forces and tie up their mother and daughter and sell them directly in the middle of the night.

After the mother and daughter reunited, Ruyi mentioned to her that Dafang had participated in the sale of their mother and daughter back then, and she had already retaliated and sold them directly to the whole family.

For the rest, those who had helped them and lent them money, she also sent people to the door one by one, not only repaying them with a hundred times the money, but also meeting each family's request.And the people who used to ignore them were also ignored by her.

This is very good, there is kindness to repay kindness, and there is revenge for revenge.

Morse sighed softly.

"The old lady has arrived at the entrance of the village. Look at the young master, the young mistress, the two young masters, Miss Sun and the housekeeper. Do you want to go down? Or should we go back to the mansion directly?"

Xiangqi's crisp voice woke Mo Shi up.She looked out of the car, and sure enough, the entrance of Wenyang Village was already in front of her.There were 30 to [-] people standing on the side of the road outside the car, and the family headed by her was probably the family of her and her husband's current heir.

In addition, there are people from the village who heard the news and came to see the excitement.A few looked familiar.

"Stop the car." Looking out of the car, although Mo felt that it would be better to go back to the mansion directly, he also thought that he would live in the village for a long time in the future, and those who had been kind to his family in the past can still come and go.

outside the car.

Looking at the long line of carriages that stopped, especially the one at the front is the most gorgeous.An Chengkang knew that the person sitting in this car was his stepmother.

Seeing that they were about to meet each other soon, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and standing beside An Chengkang, his wife and children couldn't help being even more nervous.

It's no wonder that An Chengkang is nervous. He is a farmer who has lived in the village for generations and has never seen much of the world.

If someone hadn't popped up suddenly more than ten years ago and asked him if he would like to adopt his distant uncle's house to become his heir, he would have starved to death, let alone live a life where he has a wife and son and lives in a family. The big tile-roofed house with blue bricks can occasionally see some good days every month.

I thought such a day was already extremely lucky, but I didn't expect that just yesterday, the chief steward of the newly built mansion in the village came to him and told him that the mansion belonged to his stepmother. Well, his stepmother will return to the village today, and the whole family will move to that big house to live with his stepmother in the future.

He couldn't believe his ears when he heard it.

The butler didn't say much, he just told their family not to go out today and left.

It has been more than ten years since he was adopted under the name of his cousin. Except that someone came to resettle him in the place where he lives now, and gave him [-] acres of land and a sum of money to settle down in the family. No one has ever been seen.

In these years, he never forgot to pay homage to his stepfather and visit his grave every year.

There is only the cemetery of the stepfather, but no stepmother. He guessed that the stepmother is still alive, but no one has ever told him the details.

Suddenly someone came to tell him that his stepmother was not only alive, but also rich and powerful, and had built a big house in the village to live with their family?
Just when he and his wife and children were fainting, thinking that he was dreaming, what happened early this morning made him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Today, their family followed the wishes of the big steward, and they all stayed at home and dared not go out.Early in the morning, the big housekeeper came to the door with a dozen servant girls and servants, and brought them gorgeous clothes and precious jewelry that they had never seen before to change their clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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