Chapter 31 Xiaoyu's Customer

Xue Ling was sitting cross-legged, thinking hard, when there was a sound of light footsteps on the road outside, it seemed that Xiaoyu had gained a lot from hunting this time.

Sure enough, Xiaoyu entered the door with a happy expression on her flushed face.Xiaoyu usually winks very much, and when she sees Xue Ling's skills, she is always careful not to disturb Xue Ling.Seeing that Xueling was free now, Xiaoyu said happily: "Girl, today I killed a deer and sold it at the market. It happened that the steward of the Duke of Wei in the capital took people to search the streets. In order to find a fresh deer. It turns out that the second wife of the Duke of Wei is not feeling well and needs to take a medicine from the deer. So I paid a high price."

Mentioning the Duke's Mansion of the State of Wei, Xue Ling's heart suddenly trembled.It was as if this mansion suddenly stabbed her heart.

However, Xue Ling immediately realized that this was not her feeling at all, but the original residual feeling of this body!
By the way, the original Xue Ling once said that she came out of Duke Wei's mansion.When he came out, he had lost consciousness.

In fact, this body was poisoned, that's why Xue Ling lost consciousness, couldn't control his body, let his body and soul separate, and then ran out of Weiguo Duke's mansion somehow , and eventually died in the wilderness.

Just thinking about it, Xiaoyu carefully took out a few taels of silver from her bosom, rolled her eyes, and took the flower basket that Xue Ling brought out from the space. In the flower basket, there was a bunch of pork.

Xue Ling smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, you brought back pork?"

Xiaoyu said: "Yes, girl, let's improve our lives today!" Xue Ling smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, with your help, we are actually improving our lives every day."

Xiaoyu's cooking skills are indeed very good. For a country girl, she actually knows a lot of cooking techniques, which surprised Xue Ling a little.Presumably it was the stepmother and younger brother, usually greedy and tricky, who forced Xiaoyu out.

It seems that Xiaoyu loves pork very much, and the dishes she made are delicious, but Xiaoyu put all the pork in front of Xueling with distress, and said: "Girl, you should take good care of your body and eat more."

In fact, Xue Ling doesn't like meat very much. In her previous life, she tried to be a vegetarian as much as possible. She only ate meat when she was performing tasks in the alpine region or when she needed to replenish her strength.

Now this body is too weak, so she drinks Xiaoyu's chicken soup every day, of course, with ginseng added.

In Xue Ling's memory, there was never such a life of being served by others so weakly.

Xiaoyu was busy serving Xue Ling's meal, and carefully noticed a gloomy look on Xue Ling's eyebrows.

Xiaoyu said: "Girl, do you have something on your mind? Tell Xiaoyu, maybe you can think of a way."

What Xiaoyu thought was that Xue Ling had experienced a catastrophe, although she survived, her head became stupid.

All past experiences are forgotten!
But it doesn't matter, Xiaoyu is free now.Xiaoyu firmly believes that with her own ability, she can take care of the girl!

Xue Ling didn't want to tell Xiaoyu what she thought, she didn't want this simple and hearty girl to be involved in an ugly conspiracy.

Xue Ling herself didn't care.In her previous life, as an agent, she had seen too many deceitful tricks. She was used to ugly things, and it was really not easy to figure out how to get out of the mud without being stained.

(End of this chapter)

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