Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 654 Decoupling

Chapter 654 Decoupling
Liang Xiao held up his clairvoyance and remained motionless.

Tu Niu'er and the others felt a strong sense of unease, and each of them remained silent with dignified expressions.

Since last night, Liang Xiao didn't say much.He was thinking all the time, or he was climbing up to the surrounding heights to observe the enemy's situation.This time, he watched it for a particularly long time, as if he had been petrified, revealing a trace of indescribable weirdness.

As Liang Xiao's closest partner, Tu Niu'er felt Liang Xiao's uneasiness.Once upon a time, when facing Feng Ji, Tu Niu'er had a similar feeling.At that time, Liang Xiao's archery skills were not yet perfect, his strength was insufficient, and he was somewhat timid.When he came to the Western Regions, especially after capturing the Black Bow, Liang Xiao was victorious in all battles. It has been a long time since he felt like this.

Tu Niu'er stood quietly beside Liang Xiao, holding the rein of the horse, did not speak, but pricked up his ears.

After an unknown amount of time, Liang Xiao put down his clairvoyance and looked up at the sky. "Have we held off the Huns for a day?"

Tu Niu'er also glanced at the sun in the sky, then looked down at the shadow. "It should be an hour away."

"Then..." Liang Xiao hesitated for a moment. "Just wait a little longer, we can't lose to the Yuezhi people."

Tu Niu'er looked around and said in a low voice, "Is it dangerous?"

Liang Xiao looked back at Tu Niu'er, nodded, and pointed at the corpse floating in the river. "That's a loophole, I hope the Huns don't notice it. If they did, we'd probably be surrounded."

Tu Niu'er looked at the corpse, thought and thought, but still didn't quite understand. "What's wrong with the corpses of these Wusun people?"

Liang Xiao grinned, but there was no laughter, but a bit more bitterness.He is now in a mood of ups and downs, always feeling that danger is approaching and a catastrophe is imminent, but he dare not show it.He hoped that the Huns did not notice this problem, but at the same time, he felt that the possibility of the Huns noticing was very high.

It is said that the Huns are wolves, and wolves are vigilant animals by nature. The environment here is similar to the grassland, which is very similar to the environment they are familiar with. The instincts they have cultivated on the grassland for many years should not be affected.In contrast, he was still on the basis of rational analysis of grassland riding battles, he hadn't really integrated into his blood, and his intuition was not sensitive enough.

If things go wrong this time, this could be an inflection point.

Liang Xiao really wanted to turn around and leave. Before the Huns could react, he immediately returned to the canyon.There are sufficient preparations in the canyon, and there are enough cattle, sheep, and baggage to last until next spring.But if he leaves now, the Huns will drive straight in, and Ashina and Doros will be in danger.After a fierce battle, they were unable to withstand the attack of the Huns and were likely to suffer heavy losses.

Without Ashina and Doros, he cannot sustain himself for long.

Without the support of Yuezhi people and Daxia people, he could not gain a foothold in the Western Regions.

So even though he was very nervous, the thought of running away while the Huns hadn't moved became stronger and stronger, but he remained motionless as if nailed to the ground.He was afraid that if he moved, he would lose control of the urge to run away, and his reputation would be ruined.

He just raised his clairvoyance and watched every move of the Huns closely.

The sun seemed to be fixed in the sky, and it didn't move for a long time.

Although the temperature was not too high, Liang Xiao's back was already covered with a dense layer of cold sweat, soaking through his shirt.


Difficult to stare at the knight who delivered the order and looked again and again: "Really?"

"It's absolutely true." The knight nodded vigorously, and the sweat beads off his head dripped into the soil under his feet, disappearing in an instant.Following the order of Youxian King, he rushed here with three horses alone, in order to pass on the order of Youxian King in time to ensure that the difficulty would not delay the battle.

Difficult to roll his eyes, and began to send people to the battalions to deliver orders.Instead of beating drums to gather generals and issue orders in a unified manner, he spread the orders to each battalion and let the generals of each battalion act separately. No one knew what the others were doing.

He didn't know why he did it, but he did it, and instinctively felt that it was the best choice.

Soon, three thousand fine riders left the camp, circled far away, avoided Liang Xiao's line of sight, and headed east.The three thousand riders circled behind Liang Xiao, cutting off Liang Xiao's retreat, preventing him from retreating back into the canyon.

While the three thousand riders were making a detour, Nandou personally rushed to the front of the camp, looking at Liang Xiao on the hillside from a distance.His heart was in his throat, and even breathing became very difficult.

If King Youxian's analysis is correct, and Liang Xiao really only has more than a hundred cavalry, and there are no ambushes, or the number of ambushes is limited, then this is a good opportunity, he may use his superior force to trap Liang Xiao and make a miracle.

But if King Youxian's analysis is wrong, and Liang Xiao's main force is lying behind him, waiting for him to take the bait, then these three thousand cavalry will be like lambs thrown to the hungry wolves, and there will be no bones left.After Liang Xiao succeeded, he might even attack him.Since Lie Jiaomi is not Liang Xiao's opponent, his loss will be very heavy.

Difficult to think more and more uneasy, he ordered all the cavalry in the battalion to prepare for battle in order to deal with the battle that may break out at any time.Dozens of cavalry scouts were sent out to keep vigilant in all directions of the camp.

Waiting patiently for an hour, until the scouts at the rear received the news that the main force of King Youxian was approaching, less than ten miles away from him, Nandou breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the whole army to attack.

Six or seven thousand cavalry rushed out of the camp and divided into three columns. The left and right wings outflanked them. It was difficult to lead the central army by themselves, and rushed towards Liang Xiao in the distance.


Liang Xiao put down his clairvoyance, looked at the shadow on the ground, and sighed secretly.

"Azhena, I have overfulfilled the task, and I hope you can also complete the task. As long as you can kill Lie Jiaomi, I am willing to lose you ten top-grade Dawan horses. If you can't, then you will be in big trouble. "

Shaking his head, he pushed those thoughts out of his head, and kicked his mount lightly. "Walk!"

The knights got on their horses one after another, turned their horses' heads, and galloped eastward.They had seen the Huns flanking them, but they were not nervous.They all rode Dawan horses, and they were not comparable to the Huns' war horses in terms of speed or endurance.Among all the war horses, the Xiongnu horse is better than the Central Plains horse, and it is incomparable with the Wusun horse, let alone the Dawan horse.

With the strength of Dawan horse, they can easily get rid of the Huns and let them pick up horse shit behind.

While running, Liang Xiao turned his head to observe.After all the Huns' three-way army attacked, he discovered some problems.

Difficult to leave either a reserve team or other arrangements. The three-way army only has 7000 people, which is far from [-] people.

Liang Xiao thought for a while, and called the matriarch, and asked her to arrange for a few nimble and alert female knights to go first and rush to the mouth of the gorge.If there are Huns blocking the way, rush back to report the news to the princess and Jianmi if you can, and rush back immediately if you can't, don't love to fight.

The matriarch agreed, and ordered five female warriors to let them go one step ahead.After hearing the order, the female soldiers galloped away with three horses.

Liang Xiao and the others maintained their speed and led the Huns to gallop eastward without any haste.


Seeing Liang Xiao retreating, it was difficult to know that King You Xian's guess was right, Liang Xiao was just bluffing, and there was no ambush at all.He wasted a day and killed hundreds of people.If you worked hard yesterday, how can you wait until now.

Nan Dou regretted it very much, wishing to catch Liang Xiao immediately, but he did not dare to order a full-speed pursuit.When cavalry are engaged in battle, they will not gallop at full speed unless they have to, especially when the two sides are far apart.After galloping at full speed, the physical strength of the war horse is rapidly consumed. When it comes to the battle, there is still enough physical strength to do actions. Without physical strength, no tactics can be realized.

Nan Dou issued several orders one after another, telling all the soldiers to maintain speed and not be led out of control by Liang Xiao.Liang Xiao was riding a Dawan horse, and the Xiongnu horse couldn't keep up with the Dawan horse. If they were forced to compare their speed, they would be dragged down by Liang Xiao in the end.Anyway, it's useless for Liang Xiao to be faster, there are still three thousand riders waiting for him.

Under the control of Nandu, the Huns galloped forward according to their own rhythm, and gradually opened up the distance, watching Liang Xiao and others disappear into the distant horizon.

After getting rid of the Huns for a while, Liang Xiao didn't feel relaxed, but even more uneasy.It is difficult to be cautious, and it is frustrating not to give him a chance to sneak attack, but it is even more disturbing that such a cautious person suddenly attacks with all his strength.He had a feeling that the thousands of Huns who hadn't seen it might not have been reserved by Nandu as a reserve force, but had other arrangements.

Such as detour to behind him.

Liang Xiao raised his head and looked towards the west sky.Six or seven thousand Huns galloped behind him, and the dust rolled up covered the sky, making him unable to see the snow-capped mountains in the distance.However, he clearly felt that more Huns were approaching, and they were not far from the battlefield.

With his difficult personality, how could he not keep a reserve team, unless he already had a reserve team.

King Youxian is here.He found the body in the river and saw through his falsehood, so he came here.

Liang Xiao shook his head helplessly, pinning his hopes on the foe's stupidity is really unreliable.But, then again, if he is given another chance to choose, the only change he can make is to send someone to notify Jian Mi, Azhena and others as soon as possible, but it is impossible to retreat immediately.

While running, Liang Xiao called Tu Niu'er, and asked him to arrange a few people to go east, try to bypass the interception of the Huns, and inform Ajina and Doros to prepare for the battle.

Several knights quickly accelerated and left the group.Liang Xiao called the rest of the people around and said loudly, "How do you feel after a day's rest?"

A ranger laughed loudly and said: "Others are fine, but the hands are a little itchy. Junhou, where are we going, and when can we fight the Huns again?"

"Don't worry, there are tens of thousands of Huns behind us, you killed them." Liang Xiao laughed loudly. "But before we fight, we have to walk them first, let them see how good the Dawan horse is. Wait until their legs are weak, and then kill them."

"Okay!" Pang Shuo slapped his thigh and shouted: "The fat ones will lose weight, and the skinny ones will die. When the time comes, kill them to your heart's content."

Another ranger slapped his horse and caught up, and said with a smile: "They are all dragged to death, what else are you going to kill?"

"It's not like they're all dead, why are you in a hurry." Pang Shuo rolled his eyes. "Tens of thousands of Huns, half of them were dragged to death, and there are still several thousand, not enough for you to kill?"

You Xia'er caressed his chest and let out an exaggerated breath. "It's okay, it's okay, it's so boring to drag it all to death."

Everyone laughed loudly, and the atmosphere was relaxed. Not only did they not see a little panic of being chased, but they had a bit of calmness in their hands and excitement about the battle, which made the female soldiers' eyes shine, and they looked like little stars.When the rangers saw them, they were even more energetic, talking and laughing loudly, to show that they didn't take the Huns seriously.

Liang Xiao looked at it, and his heart was also determined.Regardless of whether these subordinates are really confident or ignorant and fearless, it is better to be calm than panic.Once a person is in a mess, it is easy to make mistakes, and what he can't tolerate now is making mistakes.

Once you make a mistake, you may die without a burial.

Liang Xiao was nervously thinking about countermeasures while galloping his horse.The topography of the Ili River Valley unfolded in his mind. The Wusun people, the Huns, the Yuezhi people, the Daxia people, and the Dawan people all came to life, leaping around and rushing back and forth.

After running forward for twenty miles, the three female soldiers who had been sent to investigate at the mouth of the gorge came back.They saw the Huns, about 3000 of them, right in front of Liang Xiao and others.Two female warriors hiked across the mountains to report to the princess, and the rest came back to report to Liang Xiao.

Liang Xiao was very satisfied.Although these female fighters are fighting for the first time, they are no worse than any man.They responded very well.

Liang Xiao immediately ordered to adjust the direction of advance, crossed the Yili River, and ran towards the south side of the valley.

The Huns wanted to prevent Liang Xiao from returning to the canyon, and arranged heavy troops on the north side of the valley. There were only a few monitoring scouts on the south side of the valley. Follow Liang Xiao and others to walk away.When Nandou learned the news, Liang Xiao had already jumped out of their encirclement.

Difficult to panic, while arranging people to continue chasing, he also sent people to report to King Youxian, asking for instructions on the next move.

Youxian King galloped over 100 miles to come, but failed to stop Liang Xiao, and was so angry that he cursed.He ordered Nandou to attack the Xiakou, and led the main force himself, and continued to chase eastward, preparing to join Lie Jiaomi and kill Liang Xiao.

Difficult to be very frustrated, but have nothing to say.He wasted a great opportunity to encircle and suppress Liang Xiao, and he couldn't blame others.He thought he was cautious, but in the eyes of the Huns, he was not cautious, but timid.Cowards are not respected by anyone, and King Youxian scolded him lightly, if he didn't kill him directly, it would be considered a face for him.

Nandou regrouped and came to the mouth of the gorge to check the terrain.After reading it, he ordered to set up camp at the place where Lie Jiaomi had once camped, and prepared to guard the mouth of the gorge to prevent people from the valley from coming out.As for the active attack, he didn't want to think about it. Just looking at the stone formation, he knew that attacking such a position was no different from sending him to death, so he just waited obediently for King Youxian to come back.

If he could kill Liang Xiao, there would be no need to attack.If Liang Xiao couldn't be killed, what's the use of breaking the ground?

It's hard to feel at ease.
(End of this chapter)

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