Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 646 Prohibition

Chapter 646 Prohibition
It was already late at night when Liang Xiao returned to the camp, and most of the soldiers had already rested, only the soldiers on duty kept their eyes wide open, watching every move around them.

Liang Xiao walked through the camp of the Dawan people and checked the casualties of the Dawan people.Jian Mi hadn't slept yet, and when he heard that Liang Xiao was back, he accompanied Liang Xiao to a few tents.

After several days of fighting, the Dawan people and the Han people have forged a deep friendship and feel like brothers.They fought together, rested together, and practiced martial arts together.The bravery of the Han soldiers left a deep impression on them and won their respect.In order to survive and learn how to kill the enemy, many Dawan people have learned a few simple Chinese words.

Seeing Liang Xiao coming to visit the camp, these Dawan soldiers got up excitedly, greeted Liang Xiao in blunt Chinese, and saluted.

Liang Xiao replied in proficient Dawan language.

"How about the casualties?"

"Fortunately, so far, 510 people have been killed and 87 people have been injured."

"You mean serious injuries, you can't fight any more?"

"You can't say that." Jian Mi shook his head. "If the situation requires, they can still go into battle. Even if they don't have weapons, they can kill one or two Wusun people with their teeth. How can we say that we can't fight anymore?"

"Nonsense." Liang Xiao reprimanded: "Courage is naturally needed, but we can't be too demanding. Those who can survive, let them survive as much as possible. After all, it is a life. Go, take me to see."

"Okay!" Jian Mi agreed in one gulp.The soldiers of Dawan saw it and were very excited.

When I came to the wounded barracks, it was very quiet, except for the light sound of the swaying bonfire in front of the camp and the sound of heavy breathing, only the occasional groan or two.Liang Xiao was taken aback, opened a tent and got in.

Luo Xuli, who was squatting next to a wounded soldier, was taken aback and stood up. Seeing that it was Liang Xiao, she smiled and rushed over, hugging Liang Xiao's neck.The matriarch also stood up and saluted Liang Xiao with a smile.

Liang Xiao let out a long breath and patted Luo Xuli's head. "why are not you sleeping?"

"You didn't come back, so I can't sleep." Luo Xuli said with a smile, "I just came to see the wounded and help with some chores."

Liang Xiao was very grateful.No wonder these wounded soldiers refused to moan, because they didn't want to lose face in front of the princess.Although Luo Xuli didn't know martial arts, and didn't know much about medical care, as long as she stood here, it was the best pain reliever.

Liang Xiao inspected the wounded barracks.There were not many wounded soldiers, but he couldn't relax.The fact that there were not many wounded soldiers did not mean that the battle was not fierce. On the contrary, it was because it was too fierce that more people died in battle than injured.

When the stone array blocked the Wusun people's attacking pace, it also prevented the wounded soldiers from retreating in time, and could only die in the battle.

So far, the number of people killed in battle is close to [-], and the Yuezhi people accounted for [-]% of the casualties.If it hadn't been for mixing the Yuezhi people with the Dawan people, and Ah Zena knew the truth that there was no way out, and kept cheering up the soldiers, the Yuezhi people might have collapsed.

Liang Xiao's heart was heavy. He didn't know how long he could hold on, and whether he could see the final victory.As the battle progressed, he became less and less able to recognize Lie Jiaomi, and his inner self-confidence was shaken a little bit, but he could control his emotions and not show them.

After inspecting the wounded barracks, Liang Xiao returned to his big tent.Luo Xuli had already arranged for someone to boil hot water, and waited for Liang Xiao to take a hot bath.Soaking in the warm water, enjoying Princess Dawan's considerate and considerate tenderness, Liang Xiao's tense nerves gradually relaxed, and sleepiness hit him like a mountain. He sat in the bathtub and fell into a dream.

Luo Xuli also breathed a sigh of relief, sat down, and watched the two female soldiers lift Liang Xiao out of the bucket, wipe off the water stains on his body, and stuff them into the leather mattress. Yawning, he took off his coat, got into the mattress, hugged Liang Xiao's arm, and closed his eyes.


Lie Jiaomi was sitting in the big tent, facing the flickering bonfire, his eyes were melancholy, the hand holding the wine glass was trembling unconsciously, the wine was constantly shaking in the glass, swaying round and round. ripple.The other hand rubbed the saber over and over again.

Several trusted generals sat aside, some with a heavy heart and sighing constantly;The atmosphere was overwhelming, but no one dared to break the heaviness.

Everyone can tell that Kunmo is in a bad mood and has annoyed him. At least he will be reprimanded, and at worst he may be pushed to behead him.In the past two days, Kunmo has killed people with slippery hands, and everyone is in danger.Even the person who is usually the most favored does not dare to speak easily, so as not to cause unreasonable disasters.

Lie Jiaomi felt this uneasiness, he forced a laugh: "Why don't you drink anymore?"

"Kunmo..." The generals laughed dryly, with a reluctant expression.

"Forget it, you guys go back to sleep." Lie Jiaomi also felt a little dispirited, and waved his hands. "Think carefully about how to break through Liang Xiao's position. Whoever thinks of a way will be rewarded. If anyone can cut off Liang Xiao's head, he will be the future King of Dawan, everything that originally belonged to Liang Xiao, It's all his."

Everyone was silent, not as enthusiastic as Lie Jiaomi expected.Lie Jiaomi was even more bored and motioned for them to back down.Everyone got up, went out of the tent one by one, looked at each other, smiled wryly, shook their heads, and went back to the camp separately.

Lie Jiaomi sat alone in the tent, his face became more and more gloomy.


As the sun rose, Liang Xiao opened his eyes.He looked around and saw that Luo Xuli was sleeping soundly curled up in his arms like a kitten, so he couldn't help smiling, a long-lost impulse arose spontaneously.

Luo Xuli moved, her long and thick eyelashes trembled, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her hand slipped down quietly.

"woke up?"

Liang Xiao gasped, and quickly pressed Luo Xuli's hand. "Don't move, it's dawn."

"So what if it's dawn?" Luo Xuli turned over and sat straddling Liang Xiao's waist, with her hands supporting his chest, she squeezed her eyes. "It's not the first time."

Looking at Luo Xuli's flushed face, Liang Xiao suddenly became very excited.He laughed, turned over, and pressed Luo Xuli under him.Luo Xuli screamed and giggled.The two female soldiers who were holding water basins and were about to wait for Liang Xiao to get up heard the voice, couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, turned around and stood at the door of the tent, serving as guards.

Half an hour later, Liang Xiao walked out of the big tent with his upper body naked.As soon as the cool morning breeze blew, fine chestnuts appeared on his skin.He glanced at the basin in the hands of the female warrior and shook his head. "You guys wait on the princess, I'll go wash in the river." After speaking, he strode down the hillside, came to the river, rushed in, plunged into the water, and dived about ten steps before emerging from the water.

"General?" Doros' voice came from the shore. "So elegant?"

Liang Xiao came out of the water early, he was very surprised to see Doros. "How did you get here?"

"Let me see the battle situation." Doros got off his horse and came to the river. "You guys are playing lively here, I feel itchy, come and see. When can we go into battle?"

"What are you in a hurry for, are you ready for training?"

"I've already practiced." Doros flicked his horsewhip, beaming with joy. "Uphill and downhill, omnipotent. Even if I encounter [-] riders, I can still defeat them."

Liang Xiao laughed, but did not speak.It goes without saying that the training is fruitful.Training can't make everyone a peerless master, but it can make them well-trained and their overall strength will be greatly improved.From ancient times to the present, all real famous generals have paid attention to military training.Before Wang Jian broke through, he trained for a whole year.In the year Li Mu broke the Huns, he trained soldiers for ten years.These nomadic peoples think they mount their horses as soldiers and dismount as civilians, and they don't pay much attention to training and fight by instinct.

It is impossible for a professional unit like armored cavalry to exert its true power if it has not undergone strict training and cannot be uniform.

"You do not believe?"

"Believe it or not, it's not what I say, it depends on the actual actions." Liang Xiao thought for a while and came up from the river. "I'll make a bet with you, how about it?"

Doros blinked, not understanding what Liang Xiao was talking about.

"Later, I will go to see them practice with you, and I will bring some properties with me. If you win, these properties will be yours. If you lose, you owe me the same amount, how?"

"What is the bet, personal ability or group impact?"



Doros's station is not far from the mouth of the gorge, only seven or eight miles away, to ensure that the Wusun people outside the gorge cannot see them, and they can be rescued in time in an emergency.Liang Xiao asked Doros to go back to prepare first, then found Ajina himself, and temporarily handed over the front command to him, and then brought Luo Xuli and the Amazon female warriors to Doros's camp.

Doros was ready. The five hundred armored riders lined up on the hillside. They were neatly lined up, their helmets were bright, and their erected spears were densely packed like a forest. They really had a majestic aura.

Luo Xuli was surprised and delighted when she saw it, and even the female Amazon warriors showed envious eyes.

Liang Xiao asked the matriarch to make arrangements, and urged the horse to come forward to Doros.He reined in his horse and glanced at Doros.Doros raised his eyebrows, meaning: You just wait and see, I will win.

Liang Xiao smiled slightly, turned the horse's head, and pointed the whip at the Amazon female warriors in the distance. "Big Xia warriors, you should know who they are?"

"Know!" The armored cavalry laughed.How could they not know the Amazon female warrior, which is a legend in Greek culture.

"Then do you want to get them and the treasures in their hands?"

"Think!" The armored cavalry shouted in unison.

"Well, after a while, you rush over, whoever gets to them first, they and the treasures in their hands will belong to them. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The armored cavalry were excited and rushed to agree, even the war horses became a little excited, snorting and poking their hooves.

Liang Xiao glanced at Doros, raised his eyebrows, and signaled that he could start.Doros's face was a little ugly, and he glanced at Liang Xiao angrily.Liang Xiao said that it depends on the training of the armored cavalry, not on martial arts or cooperation, but on whether the order can be banned, but he did not expect Liang Xiao to make such a bet.

Such a big temptation, can the armored cavalry resist?Can they still ban it?

Doros didn't know what to do, and he didn't dare to order.

Seeing that Doros didn't move, Liang Xiao twisted his mouth. "Afraid? It's too late to admit defeat now."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. However, the treasure is fine, but the Amazon female warrior doesn't have it. Can I use other beauties instead?"

"No problem." Liang Xiao waved his hand.

Doros gritted his teeth, raised the command flag in his hand, and reiterated the military order, requiring all armored cavalry to obey the order, and those who violated it will be held accountable.

The armored cavalry suddenly agreed.

The messenger blew the horn, and the armored cavalry let go of the reins and began to gallop.Even with a strong temptation ahead, they still maintained enough restraint and did not run at full speed.The impact of armor cavalry does not come from the speed of the horse. Running at full speed will overload the horse, and its combat effectiveness will drop rapidly, making it difficult to maintain it for a long enough time.

Liang Xiao nodded. Judging from the armor cavalry's impact speed and formation maintenance, Doros's training during this period was indeed very effective.

The armored cavalry rushed down the hillside, and the vanguard was only three hundred steps away from the Amazon female warrior holding the treasure. It is first come first served.

The formation gradually became disorganized, and dozens of cavalry rushed forward.

Liang Xiao raised his eyebrows, indicating that Doros could blow the retreat call.

Doros was extremely depressed.He has repeatedly ordered these armored cavalry to obey orders and not to mess up their formation. Now it seems that these guys were seduced by beauties and treasures, and they forgot all their orders, which made him lose face.

Reluctantly, he raised his hand and gave the order.

The horn of retreat sounded, whining in the valley.

When the armored cavalry who were charging heard the sound of the retreating horn, they suddenly became a mess.Most of the people began to tighten the reins, slowed down their horses, and prepared to retreat, but the dozens of riders who rushed to the front ignored them and continued to gallop forward, rushing towards the female Amazon warrior they had set their eyes on.

Facing the big Hagar cavalry who had jumped off his horse and greeted him with open arms, the female Amazon warrior who was smiling like a flower just now suddenly turned her face, rushed forward, and captured them one by one.The armored cavalry were wearing heavy armor, so they were not able to fight on foot. Facing these nimble female warriors, they had no power to fight back, and were quickly knocked to the ground with their hands tied.

The female warriors jumped on their horses, led the captured cavalry, and came to Liang Xiao and Doros.The armored cavalry had already reacted at this time, and they were all blushing with embarrassment, feeling ashamed.

Liang Xiao raised his eyebrows. "Would you like to count?"

Doros's face turned purple, and he ordered the guard battalion to come forward and take down the soldiers who were captured, and dragged those soldiers who violated the military order even though they were not captured, and stripped off their armor. Ten army sticks.

Doros lost the game and lost face again. He was so angry that he had no place to vent his anger. He picked up a stick and did it himself. With bird feathers stuffed in their ears, they can’t hear Lao Tzu’s order to retreat?”
(End of this chapter)

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