Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 640 Surprise Attack

Chapter 640 Surprise Attack (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)
Liang Xiao squatted under a fir tree, raised his clairvoyance, and stared closely at the Wusun cavalry in the distance.

The two sides confronted each other for several days, but failed to find a way to win.The Wusun people's detection of the swamp was hindered, and they made no progress. Instead, they lost a hundred and ten lives and did not dare to attack hastily.Liang Xiao was also limited by the lack of troops, so he could not launch a counterattack, let alone cross the river rashly when Lie Jiaomi was stationed by the river, lest Lie Jiaomi seize the opportunity.

Seeing no hope of quick victory, both sides began to prepare for a long-term confrontation, or at least appeared to be so.

Lie Jiaomi sent [-] cavalry to the eastern pastures to collect supplies.From east to west, the Yili River Valley consists of alpine pastures, meadow pastures and river valley pastures.In summer, most herders are in alpine pastures or meadow pastures, and as winter approaches, they descend to river valley pastures.The cattle and sheep were fattening, and it was originally the territory of the Wusun people at this time, so it was not troublesome to recruit them, not to mention that there were [-] cavalry who were full of murderous intent.

Generally speaking, you don't need so many people to collect supplies, three to five thousand riders are enough.Lie Jiaomi was so cautious because Liang Xiao was at his side, three or five thousand riders might not be Liang Xiao's opponent, so he simply sent 1 people.Even if Liang Xiao's entire army is dispatched, if he wants to defeat these ten thousand cavalry, he will have to work hard.

Facts have proved that Lie Jiaomi's caution is justified. Two successive groups of people returned safely after going out. Not only did they bring a large number of cattle, sheep, and forage, they also regained control of the Cypriot tribes and confiscated more than 3000 riders.Collecting supplies is a fat job, and it is only natural to earn some benefits for yourself outside of serious missions. When it is confirmed that it is safe, the last mission becomes very popular.

The [-] Wusun cavalrymen successfully completed their mission and returned to the camp with their spoils contented.They were relaxed and in good spirits, some even dozed off on horseback, drowsy.

The wives and daughters of herdsmen may not be beautiful, but they are all fierce. To conquer them, even these Wusun warriors will have to spend a lot of effort.

Jian Mi came over. "General, can we fight this time?"

Liang Xiao put away his clairvoyance. "What do you think?"

"I can fight."


"These Wusun people are very relaxed, obviously not as vigilant as the previous two groups. Look at them, they are about to fall off their horses. Although there are 1 people, we are sure to win the battle quickly, and run away when we fight."

"Yeah, remember the raid request?"

"I know, hit a snake and hit seven inches."

"anything else?"

"Don't fight, don't love to fight, just walk away with one blow, keep a safe distance."

"Very good." Liang Xiao patted Jianmi's shoulder in satisfaction. "I'll go first, you accept."

Jian Mi grinned happily. "Okay, be careful, General."

Liang Xiao raised his hand, walked down the hill, and flew onto the horse.Mingzhu was injured, although it didn't affect the battle, Liang Xiao still replaced it with a chestnut Dawan horse.This horse is not as bright as a pearl, but it is also a top-grade Dawan horse.

With Princess Luo Xuli as his backing, Liang Xiao possessed unimaginable resources of Dawan war horses. Not only did he own four top-grade Dawan horses, but his personal guards also had at least one Dawan horse as a war horse.

Dawan horses have the defect of high cost of breeding, but it is undeniable that as a war horse, this kind of horse with slender limbs, strong physique, strength and speed is the best choice, even the horses raised in the Yili River Valley cannot match.In history, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty first got the Yili horse and was shocked to be a Tianma. Later, he got the Dawan horse and immediately gave up the name of the Tianma to the Dawan horse. The gap between the two sides can be seen.

When Liang Xiao and the others rushed out of the canyon and Dawan's horse spread its four hooves and swept towards the Wusun people like the wind, that feeling was simply too good.People are like tigers, horses are like dragons, roaring towards them, like magic soldiers descending from the sky.

Before the Wusun people recovered from their astonishment, Liang Xiao and the others had already approached within two hundred steps. They controlled the speed of their horses, raised their bows, and started shooting.

A sharp arrow pierced through the air, causing the Wusun people to fall off their horses one after another, making them even more flustered.

Alexander and the others speeded up, the horses galloped at full speed, and rushed to the Wusun people with lightning speed, spears like a forest, stabbed the Wusun people's face, stomach and breastplate precisely, and screamed The sound sounded, and one by one Wusun people were killed.

In a short while, they invaded the formation of Wusun people and advanced dozens of steps.

Under the cover of Alexander and others, Liang Xiao and other shooters shot at will, but all valuable targets within range received due treatment. He died before the horn sounded.

"Let's go!" Liang Xiao yelled while shooting continuously, reminding everyone not to love fighting and to retreat quickly.

Alexander and others quickly turned their horses and left the battle formation.Liang Xiao waited for the archers to cover in the rear, while riding and shooting.Dawan horses run fast and steady, and with the help of their stirrups, they can easily turn around and shoot, blocking those Wusun people who are chasing up.The Wusun people were hit by arrows one after another, and they didn't dare to chase any more, so they had to give up and watched Liang Xiao and others leave.

The people of Wusun were stunned and confused. The attack by Liang Xiao and others was too fast. Before they recovered, the battle was over. More than 200 people were killed.

What made them even more uneasy was that Liang Xiao and the others did not go far. They slowed down, kept a distance of two to three hundred steps, and moved forward together with the Wusun people.Looking at it like that, it is clear that the meaning is still unfinished, and I am ready to do it again at any time.

The Wusun people got angry, the horn sounded, and two thousand cavalry left the team, chasing after Liang Xiao.

Seeing the Wusun cavalrymen chasing them, Liang Xiao and the others accelerated their speed, kept a certain distance from the Wusun people, and continued to turn around and shoot to kill.Although the Wusun people were numerous and powerful, they could not catch up. They tried their best and chased for several miles, but they failed to close the distance. On the contrary, nearly a hundred people were shot and killed, and their morale was seriously frustrated.

Just when the Wusun people were exhausted in pursuit and their horses were exhausted, Jian Mi led the Dawan cavalry to rush out from their hiding place, descending like a tiger, and charged at the Wusun people.

The Wusun people were dumbfounded.They were exhausted by Liang Xiao, and they were about to stop to take a breath, but they still had no energy to meet the enemy.Facing the Dawan cavalry who had an advantage in numbers, their men and horses were physically strong and their morale was high, they were powerless to fight back.

Jian Mi was hit with a single blow.The [-] Dawan cavalry hardly encountered any strong resistance, and charged through the formation of the Wusun people like a broken bamboo, killing the Wusun people to pieces and losing more than half.They rushed hundreds of steps away, turned their horses' heads again, made a circle, and rushed back again.

Seeing the appearance of the Dawan cavalry, the general Wusun who commanded the army knew something was wrong, so he immediately blew the horn and led [-] cavalry to meet him.Five thousand cavalry shouted loudly, urged their horses, rushed out of the formation, and charged at the Dawan people.

The chasing Wusun cavalry was four or five miles away from the formation, which didn't look far away, but it exceeded the distance that the horses could gallop at full speed.If the Wusun people let their horses run at full speed, they would suffer a great loss when they ran up to them, because the horses would consume too much energy. Therefore, they clearly saw that the Dawan people were not far ahead, but they did not dare to chase them. They could only maintain a certain speed. There is still power available when preparing for the battle.

But the Dawan people didn't think so. They ran at full speed without stopping, and once again attacked the Wusun people's position, passing through the formation.

After two attacks by the Dawan people, the [-] Wusun cavalry suffered heavy losses, and only more than [-] people were still sitting on horseback, still in shock.

When the five thousand Wusun cavalrymen arrived, Jian Mi had completed the scheduled task, slowed down, and wandered around three or four hundred paces away to see how the Wusun people would respond, and took this opportunity to let the horses adjust their physical strength in preparation for another attack. war.

The Wusun people are in a dilemma.They came to rescue their companions, who had been tortured to the point of death by the Dawan people, and they were in desolation.Want to take revenge, they are not sure of victory.They wanted to retreat, but they were unwilling, and they were even more afraid of being chased and beaten by Dawan people.In cavalry combat, they are most afraid of being chased, especially those who are faster than themselves.

The Wusun people have Yili horses. When facing other tribes, the advantages of the horses put them in an active position. But when they met the Dawan people, the advantages of the horses were lost. They were passive at every step and could no longer control the rhythm of the battle as they wished , can only follow in the footsteps of Dawan people.

Taking advantage of Wusun's main force being restrained by Jian Mi, Liang Xiao, who had finished his rest, did not hesitate to attack those Wusun people who were protecting the luggage.Although there are still nearly 2000 Wusun people, they have to protect their cattle, sheep, food and grass. Faced with Liang Xiao and others who come and go like the wind and whereabouts are erratic, they are exhausted and fall into an embarrassing situation of being beaten all-round.Liang Xiao seemed to be in a land of no one, and succeeded one after another, beheading hundreds of people.

General Wusun saw that the situation was not good, so he only had 2000 people to support him and stop Liang Xiao.

Seeing the Wusun people changing formation, Jian Mi immediately launched an attack, launching the most violent attack.Jian Mi led the personal guard battalion, charged fiercely, and went straight to the general flag of the Wusun people.

Although the strength of the two sides is similar, the battle is uneven.The Dawan cavalry led by Jian Mi was selected as an elite, and after more than a month of intensive training by Liang Xiao, both their physical strength and morale were in the best condition.The Wusun people were ordinary cavalry soldiers, who were defeated one after another, their morale was low, and the generals hesitated between fighting or not fighting. Facing the full attack of the Dawan people, they quickly collapsed.

The people of Dawan rode their horses and galloped, killing as much as they wanted.

The Wusun people fled in all directions and were routed.The commander-in-chief of the army was chased by Jian Mi for more than a dozen miles, and he took the head with a single blow.

Liang Xiao ordered to clean up the battlefield immediately, and returned to the camp with the corpses and trophies of the fallen soldiers.In the early days of Ma Rong's careful surveying and mapping, with a Cypriot as a guide, he was like a fish in water, and he walked back home with ease.

When Liang Xiao and Jian Mi returned to the camp safely with a large number of cattle, sheep, and luggage, the Yuezhi people who stayed behind in the camp were envious.But Ah Zena was just envious, he knew that Liang Xiao and Jian Mi's achievements were inseparable from the superiority of their horses.Without the innate advantages of the Dawan horse, if the Yuezhi people were to join the battle, the situation would be reversed. The Wusun people would take the initiative, not the Yuezhi people.


Lie Jiaomi was shocked and angry when he received the report of the rout.

Liang Xiao actually left the camp and attacked the troops he sent out to collect supplies, not because he was brave enough, but because he showed great contempt for him.It should be noted that in this way, only Yuezhi people and Daxia people were left on the other side of the river, with a maximum force of [-]. Once he launched an attack, it was very likely that Liang Xiao's camp would be taken down.

Liang Xiao took advantage of his cautiousness and played tricks on him.

That's not the only thing that made him angry.After Liang Xiao robbed this batch of supplies, he had the capital for a long-term confrontation.He has few troops and needs few supplies, but he still needs to send people to collect supplies.

If he was robbed by Liang Xiao again... Lie Jiaomi didn't dare to think about it.

Liejiaomi felt like quitting.He didn't want to fight anymore, he didn't dare to fight anymore.Facing an opponent like Liang Xiao, he was under a lot of pressure and had no chance of winning.He felt that he was restrained every step of the way, and every step he took was falling behind Liang Xiao.

Lie Jiaomi convened the generals to discuss the matter, and as soon as he expressed his intention to withdraw troops, he was unanimously opposed by the generals.

There are many reasons for opposing the withdrawal of troops, but in the final analysis, there is one sentence: Liang Xiao can't win with only 8000 people now. When more Dawan people and Yuezhi people arrive next year, how can Wusun people win?Liang Xiao still had reinforcements, but the Wusun people had no reinforcements and could only rely on themselves.If Kunmo loses confidence now, he will have no chance in the future.

Lie Jiaomi was speechless, so he had to swallow the suggestion of retreating, desperately looking for a way to win.


After waiting for several days, Liang Xiao secretly sighed when he saw that Lie Jiaomi had no intention of retreating, but pressed even harder.

A decisive battle is inevitable, and we must abandon any unrealistic expectations and be prepared for a hard fight.

Even with the technical advantage, even with the big Xiajia cavalry as his trump card, Liang Xiao still didn't dare to be careless.The disparity in the strength of about four times makes Lie Jiaomi more able to bear it.As long as he didn't stop for a while, Lie Jiaomi could trap him to death with his superior force.

One power down ten sessions.

Liang Xiao invited Azhena and Jianmi to discuss countermeasures, explained the current situation carefully, and finally said: "Calculating the time, the winner will be determined within half a month. Jianmi, can old Andrew arrive in time? ?”

Jian Mi shook his head. "I'm really not sure about this. I have never walked this road before. I can't tell how long it will take. The mountains are no different from the grasslands. It can be estimated according to the mileage, and the distance will not be too far. No one has personally walked the road in the mountains. I dare not say that dozens of people are completely different from thousands of people.”

Liang Xiao scratched his head a little, but he also knew that what Jian Mi said was the truth, Wangshan ran to death, if another accident happened, the mountain road was blocked and it was possible that he could not pass through at all.

"In this way, the infantry may be hopeless, so we can only deploy with the current strength." Liang Xiao pondered for a moment. "I have to remind you, because of the strength of our troops, even if we win, it may be a disastrous victory. The loss is at least half. Do the soldiers have confidence and can bear such pressure? You may need to do more. Work. Whether it’s heavy rewards or severe punishments, you can’t give up halfway.”

Ashina remained silent.He understood what Liang Xiao meant.Jian Mi is not afraid of big losses, his people are not his own, and with Princess Luo Xuli here, as long as he can win, no matter how high the loss is, he is still a hero, and it is inevitable to be promoted.But he is different, these people are his subordinates, if it is true as Liang Xiao said, if the loss is more than half, he will lose his strength, and the compensation Queen Yueshi can give him is limited, he will definitely suffer.

But he couldn't back down.When Liang Xiao needed his support, if he gave up on the pick, all the previous efforts to make friends would have been in vain, and there would be no hope of getting Liang Xiao's support in the future.This loss is also unbearable.

Ajina thought over and over, and finally said: "General, if you want to fight, what kind of tactics do you plan to use?"
 On the last day of July, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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