Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 601 Dead Enemy

Chapter 601 Dead Enemy
The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the pines are bursting.

Although it is the end of April and it is already summer in the Central Plains, the foot of Nanshan Mountain is still cool, especially at night.The mountain wind seems to have carried the snow on the top of the mountain, making people feel cold all over.

Xu Le was in front of the case, and together with Ma Rong and others, they searched for them according to the map and marked the prisoners according to their ethnicity.Ma Rong once traveled all over Qiang with Mei Gao, as far as the Western Regions, and drew pictures by himself.The silk book map on the case was drawn by him.Even so, he was still not sure about the locations of the countries west of Loulan.

"Supervisor, are these prisoners lying?" Ma Rong straightened his waist and said while twisting his neck.

On the map, flags from Wusun and Gumo accounted for one-third of the total.Xu Le supported the case with both hands, stared at the small flags, and shook his head. "This is the result of cross-examination. It should be true. It seems that Wusun played a lot of roles in this. No wonder Dongfang Shuo and Li Danghu dare not act rashly."

Ma Rong was taken aback. "The supervisor means that Sirius is backed by King Wusun?"

Xu Le nodded, revealing a contemptuous smile. "If it weren't for this, how could Sirius develop so fast. Queen Wusun is the elder sister of Sirius, and it is reasonable for her to support Sirius. King Wusun just pretends to be deaf and dumb, and pretends not to know. If something happens, Dongfang Shuo can't turn against him, so he has to accept his explanation."

Ma Rong took a breath.He looked at Xu Le and praised him: "The supervisor really has a unique vision, no wonder Liang Junhou asked you to be the supervisor."

Xu Le smiled.The matter between Liang Xiao and the emperor should not be known by too many people. Ma Rong has such an idea, and he is happy to see it come true.He looks around. "Where is Liang Junhou?"

"I'm meeting the leaders of the various tribes." Ma Rong was full of emotions, and his pride was beyond words. "Seeing the respectful appearance of those tribal leaders, no matter how hard it is, it is worth it."

Xu Le's eyes flashed, thoughtful.


Liang Xiaogao sat in the big tent, holding a wine glass, taking a sip from time to time.He drank very little, which was not pleasant and disrespectful for a tribal leader who liked to drink heavily.But no one dared to care about him, and no one even dared to look up at him.No matter how much Liang Xiao drank, even if he just raised his glass as a gesture, they felt that they had a good face and retreated contentedly.

Sitting on Liang Xiao's left, Batu also received the respect from the tribal leaders.He straightened his waist and kept a serious attitude.How Liang Xiao treats these people is how he treats them, and he speaks Chinese from the beginning to the end, as if he considers himself a Han.

March felt wrong, but he was in a very good mood now.The prince returned, and Aliusu's head and bow were recaptured in World War I. The Yuezhi people regained their dignity and had a new core.Now that people's hearts are stable and their morale is strong, they are just waiting to make new achievements.Although he had some opinions on Liang Xiao and Batu's arrogance, he couldn't object, so he had to liven up the atmosphere as soon as possible, and kept drinking with others.

March soon drank too much and was carried down.Without March as a lubricant, the atmosphere in the big tent immediately became unnatural.The tribal leaders looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

Liang Xiao put down his wine glass and coughed lightly.The tribal leaders turned their faces away in unison, bowing and obeying orders.

"Everyone, I have stayed in the Western Regions for a while, and I know that the conditions here are difficult and survival is not easy. Your strength is limited. If you don't bow your head against an opponent like Sirius, you will die."

The tribal leaders breathed a sigh of relief, and said in unison: "Thank you for your tolerance, sir."

"Before, I, a big man, focused on dealing with the Xiongnu and focused on Mobei. I didn't protect you well, so Sirius took advantage of the loophole. Now that I am here, from now on, everyone's safety is guaranteed, and you can give birth with peace of mind. .”

"Thank you, my lord. We are willing to treat the big man as the suzerain, send progeny to the court, and pay tribute every year."

"Very good. But don't worry, I am a big man, Wufu Minfeng, and I care about your wishes, and I won't be greedy for your little tribute. Someone will discuss the specific matters with you at that time, and you can also ask Batu first Prince, ask him how big Chang'an is, and how strong I am."


"Okay, I still have military affairs to deal with, so I won't accompany you all. Prince, please accompany them to have a few more drinks."

Batu stood up and bowed to accept the order. "Don't worry, Junhou, I will inform them of the great man's virtue."

Liang Xiao nodded slightly, got up and left.Xie Guanglong, Alexander and the others stood up one after another, protecting Liang Xiao and leaving.Batu took the seat and coughed: "Everyone, you must have heard about the battle last winter. Do you know what happened when the big man was fighting this battle? Do you know, How many Han armies did King Youxian defeat?"


When Liang Xiao returned to the big tent of the Chinese army, Ma Rong immediately greeted him. Liang Xiao took off his cloak and sat in front of the case. "Xu Jun, what have you gained?"

"As you guessed before, there are people from Wusun supporting Sirius behind the scenes."

Liang Xiao snorted and twisted his fingers. "Xu Jun, since this is the case, then we don't need to worry. The most urgent thing is to recruit troops. You go and talk to the tribes and ask them to hand over the most elite fighters and provide enough horses. Weapons and armor are free. The technology cannot be leaked out for the time being, so please ask Guo Wenbin to build it in Dunhuang. For now, use our spare equipment to equip them."

Xu Le nodded repeatedly and recorded them one by one.

"There is one more thing, I want to discuss with Xu Jun."

"You said."

"Most of these tribes have no written language and different languages. They have to rely on interpreters to communicate with each other. I think this is very inconvenient. Xu Jun, can you build a mobile school with a few soldiers who can read and write? Teach them to read and write, at least those recruited soldiers must be able to understand our words and understand our documents."

Xu Le's eyes lit up. "Junhou means culture?"

"It's about the same. Now it's wartime, so we can only keep it simple. When we settle down, we will recruit some wanderers and let them go deep into the pastoral areas of various tribes to be cultural envoys and spread the culture of my great man to all directions. That's it. , 30 years later, most people in these tribes can speak Chinese and write Chinese characters, so they will naturally agree with me."

"Good idea." Xu Le patted his thigh, beaming with joy. "I will report it to the court immediately, and the emperor will definitely agree."

"I'm afraid this matter cannot be arranged by the imperial court alone." Liang Xiao held his chin. "It's too hard here. It's not easy to recruit so many scholars who are both knowledgeable and willing to endure hardships. I think that maybe the military experience will be used as a kind of assessment to encourage more people to join the frontier. As the saying goes, civil and military use both , It is far from enough for us warriors to conquer by force, and you need the cooperation of learned people."

Xu Le clapped his hands and smiled. "Your Majesty's words won my heart."

"Then I will entrust this matter to Xu Jun. You will do the talking, and I will do the hands-on."

"Okay, it's a deal."


Under the snow mountain, Sirius Valley.

Wu Dan's eyes were gloomy and cold, he touched the knife ring with one hand, and tapped his thigh lightly with the other, staring at the dusty rout, without saying a word.The monotonous and dull taps followed one after another, as if they were tapped on the top of the rout soldier's head, frightening him to the ground, not even daring to breathe.Two half-dressed Qiang girls knelt aside, silent like cicadas, their faces paled.

Yiwuer died in battle, Aliusu's head and bow fell into the hands of Batu, and the plan to conquer the remnants of the Yuezhi all failed, all of which were not enough to make Wudan angry.Living in seclusion in the deep mountains for several years, what he practiced hard was not only strength and archery, but also his will.

However, hearing Liang Xiao's name caused waves in his ancient well-like state of mind.Although it was just some ripples, it broke the calm.

The decline of the Hunxie tribe from a powerful tribe to this point was all caused by Liang Xiao.Now he's back, and he's killing Iul in one shot, ruining a great situation.

Iul, that idiot!Wu Dan scolded viciously.

After repelling the rout soldiers with a wave of his hand, Wu Dan got up and left the big tent.He didn't even bring his guards with him, and walked up the mountain road behind the camp alone.

The mountain road is rugged, narrower and narrower as you go up, and the road gradually disappears. Wu Dan can only use his hands and feet to crawl up.He climbed alone for two hours, until he climbed above the snow line and stood outside a hidden cave.Even though he has practiced hard in the mountains for many years, he is still out of breath at this moment.He stopped at a distance outside the cave, adjusted his breathing, and then came to the front of the cave and knelt down on the ground.

"The Great Wizard."

The voice of the great wizard came from the cave. "Climb in."

Wu Dan really crawled into the hole.The opening of the cave was so small that Wu Dan managed to squeeze in after taking off his cloak.After entering the cave, he leaned against the cold stone wall, and it took him a long time to get used to the black hole in the cave, and vaguely saw the wizard's position.

"You are fat."

Wu Dan touched his mouth in embarrassment.When he was in the mountains, he practiced hard and ate food only for nutrition, not caring about the taste at all. After several years, he didn't even have a trace of fat on his body.After leaving the mountain, he was invincible and conquered dozens of tribes, large and small. He was supplied with good wine and meat every day, how could he not be fat.

"Liang Xiao is back?"

Wu Dan was startled, but inexplicably relieved.Since the great wizard knew that Liang Xiao was back, she must have a way to deal with it. "Yes, Liang Xiao came back, killed Iul, and took Aliusu's head and bow."

"Are you afraid?"

Wu Dan hesitated for a while, but in the end he still didn't dare to show off in front of the great wizard. "Great wizard Mingjian, I really don't have any certainty of victory."

"In terms of archery, you guys are just good at it. In terms of mood, you could fight with him when you were in the mountains before. Now, I don't think I'm sure. However, the most important thing is not here."

"Please enlighten the Great Wizard."

"No matter how strong you are, you are only one person after all. Liang Xiaoqiang is not only him alone, there are countless people around him." The great wizard sighed. "Even if you can defeat him, you cannot defeat the big man. If Dongfang Shuo stands still, you can only dominate the Nanshan area and cannot control the Tianshan Mountain. Wusun Kunmo has [-] soldiers in his hand, and he dare not act rashly. You have no chance."

Wu Dan was silent for a long time. "Then according to the great wizard, what should I do? Should I surrender to Liang Xiao?"

"If you could surrender, you would have surrendered a long time ago. Why wait until now." The great wizard chuckled: "Although the Han people are powerful and have won consecutive battles in recent years, the Han people are not without flaws. Liang Xiao is too ambitious. The Han people The emperor is very afraid of him, and sending him to the Western Regions may not have the intention of letting him die. If you negotiate with the Han people after killing Liang Xiao, you may have a chance to rebuild the Hunxie Department."

"Then how can I defeat Liang Xiao?"

"It depends on you." The great wizard closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time.

Wu Dan knelt opposite, waiting silently, not daring to move.Although his knees soon became unbearably sore, and gradually he became unconscious from the cold, and the coolness invaded his legs and his waist, but he still gritted his teeth and endured it.

The cave is dark, and the time is unknown.It was not until Wu Dan felt that his heart was about to freeze, that the great wizard said quietly: "Okay, you can go. If you can practice like this for two hours every day, you still have a chance to fight. Your Majesty, if you want to win Astonishing skills must suffer inhumanely. God is fair, and no one can get something for nothing.”

Wu Dan woke up like a dream, in the darkness, his cheeks were hot.He bowed twice, turned around and went out of the cave.

"Also, don't come here again." The great wizard said, "My destiny is over, and I will return to Chishan soon."

Wu Dan was stunned for a moment, then turned around and bowed down in front of the great wizard again, tears streaming from his eyes.


Chigu City.Dongfang Shuo pulled on his bear fur cloak, and with a smile on his face, he walked towards Lie Jiaomi and A Ruikan.Arikan turned his eyes, touched Dongfang Shuo, then lowered his eyelids again, his hands twisted together uneasily.

Lie Jiaomi smiled all over his face, and cupped his hands from afar. "Mr. Dongfang, you haven't come here for a long time."

"Yeah, there are a lot of things going on in Nanshan recently, and I can't get away from it."

Lie Jiaomi's eyes flickered slightly. "How is Nanshan's matter handled? Mr. Dongfang is here, and Sirius must have been captured without a fight."

Dongfang Shuo laughed loudly and shook his head. "Wolf hunting is not something I should do. All I care about are life-and-death matters, and small things should naturally be handed over to the right people."

"I don't know who is the right person, Li Danghu, or Li Shuyun?"

Dongfang Shuo squeezed his eyes with a smile. "Guess again."

Lie Jiaomi thought for a long time, but still shook his head. "I can't guess."

"Actually, you should be able to guess it." Dongfang Shuo smiled even more mysteriously. "This person is your old opponent. You have fought many times. Of course, he is no stranger to Sirius, so he can be regarded as a sworn enemy."

Lie Jiaomi was still thinking about it, but Arikan's expression changed drastically. "You mean...Liang Xiao?"

"Yan's is still smarter." Dongfang Shuo cocked his lips and looked around. "Where is my exclusive chair, where is it placed, and it still hasn't been taken out for me?"

Lie Jiaomi's face changed drastically, but Arukan responded, "Sir, wait a moment. When I heard that Mr. is coming, I have already sent someone to move it, and I will be there soon."
(End of this chapter)

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