Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 586 Big Prison

Chapter 586 Big Prison
Dou Ying was taken away, and Dou's family was in chaos.

As a powerful family, Dou's family knew very well what the result of Yi Tingwei was, and there were only a handful of people who could walk out of Tingwei's mansion alive.To some extent, Yi Tingwei is just a polite way of saying, to save the minister some dignity.Ministers who knew that they had committed serious crimes would often choose to commit suicide when they heard Yi Tingwei's edict, in order to preserve their last dignity and avoid humiliation.

Fortunately, Dou Ying did not commit suicide, he was just a little surprised, and then he followed King Wuqiu Shou very calmly.

But his family is not calm.The old wife's first reaction was to rush to Princess Guantao's mansion and ask Princess Guantao for help.

Hearing the news that Dou Ying was taken away, Princess Guantao was also dumbfounded and didn't react for a long time.Dou Ying has experienced ups and downs in his life, he has been the most honored general and prime minister, and he was once demoted to a commoner, but he has never been imprisoned.

To Tingwei?Princess Guantao thought of those important ministers who died in the prison of Tingwei Temple, and the first person who came to mind was Zhou Yafu.Zhou Yafu and Dou Ying have too many similarities.Together they quelled the Wu-Chu Rebellion, and together they fought for the abolition of Prince Liu Rong.Zhou Yafu later died in Tingwei Temple.When he received the imperial edict, he once wanted to commit suicide, but was stopped by his wife. Later, it proved that suicide might be the best choice.

He was devastated later and committed suicide by hunger strike.

Thinking of Dou Ying's character, Princess Guantao realized that the situation was urgent. Once Dou Ying was tortured and humiliated, tragedy would be inevitable.If Dou Ying dies, not only will the Dou family lose a leader, but the Chen family will also lose half of the sky.

Princess Guantao discussed urgently with her husband Chen Wu, sons Chen Xu, and Chen Xu. Without saying a word, Chen Xu immediately decided to go to Liang Xiao.

Princess Guantao agreed.At this moment, apart from this method, she couldn't think of a better way.She might be able to enter the palace to beg the queen, but she has to wait until tomorrow. The only feasible way now is to go to Liang Xiao.Liang Xiao lives in his own mansion and does not need to enter the palace.


Chen Xu rushed to Champion Hou's mansion, but was stopped by Pang Shuo who was on duty at night.Pang Shuo wanted to send someone to inform him. He couldn't wait and wanted to rush in, but he tried his best to rush left and right, but he couldn't get through the gate.He was anxious, so he simply stood at the door and shouted: "Liang Junhou, Liang Junhou, get up quickly, something serious happened."

After a while, Liang Xiao rushed out with his clothes on.He waved his hand to signal Pang Shuo to step back.

"What happened, all of a sudden?"

"Wei Qihou... was arrested." Chen Xu was out of breath, out of breath.

"Wei Qihou was arrested?" Liang Xiao was also taken aback. "why?"

"Hejian King Liu De committed suicide. It is said that it was related to Wei Qihou, and the palace issued an edict to arrest Wei Qihou in the middle of the night."

Liang Xiao was stunned for a while.These two events are major events. When the kings came to court, Liu De, the king of Hejian, committed suicide, which will definitely attract great attention.Although Wei Qihou has only a false position and no real power, his reputation is unmatched, and he seems to be the leader of public opinion in the opposition.Now one commits suicide and the other is caught, like two boulders thrown into a pool, it is definitely an earth-shattering wave.

Liang Xiao suddenly remembered what Wei Qihou had just mentioned yesterday, and his scalp went numb.Could it be that Dou Ying, an old knight-errant, was so excited that he joined forces with Liu De to make a contract with the emperor, scaring that frightened bird of Liu De to death?

He immediately thought of another question: Ting Weizhen is the famous cruel official Zhang Tang.He was appreciated by the emperor for rectifying the Jiangdu case. Now that Dou Ying is in his hands, I am afraid there will be no good fruit to eat.

Dou Ying is in danger.

Liang Xiao was so anxious that he wished he could rush to the palace immediately.But he thought about it again, no matter whether the reason he guessed was true or not, the emperor must be extremely angry to arrest Dou Ying in such a hurry.At this time, rushing over to make admonishment is useless except to add fuel to the fire.

"You go back first." Liang Xiao waved his hand. "Think of a way to get someone to pass a message to Wei Qihou, telling him not to commit suicide."

Chen Xu nodded repeatedly, turned around and left.After turning two steps, he reacted again. "and then?"

"Then wait." Liang Xiao waved his hand to signal Chen Xu to leave quickly. "If the Son of Heaven asks about your coming to see me today, don't hide it, tell the truth."

"Oh." Although Chen Xu didn't understand what it meant, seeing that Liang Xiao didn't intend to explain further, he could only leave in a hurry with his head in a daze.

Liang Xiao returned to the bedroom, but couldn't fall asleep no matter what.He analyzed repeatedly, but still couldn't figure it out.At this moment, he missed Liu Ling very much.If Liu Ling was in Chang'an, he wouldn't be so helpless.

After careful consideration for half a night, he made up his mind and decided to wait and see what happened.Early the next morning, he first arranged for people to return to Yuzhang, notified Liu Ling to prepare for the contingency, and then sent someone to the palace to ask for leave: the leg disease relapsed, and he needed to rest, so he could not enter the palace to serve for the time being.


Hejian King Liu De committed suicide and Wei Qihou Dou Ying was arrested. The news spread throughout Chang'an City in just half a day, and the commotion directly surpassed the lecture held by Huainan King Liu An.However, Liu An's lecture was not forgotten because of this. On the contrary, the two events stirred up each other, making the situation more complicated.

Soon, all the kings wrote letters in unison, requesting to pay homage to Hejian Mansion.

The emperor was furious when he received the news, but he couldn't stop it.Liu De is a member of the clan, and suddenly committed suicide in Chang'an. It is human nature for the kings to go to sacrifice, and he has no reason to stop it.However, he also knew that Liu De did not end well, and the court must give a clear answer as soon as possible, otherwise rumors would spread everywhere.

Of course the Son of Heaven knew the cause of Liu De's death, and Liu De's memorial was in front of him before his death, but he couldn't simply make this memorial public.Liu De explained in detail the purpose of Dou Ying’s visit to him in the memorial. Once Liu De’s memorial is published, Dou Ying’s suggestion will also be made public, and he can’t hide it if he wants to. Maybe it will be unanimously agreed by the princes support.

But the emperor didn't intend to accept this agreement, otherwise he wouldn't have put Dou Ying in jail immediately, and he couldn't even wait for dawn.

After hesitating, the emperor did not make a decision.He discussed repeatedly with Xu Le, Zhu Fuyan and other close officials, but they did not come up with any safe plan.The case is not complicated, but the topic is a dead end, no matter what you say, you will hit a wall.

Dou Ying's suggestion itself is not out of the ordinary, and the monarch and his ministers treat each other with courtesy, even if it is not supported by Confucian theory, it is a reasonable appeal.They are also ministers, no matter how much they support the cause of the emperor, no matter how much they want to pursue glory and wealth, no one is willing to be a slave or a handmaiden to be slaughtered by others.If possible, they would be happy to see Dou Ying's proposal come true.

But they also knew that the emperor wanted to strengthen the imperial power. If they supported Dou Ying, they would definitely offend the emperor, and everything they had now would be in vain.Unlike Liang Xiao and others who had a food town, they had no food town to rely on. Once they lost their official positions, they would immediately fall into poverty, and maybe their lives would be in danger.

In a dilemma, they could only keep silent.

The emperor was even more angry when he saw that the close ministers who had always been trusted had ambiguous attitudes.Among them, the one who displeased him the most was the champion Hou Liangxiao.Liang Xiao has been doing well recently, but he suddenly asked for sick leave. Needless to say, he must be hiding from the limelight.No need to check, the emperor also knows that Dou Ying must have approached Liang Xiao about this matter.Liang Xiao didn't report before, but now he is pretending to be sick, his heart can be punished.

If he hadn't realized that this matter involved many people and could not act rashly, the emperor might have thrown Liang Xiao into Tingwei Prison and asked Zhang Tang to interrogate him to see what he was up to.

In fact, no one suggested so.After learning that Wei Qihou Dou Ying was arrested, Tian Fu, who had been resting in bed, supported his unhealed neck and struggled to enter the palace. He suggested that the emperor also arrest Liang Xiao and interrogate Dou Ying together.The Son of Heaven knew that Tian Fu, Dou Ying, and Liang Xiao had grudges, and this suggestion was not necessarily out of public interest, and the possibility of avenging personal revenge was greater, so he did not accept his suggestion.

In desperation, the emperor issued an imperial edict to Tingwei Temple, ordering them to step up the interrogation of Dou Ying.


Things went beyond the emperor's expectations, and Tingwei Temple quickly produced the interrogation report.Dou Ying was very cooperative, and explained everything clearly, even the matter of going to Liang Xiao before.Tingwei Zhai believed that Dou Ying's behavior did not violate the law, and there was nothing wrong with the content of his discussion with Liu De.Liu De's suicide is not necessarily related to Dou Ying's suggestion, and it is appropriate that he should be acquitted.

When the emperor received the report, he was furious, and immediately ordered people to dismiss Zhai Gong from his official position, and Zhang Tang acted as a court lieutenant to hear the case.

Zhang Tang received the imperial edict and re-examined Dou Ying as soon as possible.Unlike Zhai Gong, he didn't save Dou Ying's face, and beat Dou Ying to death.Dou Ying is very stubborn, no matter how Zhang Tang induces a confession, he firmly refuses to change his words.Seeing that Dou Ying might die if the fight continued, Zhang Tang had no choice but to find another breakthrough.He entered the palace and asked for an imperial edict: The champion Hou Liangxiao was involved in the case, and the emperor asked the emperor to issue an edict, ordering Liang Xiaoyi to defend himself.

The emperor agreed.But he solemnly warned Zhang Tang that Liang Xiao is not Dou Ying, so don't mess around.

Zhang Tang was full of confidence and agreed.He didn't even ask the emperor to send someone to pass the edict, and he brought the edict to Champion Hou's mansion.

Liang Xiao met Zhang Tang lying on the couch, he didn't even get up, he just nodded his head.Although Zhang Tang was mentally prepared, he still couldn't hide his anger when he saw this scene.He looked at Liang Xiao with a half-smile. "Junhou, although I'm just a small official, I came here under the order. Isn't it a little rude for Junhou to do this?"

Liang Xiao lay down with his quilt in his arms. "It is indeed a little rude. However, my leg disease was caused by the battle, and His Majesty knows it, and has never blamed it. If Mr. Zhang is in trouble, he can report it to His Majesty. I will not say anything."

Hearing that Liang Xiao carried out the Son of Heaven as soon as he opened his mouth, Zhang Tang was at a loss for words.He stared at Liang Xiao for a long time before he realized what the emperor meant by reminding him.Liang Xiao is not Dou Ying, he will never let him manipulate, let alone give him a chance to show off his prestige.Zhang Tang pondered over and over again, and decided to bring Liang Xiao back to Tingwei Temple first.

"Even so, Tang Zhao ordered me to go with me."

"What did the imperial edict say?" Liang Xiao drooped his eyelids, carelessly. "Do you want me to assist you in the investigation, or surrender yourself to Tingwei Temple?"

Zhang Tang was at a loss for words again.The edict of the Son of Heaven only said that Liang Xiao should become a court captain, but did not explain the difference.In Zhang Tang's view, there is no difference between the two. When we arrive at Tingwei Temple, we will naturally lock them up first.

"Is there a difference...?"

"Of course there is a difference." Liang Xiao tilted his mouth and glanced at Zhang Tang, who was looking angry. "If you let me assist you in the investigation, I am sick and not good for walking. If you have any questions, you can ask here. If you let me surrender to Tingwei Temple, then I will go to the palace to see who it is Tell me, what is the crime?"

Liang Xiao patted the quilt on his chest lightly, and chuckled lightly: "Mr. Zhang is proficient in laws and regulations, do you think what I say makes sense?"

Zhang Tang sneered: "I don't dare to be proficient in the law, but even the most stupid person knows that the prince is critical and despises the king's law. This alone can punish the prince for a big crime of disrespect. King, I I advise you to go with me."

"What if I refuse?"

The smile on Liang Xiao's face also disappeared.He raised his eyelids and looked at Zhang Tang quietly, with a calm expression on his face.But Zhang Tang felt a numbness in his scalp and a chill in his back.He looked around anxiously.Moon, Beta, and Xia stood aside, without raising their eyelids, looking gentle and virtuous.But Zhang Tang felt an invisible murderous aura, a creepy smell from their silence and calmness.

Zhang Tang suddenly regretted it.He shouldn't have come to see Liang Xiao in person.If Liang Xiao had an attack now, with the few guards he brought, he couldn't expect to leave alive.If Liang Xiao killed him, would the emperor kill Liang Xiao to avenge him?

I'm afraid not.Han Yan died in Yuzhang for no apparent reason, and the emperor did not track him down, let alone Zhang Tang.He is indeed proficient in laws and regulations, but the big man has never lacked grammar officials like him.

Zhang Tang swallowed his saliva and said with a forced smile: "If Junhou refuses, then I have no choice but to ask His Majesty to send another envoy. However, His Majesty is busy with government affairs, so I don't think it is necessary to disturb him. I will take a trip and go to Tingwei Temple to speak clearly. I can understand that Junhou is ill and it is not conducive to travel. If Junhou does not give up, I am willing to carry Junhou into the car. How?"

Seeing that Zhang Tang was subdued, Liang Xiao snorted: "Don't dare. Please wait a moment, Jun Zhang, and let me prepare. Come, please take a seat in the hall."

"Here." Yue Yue stood up and gave Beta a wink.Beta turned around, held the knife with his right hand, and stretched out his left hand. "Please."

Although Zhang Tang felt very humiliated, he couldn't think about it.Being in the tiger's den, he didn't dare to offend Liang Xiao and make fun of his own life.He followed Beta to the atrium and sat in the hall for a long time without even drinking a sip of tea. Liang Xiao came out from the backyard until the sun was setting in the west.

However, he didn't come out, he was still lying on the couch, carried by eight heavily armed, sturdy men who looked like the kind of strong men who had been on the battlefield.Next to him were two bodyguards, Pang Shuo and Tu Niuer.

"Let's go." Liang Xiao said weakly, half lying on the couch.

Zhang Tang stood up, looked at Liang Xiao, his face flushed with anger. "Junhou, you are..."

"I'm not in good health, I can't walk." Liang Xiao said, "Why don't you just ask here if you have anything to say?"
(End of this chapter)

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