Chapter 582
After midnight, Li Guang was overjoyed when he got the detailed statistical results.

The result was even better than he estimated.He killed more than 3000 Huns and captured more than 8000 Huns, including more than ten generals including Tiao Shi.More than [-] war horses were seized, and there were also a lot of supplies, enough for them to use for another month.However, the losses of the Han army were not many. More than [-] people were killed in battle, and more than [-] people were seriously injured.

Such a disparity in the casualty ratio is of course attributable to the equipment gap between the two sides, and Li Guang's command is also a factor that cannot be ignored.The Huns were exhausted, timid before fighting, passively beaten, and did not display their due combat effectiveness at all.

What made Li Guang and Wang Hui even more happy was that they got a piece of news from the captives: King Youxian's main camp was in Juyanze not far in front of them.Li Guang turned over the map and found that he had already run behind Youxian King. Juyanze was in the southeast of the Xiongnu River, about 300 miles away.

Li Guang understood why Tiao still chased after him for five days, not because he pretended well, but because Tiao had no choice.

Li Guang made a suggestion. "Since this is the case, let's stop going west, go to Juyanze, and rob his luggage."

Wang Hui pondered for a moment, looked at Li Guang, but did not speak.Li Guang thought for a moment. "Could it be that the Da Xing Ling is trying to capture the Right Wise King and make an indelible achievement?"

Wang Hui smiled, a little embarrassed.He also knew that this idea was unrealistic.King Youxian has [-] cavalry by his side, and with them alone, there is basically no chance of winning.But the big victory just now encouraged him. Before that, who would have thought that the Huns would be so reckless.

Li Guang put away his smile, shook his head, and said unquestionably: "Great decree, people's hearts are not enough. I, like you, also want to kill King Youxian and make a great contribution. However, it will be a battle that will never end." In a battle without return, even if we can win, it is still a tragic victory. No more than [-]% of the people can return home alive, and it is even more likely that the entire army will be wiped out. If we die in battle, we can be rewarded by the court and enjoy the glory. But for ordinary soldiers, the little pension they get is not enough to make up for the harm suffered by their families."

Wang Hui nodded awkwardly. "The general is right, I'm just thinking about it."

"Yes, this opportunity is indeed rare. If we also have [-] cavalry, the head of the Youxian King must be in your pocket. Ten thousand cavalry, although it is a surprise victory, is helpless. If it is not for Shandong Dashui, the court Why are you in such a hurry.”

Wang Hui didn't speak any more.He is not Li Guang, even if he knew that the court's actions were inappropriate, he would not criticize him like this.

The two discussed it and made a decision. After two days of rest, they set off again and rushed to Juyanze.


At the beginning of November, the emperor returned to Chang'an.

Counting from his visit to Ganquan Palace the year before last, the emperor lived in Ganquan Palace for nearly a year and a half.A lot happened in the interim, and all in all, it turned out pretty well in the end.After Taishi Ling Sima Tan's astrological formula was announced, the number of people who took Dahe's two breaches to criticize the court was much smaller.

It's not that no one wants to find fault, but they couldn't find enough convincing evidence in the face of the established situation.They don't have clairvoyance, and they rely on the astronomical records observed by the naked eye. Sima Tan's formula is the most accurate in explaining the movement of these celestial bodies, and it can be said to be almost flawless.Those people spent a lot of effort, but in the end they only achieved one goal: to prove that Sima Tan's formula was accurate.

The Son of Heaven is in Ganquan Palace, but he has been paying attention to the public opinion in Chang'an.In addition to the channel of Dou Ying, Wuqiu Shouwang and others worked tirelessly, traveling between Chang'an and Ganquan many times, and delivered the news to the ears of the emperor in time.After confirming that Sima Tan had the winning ticket, the emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why I say it is a half breath is because this only solves half of the problem, and the remaining half of the problem is: whether the emperor's throne is reasonable or not.

Liang Xiao has been by the emperor's side all the time, and his worries about the emperor are almost innumerable.The Son of Heaven once consulted him on this question, but he did not give any definite answer.On the one hand, it is because this question is not like natural science, and no answer is irrefutable; on the other hand, he also hopes that the emperor will be vigilant and not feel that he deserves everything.If this pressure can make him restrain himself, it might not be a good thing.

That being the case, why bother to solve it.If everything is settled, maybe he will be kicked aside again.Although the Son of Heaven often regards himself as moral and wants the ruler and his ministers to know each other, Liang Xiao never had too high expectations of him.

To a certain extent, this is actually the situation that Liang Xiao has always dreamed of, but now it is the clan that exerts its strength, with a limited number of people and limited strength, which is far from achieving the effect Liang Xiao hoped for.

But the emperor obviously didn't think so.It may be that compared with the group of heroes, the clan is a greater threat to the throne, and he is more vigilant.Although he knew that the clan couldn't find a reason to be fair and aboveboard, and couldn't make any big waves, he still didn't dare to take it lightly, and discussed countermeasures with Liang Xiao and others several times on the way.

Liang Xiao even felt a little annoyed.Most of the time, he sat and listened, not speaking much.Fortunately, the emperor knew that he was not good at these etiquette matters, so he didn't force him to express his opinion.Allowing him to sit in is more to give him a chance to learn.

When he arrived in Chang'an, Liang Xiao asked for leave and went home to rest.He doesn't have a formal position, and doesn't need to be on duty in the palace, so it's more comfortable to return to his champion mansion.He wanted to be quiet for a few days, but he was stopped by Chen Xu as soon as he left the palace.

"Liang Junhou." Chen Xu arched his hands, with a flattering smile on his face.

When Liang Xiao saw Chen Xu's appearance, he couldn't help shaking his head. "I said, can you stop laughing like this? I have a bad feeling."

"Don't." Chen Xu pulled Liang Xiao's arm affectionately. "I know you Liang Junhou has been working hard recently and needs a good rest, so I came to you. Don't go home. You are so close to the palace. His Majesty misses you, and you have to enter the palace again. Why don't you go out with me."

"Going out with you? Where?"

"Going out of the city, if you want to go far, you can go to Lantian. Wei Qihou lives in Lantian now, and he can have a drink and talk, or go hunting. If you don't want to go too far, you can go to Changmen Garden. Master Dong brought Leading a group of scholars to compile books, if there is nothing to do, I can practice my hand with Mrs. Dong, how good it is."

Liang Xiao gave Chen Xu a sideways look. "You treat Master Dong like a fat sheep."

"In your eyes, Mrs. Dong is just a fat sheep, and you stab him when you think of it?"

Liang Xiao was speechless, he didn't plan to continue talking nonsense with Chen Xu, got on his horse, and prepared to go home.Chen Xu took a step forward and pulled the rein. "Liang Junhou, don't rush to leave. If you still don't want to, why don't I take you to a place. I recently bought some beautiful Zhao Ji. Their waist and singing voice are nothing to say."

As soon as Liang Xiao heard it, he knew what Chen Xu was planning. He just wanted to send him some women to ease the relationship.He drew back the rein and smiled: "Don't talk nonsense. If you have anything to say, just say it. If it's short, just say it here. If it's long, tell me slowly when you go home. I'm very tired now. I don't want to go anywhere."

"Okay, I'll go to your house." Chen Xu stopped talking, followed the trend, got on his horse, and followed Liang Xiao to Qili.

Knowing that Liang Xiao was going home, the moon was already ready. Seeing Chen Xu, she was not surprised. She took a moment to tell Liang Xiao that Chen Xu came to ask almost every day these days, and it seemed that there was something urgent.

Liang Xiao understood, and accompanied Chen Xu to the hall, where the host and guest took their seats. "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Chen Xu laughed and said: "I want to ask you something, did your majesty tell you to teach the prince?"

"I said it, but it was just an idea. The prince is still young, and he still has a few years to learn archery."

"Did Your Majesty say which prince it is?" Chen Xu tentatively asked, "With the reputation of a prince, at least he is a young master?"

Liang Xiao couldn't help laughing.Teaching the prince and being a young master are two different things, and the young master teaches the prince.Chen Xu went around in circles for a long time, in fact, he wanted to ask the emperor if he had any intention of establishing a prince.

"Brother Chen, have you been too busy recently?" Liang Xiao said unhurriedly, "I'm afraid it's unrealistic for you to join the army, but it's still possible to go for a walk and see the beautiful rivers and mountains. You, I have stayed in Chang'an for too long, and I only have this square sky in my eyes."

Chen Xu's eyes flickered, and the smile on his face gradually stiffened.Liang Xiao didn't give an affirmative answer, but instead said this, it was a no.The situation is not good for the Chen family, at least not for his family.

Chen Xu regretted it endlessly.The last time I was confused, I fell into the trick of the emperor, and wanted to buy Liang Xiao Maoling's property. Although the price I paid was not low, it hurt Liang Xiao's feelings. Now Liang Xiao is unwilling to help the Chen family.Given the importance that the Son of Heaven attached to Liang Xiao, and at the time when the kings entered the court, if Liang Xiao proposed to establish a crown prince, the Son of Heaven would not have considered it.

But now Liang Xiao is not willing to deal with such a matter at all, and he strongly advocates Pingyang Marquis Cao Shi to lead the army. All kinds of signs show that Liang Xiao may fall to Princess Pingyang.Hearing that Wang Meiren is pregnant, maybe Liang Xiao is going to wait for Wang Meiren to give birth to a prince.After all, his property in Maoling was given to Wang Meiren's elder brother Wang Bin.

Chen Xu sighed secretly, cruelly, and decided to give a big gift to make up for his previous mistakes. "Junhou, although your house is nice, after all, it's in the city, and it's very annoying. I have a small courtyard in Hu County, which is quite spacious and quiet, and there are no people living there. If you don't mind, Junhou, you might as well go and have a look. .”

"No need, I may leave Chang'an soon."

"Where are you going?"

"Go to Lushan Mountain." Liang Xiao laughed softly: "I also have a small courtyard there, which is spacious and quiet. Brother Chen, if you go out for a trip and pass by Yuzhang, you might as well go and have a look."

Chen Xu sighed and smiled wryly.Liang Xiao didn't want to get in, and he deliberately didn't give him a chance to make up for it.He got up from the table and bowed to Liang Na to the end.

"Liang Junhou, let's not go around in circles, let's just talk about it. What happened last time was that we were confused for a moment and fell into other people's tricks. In fact, you also know that our mother, son and brother are not strategic people, and we can't use such tricks. Trick. Of course, we don’t blame others for this matter, but we should blame ourselves. I have no other intentions, I just want to ask Junhou to give me a chance to apologize for the sake of our harmonious relationship in the past.”

Seeing that Chen Xu had made his words clear, Liang Xiao couldn't resist rejecting him thousands of miles away.He quickly got up and helped Chen Xu up.

"Brother Chen, there is no need to be like this. I am very grateful for the high price you gave last time, and I have never held any grudges against you. It is indeed not up to me to decide whether to establish a crown prince. The time is not ripe, so it is not appropriate to say more. You can rest assured Do your own thing well, and it will naturally follow a course of events.”

Only then did Chen Xu heave a sigh of relief.Although he didn't know how much Liang Xiao was telling the truth, he finally made it clear. "I also ask Junhou to give me advice, what should I do?"

Liang Xiao pondered for a moment. "Did you know that you also contributed to this Western Expedition?"


"That's right. The Marquis of Pingyang conquered Qiang and beheaded [-] people in the first battle." Liang Xiao paused, not knowing what to say.At least half of the [-] heads were women, children, old and weak, but now the emperors and ministers of the Han Dynasty are pretending to be confused, and no one will tell the truth. "Achieving such a battle result is of course inseparable from His Majesty's deployment and the hard work of the officers and soldiers. Your Chen family's contribution to iron control is also meritorious. Many soldiers rushed to the battlefield wearing new-style armor and holding new-style swords. The superiority in the field is also one of the key factors for our army to win. I think even the Marquis of Pingyang cannot deny this."

Chen Xu suddenly realized and became happy.

"I haven't heard from General Li yet. If he can win, you will be more credited."

Chen Xu was so excited that he rubbed his hands together. "This is all a gift from the Lord. If the Lord hadn't enlightened me, we brothers wouldn't know these things."

"Now you understand." Liang Xiao said with a smile: "It's just that you seem to be a little lax, and you haven't come out with better results recently. Brother Chen, people have the habit of liking the new and loathing the old. Any advantage will slowly disappear.”

Chen Xu rolled his eyes and understood Liang Xiao's meaning. "Junhou means that we should continue to make a fuss about iron smelting?"

Liang Xiao nodded meaningfully. "Your Majesty has great ambitions and likes people who can do practical things. You can't learn, why don't you work hard on this? You don't need to understand it yourself. As long as you are willing to spend money and respect talented people, there are many people who are willing Work for others. If you can come up with better weapons, His Majesty will naturally be inseparable from you, so why do you bother trying to figure out other people's thoughts?"

Chen Xu was like waking up from a dream, he nodded repeatedly, thinking of the beauty, couldn't help laughing out loud.He looked at Liang Xiao and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Your Majesty, why don't we...we work together again?"

"It's better for us not to be a partner." Liang Xiao smirked. "A gentleman is not a party. As long as you are like-minded, why care about these forms. You and I are not short of thousands of gold, don't you think?"

Chen Xu laughed out loud and understood. "understand."
(End of this chapter)

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