Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 579 Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 579 Addition and Subtraction
Liang Xiao and others arrived, and after hearing Dou Ying's news, although they had some disagreements on the details, they had no objection to Dou Ying's plan.It is of course a good thing that the book printing house can quickly reprint books and provide conditions for enlightening the wisdom of the people on a large scale.The son of heaven has great ambitions and has a lot to do. It is always good to have more talents.

Among other things, being able to publish one's own articles in the world is also a very attractive thing for those who like to play with words.

As the instigator, Liang Xiao didn't say much.In fact, despite the gleeful expressions of these people, he is the only one who really understands the significance of this innovation.And only he knows best that if the Son of Heaven hadn't been excited by the idea of ​​making meritorious deeds, he wouldn't have agreed to it so easily.

Just like giving the children of heroes the opportunity to serve in the army, this is an invisible weakening of the imperial power.If it is changed to later generations, the imperial power is already deeply ingrained, even if it is printing books, it is just printing some nonsense that "the emperor wants the minister to die, the minister has to die", it can only teach some obedient people, but now it is different, it will undoubtedly open up the wisdom of the people It will have a destructive force on the centralization of the monarchy.

If it is said that creating opportunities for the children of heroes to join the army is to cultivate an interest group to block the corruption of the imperial power, then to open up the wisdom of the people is undoubtedly to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot and completely cut off the possibility of imperial dominance.Now is a great opportunity, maybe even the only one.Waiting for more than ten years, when the emperor's ambition to expand the territory has declined and he is thinking about consolidating his own rule, it will be too late to make this suggestion.

Maybe it won't take long for the emperor to react, so this matter must be pushed forward immediately, and as many people as possible should be dragged in, so that the emperor can't easily go back on his word.If you can accomplish this, you will not come to this era in vain.

Liang Xiao sat quietly at the side, watching the lively discussion between the Son of Heaven and Dou Ying, he let out a soft breath.

"Bo Ming, I'm afraid you need to come forward to discuss this matter with Uncle Huainan."

Liang Xiao bowed to accept the order. "Your Majesty, this matter is both difficult and simple, and it is nothing more than spending some money. Printing books may sound noble, but it is still a business in essence."

The emperor couldn't help laughing out loud. "Why does everything come to your mouth, it's all business."

Dou Ying and the others also laughed, and the atmosphere was relaxed.Liang Xiao shrugged disapprovingly. "Everything in the world is nothing more than profit and loss. Of course it can be called a business. The only difference is whether the profit you seek is private or public, whether it is small or big. A person who avoids talking about benefits and keeps his mouth shut is righteous. It's not deceiving, it's deceiving yourself."

The emperor slapped his thigh, and said with emotion: "Master Dong was stabbed again, what a shame."

The crowd burst into laughter.

After talking and laughing for a while, the emperor put away his smile. "There are a lot of books to be printed, but the first thing is to announce Taishiling's discovery to the world. The laws of heaven and people's hearts are important things that cannot be ignored. In the past, there were many falsehoods. Now that we have discovered it, we should Let the world's sages and talented people know as soon as possible. From then on, discuss the matter as it stands, and don't get involved too much. This kind of thing that uses false words and expresses unfinished meaning will never happen again."

Dou Ying and the others understood and bowed to accept the order.

"Also, river governance is a major event. Don't rush for success. It is necessary to work together and prevent some people from seeking their own interests in the name of righteousness. The documents and strategies presented must be carefully screened. There is a loophole."

"Your Majesty is wise." The ministers took orders again.

Liang Xiao also shouted Shengming.With the news of Cao Shi's great victory, the pressure on Hexi has weakened, and the river trouble has once again become the focus of the emperor's attention.The release of the new star map is only to dispel the rumors of the induction between heaven and man, and to clear the responsibility of the emperor himself.If not, he would not have made this decision lightly.The yin-yang theory of the interaction between heaven and man has a long history, and it is not easy to deal with such "common sense".

Announcing Sima Tan's new discoveries and abandoning the theory of destiny is a double-edged sword for the emperor.In this way, the emperor had to face another problem: how to justify his own throne?

A lot of things are connected together, as long as you make a start, sometimes you can't help yourself, even if you know that there is a pit ahead, you have to bite the bullet and jump into it.Once you tell a lie, you have to cover it up with more lies.The legitimacy of imperial power itself is a false proposition, and later became a taboo topic in academics. While Confucianism used it to prove this false proposition to gain power, it was constantly humiliated and hurt by this false proposition.

Now, Liang Xiao finally has the opportunity to break this vicious cycle and bring it back to the right track at the source. Although he doesn't know if the right track really exists, he at least has the opportunity to prevent history from repeating the same mistakes and try another possibility.

Dou Ying came and went in a hurry, and rushed back to Chang'an with Liang Xiao's letter to King Huainan. He was going to prepare for the book printing house.Although I haven't really realized the huge influence that the book printing house may have, but the establishment of a book printing house is definitely a big deal.He was going to handle it himself, and even thought of making this printing house the last major event in his life.


Knowing that the people in Chang'an are peaceful and the matter of river governance has been settled again, the emperor turned his attention to the war in Hexi again, and summoned Han Anguo, Liang Xiao and others to discuss the matter.

Cao Shijie reported frequently that more and more Qiang people had surrendered. If nothing else happened, the Han army could already control all the tribes in the middle of the Qiang.The emperor deliberately let Cao Shi move to Hexi to echo Li Guang.Since Li Guang and Wang Hui left Wuwei, there has been no news, and the emperor is very worried.

After all, Li Guang only has [-] riders. If he encounters the main force of the Huns, he is likely to suffer a major setback.

After hearing the emperor's worries, Liang Xiao and the others did not rush to speak, but turned their attention to Han Anguo.Although Han Anguo is still the imperial censor, he has already assumed the responsibility of the prime minister.As a representative of the foreign dynasty, Han Anguo played a balancing role in many cases, lest Xu Le, Yan An and others were eager to make contributions and encourage the emperor to make hasty decisions.

Letting Cao Shi move to Hexi was obviously the suggestion of Xu Le and others, at least they agreed.This is inconsistent with the original strategic arrangement, and as far as it is concerned, Cao Shi is only progressing smoothly, far from really controlling the Qiang people.

Han Anguo was not in a hurry to speak either, he stared at the map for a while. "Your Majesty, I think that if you control the Qiang people, you have already controlled Hexi, and you have stabilized the commercial roads, guaranteed the connection with the Western Regions, and there is no need to go deep into the desert. Besides, Li Guang has already led his troops to the expedition. If he can win, Li Guang They have already won. If they cannot win, Cao Shi and Wei Qing can do nothing. After all, to fight the Huns, it is cavalry, not infantry."

The emperor remained silent, and turned his gaze to Liang Xiao.

Liang Xiao and Han Anguo exchanged glances, and said unhurriedly: "Your Majesty, the minister and Han Gong have the same and different opinions."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"The same thing is that Cao Shi's department doesn't need to go deep into the desert. As Han Gong said, Cao Shi and Wei Qing's troops may not be able to pick out [-] cavalry with the same combat power as General Li's. Even if they enter the desert, they can't solve anything. Problem. It is better to use the opportunity of this great victory to consolidate Hexi. Like Wuwei, Hexi is included in the Han territory, adding counties and counties, and strengthening the defense. It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers. Besides, Hexi is for the Huns It’s definitely not as simple as a finger, but the real lifeblood.”

The emperor nodded slowly.Hexi was as important to the Xiongnu in the West as Henan was to the royal court of the Huns.Since the Han army seized Henan and Yinshan, the Xiongnu royal family has been in a slump and can no longer easily harass the Han border. Now Yanmen and Daijun have become safe places to live.If he can control Hexi, set up counties there, and directly control it, it will be difficult for the Huns to take it back.

The Han army under the unified command of the imperial court is not a loose Qiang tribe. No matter where the Huns attack, they will face the powerful Western Han army, not a certain Qiang tribe.

Only in this way, the life and death of Li Guangbu can only be left to fate, but the emperor hopes to hit the Western Xiongnu hard after the great victory in Qiangzhong, and then play a triumphant song.

"Then what about General Li and the ten thousand elites? Are they allowed to go through life and death without paying any attention?"

"Your Majesty, I believe that every soldier who goes to war has the will to die. Only in this way can he forge ahead. General Li, Da Xingling and the [-] soldiers knew this situation before they went out. If they encounter a strong enemy, they will I will never blame others, only fight to repay His Majesty's kindness and live up to the high expectations of the elders in my hometown."

The emperor was silent, but still refused to give up.

Liang Xiao paused for a moment, then continued: "Your Majesty, General Li and the commanding staff of the Daxing Command are all warriors selected from a hundred miles. They go deep into the grassland, like a dragon entering the sea, and do whatever they want. Fight if you can, and leave if you can't. Hang up. If it is known that Cao Shibu has also entered the grassland, if Cao Shi is in danger, will he save him or not?"

The emperor took a breath and remained silent.He only considered asking Cao Shi to support Li Guang, but he never thought that Cao Shi might become Li Guang's weakness.

Xu Le and the others looked at each other and felt that something was wrong.Cao Shi is the emperor's brother-in-law. If he is in danger, Li Guang doesn't know it. If he knows, there is absolutely no reason to save him.Li Guang is not Zhou Yafu, he has no confidence to disobey orders.

However, they came up with the idea, so it is impossible for them to slap themselves at this time.

Just when the atmosphere was at a stalemate, Han Anguo picked up the conversation in a timely manner. "Your Majesty, I feel that we can let Cao Shi lead the infantry to defend Hexi, and Wei Qing lead the cavalry out of the fortress, and raise the flag, but not more than two hundred miles, so that we can return to Hexi in time when necessary, and defend according to the danger. That's it. , can divide the soldiers of the Huns, which is also a way to support General Li. In case General Li is in danger, they can also respond to him and retreat in time."

The emperor had a step to go down, and he no longer insisted. He nodded and arranged for someone to draft an edict.


Yanran Mountain, Xiongnu River.

Li Guang jumped off his horse and asked Li Gan to lead the horse to drink water. He changed to a spare horse and rode the horse up to the nearby hillside. He raised his clairvoyance and looked around.Although he was dusty, he was full of energy and his eyes were shining brightly.

Daxing ordered Wang Hui to come here on horseback, and he also threw the mount to the guards, and walked up the mountain by himself.

"General, what's the matter, have the Huns caught up?"

"I haven't seen it yet." Li Guang said with a smile, "However, they probably won't give up. My Li Guang's head is still worth two dollars, not to mention your order."

Wang Hui laughed, not caring about Li Guang's inadvertent arrogance.It's not that he is broad-minded, but that he is eager to make contributions.After following Li Guang all the way, he knew that if he wanted to make meritorious service, he had to follow Li Guang closely, otherwise he might even lose his life, not to mention making meritorious deeds.

Li Guang usually doesn't talk much and looks very dull, but on the battlefield, he is a different person, showing the brilliance of his famous general everywhere.Wang Hui was also a man who had led the army, so he had to admire Li Guang's prestige among the soldiers.He had only seen this kind of situation in Liang Xiao's body.

"Then shall we still run?"

"Don't run away." Li Guang sneered: "They have been chasing us for five days, and there is already a half-day gap in footsteps. This is still when we deliberately slow down. They are already exhausted. The slaughtered lamb, why run away? Just kill them here and make a profit."

Wang Hui involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief.Starting from Wuwei, they have been running on the grassland for half a month, but there was not a single real battle.Several times, they passed by the Huns with a distance of less than [-] miles, but when Li Guang heard that the opponent had [-] or more troops, he turned his head and ran away, showing no demeanor of a famous general.

For a while, Wang Hui even suspected that he was timid and just wanted to walk around the grassland before returning home.After all, the grassland is so big, if he said that he didn't meet the Huns, no one else could verify the truth.

Now he understands that Li Guang has been waiting for a fighter opportunity.He took advantage of the weak advantages of the Han army in the quality and quantity of war horses, and even used himself as a bait to lure the Huns to chase them.

This is the case with the Huns behind them.There are more than 1 Huns and horses, slightly more than the Han army, but the overall quality of the horses is slightly inferior. After five days of chasing, they are already a little powerless, and they are half a day behind.

This is still the case when the Han army deliberately controlled the speed.

Now the Han army is resting and preparing for war, while the Huns are still on their way.Half a day later, when they arrived here, the Han army was waiting for work, but the Huns were exhausted. Anyone with a little common sense knew that this would be a one-sided massacre.

The purpose of the Huns coming here after all the hardships was to deliver the baggage besides the heads.

Although Wang Hui was from Yan and was familiar with border situations, he never thought that the Han army could still firmly hold the initiative and drag the Huns to death on the grassland.It wasn't until now that he finally understood Liang Xiao's intention in suggesting that Li Guang reduce his troops.

The slight difference between [-] real elites and [-] cavalry was magnified countless times on the battlefield, and finally achieved the opportunity of the Han army.

Beheading [-] ranks, Wang Hui, as a lieutenant general, will definitely have a chance to become a marquis.Thinking of being a Marquis, how could Wang Hui fight against Li Guang? Isn't this against himself?Annoyed Li Guang, arranged him as a reserve team, and refused to let him play, wouldn't it mean that he would pass by the Marquis again?

This kind of thing has happened once in Minyue, and Wang Hui doesn't want to encounter it again.
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  Give Lao Zhuang a little motivation, and you can fight harder!
(End of this chapter)

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