Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 564 Reflection

Chapter 564 Reflection (Ask for a monthly pass!)
Dou Ying suddenly felt a little hot, ashamed of her timidity just now.He lowered his head, pondered for a moment, and when he raised his head again, his eyes became extremely determined, even a little excited.

"Did Liang Boming tell you to say that?"

Mei Gao nodded without thinking.

Dou Ying let out a breath and nodded slowly. "Since he thinks highly of this old man, then this old man is duty-bound. Tell me what your conspiracy is."

"Here." Mei Gao bowed again, then leaned against Dou Ying, talking eloquently. "Actually, Liang Boming has no ill feeling towards Mrs. Dong. He agrees with his intentions, but opposes his methods. The destiny is too mysterious. Using the destiny to explain human affairs may be beyond the reach of the whip."

Dou Ying's brows trembled slightly, she hesitated to speak.He originally wanted to refute a few words, but thinking of Dong Zhongshu's embarrassment just now, he felt that it was better not to get entangled in this issue.The methods of these young people are very rude, even a little rude, but it has to be said that this method is very effective.Faced with Mei Gao's questioning, Dong Zhongshu had almost no power to resist, so he could only back away.

"What about your plan?"

"Start from the ground up."

"How to start from the ground up?"

"Economy." Mei Gao spit out two words, and added two more words. "Economical, economical."

Dou Ying had a flash of inspiration, and pondered: "Economy? It sounds like this has indeed been implemented. But how do we start?"

"On Qin."

Dou Ying gradually understood what Mei Gao meant, and couldn't help but twist her mouth. "Learn from the past to discuss the present, and use the traces of the collapse of the Qin Dynasty to discuss the current politics?"

"Your Majesty is indeed a veteran minister with rich experience in government." Mei Gao laughed and kissed a few words of flattery quietly.Dou Ying is conceited, but now she is down and out, and has little resistance to this kind of flattery. "Taking history as a mirror is the most common method used by scholars. Qin died only seven or eighty years ago, and there are many historical sites. Many people have personally experienced the tyranny of the late Qin Dynasty. It is easier to implement the study of Qin affairs than the study of the three generations."

Dou Ying nodded repeatedly.Mei Gao is right. Whether it is Confucianism or Taoism, using the past to describe the present is the most commonly used method. It is a common problem for scholars to say that the three generations must be said.The three generations are far away, no one can tell what it is like, so there are many opinions, and there has never been a conclusion, it all depends on each person's own performance.But the demise of the Qin Dynasty is just around the corner. Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, there has been a climax of discussions on the demise of the Qin Dynasty. It started with Lu Jia, followed by Jia Yi, and Chao Cuo concluded, with remarkable results.

"The story of the death of the Qin Dynasty has already been discussed by the sages. If we bring up this topic again, is there anything else we can do?"

"Of course there is something to write about." Mei Gao smiled and said, "Just like astrology, countless sages have been observing the sky for thousands of years, and with clairvoyance, didn't they discover a new world?"

Dou Ying became excited. "The clairvoyance you mentioned is the economy?"

Mei Gao didn't speak, just raised his thumb and waved it in front of Dou Ying.Dou Ying laughed loudly, stroking his beard with one hand, and holding on to the desk with the other, tapping lightly on the desk with his fingers.It was slow at first, and the sound was stagnant. Gradually, the percussion sound became lighter and lighter, as if a light dancer danced with the sound of drums.

"Yes, this is indeed a clairvoyant. When discussing Qin affairs, the sages often focus on morality and destiny, but rarely focus on economics. Even if they are involved, they are talking in general terms. If you can list specific data, If we demonstrate it in detail, we may be able to make new discoveries." Dou Ying glanced at Mei Gao and laughed. "Is Liang Boming planning to come up with a formula?"

Mei Gao laughed. "He doesn't know much about economics, so I'm afraid he can't write a formula. However, a monarch has been in politics for many years, and he has also been a prime minister, in charge of the people's livelihood. If you want to write a formula, it shouldn't be difficult."

Dou Ying's heart was ironed, and her face was full of joy.

"In addition to this, Junhou also has an advantage that ordinary people can't match."

"Yeah, why don't I know?"

"Junhou, there are many children of the Dou family who have traveled abroad. They have opened their eyes and seen the world, and they are more knowledgeable than those dudes who only know about cockfighting and lackeys. If they are allowed to compile their knowledge into a book and spread it widely, It can help the princes and lords. The poem says: Stones from other mountains can attack jade. It is more convincing to jump out of the big man and look at the big man, don’t you think?”

Dou Ying nodded repeatedly, her thoughts widened, and her confidence soared.He originally felt that he was neglected by the emperor and was useless, but now he heard Mei Gaoyi say that he realized that he could do a lot.He has already been a prime minister, and there is no room for advancement in his career.But academically, he has made no achievements.After accomplishing this and writing a book, he can directly catch up with Lu Jia, Jia Yi and others, and leave his name in history.

Isn't it the highest ideal of Confucian life to establish morality, meritorious service, and express one's opinion?

The more Dou Ying thought about it, the more he felt that this was a task tailored for him, and no one else could complete such a heavy task except him.

"Okay, this matter, the old man agreed. I will discuss it with Mr. Dong tomorrow to see if he is interested. Although he is a bit of a pedantic person, his knowledge is first-class."

Meigao bowed again, feeling relieved.He paused, and then said: "I heard from Liang Boming that the Huainan Palace is developing the technique of printing books, and perhaps the masterpiece of the king and marquis is the first great book in the world to be published with this technique of printing books."

Dou Ying laughed out loud, full of spirits.


Sitting in front of the case, the emperor looked at the account book that Tian Fu had just sent, frowning slightly.Tian Fu sat opposite him, holding his breath, for fear of disturbing his thoughts.

This account book is the details of the soldiers, food, supplies, etc. that need to be mobilized for the Western Expedition. It was written by the subordinates of the Prime Minister's Mansion after several overnight stays.Expedition is a major event, and it cannot be neglected. This time, it is an expedition to Hexi, and the journey is farther than the previous one. It is from the emperor, and it is from the bureaucrats. No one dares to make it big.In case of defeat, no one can bear the responsibility.

Judging from the statistical results of the Prime Minister's Mansion, it can provide the materials and money needed by the army to go out, but it is not easy at all.The big man has accumulated wealth for many years, but in the past two years, there are too many places to spend money. First, he conquered the Xiongnu in the north, then conquered Liangyue, and then he went to conquer Hexi. The wealth consumption was extremely alarming.

As far as this western expedition is concerned, if it takes half a year to send 30 troops, it will cost at least 50 billion yuan.If the rewards for the soldiers after the victory are included, the total budget will exceed 70 billion, and may even be as high as [-] billion.

And the wealth that the imperial court can accumulate in a year does not exceed one billion, and this is still in the absence of disasters.Nowadays, Shandong Dashui is basically unable to make ends meet, and can only use the savings from the past.Some of the previous battles have been consumed, and after this fight, the remaining decades of accumulation will be less than one-third.

Such an astonishing expenditure not only shocked the prime minister Tian Fu, but even the emperor himself felt heartache.After spending so much money, if you can win, it's justified.In case of defeat... the emperor dare not imagine, it must be a very terrible situation.

"Liang Xiao once made a calculation before. He said that with all the financial resources, the continuous fighting time will not exceed ten years." The emperor closed the account book and patted it lightly, as if he was afraid of breaking it. "It seems that his estimate is still a bit optimistic. He did not estimate the loss caused by the disaster."

Tian Fu was very upset when he heard this.He is the prime minister, and he is in charge of the world's civil affairs in name, but now he only has to obey orders.Liang Xiaoyuan was in Mount Lu, and he didn't even have an official position, but the emperor never forgot what he said many years ago.It was literally humiliating him to his face.

"Your Majesty, Liang Xiao is just a warrior. It is his duty to fight on the battlefield, but how can he be clear about the economy and people's livelihood?"

The emperor glanced at Tian Fu, noncommittal. "Prime Minister, tell me, if you take back the feudal kingdoms of the princes and kings, can you ease the pressure a little?"

"Your Majesty is going to agree to King Huainan's request?"

"Yes, Shandong is where food and taxes are located, but most of them are collected by the princes and kings. The court can't receive anything except some wine money. If they move to remote places and take back their fiefdoms, it will also ease the situation. pressure."

"Having said that, can the princes and kings be willing? People are happy and safe. Who wants to leave the feudal country that has been run for a long time, go to the remote and bitter cold land, overcome thorns and thorns, and join the barbarians?" Tian Fu shook his head again and again. "In Yichen's opinion, King Huainan is just putting on a show, and it's impossible to take it seriously."

The emperor sighed and felt reasonable.Even if King Huainan is real, the other clans might not be willing.He stood up, hands behind his back, pacing back and forth, hesitating.He knew that this battle must be fought, otherwise the Western Regions would be lost.But seeing these numbers, he knew that he must be cautious in this battle, and he couldn't afford to lose.

Can Cao Shi do it?Can Mei Gao do it?Wei Qing could fight, but he couldn't support himself alone.It would be great if Liang Xiao was there, with him and Wei Qing cooperating, the chances of winning this battle would be greatly increased.The emperor recalled the cooperation between the two in Zhangpu not long ago, and couldn't help sighing softly.It would be great if Liang Xiao was as docile and obedient as Wei Qing.

The Son of Heaven raised his head, looked at Huo Qubing who had fallen asleep leaning against the desk, and prayed secretly.Little Qubing, hurry up and grow up.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." King Wuqiu Shou walked in quickly, his face beaming with joy. "Your Majesty, great joy, great joy."

The emperor was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

"Big Sinong Zheng sent a message at that time, and the breach was blocked."

The Son of Heaven was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically, he walked up to King Shou of Wuqiu, grabbed the document in his hand, read it, and asked anxiously, "When did you receive the news?"

"I just received them, and I have not had time to let them enter the file, so I will come to His Majesty to announce the good news."

"Good! Good!" The emperor nodded again and again, and said loudly to Tian Fu: "Prime Minister, it seems that you still have the foresight. Although it cost some money to worship the gods, it is still worth it. Isn't this blocked? Where is Li Xianweng? Please ask him Come on, I want to thank him, I want to thank him heavily."

Tian Fu was overjoyed, turned around and left the hall quickly, and sent someone to invite Li Xianweng.The breach was finally blocked, he was meritorious in recommending people, and the emperor will definitely reward him heavily, and the accusations and criticisms he has received for many days should finally be quiet.

After reading Zheng's report at that time, the emperor couldn't contain his excitement.This incident has tormented him for too long, like a big stone pressing on his heart, making it difficult for him to move forward, but it was solved suddenly, he couldn't react, he always wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say .

It took him a while to figure out what to do. "I called Dong Zhongshu into the palace, I want to see what else he can say."

King Wuqiu Shou stood still.

The emperor frowned. "Why don't you go?"

King Wuqiu Shou smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, Dong Zhongshu has asked for leave to return to Chang'an. Not only did he leave, but Wei Qihou Dou Ying also left together."

The emperor was stunned.During this period of time, he was busy preparing for the Western Expedition, and he never cared about these two old men, and he also deliberately wanted to neglect them for a while.He didn't know anything about them asking for leave to return to Chang'an.Of course, if a Chinese doctor or a junior doctor asks for leave to leave, there is no need to notify him, and Lang Zhongling can approve it.

However, what's the matter with these two walking together?

"What are they doing back in Chang'an?"

"I don't know. How about I ask Lang Zhongling to come and ask him?"

The emperor waved his hand.Lang Zhongling Li Guang is a warrior, so he doesn't care what Dong Zhongshu and the others are doing, and it's useless to ask.

The emperor was very disappointed.It's a pity that such a good opportunity was missed.It would be great if I could see Dong Zhongshu's expression face to face.What will he look like?The emperor really wanted someone to call Dong Zhongshu back immediately, but he gave up after thinking about it.After all, he is the Son of Heaven, so he can't be too frivolous, or he will be taught a lesson by that pedantic old master again.


Chiyang Station.

Dong Zhongshu and Dou Ying sat opposite each other, you sighed, I sighed, you looked at me, I looked at you, but they didn't know what to say, they could only look at each other with a wry smile.They have just heard the news that the big river has been blocked and the flood in Shandong has been solved before the arrival of summer.This is of course a good thing, but for Dong Zhongshu, it is even more bad news.

It's not that he doesn't want the breach to be blocked, but that the solution doesn't match what he wants.The emperor did not reform any bad policies, let alone give up the idea of ​​sending troops to conquer, but sacrificed to the gods.What does this mean?It shows that the gods accepted the sacrifice of the emperor, and it also shows that Dong Zhongshu's accusation is groundless and nonsense.What will he say in the future, will the emperor still listen to him?

"Master, it seems that the relationship between heaven and man...doesn't really make sense." Dou Ying rubbed her nose and glanced at Dong Zhongshu secretly.

"Uh...cough!" Dong Zhongshu coughed twice, speechless.Although she knew that Dou Ying had no malicious intentions, the theories she had carefully studied for many years failed, and she always had a bad face.

When Dou Ying approached him and hoped that he could complete a new academic topic together, he was not very willing. If it wasn't for Dou Ying's big face, he would never be able to refuse, and he would not appear here at all.But now, he is glad that he did not stay in Ganquan Palace, otherwise, he would definitely be ridiculed by many people.

"What kind of economic and people's livelihood theory can be effective?" Dong Zhongshu retorted half-truthfully. "Lu Jia and others have exhausted the meaning of the topic. I don't think there is anything new to come up with. It's just a waste of time."

"Hey, don't say that." Dou Ying shook her head. "Think about it, have any of the formulas put forward by Liang Boming been overturned? Not a single one. Although they are some trivial tricks, they are solid step by step. Your idea is indeed grand, but it can be broken at the first poke. In order to deal with the enemy, shouldn't you reflect on it? Since your method doesn't work, why not try his method."
 At the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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