Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 561 New Paper

Chapter 561 New Paper
Under the fairy view, the emperor stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the tall bronze statue of the fairy, his eyes were a little blurred.

Cao Shi came in a hurry, seeing that the emperor was in a daze, he quickly slowed down his steps.The little eunuch standing beside Chang Rong saw him and quickly reminded him.

"Your Majesty, the Marquis of Pingyang will see you."

The emperor withdrew his gaze, coughed, regained a little dignity, and smiled a little more.He waved at Cao Shi, signaling Cao Shi to come closer.Cao Shi didn't dare to neglect, walked quickly to the emperor, bowed to the end, very respectful.

The emperor is very satisfied.As the representative of the group of heroes and the husband-in-law of Princess Yang Xinchang, Pingyang Marquis Cao Shi's performance can be regarded as a minister.It can be seen that after decades of fighting, the group of heroes has disappeared, and it is impossible to pose a threat to the imperial court.

The strong suppress it, and the weak support it.This is the only way to govern.

The smile on the emperor's face grew stronger.He took a step forward and lightly held Cao Shi's arm. "Brother-in-law, why are you so cautious. I chose to meet you here just to relax. You see, with the Immortal by your side, we temporarily put aside the distinction between monarch and minister, and gossip."

Cao Shi was flattered, but felt even more uneasy.He was too aware of the emperor's temper, and the sudden courtesy made him at a loss, so he couldn't help but reflect on his words and deeds during this period of time, to see if there was any taboo.

The emperor saw Cao Shi's expression in his eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, turned and walked forward.Cao Shi followed closely and walked away.The emperor said a few homely words, and slowly brought the topic to the Minyue war.Cao Shi led the navy to go out to conquer Dongye and pacify Minyue, making great contributions.But Pingyang Hou's food town did not increase, but he was rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold.

This award is very unusual.According to the routine, as one of the main generals, Cao Shi should increase the city for such a meritorious service, especially when Liang Xiao, the envoy, has increased the city by [-] households.It's unreasonable for Cao Shi to make meritorious deeds without increasing the city, but Cao Shi didn't say a word about it, and accepted it calmly.

"I am very happy that you have made great contributions in this expedition. Marquis of Pingyang has successors. It is a blessing for my sister to have a husband like you."

A little sweat broke out on Cao Shi's forehead.He said cautiously: "Your Majesty's praise, I am ashamed and dare not take it. This time, I have entrusted Your Majesty to be wise, and I have entrusted the officers and men to use their lives. As the commander of the navy, although I have made minor achievements, it is not worthy of praise."

"You are too modest." The emperor narrowed his eyes and smiled. "Yihou (Cao Shen) was the first in military exploits back then, and he made great contributions to the great man. He is a veritable pillar of the country. You are his direct descendant, so you should serve the country more."

"I dare not obey my orders." Cao Shi became even more nervous, and even his voice trembled a little.

It is true that Cao Shen is the number one in military exploits, but Xiao He was the number one hero later on. Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said that "a meritorious man and a dog" were made specifically for Cao Shen.Cao Shen was a strong man, and later succeeded Xiao He as prime minister, and strongly prevented Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty from interfering in political affairs.The two hundred lashes that were drawn on Cao Yu have always been remembered in the hearts of the emperors of all dynasties. After Cao Shen, no one in the Cao family served as a high-ranking official like the Sangong Jiuqing, and they did nothing politically.

What happened to the Cao family is the epitome of the hero group.It's just that the Cao family has always had very strict family rules, and there were no children who did anything wrong, so they kept their titles unchanged.When Emperor Xiaojing arrived, he also married Princess Pingyang because of his meekness and respect, which became a symbol of the imperial court appeasing the group of heroes.

In this expedition, he deliberately hides his clumsiness, and most of the time he hides behind, Wei Qing charges into the battle, and Wu is commanded in front of the battle.At this moment, the emperor said such a thing, he didn't know if it meant that he didn't try his best, or had other meanings.

"You fellow generals, are you familiar with them?"

"Well... some contact, no deep friendship."

"It's nothing, it's just chatting anyway, let's listen to it." The emperor put on a casual look, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Hexi is not very peaceful, the imperial court may use troops in Hexi, I want to hear your suggestion."

Cao Shi was startled, and his heart tightened.He knew that the emperor would not really be free, so he must have something to do if he came here.Use troops in Hexi?The two most suitable people are naturally Liang Xiao and Wei Qing.In terms of ability and understanding of Hexi, Liang is naturally the most suitable.But after this award, Wei Qing's food town has surpassed Liang Xiao's. The emperor seems to intend to replace Liang Xiao with Wei Qing, so it is better to recommend Wei Qing.

Cao Shi made some calculations before he began to evaluate the generals.Han Anguo is mature, prudent and thoughtful.Wu Bei is resourceful and understands the situation.Wei Qing is honest and upright, brave and good at fighting.Han said that he was young and dared to fight and rush.Cao Shi intentionally or unintentionally ranked Liang Xiao at the end, saying that he was as bold as a fighter and good at using strange soldiers, but sometimes he was too reckless.

After hearing this, the emperor couldn't help laughing. "Do you know how Liang Xiao evaluates you?"

Cao Shi shook his head blankly. "Liang Xiao evaluated the minister?"

"The reason why I chose you to fight is because you are my sister-in-law, but Liang Xiao's evaluation of you is also one of the reasons." The emperor repeated the news reported by Lang Guan, and said: "Compared to his Your praise, your evaluation of him is not high."

Cao Shi was stunned for a long time.There is such a thing?He didn't hear the wind at all.He came back from Minyue with Liang Xiao, and he didn't see anything special about Liang Xiao to him.He thought for a while, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, I think it may be a misunderstanding."


"Yes, the Marquis of Pingyang he mentioned may not be a minister, but someone else."

The emperor couldn't help laughing. "Besides you, is there another Marquis of Pingyang?"

Cao Shi raised his head and looked at the emperor quietly.The emperor was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized. "You mean... me?"

"Exactly." The more Cao Shi thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense, and he continued, "That's right, I have never had a close relationship with Liang Xiao all the way. Before this, I had never had any private contact with him except for going to court. There is no precedent for commanding troops to go to war, and he doesn't even have the opportunity to serve in the army, how can he know whether the minister will use troops?"

After listening to Cao Shi's explanation, the emperor also felt reasonable.He has had many contacts with Liang Xiao, and he can feel Liang Xiao's appreciation for him.For a long time, he met Liang Xiao as Marquis of Pingyang. It is entirely possible that Liang Xiao missed that time and still called him Marquis of Pingyang.

Considering that Liang Xiao's evaluation of a person never makes judgments based on rumors, and he basically meets people who are familiar with him often, such as Wei Qing, such as Huo Qubing, the possibility of the "Pingyanghou" he said referring to himself is indeed greater than referring to Cao Shi .

The emperor suddenly laughed, unable to restrain the pride in his heart.Liang Xiao has always been quite proud, he never judges people by status, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing were both slaves, but he doesn't despise them at all.Facts have proved that Wei Qing is indeed capable, and Huo Qubing's talent is really different from ordinary people even though he is young.In this way, Liang Xiao's admiration for him would not be just polite words, but his real opinion.

Those who know me, Liang Xiao also!In an instant, the Son of Heaven had a great sense of tacit understanding.He was emotional for a moment, and then asked: "In your opinion, who can take on the important task of going to Hexi?"

Cao Shi blurted out without thinking. "Wei Qing."

The emperor smiled and shook his head. "I think there is someone more suitable than him?"

Cao Shi was stunned for a moment, and said uncertainly, "Liang Xiao?"

"No." The emperor pointed to Cao Shi's chest. "you."


The emperor issued an edict to worship Cao Shi, Marquis of Pingyang, as the General of Zhengxi, Weiqing, Marquis of Changping, as his deputy, and Han Shuo, Marquis of Case Dao, and other cutting-edge generals to join the conquest.As soon as the news came out, although Li Guang was greatly disappointed, Dou Ying was also very surprised.For such a big matter, the emperor didn't discuss it with him in advance, which was far from his expectation.

He originally thought that if the emperor kept him as an "veteran" by his side, even if he didn't entrust him with a heavy responsibility immediately, he would consult everything and check for omissions and make up for it. Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Dou Ying was very disappointed.When he first heard the news, he could hardly control his emotions, and had an urge to go back to Chang'an to live in seclusion.

Also depressed is Dong Zhongshu, or rather, Dong Zhongshu is even more depressed than Dou Ying.He did not hesitate to offend Tianyan, explaining the cause of the flood in Shandong as repeated fighting and using troops too frequently. As a result, before he finished speaking, the emperor decided to go west again.It was worse than slapping him.All his hard work was in vain, the emperor took what he wanted, and the theories he valued most were thrown away by the emperor like broken shoes.

The two lost people came together naturally.Taking advantage of the opportunity to discuss knowledge, the friendship between Dou Ying and Dong Zhongshu quickly heated up.


Meigao lived in Lushan Mountain for several days. Accompanied by Liang Xiao, he enjoyed the scenery of Lushan Mountain and tasted Pengli whitebait before leaving.

Liang Xiao prepared some gifts for him, which were nothing more than some local products from Yuzhang, which were rare in Chang'an, but they were not rare.Mei Gao didn't take it too seriously. With his friendship with Liang Xiao, there was no need to be too polite for these regular gifts.

However, when Liang Xiao ordered someone to carry out a black lacquer box, Mei Gao was a little surprised.This box is very beautiful, and the contents inside are naturally very precious.

"What is this?"


"Paper?" Mei Gao was puzzled.Paper is a cheap thing, is it necessary to use such an exquisite box to store it?
Liang Xiao didn't explain, and ordered someone to open the box, revealing a stack of white and flat paper, and a faint fragrance permeated the air, giving Mei Gao a sense of comfort as if he had returned to the bamboo forest of Mount Lu.Liang Xiao picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Mei Gao.Mei Gao took it in his hand, turned it over and over, looked and looked, the more he looked, the happier he was.This paper was completely different from the thick and hard hemp paper he had imagined, and the appearance alone was pleasing to the eye.

"Try." Liang Xiao took a pen soaked in ink, and handed it to Mei Gao with a smile. "After eating so much delicious food and seeing so many beautiful scenery, it would be too cheap for you to leave without leaving two Fu."

Meigao laughed loudly, and started to write when he picked up the pen.Liang Xiao hurriedly stopped him. "This paper is different from the bamboo and wood slips. You have to control the amount of ink, otherwise it will be a mess."

According to Liang Xiao's instructions, Mei Gao scraped off the floating ink on the inkstone before writing.At the beginning, he was still a little uncomfortable with the words, and he fainted into ink dots, but he quickly mastered the knack, and the handwriting became more and more beautiful.He was already known for his agility in writing and thinking. Now that he has a new paper, he is in a happy mood, and his thoughts are flowing like a spring, and he writes like a wind. Without much effort, a "Lushan Fu" came out.

Liang Xiao picked up the Fu and recited it slowly, full of praise. "This Fu is well written, but I have a gracious request." Liang Xiao winked his eyes. "These papers are hush money, in exchange for you to keep silent about the beauty of Mount Lu."

Mei Gao was puzzled.He had just written a proud Fu, and was thinking of spreading it all over the world, but Liang Xiao wanted to shut him up. What's the point?
"I don't want too many people to know about Mount Lu and disturb my tranquility."

Mei Gao suddenly realized, couldn't help laughing out loud, pointed at Liang Xiao and said, "You are so greedy, you actually want to monopolize Lushan Mountain."

"Don't dare, if you come, I will definitely entertain you wholeheartedly." Liang Xiao said with a smile: "I didn't ask you to keep silent for the rest of your life, but just give me a few years to finish what I have to do quietly. In order to compensate for your loss, I will help you print the anthology and distribute it to the world, so that all literate people in the world will know your name as a young child."

"What did you say?" Mei Gao couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Don't worry about it so much, write a few good articles with your heart in the past few years, and then pick up the previous articles. At that time, I will use this kind of paper to print thousands of copies for you, and each state and county will send a few copies. You Do you still worry that people in the world don't know you, Shaoru?"

Mei Gao laughed out loud, thinking that Liang Xiao was joking.Articles these days are all hand-copied, and even the most important classics are not as extravagant as copying thousands of them.No matter how good his article is, can it be compared with the sage classics?
"Thank you very much." Mei Gao arched his hands carelessly.

Seeing that Mei Gao didn't believe it, Liang Xiao didn't explain much.When King Huainan figured out the printing technique, Mei Gao would naturally believe it.These papers are but the first shot of a revolution.

"Shaoru, after you arrive in Chang'an, send some papers like this to Mrs. Dong so that he can make some preparations. Before long, someone will challenge him. He just waits for the challenge."

Mei Gao understood.In order to dissuade the emperor from touching the survival foundation of rangers and scholars, Dong Zhongshu's "Three Strategies of Heaven and Man" and his "Gongyang Chunqiu Zhuan" must be overthrown.Mei Gao has read more books than Liang Xiao, and he knows very well that compared with the Yin-Yang theory of the relationship between heaven and man, the unification of "Gongyang Chunqiu Biography" is the theoretical basis for the emperor's actions.

Mei Gao jokingly pointed at the paper in the box, then shook the pen in his hand. "So, this is the battlefield, and this is the spear?"

"That's right, and you are the warrior who charged into the battle, and what you write is not a fu, but a battle essay." Liang Xiao was overjoyed. "I wish you every success and success."

Mei Gao also laughed from ear to ear.He shook his head repeatedly. "On Confucian classics, I am not the opponent of Mr. Dong, but I can take the lead first. Bo Ming, please send me a few more boxes of this kind of paper as soon as possible. For my generation who live on literature and ink, this is a big deal. But the best stepping stone is always beneficial."

"I don't dare to say too much, I can give you five hundred coins every month, and I don't need a single penny."

"One thousand." Mei Gao patted Liang Xiao's shoulder hard. "Five hundred for personal use, five hundred for others."

"It's a word."
(End of this chapter)

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