Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 557 Unkind

Chapter 557 Unkind
Liang Xiao knows that whether to fight or not to fight is not only related to his own life and death, but also to many people.He is no longer the lonely soul who has traveled through thousands of years alone, but a champion who has family, friends, and subordinates.If it affects the whole body, once it fails, it is not only him who will be ruined, but a family of dozens of people, as well as those friends and subordinates who entrusted their lives to him.

Therefore, this matter is not something that can be decided by patting the breast pocket or chest, it must be carefully planned.

The reason why he handed over the Maoling property so happily and left Chang'an was out of this consideration.Money is something outside of the body. If you lose it, you can come back, but you can't come back to life after death. He must move his family out of Chang'an, a dangerous place, to solve his worries before he can deal with the emperor with peace of mind.

He is not the son of heaven, and he can't do anything like killing his own children for the sake of power.His family is his weakness, as long as they are still under the control of the emperor, he cannot act rashly.

"Write a letter to your father to ask for those buildings under your name to come back. In addition, ask him how the preparations for the cave in Yizhou are going. If he is too busy, you can be a Pioneer, prepare the back road first."

Liu Ling nodded, his eyebrows raised lightly.


The ceremony of offering sacrifices to Taiyi God was grandly held in Ganquan Palace.

For this ceremony, all the officials with more than [-] shi in Beijing, the princes, and the envoys of the various countries rushed to Ganquan Palace. Temporarily set up a tent at the foot of the mountain.Up and down the mountain, there are almost two worlds.High-ranking officials and nobles are still in groups of servants, shouting and hugging each other, while ordinary officials are exhausted with food and clothing.

Dong Zhongshu is one of these ordinary officials.He is a doctor with a low salary, and he has no entourage to serve him. He has only two disciples around him.His disciples can help him with some chores, but when the ceremony is held, he has to go there in person, huddled with a group of young people, and is always ready for the emperor to consult.For a scholar like him who is nearly fifty years old, this is really a hard job.

Standing in the solemn sacrificial procession, Dong Zhongshu's eyes were lonely.

What made him lonely was not only physical suffering, but also psychological loss.

The theoretical basis for the emperor to hold the sacrificial ceremony is the induction between heaven and man proposed by him. It stands to reason that even if he is not the host, he should be an indispensable participant.But now, he is no different from an ordinary doctor, the emperor seems to have forgotten him, and didn't even ask him for advice.On the contrary, it was Li Xianweng, who claimed to be several hundred years old, who was valued.

Xian Weng?How many years old?Dong Zhongshu secretly expressed his doubts many times, but on the surface, he dared not show any disrespect.Regardless of whether this Li Xianweng is real or fake, the emperor and the prime minister believe in him, so he can't criticize him casually. If this grand ceremony is messed up and the emperor is furious, who knows what will happen.

The champion Hou Liangxiao who had just pacified Liangyue and made great contributions was kicked out of Chang'an by the emperor because of his rude words, and even had to give Maoling's property to the newly favored Wang Meiren, so what is he?He has no money to give gifts, if he really wants to commit a crime, he can only resign himself to fate.

Regarding Liang Xiao's fate, Dong Zhongshu expressed joy on the one hand and worries on the other.Liang Xiao's departure from Chang'an allowed him to temporarily escape the predicament of being humiliated by Liang Xiao, but Liang Xiao's fate showed that his hope of admonishing him by explaining the destiny had failed.When he is needed, the emperor will send an imperial edict to inquire.When he wanted to speak, he couldn't even see the face of the emperor.Liang Xiao wanted to speak out, but he didn't even have the chance to come to Ganquan Palace to meet him.He, Dong Zhongshu, arrived at Ganquan Palace, only a hundred steps away from the emperor, but he could only watch Li Xianweng pretending to be a god.

Dong Zhongshu stood in the crowd, very depressed.He is like a puppet, listening to instructions and acting without autonomy.

After standing for a whole day, my back hurts and my legs feel weak.Back at the residence, Dong Zhongshu fell headfirst on the bed, his face pale.He was so tired that he didn't even want to participate in the banquet.He felt it was a great humiliation to sit and dine with colleagues who were young and ignorant, or old and weak.

He should sit next to the emperor and use Taoism as the emperor's teacher, the way to the sage king.

"Sir?" Lu Bushu pushed the door open and came in. Seeing that Dong Zhongshu was motionless, he was startled. He hurried forward, stretched out two fingers, and tested Dong Zhongshu's nose.Seeing that Dong Zhongshu was breathing normally, Lu Bushu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sir, wake up."

Dong Zhongshu opened his hazy eyes, it was already dark, and his eyes were blurred.After a while, he recognized the disciple in front of him, and asked feebly, "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty summons you to see me."

"Your Majesty called me?" Dong Zhongshu immediately became energetic and jumped up. "Hurry up and change my clothes. Bu Shu, do you know what's going on?"

Lu Bushu smiled. "Sir, you're wearing your official uniform, so you don't need to change it. It's just a little wrinkled from sleeping, so you need to smooth it out." As he spoke, he turned behind Dong Zhongshu and stroked the folds of the back hem of his clothes with his hands.Dong Zhongshu lowered his head, only to realize that he had fallen asleep without taking off his official uniform, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed, his old face was hot.

After a while, Dong Zhongshu walked out the door with his head held high, and walked into the Ganquan Palace following the small yellow gate that came to pass the edict.Dong Zhongshu couldn't help but think of the floods in Shandong when he passed those splendid new pavilions.At that time, Zheng and Ji An had been blocked for several months, but the breach was still unresolved. The people affected by the disaster fled everywhere, and some people had already arrived in Chang'an.

I don't know if this is God's will.

When Dong Zhongshu came to the main hall, the emperor was wearing gorgeous casual clothes, leaning on the table, his face was flushed, it seemed that he had just drunk a lot of wine.A group of beauties surrounded the surroundings, chattering and chirping.The strong smell of rouge filled the hall, making it difficult to breathe.

Dong Zhongshu's face suddenly darkened, he stopped in his tracks, arched his hands, and his body was folded like a chime.

The emperor laughed when he saw it.He waved his big sleeves and said in a rambling voice: "Okay, you all step back. Master Dong is here, don't be rude."

"Wei!" The beauties agreed with a smile, got up and exited one by one.The hall was empty, but the cloying sweet smell was still there, Dong Zhongshu couldn't help but sneezed, and the forced solemnity was instantly swept away.

The emperor waved his hand, signaling Dong Zhongshu to come forward.Although Dong Zhongshu was displeased, he had no choice but to step forward and bowed to salute.The emperor gave him a seat, looked at Dong Zhongshu for a long time, and then said: "Dong Gong, have you participated in today's sacrifice?"

"My minister is fortunate to be the last one."

The Son of Heaven coughed lightly, and then said: "Taisheng is full of water. The flood in Shandong has been repeatedly blocked, and the people are in floods. My heart is very painful. You once said that disasters and disasters are caused by the Son of Heaven when he is in power. This is the disaster warning. Now that I worship the God of Taiyi and plead for the common people, I don’t know if God will forgive me and relieve the flood in Shandong?”

Dong Zhongshu said: "Your Majesty is pleading for the people's orders, and sincerity is precious. However, I think it is not enough to solve the flood in Shandong."

The emperor raised his eyelids and rolled his eyes. "Why?"

"Your Majesty, the natural disasters are here to warn His Majesty to cultivate morality and improve government, not outside. Although His Majesty sacrificed to Taiyi, he has not corrected the mistakes of the government, and the cause of the disaster has not been eliminated. How can God be satisfied?"

The emperor's face became even more gloomy.Dong Zhongshu's answer ran counter to his expectations.

"What's wrong with me?"

Dong Zhongshu's scalp felt a little numb.No matter how pedantic he is, he also knows that the emperor is in a bad mood now.However, he knew better that he had too few opportunities to meet the emperor. If he didn't seize this opportunity, he didn't know when he would have the opportunity to persuade him face to face.

"Your Majesty, water is yin. Floods are a sign of excessive yin. Since your Majesty took the throne, he has cared for the elderly and left the orphans, and has inquired about the virtuous. He has countless benevolent policies, and he is admired by the world. Those with slight blemishes in white jade have used troops too frequently and drained the people's strength. It is used too much. Since the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, we have conquered Minyue and the Xiongnu, and now we are conquering the two Vietnams, and there is no war every year. The shape of the soldiers is like water, which is exactly the meaning of a big river breaking through."

The more the emperor listened, the more annoyed he became. He snorted and interrupted Dong Zhongshu. "However, I heard that the flood has nothing to do with the use of troops, but it has something to do with the refugees. I wonder what Dong Gong thinks about this?"

Dong Zhongshu was at a loss for words.Hearing this, he already understood what the emperor meant.The emperor didn't want to hear him talk about using troops, but wanted to link the flood with the refugees.However, isn't the refugee caused by the flood?How can this causal relationship be reversed?

Seeing that Dong Zhongshu didn't speak, the emperor had no choice but to remind again: "Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and the people are the foundation of the country. You should concentrate on farming, but now you abandon the land and spread it all over the world. Isn't it a sign of a flood?"

Dong Zhongshu was furious for a moment, and protested: "Your Majesty, people's hearts are heavy on relocation. If they can live and work in peace and contentment, who would want to leave their homes and wander around? The refugees I see are nothing more than two. One is that the land has been annexed by wealthy families and they have no food , can only live in another country. First, the imperial court conscripts, enters the guards and goes out to fight, and travels thousands of miles. They did not do this voluntarily, but because of the improper administration of the imperial court. When God sends a disaster, it is His Majesty who should warn, not the people."

The emperor's eyes became colder, he squinted at Dong Zhongshu, cocked his mouth, remained silent for a long time, and waved his hands. "Dong Gong is tired, let's go back and rest first."

Seeing this, Dong Zhongshu sighed secretly, and tried to persuade him again, but he didn't have the courage, so he had to retreat disconsolately.After leaving the palace, Lu Bushu came up to meet him, supported Dong Zhongshu, and asked as he walked, "Sir, what is your majesty's summoning?"

Dong Zhongshu recounted what happened just now, and Lü Bushu sighed when he heard it. "Sir, how can you say that?"

Dong Zhongshu froze for a moment. "Why can't you say that?"

"Sir, think about it, what is His Majesty most worried about right now? From a general point of view, since the Liu family is not an aristocrat, but from a small point of view, His Majesty is neither a heir nor an eldest son. Naturally, what he is most worried about is whether the throne is reasonable or not. Can you Recognized by the clan. The large-scale conquest is in line with the righteousness of revenge in the Spring and Autumn Period. One is to show the righteousness of his ancestors, and the other is to show his force and subdue the princes. You say that he uses troops too frequently, isn't it counterproductive?"

Dong Zhongshu stopped, turned around, and stared into Lu Bushu's eyes. "In your opinion, what should we do? Where should the flood be?"

Lv Bushu was talking vigorously, without seeing Dong Zhongshu's anger, he talked with eloquence. "Sir, the refugees His Majesty is talking about are not real refugees, but wandering people. One refers to the retainers attached to the door of the powerful, and the other refers to idle knights. Your Majesty is going to attack them. Why don't you go along with it?" It means to..."

"You want me to follow the will of the emperor and interpret the will of heaven indiscriminately?"

Only then did Lu Bushu realize that Dong Zhongshu's complexion was unkind, he quickly closed his mouth, and forced a smile, "Sir, I..."

"As a Confucian, you can't assist the emperor with the righteous way, but try to figure out the best intentions and flatter you wholeheartedly. Is this the way to be a minister?"

Lu Bushu was very embarrassed.

"You are a Confucian gentleman, not a Confucian gentleman." Dong Zhongshu snorted, shook off Lu Bushu, turned and left. "Smart words make the color pale and benevolent. People are not benevolent, what is it like to be polite, what is it like to be happy?"

Lu Bushu blushed.Dong Zhongshu's comment was too harsh, even worse than slapping him twice.


A few days after the sacrificial ceremony, the emperor convened a court meeting with the ministers to evaluate the merits of pacifying the Liangyue.

The prime minister Tian Fu, the censor doctor Han Anguo and others produced a list of meritorious officials and corresponding rewards, and the emperor approved them one by one.Wei Qing countered the military conquest, pacified Minyue, and defeated Yu Shan. He made the first contribution and increased the town by [-] households, bringing the total to [-] households.Lang Zhonghan said that killing Yu Shan in front of the battle had the merit of the case, and he sealed the case as a marquis, with eight hundred households in the city.Give each a thousand pieces of gold.Han Anguo, Cao Shi, Wu Bei and others all made meritorious deeds, and the grants ranged from gold to gold.

The most surprising thing here is the reward for the champion Hou Liangxiao.

Tian Fu said that Liang Xiao was originally a messenger, and it was not his job to lead the troops in battle. Moreover, the leader of the South Vietnam Army was Zhao Yingqi, the Prince of South Vietnam.Although Han Anguo, Dou Ying and the others felt sorry, they had no reason to object.Unexpectedly, the Son of Heaven thought that although it was impolite for Liang Xiao to lead the soldiers of South Vietnam as an envoy, judging from the overall battle situation, he held back the main force of Minyue, created a fighting opportunity for Wei Qing to pacify Minyue, and finally killed Yu Shan. There are [-] households in the city, and there are [-] households in total, as a reward.

Hearing this news, Tian Fu was very disappointed, but Han Anguo, Dou Ying and others were very excited.The emperor's move is not only a reward for Liang Xiao, but also a favor for the soldiers.For them, it is undoubtedly a great encouragement.

After awarding the reward, Prime Minister Tian Fu made another suggestion: Move those with wealth of more than 300 million yuan from the counties and counties to Maoling.

As soon as this remark came out, all the officials were in an uproar, and Dou Ying raised objections on the spot.The flood in Shandong has not yet calmed down. At this time, moving people to guard the mausoleum may disturb the world.

Tian Fu retorted that it was precisely because of the unscrupulous annexation of land by tyrants from all over the country, a large number of people lost their livelihood, wandered around, and the yin was too strong, which caused the river to burst and was blocked repeatedly to no avail.Relocating the powerful to Maoling, taking their annexed land back to the government and redistributing it is the fundamental solution to the refugee problem.Do you object to such a proposal because you want to help those tyrants, or are you worried that your property in Maoling will be affected?
Dou Ying was furious, and immediately accused Tian Fu, saying that after the tyrants moved out, the land would not be redistributed by the government to the people, but would be annexed by some people.Shandong Dashui, the reason why you, Tian Fu, insisted on letting it go is because your fief was not affected by the flood, but instead got a large number of homeless poor people as vassals?You are blocking the imperial court's love for the people and becoming a desire for self-interest.What is your intention?

The court discussion immediately turned into mutual accusations between the two. The two sides refused to give in to each other, and finally broke up unhappy.
 Thank you book friend Daming Houde Xiaoming Zaiwu for a reward of 5 points on May 17!
(End of this chapter)

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