Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 548 Scheming

Chapter 548 Scheming
Huainan Fuling, on the bank of the Yangtze River.

More than [-] warships, mainly [-] large ships, docked slowly, and the soldiers disembarked from the ships.

The army returned triumphantly, and Liu An, the king of Huainan, went to the riverside to greet him personally. He set up many tents on the bank and held a banquet in honor of Liang Xiao and his party.

Han Anguo was very cautious. He declined Liu An's invitation on the grounds of hard work and physical discomfort.Liang Xiao, Wei Qing, Mei Gao and others abandoned the boat and landed together, gathered with Huainan monarchs and ministers, and had a good drink and chat.

After the banquet, King Huainan sent Zuo Wu to send Wei Qing and others away, leaving Liang Xiao behind.Wei Qing and the others wanted to avoid suspicion, but Liang Xiao had no choice but to stay and talk with Liu An with peace of mind.

"This trip to Huainan is also an eye-opener for me." Liu An's face was rosy, and his tongue was a little too big.

This time, Huainan Louchuan played an important role in the surprise attack on Dongye and Zhangpu.Although the army of the county is not under the control of the kingdom in name, Huainan has not strictly enforced it. Most of the sailors of Huainan Building still consider themselves Huainan people. This time they are commanded by Wu Bei, a Huainan celebrity. The victory of the navy is naturally also Huainan King Liu An. Glory, not to mention that Wu Bei also successfully completed the task of verifying information and investigating overseas.

When Liang Xiao and others were sent to Panyu, Wu Bei was not idle in Zhangpu.He not only surveyed and mapped the surrounding environment, but also went to Yizhou himself.He took the time to talk to Liang Xiao about the specific situation, and he was very satisfied with the situation in Yizhou.

Of course Huainan Wang was also satisfied.He made no secret of his admiration for Liang Xiao, the planner.

Seeing this, Liu Qian felt a little sour. "It's a pity that Wu Bei couldn't go to Panyu. Otherwise, it would be even better to explore another big island by the way."

"Food needs to be eaten bite by bite, and the road needs to be walked step by step." Liang Xiao laughed softly: "No matter which island it is, it has jumped out of the current territory of the big man, and it has grown from scratch. With this first step , There may be countless steps in the future." He glanced at Liu Qian, paused, and waited for Liu Qian to digest his meaning before continuing: "Your Highness, do you think so?"

Liu Qian groaned, a little embarrassed.

He didn't like Liang Xiao, and he had the idea of ​​finding fault in his heart, and his words were stinging.But after hearing Liang Xiao's words, he realized that what he did was really inappropriate.No one knows how big overseas is, but Yizhou is out of the emperor's sight. With this step, Huainan can be laid out calmly.According to Wu Bei, the size of Yizhou is no less than that of Huainan, and it is not impossible to find land larger than Yizhou in the future.

Liang Xiao's strategy undoubtedly left Huainan with a very generous escape route. If he confronted him again, wouldn't he be too ignorant.

Liu Qian smiled embarrassingly twice, and changed the topic.

Liu An saw it and nodded secretly.Liang Xiao knew what Liu Qian wanted, and promptly threw him a very tempting prospect.

Liu Qian kept his mouth shut, and Liang Xiao didn't chase after him.He doesn't care about Liu Qian, but Liu Qian is Liu Ling's elder brother after all, and he wants to save Liu Ling some face.He asked about the flood, especially the reason for the breach of the Yellow River.

"You want to control the river?" Liu An was a little surprised.

"If you don't cure it, do you just let the river flow like this?"

Liu An blinked, stroked his beard, and pondered for a long time. "Bo Ming, after you return to Beijing, discuss it with Ling'er before making a decision, okay?"

Liang Xiao was puzzled.However, from Liu An's dodgy eyes, he knew that this matter might not be just a technical problem, and there might be other considerations hidden behind it.He hesitated for a moment, nodded, and agreed.


In mid-March, Liang Xiao arrived in Chang'an, and Liu Ling sent people to wait outside the city.Knowing that the emperor was in Ganquan Palace, he asked him to rest at home for a few days before returning to Ganquan Palace. Liang Xiao immediately knew that the emperor didn't want to see him now.

Liang Xiao didn't say much, after parting with Han Anguo, Mei Gao and the others, he went home to rest, and Han Anguo and the others returned to Oasis Palace.

After more than half a year, Liang Xiao returned home again, and the atmosphere in the house was very different.

Li Rongqing gave birth to a son, whose baby name was Dahu, and his first wife Liu Ling also gave birth to a son, whose baby name was Xiaohu. They were both five or six months old, which was a lovely time.In addition to the son and daughter born to the moon before, Liang Xiao is just 24 years old, and already has a daughter and three sons.According to the words of my old lady Liang, Liang Xiao was born with many sons, and the Liang family will surely prosper in the future.

When Liang Xiao came home, the whole family gathered together, talking and laughing, enjoying the family happiness.After having a reunion dinner together, Liang Xiao and his wife had another conversation with their old mother before returning to their room.

The maids had already made the bed, the nanny took the child away, and Liu Ling sat in front of the dressing table and untied her hair.The jet-black hair fell down like a black brocade, covering her body, making her body appear as white as jade.

Liang Xiao leaned on the couch, looking at Liu Ling.Liu Ling saw his eyes in the mirror, two clouds flew up on his face, got up and walked to the side of the couch, sat beside Liang Xiao, stretched out his hand and lightly twisted Liang Xiao's nose, and said angrily, "What are you looking at?"

Liang Xiao smiled and hugged Liu Ling over. "I was thinking, maybe I should exonerate myself and ask the emperor to move my fief to Yuzhang. I built a manor on Lushan Mountain, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, very comfortable. The family lives there, regardless of the court. It might be the best choice."

"If you live in Lushan, you can not ask about the affairs of the court?" Liu Ling chuckled and nestled in Liang Xiao's arms. "You are thinking too simply. 'Under the sky, is it the king's land; on the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers'. If you really want to escape, the Lujiang River is not far enough. Besides, the capital looks dangerous, but it is not. The most dangerous place. Leaving the capital is the way to let mermaid go. Have you forgotten Zhou Bo, Marquis Jiangwu?"

Liang Xiao smiled slightly.Of course it was impossible for him not to know what happened to Zhou Bo.After Emperor Wen ascended the throne, Zhou Bo was expelled from the court and let him return to the fief.Without power, Zhou Bo completely lost his prestige in the court. He was in constant fear, and in the end he was inevitably imprisoned.Liu Ling's meaning is very clear, leaving the court and giving up power is not a safe choice, it will only become the target of being slaughtered.

"However, if it is considered as a strategy where retreat is an advance, retirement is an option."

Liang Xiao listened quietly.On these specific strategies, he has always respected Liu Ling's opinions.

"The reason why the emperor doesn't want to see you is because he is doing a lot of construction work in Ganquan Palace, and he is worried that your words will prevent him from stepping down. Punishing you will hurt the feelings of the monarch and his ministers. If you are not punished, some people will mistakenly think that the opportunity to speak out has come. At this time, the Ganquan Palace was overhauled, nominally to pray for Shandong, but in fact, it was more of the emperor's selfishness, taking the opportunity to build a place to escape the summer heat, and to seek longevity. There are not many people who are dissatisfied with this No, I just don’t dare to stand out, I’m just waiting for someone like you to speak first.”

"Then you mean that I should be wise and protect myself, and silence is golden?"

"If you can do it, that is of course the best choice. But you can't." Liu Ling turned around, faced Liang Xiao, stretched out his slender finger, and tapped Liang Xiao's chest. "Your ambition is too great, how can you just sit back and watch the emperor go astray."

Liang Xiao blinked and laughed.Liu Ling knew what was on his mind, so he didn't need to hide it.He turned over and lay flat on the couch, staring at the bottom of the tent in a daze.Liu Ling leaned on his chest, turned his face away, and said with a smile, "Is it right?"

"Madam is smart and knows everything. Then tell me, what should I do now?"

"Wait a minute. Wait until the time comes, and then worry about it." Liu Ling had a plan in mind.

"What time?"

"The time to control the water."

Liang Xiao thought of Liu An's words, his heart moved, and he told Liu Ling.After hearing this, Liu Ling pursed his lips and laughed. "Did you know that the breach of a big river is of course a disaster for ordinary people in Shandong, but not everyone thinks so."

"What do you mean?"

"The big river burst, and the four states of Henan, Qing, Qing, and Xu were the most affected, but the surrounding counties benefited. First, the people affected by the disaster fled, and there were a large number of refugees in the surrounding counties. These people need to eat, and food prices will rise. These people To make money, the commission price will fall. Those who can’t even afford to eat can only sell their sons and daughters, or even sell themselves, so the slave price will also fall..."

After Liang Xiao listened to Liu Ling's explanation, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.He didn't get off the boat, but saw the refugees on the shore fishing to relieve their hunger from a distance, and he already felt that the situation was serious. After listening to Liu Ling's analysis, he realized that this was not only a natural disaster, but also a man-made disaster.

Except for the people in the affected areas, no one is willing to control the water, because they are the beneficiaries of this flood.He remembered that one of the reasons recorded in history that Tian Fu did not advocate water control was that his residence was in Hebei.Now it seems that it is unfair to put the responsibility on Tian Fu alone. In fact, the reason why the flood has been poisonous for more than ten years is because countless people do not want the flood to end.

"When controlling the water, a lot of materials are used, and those who can provide these materials can benefit from it. No one can say how much of the large amount of taxes allocated by the imperial court is used to control the river, and how much is divided privately. No. Just say that after the flood, the thick layer of silt is a fortune in the eyes of many people, and I don’t know how many people are waiting to share it.”

Liang Xiao squinted at Liu Ling. "Your father is also waiting to make this fortune?"

Liu Ling gave Liang Xiao a white look. "My father now has a large amount of business in his hands, making money every day, so he doesn't care about such a small amount of money. It's not that he refuses to say it, but he is afraid that you will not be able to hold back your enthusiasm, and you will write to the emperor halfway, or Praise Haikou. Water control has never been an easy task. There are many people who want to be Yu, but most of them end up becoming Gun."

Liang Xiao was ashamed.Indeed, water control is not only a technical job, but also a hard job.He doesn't know how to control water. If he is aroused by righteous indignation and volunteers, he will not only suffer a lot, but will end up unhappy.

"So, it's not bad for you to retire temporarily. First, you can delve into the way of water control, and second, you can let your emotions ferment for a while. Although there are many people who have benefited from it, the emperor is definitely not included. The longer it takes, the more he will suffer. The greater the pressure. Unless those gods can really help him, sooner or later he will be condemned for this matter."

As Liu Ling spoke, he giggled. "Especially those aristocratic families who donated money, they are all full of anger now."

"What happened to them? Regret it?"

"I must regret it." Liu Ling raised his hand and brushed up a strand of messy hair on his cheek, pursing his lips and chuckling. "To save trouble, they donated the money directly to the imperial court, and the imperial court uniformly dispatched it. Now, whether the money is used for disaster relief or for repairing the Ganquan Palace, no one can tell. One thing is very clear, the victims of the disaster I must not know that they donated a large sum of money, so no one is grateful to them. Only my family..."

Liu Ling smiled triumphantly. "My family's donation is the most practical. Those cows and wool furs were sent to the people of Champion Hou and Qingyunli. The meat can satisfy their hunger, and the fur can keep out the cold. They got a profit, my family got a name, and those silverfish didn't get any benefit. "

Liang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but nodded.Liu Ling's approach may seem troublesome, but it is the best.Just like charitable donations in later generations, if they cannot reach the recipients directly, many unknowable things will often occur.Civil servants who serve the people are likely to profit from it, and officials in a feudal society who treat the common people as ordinary people will not be lenient.

"You have worked hard." Liang Xiao hugged Liu Ling, full of emotion.It was just before and after Liu Ling gave birth, and there were so many things to worry about, I don't know how much trouble it was. "I thank you for the people of Champion Hou and the folks in Qingyunli."

"Nothing." Liu Ling smiled lightly. "This is actually one of my plans. Public anger is hard to cause. Those who donate money are either rich or noble. If they make trouble, even the emperor will have to consider it. As the prime minister, Tian Fu took the lead in opposing water control. I think How will he end up in the end. Hehe, there is also the Queen Mother. If she has not ruined her reputation, how can the Chen family stand out?"

Liang Xiao was stunned.He stared at Liu Ling for a while, Liu Ling looked at him and said with a smile, "Do you think I'm too scheming?"

Liang Xiao nodded. "Yes, I didn't expect this matter to involve two generations of relatives from the Wang family and the Chen family."

"That's because you have big things in mind, and I have to do these small intrigues." Liu Ling leaned on Liang Xiao's chest, listened to Liang Xiao's heartbeat, and said faintly: "Princess Pingyang just sent her to you. We have brought several beauties into the palace, and one of them, Wang Meiren, has won the favor of the emperor. If we don’t prepare in time, who knows who will be the prince in the end? The Chen sisters are not queens after all. If this Wang Meiren becomes the queen, all our efforts will be in vain. Pay it in vain, just like the people in Shandong.”

Liang Xiao didn't speak.Although Liu Ling's scheming was deeper, his methods were not vicious.This is just a normal reaction.However, if you want to mobilize the aristocratic family to compete with the emperor, the risk is extremely high.With the personality of the Son of Heaven, once he finds out that Liu Ling is stirring up trouble and fueling the flames behind his back, he will never let it go with a smile. The most likely choice is to shoot the first bird and kill everyone.

"So, I have to instigate Dong Zhongshu first." Liang Xiao said suddenly: "Even if I can't instigate him, let him shut up first, and stop instilling such bullshit about the divine right of the emperor and the destiny of the emperor. "

Liu Ling laughed out loud. "That's right, now is the time to gag him. Husband, do you know the story of Ximen Bao Zhiye?"
 Thank you book friends for giving ten thousand rewards.

  Halo, I managed to save a chapter, and I used it again before I warmed it up.

  Lao Zhuang continued to write code words.

  Also, what is an update ticket?
(End of this chapter)

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