Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 478 Fake it

Chapter 478 Fake it
Dou Ying disagrees.He had heard of the discussion between Liang Xiao and Dong Zhongshu.In his opinion, it was just child's play.Besides, Confucian scholars like Dong Zhongshu, who are dead-educated and have no political experience, are not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Liang Xiao's voice was not low, and the emperor in the front car heard it clearly, couldn't help laughing, and said in a low voice: "Wei Qihou underestimated the enemy."

Han Yan who was sitting in the same car with him was very surprised. "Liang Xiao will face off against Wei Qihou?"

The emperor cocked his mouth and smiled without saying a word.Han Yan understood, pursed her lips and smiled. "Your Majesty is brilliant, this minister is really stupid."

The two smiled knowingly, and the emperor's eyes showed a bit of complacency.

When passing through the Jiaofang Palace, Xi Ya left the team and went to the Jiaofang Palace to ask to see the queen without mentioning it.Liang Xiao and others came to Chengming Hall, got out of the car together, and entered the hall. Guo Sheren and several waiters had already prepared the case table, and two new faces were waiting by the side.After the emperor took his seat, Liang Xiao and others took their seats one by one.The emperor waved his hand. "Report yourselves."

The two people who stood beside him stepped forward and reported their names.One is Yan An of Linzi, and the other is Xu Le of Yan State.

Liang Xiao was not too surprised. These two people were famous in history, and they were interpreted together with Yan Zhu, Zhu Maichen, and others.Especially Xu Le, who left a thousand-character essay in "Hanshu", which is quite insightful.

Even though Liang Xiao was young, he was a titled lord.In this era when titles are respected, he can sit still, as long as he bows and salutes.

Yan An and Xu Le were a little surprised.They obviously did not expect Liang Xiao to be so young.Although they all knew that Liang Xiao was just a weak crown and a newlywed, but against the background of such outstanding military achievements, they still instinctively thought Liang Xiao was more mature, at least he was definitely not what they saw in front of them.

Everyone greeted each other a few words and sat down one by one.After a while, Sima Xiangru and Sang Hongyang entered the hall one after another.

Liang Xiao and Sima Xiangru had met before, but had little contact with each other.Sima Xiangru wrote Fu well, but he had stuttering contradictions, so unlike Yan Zhu and others, he shouldered the important task of discussing with ministers of foreign courts, and he rarely appeared on these discussion occasions.His hobbies are reading, drinking, and writing Fu, and he is more of a literati.

Seeing Sima Xiangru attending the meeting, Liang Xiao glanced at Dou Ying and smiled.Dou Ying also responded with a smile.The emperor attached great importance to his proposal, of course he was happy, as for Liang Xiao's possible attack, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, the emperor announced the start of the meeting. First, King Wuqiu Shou explained the situation.

The situation is very simple. Zhao Hu, the king of Nanyue, wrote a letter saying that Ying, the king of Minyue, sent troops to attack the border of South Vietnam and asked the Han Dynasty for support.

On the other hand, Minyue hostages in Beijing reported that Minyue Prime Minister Yu Shan had close contacts with South Vietnam.The invasion of South Vietnam this time is likely to be a conspiracy of collusion. I hope that the Han Dynasty will not send troops easily, so as not to fall into the trap.

After King Wuqiu Shou finished talking about the situation, the Son of Heaven said, "Let's discuss, should the imperial court send troops?"

Liang Xiao watched his nose with his eyes, his mouth with his nose, and his heart with his mouth, just like an old monk in meditation.These clichés are the most unnutritious.The veterans and rookies are all here, you ask me if I should send troops?Shouldn't this be a private conversation?Now that they have all come, there is still the question of whether to send troops.There is only one question that can be discussed: how to send troops.

Sure enough, King Wuqiu Shou started, and others followed up, without even discussing the form, so they all agreed that they should send troops.The only difference lies in the difference of opinion. Some say that Nanyue is a subordinate country, which should be rescued if it is in trouble;

The emperor is very satisfied. "Then let's talk about how to send troops? Wei Qihou, you are a veteran of the three dynasties and have the most experience. Let's set an example first."

Dou Ying was also polite, cleared her throat, and talked about the strategy of sending troops.

Liang Xiao was basically aware of his set of theories, and he provided the idea to Dou Ying. When Dou Ying went to the banquet, he discussed it with him.However, at this moment, he still listened very carefully.To have a debate later, we must first find the target.

Liang Xiao thought he understood Dou Ying's plan, but after listening to it for a while, he felt something was wrong.Dou Ying suggested that the emperor take advantage of the situation to take South Vietnam and restore the old situation in Qin Dynasty, but his strategy is very problematic.

Of course, there can be no problem with Dou Ying's strategy.According to the actual situation of this era, it can even be said that Dou Ying's strategy is quite stable, and he has enough qualifications to be proud.The emperor admired his strategy so much because he saw that his strategy was indeed feasible.

But in Liang Xiao's view, this strategy is undoubtedly too conservative.

It's not that he is not courageous enough, but that he has not been able to really strengthen the actual situation of the big man at the moment, and is behind the times.

From the perspective of outsiders, there was no sudden change in the Han Dynasty at this time.But Liang Xiao knew very well that the Han Dynasty at this time had deviated from the historical track, and there were many new things that hadn't appeared in this era.Such as clairvoyance, such as the Huainan merchant ship traveling to and from the South China Sea, such as the world he has shown on different occasions, the vision of the Han people has been significantly improved.

Dou Ying's strategy did not mention these at all, not at all.He still solved the South Vietnam problem according to the thinking of the Qin army 70 years ago: send troops from Yuzhang and Huiji to attack Minyue, and then use Minyue as a base to attack and guide Vietnam.

This made Liang Xiao very disappointed.I don't know if Dou Ying is too old, his thinking is rigid, or he is too anxious to think about it, so he directly uses Qin Jun's strategy.According to his thinking, even if the Han Dynasty is far stronger than the Qin Dynasty in those days, it will not be easy to win Nanyue.

Today's Nanyue is not the barbarians of the past. Three generations of the Zhao family have been operating in Nanyue longer than when the Han Dynasty was founded.Dou Ying still looks at Nanyue with old eyes, so it's no wonder he doesn't suffer.If he really followed his strategy to send troops, the end would probably not be any better than that of the Qin army back then.

Originally, Liang Xiao just wanted to find out about Dou Ying's minor problems, and deliberately fought to show the emperor that he and Dou Ying were not on the same page, but now that he heard Dou Ying's strategy, he had to reconsider.

The emperor can afford to lose, but he can't afford to lose.

The Son of Heaven had been paying attention to Liang Xiao's eyes, and seeing that Liang Xiao's expression was not right, his heart skipped a beat for no reason, with an ominous premonition.

He is personally very satisfied with Dou Ying's strategy.In his view, this strategy is sound and feasible, and the possibility of success is very high.If the battle of Wei Qing and the others goes well this autumn, and Yinshan takes over and restores the frontier fortress of the Qin Dynasty, they can turn to the south and restore the territory of the Qin Dynasty within a few years.If you count the new Wuwei County in Longyou, his achievements are even slightly better than Qin Shihuang.

This is undoubtedly a very attractive goal.The achievements of Qin Shihuang's life can be realized in just a few years when he is in power. In any case, it is something to be proud of.

However, seeing Liang Xiao's expression, he became uneasy.Dou Ying was formulating a strategy, and Liang Xiao was asked to provide advice, hoping to supplement his details.If Liang Xiao objects to this plan and thinks it's unfeasible, then he has to overthrow everything and start over.

The Son of Heaven resisted the uneasiness in his heart, and did not rush to let Liang Xiao speak.After Dou Ying explained his strategy, he asked Xu Le and others to speak first.

Xu Le was very cautious. He just pointed out that according to Dou Ying's plan, more troops might be needed and the time would be longer.Before gaining a decisive advantage in the war against the Huns, whether to mobilize so many manpower and material resources to march south is a question that should be carefully considered.

Yan An and others agreed, saying that they should be treated with caution, so as not to repeat the plight of the Qin army back then.

Sima Xiangru didn't express his opinion, but seeing his frown slightly, he presumably disapproved.King Wuqiu Shou remained silent.He is a person close to the emperor and knows the attitude of the emperor, so he dare not rashly raise objections at this time.It doesn't matter if Dou Yinggao is unhappy, but if the emperor is unhappy, that's more troublesome.

Seeing that so many people disagreed, the emperor turned his attention to Liang Xiao. "Bo Ming, do you have anything to add to Wei Qihou's strategy?"

Liang Xiao said in his heart, here we go again, the words are so clear, it's like asking me to raise my hand in approval.But if I really agree, I will become a scapegoat in the end.

Liang Xiao pondered for a moment, then turned around and bowed to Dou Ying. "Wei Qihou, have you ever been to Jiangnan?"

Dou Ying shook her head and gave Liang Xiao a blank look. "Bo Ming, if you have something to say, just say it straight, there is no need to make any detours. It's better to keep it simple when discussing politics in front of His Majesty. If you speak too vaguely, it is easy to miss things."

Liang Xiao nodded. "Since Wei Qihou said so, then I'll be blunt. I don't agree with this plan." He raised his hand to signal Dou Ying not to rush to refute, and then turned to Sima Xiangru. "Mr. Sima, you are from Yizhou, and you have been in Guanzhong for many years. I would like to ask you, in your opinion, what are the similarities and differences between the terrain in Guanzhong and Yizhou?"

Sima Xiangru was stunned, apparently he did not expect Liang Xiao to ask him.He rolled his eyes for a long time before he stammered and said: "Is this... Guanzhong, it is... similar to Yizhou, and it is a country of four... four fortresses. Because of this, Guanzhong is not... no Establishing princes, Yi...Yizhou does not establish princes. What is the difference? I care that Yi...Yizhou is much more humid, no...not as dry as in Guanzhong..."

Sima Xiangru spoke intermittently for a long time, and Dou Ying became impatient. "There are different winds for hundreds of miles, different customs for thousands of miles, and Nanyue is different from Guanzhong. Of course I know this, so why bother to say more. The Qin army was able to capture Nanyue back then, but now our Han army is stronger than the Qin army. Why can't we?"

"Then Wei Qihou knows why the Qin army was able to sweep the world, but was deeply trapped in the quagmire of South Vietnam. In the end, it took 50 Qin army to spend five years to succeed? You need to know that Qin pacified the six countries, but it took ten years."

"That's not because the Qin army was brutal and killed many innocent people, causing the local people to resist. This is why the long battle was in vain." Dou Ying smiled proudly and glanced at Liang Xiao. "Nanyue is a vassal state of our dynasty, and our Han army is the emperor's division. If there is a conquest but no battle, how can it be compared to the Qin army?"

Liang Xiao lowered his face, stared into Dou Ying's eyes, and said word by word: "Wei Qihou, boy, dare to say that Wei Qihou's words are lamentable, sad, and weeping."

Dou Ying was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and cupped her hands casually.

"Dare to ask."

"It's a pity that Wei Qihou's veteran officials of the three dynasties actually underestimated the enemy. He was well-versed in Confucianism and Taoism, but he followed what others said. It's sad that the soldiers sacrificed their lives in a foreign land, and the people were wasted food and salaries. Wei Qihou's evening festival can't be guaranteed. The cry is that your majesty's grand plans and great achievements are ruined in one day."
(End of this chapter)

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