Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 327 Little Yueshi

Chapter 327 Little Yueshi

Liu Ling stood under the porch, and the courtyard was filled with a strong scent of sweet-scented osmanthus, lingering in the nose, refreshing.The moonlight was cold, shining on her clothes and embroidered shoes, but her face was hidden in the darkness, and her expression could not be seen clearly.

She stood here for a long time.Like a statue.

Footsteps sounded, Deng Guobin walked in quickly, stood at the bottom of the steps, and bowed to salute.

"How did Yan Zhu say?"

"Yan Zhu refuses to see him." Deng Guobin was very angry. "The minister later went to see Mei Gao and found out some news."

"Meigao?" Liu Ling was a little surprised. "How did he say?"

"Yan Zhu advised His Majesty to find Dong Zhongshu's disciple Lu Bushu, and said that Mohism's academics were not up to the mark. My Lord, this person is narrow-minded and deeply hates his Lord. This is an opportunity to blackmail him."

Liu Ling snorted, but didn't say anything.Hearing the name Dong Zhongshu, she knew what Yan Zhu was planning.Dong Zhongshu is a great Confucianist in the world, he ruled "Gongyang Chunqiu", and "Gongyang Chunqiu" most advocates great unification, which is in harmony with the idea of ​​the emperor leveling the princes and monopolizing power.I'm afraid this is not Yan Zhu's own idea, but a suggestion he made to echo the emperor's wishes.

Seemingly a small issue, it is actually related to the theoretical dispute between kingship and hegemony, Taoism and Confucianism.But it's ridiculous to say that kingly way is the most respected theory of Confucianism, but now the emperor who pursues hegemony has come together with Confucianism, I really don't know whether it is a disaster or a blessing.

"Go back to Huainan tomorrow morning." Liu Ling turned around and walked to the inner room.

"My lord, are you waiting for news?"

"The Son of Heaven has already made arrangements, and the rest is up to God."

"No, Lord Weng, I mean, wait for Lu Bushu's reply?"

Liu Ling was stunned for a moment, a blush flashed across his face, and then he snorted again: "Dong Zhongshu rubbed Yin and Yang into Confucianism, he can talk about disasters, but he can't solve this problem. I'm waiting here, isn't it embarrassing the emperor? Yes After hearing the news, he will naturally be sent to Huainan."

Deng Guobin seemed to understand but didn't understand, so he let out an oh, and didn't ask any more.


Liang Xiao walked through the Xingxing Gorge under the moonlight.

There are towering cliffs on both sides. Although they are not very high, they look very steep.Looking up, the peaks on both sides are very close together, leaving only a slender sky, like a monster, which is about to close its mouth and swallow the passers-by in the valley.The stones on the mountain were illuminated by the moonlight and mixed with the stars in the sky.

One man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it.

Xingxing Gorge is the west gate of the Hexi Corridor, and from this point to the west, one enters the Western Regions.From here, head east and walk into the Hexi Corridor.To control this place is to control the throat of this silk road, and no one can pass through it.

Fortunately, Liang Xiao didn't attack by force, Huangfuqi and thousands of Yuezhi people were waiting for him.Seeing Liang Xiao walking out of the valley, Huangfuqi and others greeted him, warmly introducing the accompanying Yuezhi people.

"My lord, this is Ma Qi, the captain of the rest of the Yue clan. There are more than a thousand of them. He is now stationed in the Wild Horse Valley. Among the Yue clan who stayed in his hometown, he is a well-known hero. He can draw strong bows and shoot birds. He is a well-deserved archer."

Liang Xiao heard Huangfuqi's hint, jumped off the horse and greeted Ma Qi.March was in his fifties, tall, dark, with a big beard.Under the firelight, two deep-set eyes flashed vigilantly, sweeping back and forth across Liang Xiao's face.

"I've seen you, sir." Ma Qi stroked his chest and saluted, his eyes swept behind Liang Xiao. "Mr. Huangfu has won the award. How dare I be called a good archer in front of adults. We Yuezhi people respect heroes the most. Ma Qi dares to see the amazing archery skills of adults?"

Liang Xiao smiled.These Yuezhi people are really real, as soon as they meet, they will judge their archery skills.He didn't refuse, nodded and said: "In Wensu, I competed with Prince Aliusu of the Yuezhi, and I was lucky to win a match. Today, I competed with the captain again, and I have seen heroes among the Yuezhi people. Wei, how do you compare?"

Ma Qi waved his hand, and the two knights jumped onto the horse, with their arms outstretched, holding two torches each, and galloped away, stopped a hundred steps away, and shook the torches.Ma Qi took the bow and said with a smile: "Let me be rude and set an example for my lord." As he spoke, he drew the bow and set an arrow, and the arrow shot out.

The feathered arrow shot into the darkness, and after about a breath, one of the four torches flew up and fell to the ground.

March fired another arrow, and another torch fell to the ground.The knight bent down to pick up two torches, ran back, and showed Liang Xiao and the others the torches that had been hit by arrows.Both arrows hit the torch, and the arrowheads penetrated into the wooden handle.

Liang Xiao nodded and praised.Being able to hit a torch a hundred steps away, although there is still a certain distance from a hundred steps away, it is still a rare and good archery skill.Especially in the dark, it is easy to make mistakes in visual distance, and the difficulty has increased.

March is a one-in-a-million archer, much stronger than the mercenary archers around him.No wonder he became the leader of the Yuezhi people who stayed in their hometown.To deal with this kind of people, rhetoric is useless, only strength can conquer them.

Seeing Liang Xiao's expression, Ma Qi showed a bit of arrogance.

Liang Xiao took the bow from Sigma, adjusted the string, and raised his head. "Captain, let him walk another twenty steps."

Ma Qi was looking at the bow in Liang Xiao's hand, and was stunned for a moment after hearing this. "My lord, what did you say?"

"I said, let that brave man go forward another twenty paces."

"My lord, did I hear you right?" March raised his voice. "Twenty more steps, even if the bow in the master's hand is a strong bow, it may not be able to shoot so far."

Liang Xiao smiled. "Can't you use a human bow?"

"Human bow?" Ma Qi hesitated for a moment, and his eyes slowly lit up. "My lord, you mean... I am the most precious Yueshi, the human bow among the three treasured bows of heaven, earth and man?"

Liang Xiao raised the black bow in his hand, shook it, and said with a smile: "It seems that the captain has never seen this human bow."

March opened his mouth wide, unable to utter a word.The knights around him were also stunned, and surrounded him one after another.Ma Qi stretched out his hands and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, let Ma Qi be rude, can you show me this human bow."

"Of course. But, can I wait for the captain to see clearly after I finish shooting the arrow and arrive at the captain's tent? I have walked all the way, but I am tired and hungry." Liang Xiao said half-truthfully .

March was sorry.Liang Xiao came from a long way, and he didn't give him a chance to rest, so he had to compete with him. The time, place, and game method he chose didn't give Liang Xiao any choice at all.When Liang Xiao said this, he meant to accuse him of being rude.Ma Qi said quickly: "My lord, you don't need to go any further. Someone has a bow in hand, and I believe that your lord can shoot farther. This is a game, so why take it too seriously."

"That's fine." Liang Xiao said, and drew out two arrows, one on the string and the other in his hand.Glancing at the knight in the distance, he took a breath, raised his bow, and shot two shots.The two arrows flew away almost in no particular order.Two torches fell in response.

Before the knight could pick up the torch, March's eyes widened.He is an expert, just from Liang Xiao's archery posture, it can be seen that Liang Xiao's archery skills are not ordinary.Not to mention how easy it is for him to draw the legendary human bow, just look at the smoothness of his movements, he is more proficient than he who has been shooting arrows all his life, there is an indescribable beauty of harmony.

This is probably the legendary human bow, right?March thought to himself.

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and the knight galloped over, holding a torch in his hand.There was no arrow in the torch, the arrow was in the knight's other hand.The knight jumped off his horse and ran up to Ma Qi. Without saying a word, he first looked at Liang Xiao in surprise.

"Hero, what kind of bow are you using? It's so powerful that it can shoot through torches from such a distance."

March was taken aback, and quickly took the torch.There is a hole in each torch, which was pierced by the arrow.He took the arrow again, seeing the carefully crafted blood groove on the flashing arrow, he couldn't help blurting out.

"What a beautiful arrow, what kind of arrow is this, so sharp?"

"I asked Dawan's famous craftsman to make armor-piercing arrows from wootz iron." Liang Xiao said with a smile: "It's the first time we meet, and I don't have anything to give away. I will give these two armor-piercing arrows to the captain. Please don't think too little of the captain. "

Ma Qi was overjoyed and thanked him quickly.He carefully put away the arrow, and warmly invited Liang Xiao to mount his horse and rush to his tribe.


Yema Valley is about ten miles east of Xingxing Gorge. It is a valley beside the tributary of Shule River. The terrain is flat and the water is gurgling, forming a small lake with a radius of several miles.Hundreds of tents were set up by the lake, and when they heard the sound of horseshoes, the people in the tents came out, almost all of them were strong and strong men.They stood by the side of the road, looked at Liang Xiao and the others, and were a little surprised when they saw Ma Qi and Liang Xiao walking side by side.

Liang Xiao didn't ask too much.From March's behavior, he can roughly see March's character.This kind of person who can dominate one side will probably not call a brother a brother when he sees a person, and he is somewhat arrogant.

Ma Qi chose the best spot for Liang Xiao's subordinates to camp, and then led Liang Xiao into the tent.Wine and meat have been placed in the big tent, although simple, the quantity is sufficient.It can be seen that Ma Qi has already made preparations for Liang Xiao's arrival.

"Come here, bring out the best wine." March said with an embarrassed smile, "Please forgive me for not being well prepared."

Liang Xiao smiled.It wasn't that March was ill-prepared, it was that he didn't intend to show it at all.If he didn't show his bow and show his superb archery skills, he wouldn't have a chance to drink this fine wine.

"Captain, you're being polite." Liang Xiao turned around and gave Sigma a wink.Sigma understood, took out the human bow, and presented it to March.Ma Qi rubbed his hands on the hem of the clothes vigorously, then took it over, and leaned in front of the torch for a closer look.Watching and watching, a few teardrops slid down and landed on the bow.

"I didn't expect that in this life, I would still have the opportunity to see the precious bow of my Yuezhi people." Ma Qi hugged the bow, fell to his knees, and cried loudly.

The Yueshi generals who were ordered to come to accompany the guests saw them and knelt down on the ground, crying together.

Huangfuqi stood aside, watching this scene, couldn't help pulling Liang Xiao aside, and asked in a low voice: "My lord, what is the matter with this human bow? Since it is the most treasure of the Yue family, how did it get into the hands of your lord?"

Liang Xiao laughed silently.He glanced at Huangfuqi, and said calmly: "It was snatched from Wusun people."

Huangfuqi was dumbfounded, and then he said with a sigh: "Since your lord has this precious bow, why didn't you say it earlier, so much property was wasted for nothing."
(End of this chapter)

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