Chapter 295
Weiyang Palace, Greenhouse Palace, the Son of Heaven looked at Li Guang, Cheng Bushi and Han Anguo, hesitating to speak.

The three of Li Guang were baffled, they didn't know what the emperor wanted to say.Li Guang turned his head and looked at Li Danghu standing beside him.Li Danghu lowered his eyelids, avoiding Li Guang's gaze.Li Guang was very unhappy, and his face was a little ugly.

The atmosphere in the hall was tense.

The emperor pondered for a long time, then waved his hand. "The matter of northern Xinjiang is entrusted to the three generals."

"Wei!" Li Guang and the others bowed and saluted, and exited the hall.Outside the hall, they glanced at each other, both a little confused.

There are police in northern Xinjiang, and the emperor called them three to serve as prefects of Shangjun, Shanggu and Youbeiping respectively, which is not surprising.The three of them are the most famous generals of this era, especially Li Guang and Cheng Bushi. They have been guarding the border for many years and know the situation of the border best. When there is a change in the Huns, it is normal to arrange them to go back to the border to strengthen their guard.

But the emperor's expression was unusual. He seemed to have something to say, but he didn't say it in the end.For the Son of Heaven, this has never been the case.Although the emperor is young and has not even really grasped the power, he has always been very powerful and rarely shows his emotions in front of the ministers.

Cheng Bushi caressed the short beard under his chin, and said unhurriedly: "Brother Li, the Huns are a bit strange. At this time, Chaobian, is it because the snow disaster last year caused too much damage and it is unsustainable?"

Li Guang frowned and didn't answer.He knew what Cheng Bushi meant.He is Weiyang Palace Weiwei, who is closer to the emperor than Cheng Bushi, Changle Weiwei. His eldest son, Li Danghu, is beside the emperor. He knows more information. Now that he can't figure out the situation, Cheng Bushi will naturally ask He inquired.

Li Guang was happy to answer Cheng Bushi's questions, but the problem was that he also knew nothing about it.Like Cheng Bushi and Han Anguo, he was in the fog and couldn't figure out the real intention of the emperor.Facing Cheng Bushi's prying, he lost face and became even more annoyed.

Embarrassed, Han Anguo and Li Guang hurriedly teased Cheng Buzhi and signaled him not to ask any more questions.Cheng Buzhi sighed, handcuffed with Li Guanggong, turned and left.Han Anguo also saluted and left in a hurry.Looking at their backs, Li Guang was very depressed.

"General Li stay." Guo Sheren rushed out and stopped Li Guang. "The emperor has something to ask the general."

Li Guang didn't dare to be negligent, so he quickly turned around and went back to the hall. Seeing him coming back, the emperor motioned him to sit down, and then pushed a pair of silk books and maps in front of him.Li Guang looked down and couldn't help but be overjoyed.This is a map of the north of Yanmen.He has been stationed in Yanmen for many years, and he knows it at a glance.However, this map is very detailed, more than what he himself knows, and even marks the location of the Huns' Wangtinglongcheng.

With this map, marching and fighting are much more confident.

However, Li Guang immediately saw the problem.He was going to Shangjun, and the edict was to keep the enemy out of the country, and there was no intention to pursue the enemy across the border. This map is useless to him.

"His Majesty?"

"General Li, if you carry luggage, how long can you last and how far can you go?"

Li Guang blurted out without thinking. "One person fights, and three people bear food. They can last for a month at most. If they travel forty miles a day, they can walk 1000 or two hundred miles. They can go back and forth in half, and they can go deep into six hundred miles."

"If you don't care about the physical strength of the soldiers, how about advancing at full speed?"

Li Guang hesitated for a moment. "A hundred miles a day."

The emperor smiled bitterly. "So, even if you never return, you can only travel three thousand miles?"

"No, up to two thousand miles." Li Guangdao: "If you march in such a haste, you will suffer heavy casualties, and it will not last long. Besides, if you exhaust your energy so much that you can't fight or win, what's the use of it?"

The Son of Heaven nodded. "I see."

Li Guang was even more puzzled. He tentatively asked, "Your Majesty, if there is a chance, should I go deep into the grassland?"

The Son of Heaven looked at Li Guang, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.He pondered for a long time, but still shook his head. "General Li, I know you dare to fight, but you are the general who leads the troops, so you can't just go deep."

Li Guang's face darkened, he nodded, and bowed to retreat.

The emperor stared at Li Guang's back, his eyes flickering.He thought for a long time and sighed, "It's too far away, it's really too far away."

"Yeah, it's really too far away. Even if His Majesty is willing to do his best to save him, it's too far away." Han Yan scratched her head regretfully. "It's a pity to miss such a good opportunity like this. If it is two years late, the three generals will go deep into the grassland while the Huns are heading west, and they will definitely gain a lot."

The emperor smiled wryly, and sighed: "Why, this is the goshawk that God wants to break." He thought for a while, then turned around and said to Li Danghu: "Danghu, you go to Maoling and take a look at his goshawk for me. Family. I heard from Dongfang Shuo that his Orchid gave birth to a daughter, so you can help me to see it. Unfortunately, it would be great if I had a son. With the guidance of a famous teacher like Huan Yuan, he might be able to become another Liang Xiao."

Li Danghu nodded and remained silent.Seeing this, Han Yan quietly turned her head and twisted her mouth.


Liang Xiao returned to Guishan City, what he saw surprised him, and he couldn't help but suspect that the messenger was sending fake news.

Guishan is peaceful and peaceful, no different from the past.There are bustling crowds on the street, businessmen with camels and idlers on horses can be seen everywhere, laughing and laughing, there is no trace of an enemy approaching.

Liang Xiao rushed to the Vice-Prince's Mansion and walked into the gate. The courtyard was bustling with people coming and going. A thin middle-aged man was instructing the servants to set up tables, chairs and tableware. banquet.Mei Cai is now the hottest dignitary in Dawan. It is not uncommon for one person to be under one person and one person to be over ten thousand. There are many people in the house, and banquets are often held at home.Seeing this scene, Liang Xiao doubted the accuracy of the news even more.

Could it be Mei Cai making fun of me?
Just when Liang Xiao was full of doubts, a servant came out. "Your envoy, the deputy king is waiting for you in the bathroom."

Liang Xiao was speechless.How much do you guys love to take a bath? You got into the bathroom again before the sun set?

Liang Xiao signaled the others to back off, and only brought Tu Niu'er to the bathroom.Mei Cai was soaking in the hot spring in a daze, looking a little haggard.Hearing footsteps, he turned his head, walked over naked, and took Liang Xiao's hand. "Oh, Mr. Liang, you are here. Come, come, come, I feel at ease when you come."

Liang Xiao smiled wryly, "Vice King, what's going on?"

Mei Cai didn't speak, and first waved her hand to signal the maid serving on the side to go out, and then ordered: "Without my permission, no one is prepared to come in. I want to discuss the details of the dinner with the messenger."

The guards responded and closed the gate.As soon as the door closed, Mei Cai let out a sigh. "Liang Jun, do you know how difficult it is for me now? The Huns are overwhelming, but I dare not even say a word, and I have to force myself to laugh and drink with them. Every time I take a sip of wine, I feel that it may be me. The last bite of my life."

Liang Xiao was startled. "Vice King, is the news accurate? How many Huns are there?"

"How many Huns there are is still uncertain. However, there is no doubt that the Huns will come. When Jianmi sent people to collect the spoils, he met some Huns scouts and businessmen, and they all said that the Huns issued an order. , to gather the kings of the west in Dragon City."

"It's not surprising that the Huns will meet in Dragon City in May. It's just their custom..."

"Yes, but they have never gathered their troops in the spring when the horses are thin, and several large tribes in the west are turning around and heading west. Even if they have no plan to invade the border, it is inevitable to take back Wusun land. "

Liang Xiao's eyebrows twitched.Suddenly I understood a little bit.

Mei Cai won the battle, and his power is at the height of his power. Altai Mountain is under his control, and all the gold has entered his pocket, and no one else can touch it.The Huns invaded west, and there must be the first battlefield.For Mei Cai, he would do anything for the gold, but for others, this land was originally the land of the Wusun people. Is it necessary for Dawan to travel thousands of miles to fight there?
Anyway, they can't get any benefits.

Liang Xiao was angry and funny.

"Mr. Liang, that's where we fought side by side." Mocai felt a little guilty, and said again: "If the Huns occupy the mountain pass, it will not be easy for us to regain it. If they continue to advance westward, we will rely on What's stopping them?"

Liang Xiao nodded slightly.Although Mei Cai has selfish intentions, it may not be said that there is no such thing.

"Isn't it good to defend the city? The Huns are not good at attacking the city."

"If the city is besieged for a short period of time, that's not a big problem. But if the Huns don't go and want to break the city, what should we do? Among other things, as long as the water source in the city is cut off, within a few days, the city will be in chaos."

Liang Xiao frowned.The water source that Mei Cai said is indeed a problem.The cities in Dawan are all by the river, and all kinds of water in the city are supplied by imported river water. Once the Huns cut off the water source, it will take less than half a month for the water storage in the city to be exhausted, and people will be in chaos.But this is not a problem, Liang Xiao can find someone to help them dig a well.Liang Xiao was worried about another problem.

If the goal of the Huns was to capture Dawan completely, wouldn't all the good horses in Dawan be taken by the Huns?

Liang Xiao's heart skipped a beat.Could the Huns be there for the Malays?He then shook his head again.The Huns are not big men, so horses should not be so attractive to them.

Liang Xiao thought about it for a long time. "Anyway, it's better to be prepared first. Vice King, how many soldiers does Dawan have in total?"

"There are [-] to [-] soldiers, but it is impossible to recruit them. The maximum number of troops that can be mobilized is [-]." Mo Cai sighed: "How can we deal with the Huns with this little force?"

"Like last year, how about an alliance with the Yuezhi?"

"I'm worried that the Yuezhi people don't have enough strength. I heard from Azhena that the last time I sent 5000 people is already the limit. What's the use of 5000 people?" Mei Cai frowned. "The Yuezhi people are not very good people. The entry of 5000 people is already very worrying. If more people come, who can guarantee that they will not become a disaster like the Huns?"

Liang Xiao scratched his head.This is how to do? ——
(End of this chapter)

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