Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 288 Skis, Deputy Captain

Chapter 288 Skis, Deputy Captain

Linghu walked into Liang Xiao's tent with two planks between them. "My lord, I have a way. I can walk in the snow."

Liang Xiao put down the scroll in his hand, glanced at Linghu, and smiled.It has been three days since he announced the reward, and he guessed that Linghu should be able to think of a way.But he glanced at the wooden board in Linghu's hand, and his brows that had just stretched out immediately wrinkled again.

"These two boards are so rough, can they slide in the snow?"

Linghu was startled. "My lord, how did you know I was going to slide?"

Liang Xiao smiled. "Because I guess you can't fly, you can only glide."

"Fly?" Linghu's eyes widened. "Can people fly?"

"Whether you can fly or not, I'll talk about it later. Tell me about your plan first. You Cypriots use these boards to slide on the snow?"

Linghu stared straight at Liang Xiao, not knowing what to say.After a while, he suddenly understood, quickly put down the board, and knelt down in front of Liang Xiao. "My lord, are..."

"Just know." Liang Xiao waved his hand, signaling Linghu to get up. "The mercenary group does not lack warriors, but it lacks wise people. I think you can do it. However, whether you can do it or not depends on whether your method is available."

Linghu woke up like a dream, and quickly prostrated himself on the ground, clasped his fists with both hands, and raised them above his head. "Thank you for your attention. Don't worry, my lord, this method will definitely work. That's what I did when I was hunting in the mountains. The time is short, and it is indeed a bit rough. As long as the lord gives me a day, I can polish it more finely. When the time comes , you can glide like flying on the soft snow.”

Liang Xiao nodded. "Okay, let's go out and try."

"Here." Linghu agreed loudly, got up, picked up the plank, and walked out of the big tent.

Liang Xiao put on his cloak and followed him out.Alpha and the others hurriedly followed.Just now Liang Xiao and Linghu's words were clouded, and after they said a few words, Linghu, who had always been proud and arrogant, knelt down for some reason.They were very curious and wanted to see how the spirit fox could fly on the snow.

Liang Xiao followed Linghu to the camp of the mercenaries and called everyone out.The mercenaries looked excited when they saw Linghu carrying two wooden boards. They guessed that Linghu might have thought of a way, so they couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.In the past two days, everyone had tried their best to take down the knife and the position of deputy head of the mercenary regiment, but they didn't expect Linghu to take the lead in the end.

In fact, many mercenaries know how to ski, but they just thought about it, but they didn't act like spirit foxes, and let this good opportunity pass by.

Liang Xiao announced to everyone that Linghu claimed to have found a way to walk on the snow. He himself expressed doubts, so he wanted to verify it in public.If it is feasible, the knife will belong to Linghu.Lingo will also become Li Shuyun's deputy, leading the mercenary group together.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Linghu tied the plank to his feet, used two spears as poles, and began to slide.He shuttled left and right in the valley, coming and going like flying, uphill and downhill, as fast as a galloping horse, which not only opened the eyes of the mercenaries, but even Liang Xiao felt a little unbelievable.

It turns out that such a simple tool can also ski.

Linghu slid back and forth in the valley for two rounds, the last one turned around and stopped in front of Liang Xiao. "My lord, how is it?"

Liang Xiao raised his eyebrows, and looked at Linghu critically. "You can, can others too? How long will it take to learn this?"

Linghu knew it well, and laughed loudly: "My lord, this is not a great skill, many of our mercenaries know it. Even if they don't, if they have two days to practice, they will definitely have no problem walking."

"Two days?" Liang Xiao looked around at the mercenaries. "Can you learn it in two days?"

"Of course. They are all masters selected by adults, and their skills are inherently more flexible than ordinary people. Even if they have never skied before, they often slide on ice when they were young. Skiing is similar to ice skating, and two days is enough. "

"I still don't quite believe it. Well, if you can let me learn it in two days, I will believe you."

"It's a deal." Linghu couldn't help but rejoice.Liang Xiao really gave him face, not only created such a good opportunity for him, but also learned skiing from him personally.Judging from Liang Xiao's words, he probably would have been able to, the reason why he said that was just to give him a chance in front of everyone.

Linghu got off the skis, walked up to Liang Xiao, strapped on the skis for Liang Xiao himself, and demonstrated the movements.Liang Xiao has skied several times, but he is not an expert.I have been neglected for many years, and if I learn it now, I will be almost like a novice.But after all, he has some experience, coupled with two years of hard training in archery, his physical agility is by no means comparable to his previous life.Under Linghu's guidance, he was able to slide on the snow in only half an hour.

"Not bad, not bad." Liang Xiao smiled and let out a mouthful of hot air. "What do you think?"

Linghu said: "They don't have such good skills as adults, but two days should be enough. After two days, we can leave here and go pick up the heads of the Huns."

Some mercenaries originally resisted and deliberately showed disapproval. When they heard that they were going to pick up the heads of the Huns, they immediately forgot about it.Just kidding, this is the last credit for this battle, how can they let them take it all alone.All of a sudden, they chattered and asked for orders.

"It doesn't take two days, I can already, just make a pair of boards."

"Two days are enough. We've played with ice and snow since we were young, and we've all slid down hills. Are we still afraid of this thing?"

"What do you want in two days? With my skill, I can do it in one day."

"Learn how to count, can you shoot arrows while gliding?"

Hearing the mercenaries comparing each other, Liang Xiao fell into his arms.If you want to twist these rebellious guys into a single rope, it is useless to just preach, you must have enough interests to lure them.The head of the Huns is the best temptation at this moment.

While the mercenaries were arguing, Liang Xiao put the Uzi sword on Linghu's waist with his own hands.In front of the mercenaries, Linghu knelt on the ground, embraced Liang Xiao's legs, kissed his knees, performed a very formal prostration, and pledged his allegiance to Liang Xiao.

The other six people who are also mercenary leaders with Lingo see them envious and helpless.

Immediately, Li Shuyun and Linghu stood together and ordered all the mercenaries to prepare a pair of skis, learn to ski, and set off in two days.

The mercenaries scattered with enthusiasm, scrambling to find wood suitable for making skis.

Liang Xiao found Mo Cai and asked him to arrange for the craftsmen accompanying the army to help.Mei Cai agreed.Regardless of whether it was a mercenary or Liang Xiao, anyway, the final credit was his.Liang Xiao was willing to contribute, which was what he wished for.

With the help of craftsmen, the progress has been greatly accelerated.A day later, the mercenaries began to practice skiing with a pair of skis.

Liang Xiao was also among them.As Linghu said, he learned quickly, and after a day, he was able to slide freely.Tu Niuer, Pang Shuo and others also mastered it very quickly, but the slowest ones were the four of them Alpha.Although they are agile, they have lived in the palace since they were young. Except for a snowball fight, they have no chance to play in the ice and snow like the mercenaries. They suddenly started skiing, and they are not used to it.Fortunately, they can endure hardships, are not afraid of falling, and quickly mastered it.

It was one day longer than expected, and four days later, Liang Xiao and others set off.In order to reduce the burden as much as possible, Liang Xiao, like everyone else, only brought the necessary weapons and dry food, and left everything else in the camp.

Meicai and Ashena went out to the camp together to see each other off, looking at Liang Xiao who was standing on the skis with two spears in his hands, Ashena looked at Batu whose neck was shrinking from the cold, and sighed.Batu rolled his eyes, turned his head, and looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Liang Xiao laughed secretly, bid farewell with cupped hands, and galloped away.

Alpha and other 24 people followed closely.


Wu Dan sat cross-legged in the big tent, tightly closed his eyes, and bit his lip.

The fire in the center of the big tent penetrated his eyelids, making his eyes blood red.

The tent was rattled by the wind, and the snow on the tent was blown off by the wind, sliding down piece by piece, and fell silently to the ground, but there were loud noises in Wu Dan's heart.

This heavy snow pushed the Huns into the abyss.The knee-high snow made it impossible for them to move, and the cold wind left them hungry and cold.The food and grass had been eaten long ago, the war horses were all slaughtered, and more than half of the people died of starvation and freezing. Human cannibalism had happened more than once, and Wu Dan had no intention of stopping it.

Eat, it's better to live a few more days than starve to death together.

The situation is getting more and more severe, and Wu Dan doesn't know how much life he still has.He didn't dare to face the hungry and cold soldiers anymore, so he could only hide in the tent and meditate according to the wizard's request.

He lived almost 30 years, and it was the first time he sat down to think.

After thinking about it, he realized how ignorant and stupid he was before, and he made so many mistakes without realizing it.For example, in this expedition, if he hadn't wanted to grab credit and went directly to Suye City after defeating the Dawan people, but followed the planned plan to attack the Dawan people in the mountains together with Lie Jiaomi, he would definitely not have suffered such heavy losses.

He wasted a good opportunity in vain and pushed himself into the abyss.If he controlled the mountain pass and retreated directly from the mountain pass, he could go back to the east of the mountain and the Wusun people's pasture before the snow fell, instead of being trapped in the heavy snow like now.

Wu Dan regretted it too late.

At this moment, the big tent was lifted, and the cold wind blew in. Wu Dan shivered, opened his eyes, and saw a terrified wizard.

"My lord, the gods sent an oracle, there are enemies approaching, we must leave immediately."

Wu Dan was taken aback.Over the wizard's shoulder, he saw the thick white snow and thick dark clouds outside the tent. "What kind of enemy can march in such weather?"

"I don't know." The wizard shook his head. "The oracle is ambiguous, and I can only analyze a general omen. For the sake of safety, please get up immediately to avoid disaster."

Wu Dan hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and stamped his feet vigorously. "Okay, call the guard battalion, let's go right away."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, his expression lit up strangely, as if he had unloaded an overwhelming burden, and he felt relaxed.
(End of this chapter)

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