Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 252 Uzi Knife Dawan Horse

Chapter 252 Uzi Knife Dawan Horse

"Yawn! Yawn!" Liang Xiao sneezed twice in succession, but luckily he avoided it in time, otherwise he would have to spray snot all over Luo Xuli's face.He took out a handkerchief to wipe his nose, and muttered, "Who, really don't know how to choose the time."

"What did you say?" Luo Xuli blinked, puzzled.

"Oh, there is a saying in my hometown that when someone misses you, you sneeze."


"Who knows, let's just believe it." Liang Xiao smiled. "Some people say that people who really love each other will have a heart-to-heart connection, and maybe there will be a feeling."

Luo Xuli put in a lot of effort, asked Liang Xiao to explain it several times, and finally understood the meaning.She thought about it, feeling a little lonely. "Then the person who missed you just now, could it be the princess you mentioned?"

Liang Xiao was speechless and didn't know how to explain to Luo Xuli.

Seeing that Liang Xiao was speechless, Luo Xuli stood up and stomped her feet. "Will you really protect Dawan, protect me?"

"Of course." Liang Xiao said hastily: "I am the envoy sent by the Emperor of Han, and I want to form an alliance with Dawan. Since we are allies, of course we must help each other."

"Well, you can't break your promise." Luo Xuli looked at Liang Xiao and bit her lips lightly. "You must remember what you said. If I am in any danger, you must appear by my side in time."


Before Liang Xiao could speak, Luo Xuli pursed her lips and let out a long whistle, and the white horse that was grazing in the distance galloped towards him.Luo Xuli got on the horse, turned the horse's head, smiled at Liang Xiao, said something in Greek, giggled, and galloped away.

Liang Xiao didn't understand. Seeing Paris standing aside stupidly, he quickly called him over.Paris smiled embarrassedly. "The princess said she would never give up and would fight like the Amazons. Who will she fight, my lord? Will she join us?"

"Practice your arrows well." Liang Xiao stared, and drove Paris aside.Paris lingered. "My lord, just tell me, if the princess wants to join us in the battle, we will all work hard..."

"Are you looking for a beating, kid?" Liang Xiao was furious and clenched his fists.When Paris saw that something was wrong, he ran away.As he ran, he shouted: "My lord, let the princess teach you Greek. She can speak and write, and she is very knowledgeable. She is the most suitable gentleman."

Liang Xiao's heart skipped a beat, he thought for a while, then smiled wryly and shook his head.This is already inseparable, if they get along day and night, will there be no accidents?It's better to stay at arm's length.Can't afford to provoke, can afford to hide.

But why am I still a little bit looking forward to it?


Guishan City is the capital of Dawan, and the nearby population is much denser than Suye City. Old Andrew recruited nearly 300 people in only two days.Among them are middle-aged and elderly people and teenagers, and there are also many young people in their prime of life.

Liang Xiao was surprised.Although he intends to form a team loyal to him, before he is fledgling, he doesn't want to arouse the suspicion of Dawan's monarchs and officials, so he told old Andrew in advance not to recruit young adults for the time being.

Old Andrew told Liang Xiao that these people were poor Greeks.There is a large population near Guishan City, and the good land and pastures have been occupied by the rich and powerful. Most of the poor have no livelihood and can only work as servants or even slaves.When they heard that they had the opportunity to join the army, they all wished for it.When old Andrew said that the old country of Greece was dead, they didn't think about it, and they hoped to be with someone with the same blood.

Liang Xiao felt a little sad when he heard it.Alexander was so beautiful back then, but the Greek adherents are so desolate now.Thinking about hundreds of years later, the Han people were also bullied by the nomads, and they preferred to settle in the south of the Yangtze River. He relented and decided to accept these people.

Liang Xiao counted the number of people, tested their respective abilities, and handed over those who were good at foot combat to Old Ander.They will stay in Guishan City, and then go to the mountain pass to build fortresses to prevent the Wusun people from attacking.The one who was good at riding and archery stayed and served as an attendant knight, and followed him to Yuezhi.

In the end, Liang Xiao got 170 three knights, mainly young people aged [-] or [-].After several times of ideological work, several middle-aged and elderly people who were more open-minded were willing to become cavalry pawns.There was another important reason why Liang Xiao chose them. These people had fought in Bactria before, and they were familiar with the terrain there. Some even fought with the Yuezhi people. With their followers, they don't have to worry about getting lost.

Liang Xiao made them all wear Chinese-style shirts and cloaks, and promised to equip them with Greek-style dresses in the future, so as to preserve a memory of their homeland.

Because of the overcrowding, Liang Xiao went into the city in person to communicate with Mei Cai.

Seeing Liang Xiao's visit, Mei Cai was very happy, and went to greet him outside the gate, and said with a smile: "Liang Jun, I was just going to look for you, but you came unexpectedly."

Liang Xiao had also been to Mei Cai's house before, but this time, there seemed to be some changes.There were nearly double the number of guards at the gate. Countless horses and carriages were parked in the square in front of the gate. The people waiting to be interviewed had been lining up more than a hundred steps away. They all showed surprise eyes when they saw Mei Cai coming out to meet Liang Xiao in person.Soon someone recognized Liang Xiao, and there was a burst of admiration.Although there are many words of criticism, no one dares to mention them in front of Mei Cai.

"The deputy king is really busy lately." Liang Xiao said with a smile, "I'm here to visit you at this time, so I didn't disturb your official business, did I?"

"What can happen? It's nothing more than those parents who are short-sighted, who has taken whose business, and who has used improper means to seize the market. Especially in the recent shortage of silk, many people have come to ask for help, wanting to buy more goods and resell them to Papa. Tia."

Mei Cai shook his head again and again, sighing, but his eyes couldn't restrain the pride.After Liang Xiao came to Guishan City and brazenly slaughtered the Wusun envoy, the Han merchants in Dawan heard the news and rushed to meet the Han envoy.Asking to see the envoy, it is natural to send some greeting gifts.Knowing that Liang Xiao needs a large amount of silk as gifts, the Han merchants took out their best goods one after another, either giving them or borrowing them, and even selling them for as little profit as possible.

The more silk brocades in Liang Xiao's hands, the less the supply in the market.The silk brocade was brought from the Han Dynasty, and the quantity was originally limited, but now it is even more difficult to find.Among the many goods transshipped to the West, silk was the most popular because of its ease of transportation and huge profits. Suddenly, the supply decreased, and the price naturally skyrocketed.

At this time, Mei Cai, who has a good relationship with Liang Xiao, has the advantage of being close to the water, and it immediately becomes important.Taking advantage of his good relationship with Liang Xiao, he gave priority to buying silk from Han merchants, controlled almost half of the market, and made a fortune.

Seeing Liang Xiao, Mei Cai naturally welcomed him from the bottom of his heart.

Mei Cai welcomed Liang Xiao to the inner courtyard, and ordered people to take out more than a dozen knives and put them in front of Liang Xiao.Liang Xiao saw that it was the spoils seized from the Wusun people that day, and he immediately understood in his heart. He turned to Mei Cai and said, "Vice King is really smart, no conspiracy can be hidden from the eyes of the Vice King."

Mei Cai picked up a knife, pulled out half of the blade, and sighed: "To tell you the truth, Liang Jun, these knives appear in the hands of Wusun people, it is really a shame to Dawan."

Liang Xiao was puzzled.

"Some of these knives are in the collection of Deputy Wang Chanfeng. They come from the Shendu country in the south. They are made of iron from Hyderabad. They are extremely sharp. They are not common in Dawan. Chanfeng belongs to the royal family and was very popular with the old king. I love it, that’s why I have so many collections, I hoped that he would use these precious swords to defend his family and country, but unexpectedly they were used as murder weapons by the Wusun people, intending to kill the envoy.”

Liang Xiao suddenly realized, and at the same time his heart moved.He didn't know what Hyderabad was, but he knew that there was a kind of Uzi iron in India, which was made of very sharp swords, called Damascus swords, and later introduced to the Central Plains, named Indian iron, also known as 镔铁, which is a superior weapon. synonym.Are these scimitars made of Uzi iron?
Liang Xiao quickly took out the short knife. "Vice King, this knife was taken from Guluhu, could it be made of this kind of iron?"

Mei Cai took it, took out the dagger, glanced at it, and then smiled. "That's right. Look at the pattern on it, it's the characteristic of this kind of weapon."

Liang Xiao slapped his head and smiled self-consciously.He should have thought of this a long time ago. This kind of snowflake-like pattern is the characteristic of Uzi iron, but he has never paid attention to it.If it wasn't for Mei Cai's careful explanation, he would still be in the dark.So, this time I went to Bactria in the south, I had to collect some of these raw materials.

Iron is an important strategic material.If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools, let alone fighting.If Xie Guanglong hadn't hit an iron spear, but let him use a wooden handle spear, maybe this guy would have been hacked to death with a single knife.

Liang Xiao was overjoyed. "So, I have gained a lot this time."

"Of course." Mo Cai said with a smile: "These are the trophies of Jun Liang, please take them away. I will send someone to send those horses to Jun Liang later. In addition, there are property and horses rewarded by the king. .”

Mei Cai took Liang Xiao's hand and said meaningfully: "Mr. Liang, that steed is my king's favorite thing, you must cherish it."

Liang Xiao thanked you again.He glanced at the knives on the table, picked two of the most ornately decorated ones, and presented them to Mei Cai with both hands.One of them is in the hand of Mei Cai. Just now, Mei Cai has been playing with it for a long time, especially the gem on the handle.Mei Cai quickly declined: "This is Mr. Liang's trophy, how can I accept it."

"This is my trophy, and I have already accepted it. Now it is a gift from me to the vice king. The vice king is about to lead the army to go out. Without a sword, how can he take advantage of the heroic appearance of the vice king? Please don't decline."

Mei Cai laughed with satisfaction.He really took a fancy to these two knives, but he was always embarrassed to speak.Liang Xiao was sensible and took the initiative to give it to him, which fell right into his arms, and after pretending to decline it, he half-pushed and half-heartedly accepted it.

Liang Xiao secretly laughed in his heart.The people of Dawan really lived too leisurely.As the deputy king, who is about to take on the important task of fighting against Wusun, Mei Cai did not value the practicality of the weapon first, but the gems adorned on it.With such an aristocrat in power, how could Dawan not be weak.

However, the weaker Mocai is, the stronger his dependence on him, of course he is happy to see the success, and is even willing to contribute to the flames.

The two were polite, and Liang Xiao immediately mentioned the excess number of soldiers.Mei Cai didn't care at all, and waved his hand lightly. "It's okay, if you don't have enough military supplies, just tell me, and I'll pay you. These poor Greeks have always been a trouble, and Mr. Liang is willing to control them. We can only wish for them."

Liang Xiao expressed his thanks again.
(End of this chapter)

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