Chapter 237
Although the old Andrew had been herding sheep for half his life, he had always positioned himself as a warrior in his heart, and he was a warrior from Greece.It's just forced by the situation, time goes by, and the flowers are gradually growing. These dreams can only be hidden in the heart, and there is no chance of realization.

Knowing that he could be a soldier again, even if it was only for a few months, he couldn't wish for it, so he agreed.

Liang Xiao also proposed to recruit Paris as his squire knight to learn riding and archery.Before old Andrew could speak, Paris couldn't hold back his joy, he shook old Andrew's arm vigorously and begged, until old Andrew couldn't stand still, so he had to agree.

Liang Xiao paid for several tame horses from Ander's family and used them as mounts.These horses are not up to the requirements of war horses, but they are no problem for riding.In fact, compared with the war horses in the Central Plains, these horses are not inferior at all.I just took a walk on the grassland and was in Dawan, a place where horses are produced. After seeing too many good horses, my requirements increased several times before I knew it, and I was no longer willing to give up.

Following Old Andrew, Liang Xiao and others galloped on the grassland for three days, and found another twenty middle-aged and elderly shepherds like Andrew.They are all of Greek origin. They used to be soldiers of the Great Xia, but they retired for various reasons. They still harbor dreams of fighting on the battlefield again. Some of them even keep the weapons from the past, and take them out to play with them when they have time. .Hearing that there is still a chance to be a fighter, they all readily agreed.

At the same time, like Andrew, they brought the best mounts and descendants.They were all infantry in the past, and they looked down on cavalry pawns, thinking that they were the talents of barbarians, but after decades of grazing career, their riding skills were already very good, not weaker than ordinary barbarians.

Two for you, three for me, Liang Xiao quickly owned more than 70 war horses, and almost every Langguan had three satisfactory horses: one war horse and two riding horses.The 23 young recruits, including Paris, also had as few as two, as many as three, or even four, and some of them even brought camels.

With these troops, Liang Xiao returned to Suye City.

Nie Yi spent more than 2000 gold and bought more than 2000 bolts of silk, including high-quality silk worth several gold pieces, and ordinary silk silk worth only about one gold piece.Knowing that the envoys sent by the imperial court wanted to use it, many Han merchants were willing to sell it at cost price. Nie Yi bought more than [-] bolts of silk fabrics in total, which far exceeded Liang Xiao's expectations.

Liang Xiao asked Nie Yi to make arrangements for everyone to use ordinary plain silk to make a uniform for everyone, and then prepare the weapons and equipment they needed for the newly recruited Greeks.

Nie Yi complied one by one.He was very efficient, and everything was ready in just two days.

When Old Andrew led twenty middle-aged and elderly shepherds wearing iconic Greek armor, beautiful silk battle robes, and colorful brocade cloaks, holding a shield and a spear in his right hand, standing majestically When Liang Xiao was in front of him, Liang Xiao couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

People rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing, these weather-beaten old shepherds really have such a noble air in armor.Not only is it more than enough to be a guard of honor, even if they are sent to the battlefield, ordinary soldiers may not necessarily be their opponents.

This is thanks to old Andrew.Probably because he didn't want to be looked down upon by others, he selected people who were under 50 years old, physically strong, without obvious disabilities, and still maintained a certain fighting capacity.After the assembly, they were not idle, they gathered together to practice whenever they had time, and they could endure more hardships than young people.

In contrast, the costumes of Paris and other teenagers all use Han army riding decorations except that they do not have two armors.In the Greek army, most of the cavalry archers were barbarians. Of course, Paris and others did not want to be regarded as barbarians, so wearing Han army costumes became the best choice.As far as Liang Xiao was concerned, he also didn't want to be surrounded by a group of Greeks and barbarians, otherwise he would become a barbarian if the priority was reversed.

Liang Xiao appointed old Andrew as the leader of the infantry, Paris and other 23 teenagers were commanded by Li Shuyun, Guo Wu taught them to ride and shoot, and Xie Guanglong taught them to use spears.The teenagers were not convinced, but they were dragged out of the city by Li Shuyun and beat them up, their noses and eyes were swollen, and they have been submissive ever since.

After everything was ready, Liang Xiao held the Han Festival, accompanied by Guo Wenbin, led knights and pawns, revealed his identity as a Han envoy, and rushed to the official palace of Suye City to ask to see Suye City Guard.

When this group of people appeared on the streets of Suye City, they suddenly became a beautiful scene.

Fortunately, the twenty Greek infantry led by old Andrew, Suye City has a strong Greek heritage, whether it is the active defenders or those statues, such infantry can often be seen.The knights including Liang Xiao were different. It was the first time that so many Han army knights appeared in Suye City, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people.Many people stood on both sides of the street, looking curiously at these strange foreigners.

When they found that these people were all wearing shirts made of gleaming silk, the atmosphere boiled over.

Silk is a luxury item, even if it is of ordinary quality, ordinary people can't care about it. There are only a limited number of people who can make silk clothes. The pawns and knights, the residents of Suye City were shocked.

Even the businessmen from the big Han were stunned by this scene, but they quickly noticed the costumes of the cavalry, and also saw the Han Festival in Liang Xiao's hands, and some people recognized Guo Wenbin beside Liang Xiao, and people kept crowding up ask.Liang Xiao stopped politely, chatted with them, and took the trouble to reveal his identity and purpose of coming.

Hearing that it was an envoy sent by the imperial court to establish contact with the Dawan Kingdom, these businessmen who had been working silently in the Western Regions were suddenly aroused. They rushed to tell each other, and some followed behind the team, unwilling to leave for a long time.

Words are like the wind. Before Liang Xiao reached the gate of Suye City Guard, the news that the Han envoy had arrived in Dawan Kingdom spread throughout Suye City. There were three floors of people who came to watch, and three floors outside. .

Creon, the guardian of Suye City, also received the news, so he didn't dare to neglect, and went out to greet him in person.As soon as he went out, he was startled by the black crowd, and then he noticed the battle robes on Liang Xiao and the others, his eyes lit up, as if he saw a golden mountain.

Are big men so rich that even soldiers wear silk clothes?
Seeing more and more people watching, Creon hurriedly welcomed Liang Xiao in for fear of accidents.Li Shuyun led the young knights to stay outside the door, old Andrew led the infantry to stay in the vestibule, and Liang Xiao, accompanied by Guo Wenbin, Tu Niuer and Pang Shuo, followed Creon into the inner courtyard.

The two sides were divided into guests and hosts, and it took Creon a lot of effort to move his eyes away from Liang Xiao's shirt and asked why he was here.

Liang Xiao explained very politely: I was ordered by the Emperor of Han to come here to make friends with the Dawan Kingdom. I hope that the city guard can issue the customs clearance documents as soon as possible so that I can rush to Guishan City to discuss the alliance with the King of Dawan.

Creon cautiously asked about Liang Xiao's journey.

Knowing what he meant, Liang Xiao asked Pang Shuo to take out the heads and armor of King Hunxie and his son.King Hunxie's head was better, it had been pickled with lime, and it could barely be seen as a human figure. Guluhu's head was almost falling apart because Liang Xiao had kicked it like a ball, and nothing could be seen at all.However, the armor of King Hunxie and his son can tell the story, especially the helmet of King Hunxie, which is not only very delicate, but also has obvious marks on it.

Creon turned pale.Even so, he still couldn't believe it.He felt that this was simply a myth. A few Han envoys galloped thousands of miles on the grasslands of the Huns, not only throwing off the pursuit of thousands of Xiongnu cavalry, but also killed King Hunxie and his son?
Faced with Creon's suspicion, Liang Xiao smiled.

"My lord, the Huns are not as terrible as you imagined. They are not invincible. Back then, they surrendered to the Yuezhi people and the Donghu people, and it was only in the past few decades that they became stronger. Their glory is coming to an end, I The big man can't bear their shamelessness and greed, and they will soon send troops to punish them, and then, like the current Yuezhi people, they can only move westward with their families."

Creon shivered involuntarily.The Yuezhi people are already terrible. If the Huns who defeated the Yuezhi people moved westward, would Dawan still exist?Dawan is the kingdom closest to the Huns among the kingdoms in the middle of the river, and Suye City is an important town in the east of Dawan Kingdom. Once the Huns move westward, he will be the first to suffer.

Creon realized that this matter was serious.He didn't dare to leave Liang Xiao in Suye City, he immediately completed the paperwork, sent another 100 people to escort them out of the country, and at the same time sent people to send the news to Guishan City on fast horses.


Guo Yu arrived in Chang'an, and after he settled the goods, he rushed to Maoling with a few followers and found the Liang family.

After listening to Guo Yu's narration, even though Liang Yu already knew about Liang Xiao's trip to the west, she still felt terrified.From Guo Yu's words, she realized that Liang Xiao's intention was impromptu and there was no plan in advance.After expressing her gratitude to Guo Yu, she asked a servant to take Guo Yu to find Dongfang Shuo.Dongfang Shuo and Liang Xiao have an irresistible relationship, and they still have half of the identity of the disciples. Such matters have always been handed over to Dongfang Shuo.

After sending Guo Yu away, Liang Yu invited Huan Yuan and expressed his worries.

After hearing this, Huan Yuan was not as worried as Liang Yu.

"Don't worry, my lord. Although it was a temporary idea, it is still a rare good opportunity. With Ah Xiao's adaptability, the Huns will not catch him so easily. What I am worried about is how he will ask to see those barbarian kings after he arrives in the Western Regions. As the saying goes Well, if you are poor and bitten by dogs, can the king of Yi win the eyes of a few camels supported by the Guo family, and can people believe that he is the emissary of the imperial court?"

Liang Yu was also worried and puzzled, and sighed repeatedly.

"This is the end of the matter, the Lord doesn't have to worry. Even if the mission fails, it is good to gain knowledge. Didn't he always say that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books, and this time he has fulfilled his wish."

"He said that?"

"I said it." Huan Yuan laughed, showing some appreciation rarely. "His temper is somewhat similar to that of King Xiang back then."

Liang Yu reminded intentionally or unintentionally: "Mr. Huan, this is not a random comparison. Although King Xiang has been dead for decades, the court is still very afraid."

"Even though King Xiang is dead, his legacy is still there." Huan Yuan narrowed his eyes, with a half-smile. "If Ah Xiao wants to get rid of him, it will be extremely difficult."

Liang Yu smiled wryly and was speechless.
 Today's fourth update, please recommend, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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