Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 168 Wolf Tactics

Chapter 168 Wolf Tactics
The messenger promised repeatedly, and ran away without even turning his head.

"Will he bring the message?" Qin Ge asked suspiciously.

"Whether it will be brought to my master, I am not sure, but it will definitely be brought to Jing Zhao." Liang Xiao laughed. "Okay, pay close attention to the Yue bandits in the direction of Wu County. Before they come, we will try our best to get rid of the remaining soldiers outside Fubo."

"Here!" The Lang officials suddenly agreed, and were furious.After experiencing doubts about Liang Xiao, they were all a little embarrassed, and now they yelled louder than the other, as if otherwise it was not enough to prove their trust in Liang Xiao.

Liang Xiao arranged for Wei Qing to take a Weiyang Lang to watch the wind, and together with Qin Ge, he took the remaining six Weiyang Langs back to Fubo.In Wu Jun's camp, the fire has been extinguished, but the traces of the fire are still there, the corpses have been dragged away, and the blood on the ground is still there.Attacked at night, the main general died, Wu Jun's morale was low, and the entire camp was filled with an indescribable depression.

Liang Xiao stood on his horse standing in the distance, watching Qin Ge and the others gallop on horseback, quickly approaching the Wu army's camp, shot two arrows from a distance, and then drifted away.

One Wu Jun was injured by an arrow and fell to the ground crying. The others immediately rang the gong for the alarm, and the crisp gong broke the calm.Wu Jun, who was preparing breakfast, rushed out and lined up in front of the camp.For a moment, flags were flying and drums were beating, as if facing a great enemy.

Qin Ge and others pulled their horses back and looked at the flustered soldiers of the Wu army from a distance. Some of them were lying on their backs with their heads in their hands; Mercedes-Benz, making various movements in front of Wu Jun's formation, showing off his exquisite riding skills to his heart's content.One is as brave as the other, and the other is as chic as the other.

The Wu army couldn't be stimulated, some people rushed out of the formation, and immediately a Lang Guan rode forward, shot with arrows, bumped with horses, or stabbed with swords, Qin Ge even captured a single Wu soldier with his bare hands, and put him across the horse's back brought back.Seeing the soldiers of the Wu army yelling in fright, the officials were very excited and laughed.

The distance between the two sides was less than a hundred steps, Wu Jun not only saw the appearance of the Lang officials, but even the contempt on their faces was clearly seen.They were very angry, but there was nothing they could do. Facing the erratic cavalry, they could only hold their ground tightly, not daring to be negligent.

Regardless of speed or range, these Langguans are the best cavalry. Facing nearly a hundred Wu troops, they still firmly hold the initiative in their hands and control the rhythm of the entire battle.As soon as Wu Jun's flaws are exposed, Lang Guan will rush forward and hit them hard, or shoot and kill one or two people, or scare Wu Jun into fear, or take advantage of the gap to rush into Wu Jun's camp, make a lot of trouble, and grab them again. Wu Jun fled before surrounding him.

As time goes by, Wu Jun's morale is getting lower and lower, and there are more and more opportunities to show his flaws.On the contrary, the Langguans are getting more and more relaxed and confident, and they are almost sure to hit the shot.

Liang Xiao has been watching from a distance.The tactic used by Qin Ge and others was the wolf pack tactic commonly used by the Huns. They used the speed of the horses and the advantages of archery to keep a certain distance from the enemy, keeping the enemy in a passive situation and patiently consuming the enemy's physical strength and willpower.

In the era of cold weapons, nomads have always bullied farming peoples in this way.If you want to seize the initiative, there is no better way than riding against each other.In the upcoming counterattack against the Huns, one of the reasons why Huo Qubing was able to achieve the greatest results was that he first adopted pure cavalry tactics to attack the Huns.

In fact, Jiangnan, where the waterways are criss-crossed, is not suitable for large-scale cavalry to gallop. In terms of the terrain around Fuboli, six or seven cavalry can gallop calmly, but sixty or seventy cavalry is a bit reluctant, let alone six or seven hundred cavalry.

Huan Yuan once said that when two armies compete, the one who counts more wins.Among the many factors to be calculated, terrain is a factor that cannot be ignored.The same terrain may be beneficial or unfavorable. It should be analyzed according to the specific situation, and it cannot be mastered by memorizing a few sentences of military tactics.

The two sides stalemate until noon, Wu Jun was exhausted, morale was low, and there were many complaints.On the other hand, the Lang officials are more than capable, and the more they fight, the braver they are.The battle alarmed Fuboli. Seeing that Wu Jun was restrained by these knights and could not move, they also became active.Wang Xing, who sneaked into the cave before, brought Wu Zhao from Fubo Liwu's family and a dozen people, and came out with food and wine to reward the army.

The Lang officials drank heavily, ate large pieces of meat, and deliberately talked loudly to humiliate Wu Jun on the opposite side.

Qu Shou was so angry that smoke came out of his seven orifices, but he was helpless.He transferred all his endless grievances to Huan Yuan, wishing he could rush to Jing Zhao immediately and sue Huan Yuan.Seeing Liang Xiao and others appearing in front of him, he was very worried. Can the messenger he sent break through their blockage and reach the camp safely?

Qu Shou's worry was unnecessary. Although his courier was intercepted by Wei Qing and others, he did not die. He only delayed for a while before continuing to Wu County.However, before arriving in Wu County, he first met Huan Yuan.

Hearing that Jing Tian was shot and killed by a Lang official named A Xiao, Huan Yuan's face immediately darkened.He looked back at Zhong Liqi, and Zhong Liqi was also a little embarrassed. "This vicious enough."

"It's not just vicious, it's simply despicable." Huan Yuan was furious. "He's putting the blame on me to drive a wedge between me and General Jing."

Zhong Liqi dismissed it, very disapproving.Huan Yuan was not in the mood to argue with him, and ordered Hou Yi's battalion to run forward.When Zhong Liqi heard this, he quickly reminded: "General, if you fight for profit for fifty miles, you will fall to the general. Isn't this playing into the hands of that kid?"

Huan Yuan sneered: "Hmph! If he dares to trouble Houyi's camp, I would love it. However, I don't think he is so stupid."

Zhong Liqi blinked his eyes, hesitated to speak.


As the sun was setting, Wei Qing flew over.

"Ah Xiao, your master is coming with the Houyi Battalion, and we are still twenty miles away."

Liang Xiao was taken aback: "My master came so quickly."

"Yes, they are running, and the smoke and dust can be seen far away."

Liang Xiao turned his head to look at Wang Xing and Wu Zhao.Wu Zhao was very disappointed.He had originally hoped that Liang Xiao would be able to drag down the Wu army and break the siege of Fuboli.Now that the Wu army has not yet collapsed, Huan Yuan led the Houyi battalion to come to support, and Fuboli's rescue is even more hopeless.

"Don't worry." Liang Xiao comforted: "Sometimes having more soldiers is not necessarily a good thing. Jing Tian is dead, and Jing Zhao will not let my master have the opportunity to control the troops here. You go back and ask your Patriarch to prepare beds, food and drinks. Three In a few days, we will rush back to Fuboli to rest."

Although Wu Zhao was disappointed, he didn't dare to offend Liang Xiao, so he quickly agreed.Wang Xing was very strange. "Mr. Liang, if you don't go to Fuboli, where are you going?"

"My master is here in Fuboli, so let's go to Wu County and play hide-and-seek with him." Liang Xiao patted Qing Cong, smiling happily. "They have two legs, we have four legs, whoever can run faster, of course we have a chance of winning."

Wang Xing also laughed.Liang Xiao was right, no matter how powerful Huan Yuan's vocal shooting skills were, he couldn't catch up with Liang Xiao and the others.Liang Xiao went to Wu County to look for opportunities and put pressure on Jing Zhao, which was indeed a good way to break the siege of Fuboli.

"Wang Jun, help me with something." Liang Xiao called Wang Xing and whispered something in his ear.When Wang Xing heard this, his eyes lit up. "really?"

"Will I lie to you?" Liang Xiao patted Wang Xing's shoulder. "Remember to save some for us then."

Wang Xing patted his chest. "Don't worry, Mr. Liang, if you succeed, you will never forget the benefits of everyone, and you will definitely return home with a rewarding experience."
(End of this chapter)

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