Great Han Arrow God

Chapter 158 Cavalry Attack

Chapter 158 Cavalry Attack
Yan Zhu did not dare to easily accept the suggestion of recruiting Jiangdu King Liu Fei, but he immediately agreed to the suggestion of organizing cavalry to harass Minyue.

To him, it was a good-for-nothing suggestion.If he succeeds, he will try his best to turn the tide, but if he fails, it doesn't matter to him if a few officials die, as long as he asks the emperor to issue an edict to reward him.Lang Guan was protecting him, and their death in battle showed that he was on the front line despite the danger.

In order to make the attack of Liang Xiao and others more purposeful, Yan Zhu decided to send Wang Xing as their guide.Wang Xing's martial arts skills are average, but he was born and bred. After becoming the chief bookkeeper, he often accompanied the prefect to inspect the counties. He was familiar with the mountains and rivers here, and he knew almost every big family. It was more than enough to be a guide.

Yan Zhu immediately went back to the city to dispatch the platoon.At noon, Wang Xing led Li Shuyun and other officials to come.Not only did they bring ten war horses and a large number of arrows raised by Yan Zhu, they also brought them a medical craftsman.

The medical craftsman healed Liang Xiao and Wei Qing.After cleaning the wounds of Liang and Xiao with salt water, he applied a sticky ointment.As soon as the ointment was applied, Liang Xiao immediately felt the wound cool down, and the burning pain was greatly relieved.When I was happy, I praised a few words.

The doctor was very proud, and told Liang Xiao that this was his special oil, which could not only prevent the wound from deteriorating, but also remove putrefaction and regenerate muscle, and promote wound recovery.Of course, the price is relatively expensive, and most people are reluctant to use it.If Liang Xiao and the others hadn't taken on special missions, he would have been reluctant to take it out.

Liang Xiao didn't care about the medical craftsman's boasting.As long as the wound heals quickly, he is not afraid to spend money.He said to the doctor, you can use it at ease and don't worry about money.As long as the medicine really works, I will take you to Chang'an.There are many powerful people in Chang'an, and there is plenty of money, so you can live comfortably.

The doctor's ingenuity was in full bloom, and he thanked him again and again.

Liang Xiao discussed with Wei Qing and the others.A bird cannot fly without a head, and a snake cannot fly without a head. Even if there are only ten people, there must be someone to direct them.

The question was easy.Qin Ge suggested that Liang Xiao be the conductor.Firstly, Liang Xiao could understand some local Wu dialect, which made it easier for him to communicate with Wang Xing.Secondly, among the ten knights, Wei Yanglang is the absolute main force, Liang Xiao is the most familiar with them, and they are the easiest to command.

Liang Xiao knew that this was Qin Ge giving him a chance.It stands to reason that he and Wei Qing are more qualified to be commanders, but he took the initiative to let Xian, and Wei Qing is a quiet person, so naturally he would not object, so the task of command fell on his shoulders.

The situation was urgent, Liang Xiao was ordered in the face of danger, and shouldered the heavy burden without hesitation.

He first called Li Shuyun and asked him to bring someone to add a cushion to his and Wei Qing's saddles.They were all injured, and it was too much for them to sit on hard saddles. Softer pads could relieve the pain to a certain extent.

He called Wang Xing again, and asked him to think about the best place for cavalry to gallop, and it was also the place where the Minyue army had to pass.

Wang Xing took out a silk picture.

"The reason why the Minyue people marched so smoothly this time is because they transported troops and food through the Songjiang River, and attacked the hinterland of Wu County at once. Now, they have set up their camp in Zhenze, and put all the food and grass on the island. We There is no chance for a sneak attack. However, in this way, there will be a narrow and long passage of more than [-] miles for attacking the land camp in Wu County and the water village in Zezhong. This passage is seven inches of a snake."

Wang Xing was very well prepared. He not only drew the map in advance, but also thought about the resting place.He told Liang Xiao that he had familiar people in the nearby village pavilions, who could be used by Liang Xiao and the others to rest after attacking.Not only can it guarantee safety, but it can also provide materials such as arrow branches, allowing Liang Xiao and others to fight continuously without the support of Wu County.

Hearing this, Liang Xiao glanced at Wang Xing.Wang Xing cocked his mouth and smiled knowingly.

Liang Xiao blinked his eyes: "My lord, are there ironworks in the nearby houses?"

Wang Xing nodded without thinking. "There are in Fuboli. Although the scale is not large, it is not a problem for dozens of people to repair weapons."

Liang Xiao smiled.He could roughly guess Wang Xing's intentions.Compared with the Central Plains, Wu's economic level is much behind, and iron smelting technology is not popular.Along the way, he saw with his own eyes that many people used wooden tools to plow the land. In addition, Wu had more copper and less iron, so the imperial court did not set up iron officials here.A small Fuboli actually has ironwork and can supply dozens of weapons. This Fuboli must have a big family with extraordinary strength.

Liang Xiao didn't ask any more questions.He needed Wang Xing's support now, so there was no need to pierce Wang Xing's small thoughts.

"Go, go to Fuboli!"

"Here!" Li Shuyun and others got on the horse, Wei Qing helped Liang Xiao onto the horse, and then jumped onto the horse's back.There are no stirrups in these days, and people use jumping to get on a horse.Wei Qing's thigh was injured, but he was still able to jump forward, much more agile than Liang Xiao.

With cushions, it is indeed much more comfortable to sit on.Liang Xiao was very satisfied, and said loudly: "Brothers, from now on, you will treat yourself as wolves on the grassland, without a stronghold, without a certain direction, wherever there is prey, we will go there."

"Haha..." The Lang officials laughed, their expressions were relaxed, and there was even a hint of excitement.Back on horseback, they immediately regained their confidence.

"Our lives are very valuable, and there are few targets worth sacrificing. Therefore, we can't just fight and walk away with one hit. Preserving ourselves is the first task. We can only consider killing the enemy when safety is ensured. Therefore, please Don't be greedy for a small profit, rashly engage in hand-to-hand combat with the opponent, and try to give full play to the advantages of cavalry and archery, this is our strength."

"Here!" The officials all laughed.

"Let's go!" Liang Xiao kicked the war horse lightly, and the green horse galloped forward with four hooves.


Liang Xiao and the others bypassed Gusu City and rushed towards the east of the city.

To the west of Gusu City is Zhenze, to the south is Songjiang, and to the northeast is a large swamp.There are several miles of narrow and long trails between Daze and Gusu City.Because it is too close to Gusu City, there is not enough space to launch a battle. The Minyue people did not deploy troops here. There was only a team of infantry serving as guards, more than 30 people, scattered in a few miles around, keeping the line of sight. Channel monitoring.

Seeing Liang Xiao and more than a dozen riders rushing from the north of the city, the soldiers in charge of looking out sent a message, but they were not too nervous.They don't think there is any danger in this, maybe it was sent by the other party to negotiate.

Holding the halberd, two soldiers lazily walked to the middle of the road, one of them raised his hand and yawned.


Before he finished yawning, Li Shuyun had already charged ten steps in front of him on his horse. Seeing him raise his hand, instead of slowing down, Li Shuyun kicked the horse violently.With a long hiss, the horse sped up suddenly, and rushed towards the two soldiers. Li Shuyun raised the bow in his hand and shot an arrow.

One shot!
The soldier didn't understand what was going on, so he was shot straight on, and was taken back two steps by the remaining force of the arrow, and sat on the ground with a plop.He watched helplessly as the huge body of the war horse rushed past his eyes with the wind, a few "buzzing" strings sounded, and he was hit by two more arrows, and fell to the ground dying of breath.
(End of this chapter)

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