Chapter 118

Liu Ling and Wu Bei were furious.

The two buildings, flying the flag of the Huainan Prince's Mansion, can be clearly distinguished a hundred paces away. All officials and people will try to avoid these two ships when they see them. Naturally, there is no possibility of making a mistake.Someone sneaked into the water to spy, and it was naturally aimed at the Huainan Palace.If Yan Zhu died in the territory of Huainan Kingdom, and on the boat of the Huainan Prince's Mansion, Liu An, the King of Huainan, would not be able to get away with it.

The relaxed atmosphere was swept away, and everyone entered a state of combat alert, ready for battle.

Liu Ling told Yan Zhu about the situation immediately, and asked, "Yan Jun, who do you think it will be?"

Standing outside the cabin, Liang Xiao couldn't help smiling knowingly when he heard Liu Ling's words.Yan Zhu was still in shock, and Liu Ling's question would give Yan Zhu a preconceived impression that these people came for Yan Zhu.In fact, it is still unclear who these people are. They may be targeting Yan Zhu, Huainan King, or Liang Xiao.

Liu Ling's quick wit and eloquence were fully displayed at this moment.

Sure enough, Yan Zhu naturally regarded himself as a target, and began to think about who wanted to kill him.Although he didn't say anything, Liang Xiao could hear his disordered breathing while standing outside the cabin, and couldn't help laughing secretly.

It seems that the envoy has many enemies.Thinking about his temper, it's not surprising that some people don't want him to return home and want to kill him on the way.

No matter who it was targeting, Liang Xiao couldn't afford to be idle.Wu Bei was in charge of the peripheral security, Wei Qing and Qin Ge were in charge of the personal security, and Liang Xiao and the others were responsible for the security above the deck and outside the cabin.

After discussion, Li Jiao and Liang Xiao each led four Lang officials, taking turns to be on duty.Originally, according to Liang Xiao's age and qualifications, such an opportunity would not have fallen on him.However, after swimming training and the emergency response just now, especially when Liang Xiao shot the underwater enemy, the officials had a lot of confidence in him and were willing to accept his backward command.

Liang Xiao knew that this was a responsibility, but also an opportunity.Being able to get this opportunity at least shows that these ten officials have recognized his ability, and it is a great encouragement for him, who has just joined the job for less than a month.Li Jiao tried his best to facilitate this matter, and it also meant to prove that the Li family father and son had vision.If he messes up his errands, it will not only affect his own future, but also discredit Li Guang and Li Danghu.

"Thank you, brothers, for your love." Liang Xiao bowed to each other with a humble attitude and full of sincerity.He didn't want to be like Yan Zhu, who would be arrogant once he was proud. "The situation is urgent. Xiao is from a water town. He knows a little bit more about water than your brothers, so he is not self-reliant and leads the team. If there is something that is not done properly, please give me some pointers."

Seeing an underage boy as the leader, even if it is only a small corporal leader, the officials are somewhat unconvinced.But seeing Liang Xiao being so polite, they calmed down a bit.Liang Xiao talked about the scene, and then made a suggestion: Every Lang Guan hides an air bag made of sheepskin under the breastplate and carapace under the leather armor.

People in the water, as long as they don't mess up their hands and feet, most of them can keep floating on the water.But these Langguans have just learned how to swim, and once they fall into the water, it is difficult to keep calm.In addition, there are armor and sword on the body, and a helmet on the head. Once entering the water, it is easy to be top-heavy, causing the head to sink in the water and unable to breathe.

Hiding two sheepskin bags in the breastplate and carapace can ensure that the head floats on the water without affecting breathing.

After hearing this, the Lang officials applauded in unison.What they are most worried about is water. With these two sheepskin sacs, their lives are more guaranteed.In the face of life and death, no one cares whether it looks good or not.

Just do it.Liang Xiao immediately found Wu Quilt and begged for more than 20 sheepskin bags.There are hundreds of people including sailors on the big ship. In order to ensure that the sailors and soldiers have enough physical strength, pigs and sheep are slaughtered every day. There are quite a lot of sheepskins accumulated, and some of them are sewn into sheepskin bags. , as life-saving supplies.Liang Xiao came and asked the officials to tie him up.

With the sheepskin sac to protect the body, the Lang officials felt much more at ease, and even their footsteps were three points more stable.

Liang Xiao rushed to Yan Zhu's cabin with six more sheepskin bags, suggesting that Yan Zhu and the others also bring sheepskin bags, just in case.Yan Zhu glanced at Liang Xiao, and gently pushed him away. "Leave it to them. I have been playing in the water since I was a child, and my water skills are no worse than ordinary boatmen."

Liang Xiao didn't insist either, leaving the sheepskin bag behind, and exited the cabin, and then started patrolling with four officials.

Standing in front of the window, Liu Ling watched Liang Xiao walk past the window with four thick-chested Langguans, and couldn't help laughing: "He really figured it out, using this to reassure the Langguans. If you really want to fall into the water, will this work?"

Wu Bei's eyes were full of appreciation. "My lord, regardless of whether this can save lives or not, at least it can reassure the officials. When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. If you are timid before fighting, it is impossible to win. These officials are all from the north and are not good at boats. Doing it can remove the timidity in their hearts."

"Yes, at least it can stabilize the morale of the army. Although he has never led the army, he knows the importance of the morale of the army." Liu Ling pondered for a moment, then said: "Perhaps Huan Yuan taught him."

"Huan Yuan can teach him the art of war, but he may not be able to teach him such a method. He should have come up with it himself." Wu was praised: "He is a very hardworking young man with a promising future. Limited."

Liu Ling looked back at Wu Bei.Wu is regarded as very high, and he has never praised a person so much.It can be seen that Liang Xiao's performance is indeed excellent.She didn't speak, but there was a faint complacency in her heart, and she was even a little proud.


On the south bank of the great river, hidden among the dense reeds, there is a slender canopy boat swaying slowly with the river.

"Wow!" With the sound of the river water, Ye Tianlong, who was dressed in black fish skin, emerged from the water, stretched out his hands to grab the side of the boat, spit out a mouthful of water, and panted heavily.

Zhong Liqi rushed forward, picked up Ye Tianlong with one hand, and dragged him into the cabin.Ye Tianlong was shot in the thigh by an arrow, and the wound was soaked white with blood, and when the water came out, the blood came out again.Huan Yuan sat in the cabin, his falcon-like eyes fell on Ye Tianlong's wound.


Ye Tianlong forced himself to sit up, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Unfortunately, I met a master of archery, hid under the water and took an arrow."

Zhong Liqi and Huan Yuan exchanged a look. "Have you seen your opponent clearly?"

"I was underwater all the time, so I couldn't see his appearance clearly. But he shot arrows fast and fast, and the arrows couldn't leave my vitals. He almost regarded me as a big fish. If it wasn't for him, I would definitely be able to catch a tongue back. I cut the rope."

Huan Yuan asked some more about the situation and asked Ye Tianlong to go to the back to rest.When there was no one else around, Zhong Liqi said quietly: "General, could it be Liang Xiao? This lianzhu shooting method is very elegant like the general in those days."

"Not necessarily." Huan Yuan stroked the short beard under his jaw, his eyes flickering. "He has only been practicing archery for more than a year. Whether it is range or accuracy, he should not have reached such a state. I think it may be Li Jiao. He is the son of Li Guang. His family's archery skills should not be underestimated."

Zhong Liqi disagrees. "I still think it's more likely to be Liang Xiao. General, do you still remember that you asked him to build the foundation in a hundred days, and he did it in less than two months. It's a pity, if you keep following the general, he will Maybe there is a chance to practice real shooting skills."

"Don't talk about him." Huan Yuan was inexplicably anxious. "The whereabouts have been exposed, we must leave immediately."



(End of this chapter)

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