Chapter 599
Almost all religions have consecration or consecration ceremonies, but there are differences in the process or names of the ceremonies, and there is not much difference in essence.

In China, the word consecration was originally used exclusively by Taoism. Although Buddhism also has similar rituals for blessing, it is not called "consecration". Do "consecration", even some Feng Shui masters, Mr. Yin and Yang, and witches and witches also call their tricks consecration.

In Taoism, only high-level consecration rituals are qualified to preside over them. However, the number of Taoist priests who can be called "high-level" in China is very small, and it is not something that ordinary people can invite.

But now people mainly ask for psychological comfort. Generally speaking, as long as there is such a process, it doesn’t matter who presides over this scientific ceremony. In addition, most people don’t know much about these things, so now the streets are full of lights. God statues and feng shui props, masters who can consecrate are also everywhere.

No, Taoist Priest Xuanyang is now presiding over the consecration ceremony.

Taoist Priest Xuanyang is definitely not a "high skill", but he is a serious Taoist priest at any rate. He is the kind who has been certified by the Taoist Association and has obtained a Taoist certificate. He has learned a full set of consecration rituals. It also makes sense.

In addition, although Xuanyang Taoist is not high-level, his status in Laoshan is quite high. Although he is not a teacher, he has a very senior master.According to Taoist Xuanyang's own introduction, even the two vice presidents of the Taoist Association had to call him uncle.

Xuanyang Taoist changed into a bright red cassock today, with all kinds of Taoist elements embroidered on the bright red base, wearing a crown, with Buddha dust in one hand, and magic tricks in the other, he started to circle around the three-meter-high mythical beast. While circling around while reciting the mantra, the mantra is the standard "Consecration Mantra", and then several Taoist priests followed behind with each magic weapon, also chanting the mantra and pinching formulas for blessing, the whole ceremony looked solemn and mysterious.

But what Xu Jingxing was most interested in was not these, but the clothes worn by Xuanyang Taoist priests. Although these clothes were not very beautiful, they were also very representative works of religious art.

As far as he knew, the cassock that Taoist Xuanyang was wearing at this time was called the "celestial cave robe". Gold and silver patterns such as dragon, wind, crane, unicorn, gossip, yin and yang fish, pagoda, sun, moon and stars look very atmospheric.

Celestial Immortal Cave Clothes are usually worn by the highest-ranking host in the scientific ceremony, but the Celestial Immortal Cave Clothes worn by Gao Gong are purple, while those worn by Taoist Xuanyang are red. It should be worn like this, because the red cassock is worn by high-ranking mages, and it is usually used in blessing rituals.

As for the Taoist priests behind Xuanyang Taoist priests, they wear ceremonial robes with a cyan base, similar in style to the Celestial Cave Clothes, also sealed with black edges, but with a much simpler pattern, called confession robes.

In terms of styles, Taoist robes include Tianxian Dongyi, Jiangyi, Confession Clothes, Haiqing, and Shuyi; Tianxian Cave Clothes, Jiangyi and Confession Clothes are mainly used in Taoist rituals. Dharma robes, and sea green and robes are worn by Taoist priests on a daily basis, but now Taoist priests generally only wear sea green, and the robes are too backward in style, so almost no Taoist priests wear them.

In addition to distinguishing the level of Taoist priests from the style, you can also distinguish from the color of the vestments. Generally speaking, Taoist vestments are yellow, purple, red, blue, green, black, and white. Shi Shengzhu is qualified to wear it, and it is the most revered color, which is basically invisible in normal times.

The second is purple, because when Lao Tzu, the ancestor of Taoism, came from the east when riding a green ox, purple is also a relatively noble color in Taoism, and only high-level mages or high-level practitioners are eligible to wear it.

Then there is the red cassock. Red cassock is more common. It is worn by high-class mages when praying. Xuanyang Taoist wears such a suit, which shows that he is a high-class mage. up.

The cyan and green cassocks are worn by mid-level mages and low-level mages respectively. Taoist priests who wear these two colors of cassocks in Taoist ceremonies are basically followers.

As for black, Taoist priests wear it when they pay homage to the stars, and generally don't wear it.

As for white, it is worn when communicating with the underworld, and it is not often worn.

This knowledge seems meaningless, but it is also knowledge, and it may be used at any time, especially when carving and painting statues of gods and Buddhas. These seemingly insignificant details determine the success or failure of the work. For example, if you want to paint If you have a picture of Zhang Tianshi praying for blessings, you must pay special attention to it. Zhang Tianshi must be wearing a yellow fairy cave clothes. If you make it purple or red, an expert will spit on you at a glance.

Seeing Xuanyang Taoist leading a group of senior brothers and apprentices tossing around the big lion, Xu Jingxing felt a little bored after a while, and took the time to explain Taoist clothing and related arts and crafts knowledge points to An Xin in a low voice.

Just after introducing the commonly used Taoist elements in sculpture creation, Taoist priest Xuanyang stopped circling, stood in front of the lion, swung his dust whisk on his shoulder, grabbed a handful of yellow paper talismans with his other hand and lit them, and then stepped on the lion. Taking a step is a bit like dancing. The movement posture is similar to that of a great dancer, but it can be seen that the steps are very regular and the steps are very rigorous, not dancing randomly.

When Taoist Xuanyang flicked his fly whisk at the lion, his brows suddenly twitched slightly, and his brain was in a trance for a moment, as if an invisible sound wave swayed through his brain.

When he came back to his senses, Taoist Xuanyang had finished the consecration ceremony, and looking at the big lion in front of him, it seemed to be a little different from before, but he couldn't tell what was different, and then When I thought about it carefully, I was already surrounded by people, so I could only put it down temporarily and greet these people.

He said it was a small talk, but he was actually listening to a group of people complimenting him. People he knew and didn’t know all kept praising him for his good craftsmanship. Compliments were nice to hear, but it was meaningless to listen to too many, so he was a little impatient, but Hu Dacheng and Taoist Xuanyang invited them to have dinner together, which was agreed before, and he couldn't refute the other party's face, so he could only patiently grind his mouth with the other party with a smile on his face.

Fortunately, it was not without gains. There were people on the scene who made appointments with him, including Li Bin.

Li Bin looked at this big lion, not to mention being greedy, so he pulled him aside on the spot, and asked him when he was free, to see if he could carve one for him too.

(End of this chapter)

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