Chapter 569
Since ancient times, the sculptors have carved only a few types of lion shapes, and there may be changes in the details, but the main ones are majesty and domineering, and the shapes are mostly fierce and majestic, just like what he asked Xuanyang Taoist before. Those shapes are the same, such as roaring lion, lying lion, awakening lion, etc., plus the fact that lions were the incarnation of mythical beasts in ancient times, generally sculptors are not willing to make too many changes.

But Xu Jingxing broke the rules this time, intercepting images that ordinary sculptors are not willing to capture at all, and adopting shapes that ordinary sculptors are not willing to adopt.

If you have to give the shape he designed a name, it is very appropriate to call it the lion.

Lying lion, as the name suggests, is a lion lying on its stomach.

If someone also likes to watch documentaries such as the animal world, they will find such a scene: under the scorching sun, the male lion is lying lazily on a tree or a stone, his body is extremely stretched, and even his head is resting on the ground. His expression was very lazy, as if he was sleeping.

But if there is any trouble, this seemingly unsuspecting male lion will quietly open its eyes to observe the surrounding situation, and then raise its head. If it finds something wrong, it will open its mouth to issue a warning roar, or slowly tense up the relaxed limbs, stand up little by little and walk towards the possible threat.

Such pictures are very common on the African savannah, but not everyone can see them, because before the advent of high-definition cameras, people had almost no chance to observe these details at such a close distance. Buried in the lion's mouth.That is to say, in recent years, technology has developed rapidly, and people pay more attention to the observation and understanding of wild animals. Only then have these seemingly ordinary pictures been put on the TV screen.

But in these years, the carving skills are still in a state of recovery, and have not fully recovered from those poor and turbulent years. Most of the carving practitioners are busy inheriting the crafts handed down from the old predecessors, and have not had time to absorb these new ones. Therefore, such a seemingly ordinary picture has not been noticed by these domestic carving practitioners.

But Xu Jingxing noticed it, and was inspired by Xuanyang Taoist to capture one of the pictures keenly.

This picture is the picture of the male lion lying lazily on the stone. The whole picture looks very relaxed, and everything looks so peaceful and serene. The ferocious and majestic lion is not threatening at all like a well-behaved big cat on weekdays. .However, the male lion's eyes are half-opened and half-closed, like squinting, but his eyes are quietly observing the surrounding wind and grass, and the ears that should be relaxed are also slightly erected, making this big cat look a little more Very vigilant.

If it's just like this, it still can't show the majesty of the lion, so he specially spent some time on the lion's minions.

According to Taoist Xuanyang's requirements, it is best for the lion not to show an attacking state, but it should also have a deterrent effect. For this reason, he completely relaxed the lion's front paws, resting on the front of the stone and naturally drooping, looking very relaxed, but put the front paws The sharp claws hidden in the flesh pads were exposed.

The paws of felines are very thick, like big pads, and they walk silently on weekdays, but when they attack, the claws hidden in the pads will be sharp and murderous.

Originally, the forefoot showing claws did not meet the requirements of Taoist Xuanyang, but he combined the naturally relaxed and drooping forelimbs with the slightly showing half of the claws, forming a loose outside and tight inside. The lion's half-opened and half-closed eyes and slightly pricked ears instantly vividly portray the majestic posture.

And this kind of picture is the most real daily state of male lions. These male lions crawl lazily on their own territory on weekdays. Only when the enemy appears, they will show their minions to fight. As for hunting and so on It is the work of the lioness, and the male lion has only two jobs in the lion pride, breeding and fighting, and hunting is not a fight at all, only fighting with other male lions is considered a male lion's fight.

So the picture he intercepted is very, very realistic, vividly depicting the lion's seemingly lazy but always vigilant demeanor, coupled with the depiction of details, it perfectly meets the requirements of Taoist Xuanyang.

Xuanyang Taoist asked the lion not to be too fierce or domineering, and not to point his minions at customers, but also required the lion to have a certain majesty and deterrent power.

And he fulfilled all these requirements, and he portrayed them very naturally, very realistically, and very vividly, because the male lion guarding the territory fully possesses these elements. In his own territory, the male lion must be gentle, but he has reservations. The most basic vigilance and majesty, while retaining a strong deterrent power, the deterrent power is not enough, it is not enough to scare away powerful enemies, and may even be driven away or even killed by the young lions that have grown up in their own territory.

And this kind of meaning is also in line with the feng shui situation arranged by Taoist Xuanyang, otherwise Taoist Xuanyang would not be so excited when he saw the rendering of the finished product.

Xu Jingxing tore these things apart, crushed them, and told An Xin and Zhao Changfa to listen to them. He was afraid that they would not understand, so he even found a similar video clip on the Internet with his mobile phone, and asked them to observe it on the spot. Compare the drawings.

The effect of doing so was obvious, An Xin and Zhao Changfa understood it almost instantly, fully understood the feeling he was talking about, and even more understood what he wanted to express.

Of course, it must be Zhao Changfa who has benefited the most, because Zhao Changfa has never learned similar content, and no one has explained it to him in such detail. Then explore with the formulas, song formulas and related experiences summed up by the predecessors. Even if you learn it, you just know it but don't know why.

So after he finished speaking, Zhao Changfa was so excited that he didn't know what to do, his rough and steady hands even trembled slightly, "Xiao Xu, this, your speech is so good, it's better than what I have learned in my whole life." There are many things, and they are all thorough.”

He smiled, "Old Zhao, where is this going? You really want to learn, and there is still a lot to learn. I just talked about it casually today. If I have enough time, I can tell you more. Be careful."

"Really?" Zhao Changfa was even more excited, even on the verge of tears.

He hurriedly said: "Really, when I lectured to An Xin, I explained it very carefully, so don't get too excited, this is just a routine operation."

Zhao Changfa opened his mouth, and looked at An Xin enviously, "Xiao An is really lucky, to meet such a capable master as you, the future achievements will definitely be limitless."

(End of this chapter)

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