God-level Golden Hand

Chapter 549 Beauty

Chapter 549 Beauty

Xu Jingxing reckoned that if this wooden stake was placed in his house, it would be a bit higher than the courtyard wall of his house, and would be level with the main house, because the height of the main house in his house was less than three meters. , plus the roof is only a little over three meters.

Over three meters high and over ten meters long, it looks like a heavy truck in the hall.

That is to say, the first floor of Dacheng Mall has a lot of space, otherwise it would not be able to fit it in at all, and the front door has been smashed open, so that people can bring this Big Mac in.

In other words, the climate and soil of places like Myanmar can only breed such a giant. Even if there is one in China, it has been dug up long ago, and there is no way to keep it now.

He looked at this amazingly large Big Mac, and his heart was filled with amazement, because this kind of material is so rare, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the result of the creation of heaven and earth.

Taoist Xuanyang asked with a smile on the side: "How is it?"

He reached out and patted the rough bark twice, "It's beautiful."

"Ah? Very beautiful?" Xuan Yang was stunned. He obviously didn't expect such an answer to come out of his mouth.

This tree root is very big and shocking, but it has nothing to do with the word "beauty", right?No matter how big the tree root is, it is still a tree root. Where can it be so beautiful?What's more, this big tree stump can be said to be ugly, so where does the word "beautiful" come from?

Seeing Xuanyang's confused face, he smiled, and gently slid his palm over the rough tree stump, "In the eyes of us woodcarvers, such a big tree stump is like the existence of the best jade. Not too much."

Xuan Yang suddenly came to a sudden, gave a thumbs up and praised: "Just by saying these words to Master Xu, you know that your level is definitely not bad. Most people can't understand this kind of beauty, just like a "Tao Te Ching". In the eyes of most of my classmates, it is just an ordinary classic, but in the eyes of my classmates with cultivation, it is an endless treasure."

"Hehe, that's the truth. For us woodcarvers, if we can have a work of this size, it will be worth it in our lifetime." He smiled and patted the Big Mac, turned around and nodded , "I can do this job, and I can do it well. I can tell you this. If you do it for me, the effect will not be worse than the statue of Lu Zu in Xiaoqingshan."

"Really?" Taoist Xuanyang was overjoyed and asked excitedly as he grabbed his palm.

There is no way, the statue of Lu Zu in Xiaoqingshan who is "through the spirit" left a deep impression on him.

If Xu Jingxing can really create this feng shui lion to the point of being "psychic", then not only will Xu Jingxing's reputation rise sharply, but the reputation of Xuanyang Taoist priests will also rise accordingly. You know, ordinary people But if I don't know the way to do it, I just think that Taoist Xuanyang created a spiritual Fengshui lion.

Is there any better result than this for Taoist priests who show Fengshui to catch ghosts and invite gods?They like to rely on these gods and gods more than anyone else.An ordinary sculpture can be said to be a treasure that has been enlightened, let alone a giant lion sculpture that is itself "spiritually connected"?Maybe it's not good, Xuanyang Taoist priests have the intention to invite colleagues from other places to hold a treasure appraisal conference.

Therefore, the excitement of Taoist Xuanyang can be understood.

Xu Jingxing didn't quite know the specific thoughts of Taoist Priest Xuanyang, but he could guess the impact of the statue of Lu Zu in Xiaoqingshan on these Taoist priests, so he nodded with certainty, "It is said to be psychic, but it is actually a kind of clever method. Sculpture techniques, those craftsmen in ancient times also mastered this technique, so some statues of gods and Buddhas they created also have this effect, and I just applied that technique to wood carving."

Xuan Yang couldn't restrain his excitement and said: "The ancients are the ancients, most of the skills of the ancients have been passed down from generation to generation or even lost, and there are very few craftsmen who still master that kind of skills. One-handed techniques are worthy of the title of 'Master'."

"Hey, brother Xuanyang, you can think so, but don't say it out loud. Spreading this kind of thing is harmful but not beneficial. Maybe someone will criticize me tomorrow. For practitioners in an industry, it is an iron hat that can crush people, and they may not be able to take it off for a lifetime."

Xuanyang Taoist also knows how powerful it is, because the title of master is not only a title, but also involves status issues and the most fundamental interests.The status of a master is high, and it is easy to grab benefits. A real master will be attacked by a villain, let alone a "master" who is not a master?
Even if Xu Jingxing has the ability of a master now, he does not have the age of a master that people recognize.In a word, he is too young, he doesn't look like a master no matter what, the first impression is like this, and others will naturally be more handy when attacking him.

Unless one day, he really completes the task that can only be done by a master in this industry, then it is possible to be recognized by his peers.Before he is recognized by his peers, he will never regard himself as a master. That would be tantamount to digging his own grave, unless he thinks that his troubles are not enough, not big enough.

Not only in the handicraft industry, but also in the religious circle where Xuanyang Taoist priests are located. If anyone dares to call himself a "high-caliber", "great virtue", "high monk" or "living Buddha", he will soon attract overwhelming criticism and even attacks and provocations. Even the state side is not idle.

The same goes for the martial arts world, whether it is a real master or a fake master, which one has not been challenged?However, now people prefer to see the story of fake masters being exposed, so the only ridiculous news circulating on the Internet is that fake masters have been killed and exposed.As for the real master, firstly the challenger loses the shame to publicize it everywhere, but it is not news that the real master wins the challenge, and it is not worth publicizing.

There is a saying that makes sense, a dog biting a man is not news, but a man biting a dog is news.

In this self-media era, what the media pursues is the number of clicks and readings. Who will read ordinary news?Otherwise, how did the legendary "shock department" come about?

Therefore, once he hangs up the title of "Master", he will be greeted with criticisms and comments from all sides, even questions and attacks, because they are all waiting for this young and shameless "Master" to make a fool of himself, what those people expect There is only one result, that is, his master was knocked down with a punch like a certain "Tai Chi master". That would satisfy some people's evil tastes, and everyone would be happy.

It's a pity that he is not one of those fake masters who seek fame and reputation, and will not deliberately pursue such a title, let alone wear such a high hat for himself, which prevents Taoist Xuanyang from using this title on him.

But even though he was so careful, he still couldn't avoid some troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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