God-level Golden Hand

Chapter 477 Scoring Ring Chapter

Chapter 477 Scoring Link
In the grading session, the work No. 038 was still in the front row, with a score of 96.8 on a [-]-point scale. This is a very high score. When the group heard it, they all jumped up excitedly, especially the one in fashionable clothes. The little old man took a special look at Xu Jingxing and the others, his provocation couldn't be more obvious.

After Xu Jingxing and Ding Shuhuai got this score, they looked at each other and smiled wryly.

There was no way, they were also nervous, and the score of 96.8 was frighteningly high. You must know that none of the other previous works scored more than 038 points.And the judges also liked the work No. [-], including Lian Yunhai, who praised Xu Jingxing as fiercely as when he praised Xu Jingxing.

Not only Lian Yunhai boasted alone, but the other judges also praised fiercely, and the scores they gave were not low, otherwise they would not have gotten such a score.

In this case, the two of them couldn't help being nervous.

If a few days ago, the two of them could still see it relatively openly, as long as they were ranked in the top three, it would be a good result, but now, the two of them really don't want to be suppressed by the group of No. 038. If they finally rank at No. 038 Under the circumstances, the little old man will definitely show off in front of them in a while.

That feeling sucks just thinking about it.

The best way to avoid that situation is to surpass No. 038 in the ranking.

However, this is beyond their control. All they can do is to keep smiling and pray secretly in their hearts, praying that the judges can give them a higher score.

With the comments of the judges, the scores appeared one by one, and the results were all below 89.3 points, including the very competitive palace group in other scenic spots, which only scored [-] points, and another pure wooden structure B & B building The score is lower, just over eighty points.

That is to say, if Xu Jingxing and his No. 061 only need to get a score of 90, they will be able to rank among the top two, and at least they will be able to get a bonus of 50.However, what they are looking forward to now is no longer second, but to surpass No. 038 and get No.1.

Because their order of appearance is at the bottom, they are the last ones to score. Only when their scores come out can the final ranking be determined.

Of course, it doesn't matter to those contestants with very low scores, anyway, no matter how many points Xu Jingxing and the others get, they have no chance to win the prize.But for the current top three contestants, they are extremely nervous. If Xu Jingxing's No. 061 score is lower than 3 points, they are all safe. If it exceeds 4 points, they will squeeze the current No. [-] Go to No.[-].

The higher the score of Xu Jingxing and the others, the lower the ranking of the top three.

Therefore, although the three teams tried their best to conceal it, the tension in their expressions was still revealed under the camera.

The audience is also looking forward to it, because the score of No. 061 directly determines the final ranking, but they hope that the work they support can get a good ranking, so they hold their breath nervously and stare at the judges' seat Several judges on the board.

Feeling the dignified atmosphere, the male host suddenly smiled and said, "There is only work No. 061 left that hasn't been scored yet, and their scores will determine the final ranking of this competition. I'm so nervous, Sisi, if it was you, would you How many points will you give No. 061?"

The hostess said with a distressed look: "This question is too difficult, because I like all the top-ranked works now, and even have a good impression of some lower-ranked works. Asking me to decide this ranking is tantamount to letting Which one is more important for me to choose, the left hand or the right hand, or you will score this point?"

The male host quickly waved his hand, "No, let's leave this question to the judges. Come on, judges, please rate the work No. 061."

Several judges were also rude and commented next to each other.

In fact, I have reviewed it before, but this time I will focus more on scoring. I will separate several elements of the work for review, which will look more objective.

"Work No. 061 is full of creativity and rich in cultural elements. The two elements of art and sculpture can be given full marks. The basic skills are also quite solid. The understanding and application of ancient methods are impeccable. I give 99 points."

"I agree with Mr. He's opinion. 061's work is really excellent. It incorporates all the elements that should be in ancient architecture very well. I give it 98."

"This No. 061 work is not only beautiful, but also very practical, especially the layout, which looks inconspicuous, but silently affects our senses, especially the wooden arcade bridge and five wooden towers. The choice of location is very ingenious, standing in different locations has different scenery, it can be seen that the designer of the work is extraordinary, so I give 99 points."


The scores given by several judges were very high. Xu Jingxing and Ding Shuhuai could breathe a sigh of relief every time they reported a score, and the smiles on their faces became more natural, and their supporters also cheered accordingly.

But the face of the main creative team of the No. 038 work on the side is not so good, because calculated according to this score, it is safe to take the first place.

Fortunately, Lian Yunhai didn't speak, which made them still have a glimmer of hope in their hearts, because Lian Yunhai's requirements are relatively high, and the scores given before are relatively low. If Lian Yunhai gives No. 061 a relatively low score, then The average score will be greatly lowered, so that it will be ranked below No. 038.

When it was Lian Yunhai's turn, the old man coughed and cleared his throat, and then said: "This antique architecture competition is held in accordance with the country's call to 'promote traditional culture'. It can be said that all aspects of manpower and material resources have been spent. There are many, so everyone attaches great importance to it. Although we are very casual in scoring here, in fact, we old guys did not dare to ignore any of the entries. Since the audition, we have been checking. We have watched the video of the audition works many times, and discussed it seriously many times before we selected the top ten for scoring."

"I said this because I wanted to say that during the audition stage, I noticed the work No. 061. The advantages and disadvantages of this work have been clearly stated by the previous judges. I will add one more point. This may be several What the teacher didn’t notice was the furniture used in No. 061.”

"Work No. 061 pays great attention to the depiction of details, as small as a painting, a window edge, a door hairpin, and a floor tile. , although it is also a complete set of lobular red sandalwood furniture, and those furniture are also antique and good craftsmanship, but the style is obviously not suitable for Litang Resort, and it is not on the same level."

(End of this chapter)

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