Chapter 435

Generally speaking, the ancient books that can be handed down to the present, whether they are engraved or manuscripts, no matter what the content is, the fonts are good, especially the manuscripts, which may even be written by a well-known literati, after all In ancient times, there were few people who could write, and even fewer people were qualified to copy books, so the handwriting of ordinary manuscripts is very beautiful.

But the textbook that Xu Jingxing got at this moment, how to say the characters, can only be said to be regular, some characters are not written in a logical manner, barely understandable, not even a real calligraphy work.

Calligraphy must have laws to follow, and its function is not simply to record and transmit information, but also belongs to the category of art, and it must also have the value of appreciation.Characters are characters, calligraphy is calligraphy, characters are another way of expressing language, and calligraphy is the artistic existence after the sublimation of fonts.

For a literary youth like Xu Jingxing, calligraphy is not the same thing as words written on paper.

The characters written in this book are just words used to record certain information, they have not reached the level of calligraphy, and each stroke is messy, and they are just combined according to the most basic composition of characters.

However, the writing is not very good, but the content is well-written, and it is still semi-classical Chinese. The level obviously exceeds the cultural literacy of the copyist of this book. It should not be original, but more like a hasty transcription.

That is to say, someone copied this book from another place, and I don’t know if there are typos or some key information is missing. After all, this is not a literary work, but the production process of Kaihua paper. Craft text is the most rigorous, and a slight omission in some data or links may change the result of the entire process.

He wanted to verify it, but it was obviously a time-consuming and labor-intensive job. He would definitely not be able to verify it in a short period of time. Among other things, the materials and tools needed were not easy to get. Collect carefully.

Of course, he can basically confirm that this book is a real ancient book, whether it is the material itself of the ancient book or the content recorded in the ancient book, it has certain value.

After browsing through it briefly, he closed the title page and asked, "Grandma Yu, how much do you plan to sell it for?"

Granny Yu didn't hesitate, she just stretched out a slap, it seemed that she had planned it long ago.

Xu Jingxing looked at the old lady's skinny slap and was a little speechless. The old lady only thought of her as a poor person who was bullied by her daughter-in-law before, but she was a little cautious. How much is a slap?five hundred?Five thousand?Or fifty thousand?Or 50?

The old lady is defrauding him, because under normal circumstances, he would definitely ask "five thousand?" or "fifty thousand?" Well, it's not too late for the old lady to ask for the price. If he asks "50" directly, the old lady can take the opportunity to nod and use his mouth to ask for a high price, so that he can't tell even if he suffers.

This kind of little trick of asking prices can also be encountered in life, and it can be seen everywhere in the antique market. It is a trick that almost everyone can play. If you arrive at Kaizi, you will have the opportunity to make a fortune, and you will have the opportunity to sell something worth 500 yuan for [-] yuan.

In the antique market before, he was the one who used this trick to catch the winners, but he didn't expect to be caught by a seemingly weak old lady today.

Of course, he will definitely not take the bait. He pretended to be puzzled and asked: "500 yuan?"

Sure enough, his offer made the old lady choke, "[-]."

"[-] is a bit expensive." Since the old lady was playing tricks on him, he was rude and began to bargain, "The most valuable part of this book is the material. I have already bought the content, and the writing itself is vulgar. Don’t look at it, I even feel like I’m wasting these few Kaihua papers, I can only keep them for playing when I buy them back, and I can’t sell them at a price.”

"However, the craft of making Kaihua paper is recorded on this tree," the old lady argued.

"Wrong, wrong, there is a set of paper-making techniques recorded on it, but it is debatable whether it is Kaihua paper, because two or three generations of you have made paper according to this method, but it turns out that what you made is not genuine at all. Kaihua paper or Kaihua list paper, you claim to make Kaihua tribute paper, but you are just putting gold on your face."

"It's just that our craftsmanship is not good enough. It has nothing to do with books."

"No, I think there is a problem in the copying process of this book, either missing words or missing key data."

"how is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. Don't say that this book was written by your ancestors. Judging from the level of writing, your ancestors still couldn't write such beautiful semi-classical Chinese."

The old lady stopped talking after hearing the words, and asked after a while: "Then how much do you plan to pay?"

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out two fingers to gesture, "Up to 1 yuan."

"No, no, too little, at least [-]."

"Well, let's take an intermediate number, 2 yuan, how about it? I'm very interested, and I'm only willing to offer this price because of your age. Otherwise, I don't even want it, because this Books are really useless."

The old lady thought for a while, then nodded, with a very reluctant expression.

Xu Jingxing didn't write anything, and made another 2 yuan into the old lady's card. After the old lady received the text message from the bank, she nodded at Sun Mengmeng and got up to leave.

When I went out, I saw a middle-aged woman hiding nearby pretending to be working, and I don't know what method this woman will use to bully her mother-in-law later, but this matter has nothing to do with them, they drove out directly village.

In the car, Sun Mengmeng was sitting on the co-pilot, curiously holding the ancient book bound in Kaihua paper, flipping through it and asking, "Is this thing valuable?"

"Maybe there is a chance to restore the real Kaihua paper manufacturing process," he replied with a smile, "At that time, I will make a fortune. earn a million dollars and come back.”

Sun Mengmeng curled her lips, "You still need that little money? You made a small 300 million from Qian Dong in a few months."

"Hey, how did you know that?"

"Qian Dong is showing off to me."

"Hahaha, that guy is good at tricks, killing two birds with one stone."

Sun Mengmeng was stunned for a moment, then giggled, "It's nothing special, he not only showed off himself, but also gave you a shabby meal, and described you as a wage earner working for him. Belittle your image, giggling."

"Sigh, a man who is in love really has no IQ."

(End of this chapter)

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